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    大学英语四级考试 完型填空与翻译.ppt

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    大学英语四级考试 完型填空与翻译.ppt

    大学英语四级考试 综合技能 2010.5.25,一、翻译,Part VI Translation (5 minutes) Directions: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.,翻译题型三大考点 1、固定搭配 2、核心语法 3、动词短语,固定搭配: 翻译中的核心考点,也是近几次命题密度较高的知识点,应该引起重视。比如说名词与动词搭配,形容词与名词搭配,动词与副词的修饰关系,名词与介词搭配,更为重要的是常见的固定词组以及固定表达,等等。,1. By contrast, American mothers were more likely _ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent.,1.By contrast, American mothers were more likely to attribute their childrens success to (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent。 这道题有两个固定搭配: 1) be likely to do sth ; 2) oweto /attributeto (把归因 于),2. 核心语法: 翻译中的语法考点是以前语法单选题的重现和转移。尽管语法单选题现在不考了,但不能忽视这部分题目,因为考点是一致的。核心语法包括虚拟语气、倒装、各类从句、非谓语动词等。,2. The professor required that _(我们交研究报告) by Wednesday .,2. The professor required that we hand in our research paper (我们交研究报告) by Wednesday . 本题考点是虚拟语气。Require后接宾语从句时,用“should + 动词原形”虚拟。,3. Not only _ (他向我收费过高), but he didnt do a good repair job either.,3. Not only did he charge me too much/ did he overcharge me (他向我收费过高), but he didnt do a good repair job either. 本题考点为倒装。句首的否定词语Not only决定了后面的半倒装结构,即:将助动词置于主语之前。,3. 动词及动词短语,1.Though a skilled worker, _ _ (他被公司解雇了) last week because of the economic crisis .,4.Though a skilled worker, he was dismissed by the company (他被公司解雇了) last week because of the economic crisis . 本题考点是“解雇”这个核心动词的翻译。表示解雇的动词还有discharge、fire、sack等。,四级翻译 备考建议,1. 在进行翻译练习时,要扩展思维,力求答案多样化,熟练掌握核心考点的表达。,1. (为了挣钱供我上学)_, mother often takes on more work than is good for her.,1. (为了挣钱供我上学) To earn money for my education , mother often takes on more work than is good for her. “为了挣钱供我上学”还可以说: To earn money for my schooling ; In order to make money to finance my education ; In order to make money to fund my education ; In order to earn money to afford my education,等。,2. 可做一些词汇语法的单项选择题,因为词汇语法的考点已转移到包括翻译在内的其他题型中去了。,2) The author was required to submit an abstract of about 200 words (提交一份约200字的摘要) together with his research paper. 这曾是2004年1月四级考试的一道词汇单选题,句中出现的submit 这个词在近年四级考试的翻译题中屡次出现,说明老题型中的词汇语法题在包括翻译在内的新题型中得到了延续。,3. 多记一些经典搭配。,4. 弄清语法概念,如:倒装结 构、虚拟语气、比较结构、 各类从句、动词的各种形式 等。,were it not for your help but for he protection of the tree should know better to smoke not realizeuntil it doesnt matter whether like nothing better than to do wherever the teacher is present the minute I reached the platform as far as the language of the composition is concerned,with regard to our business (I could agree) much less participate in it on the contrary, we much make greater effort you may as well finish it lest we should fall the more he thought, the less he liked it it is about six inches long adapt oneself to new environment/ change,arouse ones curiosity be exposed to new ideas/experiences make continuous effort to interfere with studies/work have/exert a profound influence on life deprive oneself of the change/ opportunity meet the social demand of play an (important/active/great) role/ part,make much/little/no difference contribute money to raise capital/money pay a price for accomplish a goal achieve success endanger ones life/health what really matters/counts is reduce/alleviate/relieve the stress/ pressure/tension,accelerate/speed up the development of with the quickening pace f modern life/ society broaden one interest/outlook be obsessed/preoccupied with grades/ fame/fortune apply/put the theory/knowledge/ experienceto practice/daily life/good use make much progress/strides/gains in,develop ones ability/potential to the full, give full play to ones ability compared with 10 years ago the number almost double the percentage is half (twice) as much as last year it increases by 5% it accounts for 20 percent of the total it reached the highest level ever recorded in history,the advantage outweigh the former be of great importance/value/use/help raise the standard of living keep as wide as a distance as possible share joy with others grab the opportunity for lack of knowledge faced with the shortage of energy fresh water is running short money has run out think for oneself,prepare oneself for the future ascribe/attribute success/failure to do a lot of damage to make a contribution to be popular with students move into a big house transfer to a new school balance work and study to meet ends meet stay up doing homework,earn the name/reputation overcome an obstacle pose/raise a question be tired of/bored with work not bother to close the door take sth. for granted cut down on cigarettes/sugar make room for a piano take sth. seriously mistake sth./sb. for sth./sb.,develop a habit be lose in thought go through the red light stick to the schedule the idea/plan doesnt work congratulate oneself on sth. to ones surprise/joy alert sb. To sth. think twice about sth. before doing vary from person/place to person/place,compromise over sth. with sb. have a high/low opinion of sb. to lose ones temper be dedicated/committed to sth. idle away time conform to the tendency out of date/fashion gain broad acceptance/popularity run into difficulties/problems,二、完形填空,Part V Cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.,1、语意干扰 不看上下文,四 选项都对;联系上下 文就显得似是而非了。,1) Lock looked very much_ when he was caught cheating in the exam on the spot. A) discouraged B) embarrassed C) disappointed D) bewildered,B,2) A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply - all these important _ in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution. A) cases B) reasons C) factors D) situations,C,2、习惯用法 包括介词词组、动词词组、名词词组、词的固定搭配等,是完型填空题中的常见考点。,3) For example, it has long been known that total sleep deprivation is 100 percent fatal to rats, yet 1._ examinations of the dead bodies, the animals look completely normal. A researcher has now 2. _ the mystery of why the animals die. 1. A) upon B) by C) through D) with 2. A) paid attention to B) caught sight of C) laid emphasis on D) cast light on,A,D,4) The new experiments, such as those 1._ for the first time at a recent meeting of the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis, suggest fascinating explanations 2._ of non-REM sleep. A) maintained B) described C) settled D) offered 2. A) in the light B) by virtue C) with the exception D) for the purpose,B,D,3、逻辑关系 利用语法的正确性和逻辑的排斥性来设题。,5) _ enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use for excess vitamins. A) Supplying B) Getting C) Providing D) Furnishing,B,6) In the US professors have many other duties besides teaching, such as administrative or research work. 1._, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is 2._. 1. A) However B) Therefore C) Furthermore D) Nevertheless 2. A) plentiful B) limited C) irregular D) flexible,B,B,1、 转折、让步 在这种关系中,后一种观点或事实与前一种观点或事实相比,往往出乎意料。标志性的词语有:but, still, yet, however, though, although, no matter, nevertheless, nonetheless, in spite of, anyway, anyhow, even if, in any case, at any rate 等。,7.Today, we regard it an expression of love and tenderness. _ there are still many places in the world where the kiss is part of formal ceremonies and is tended to convey respect. A) And B) Thus C) But D) When,C,2、因果关系 表示原因的词语有:because (of), due to, owing to, thanks to, since, for, as, for the reason that,seeing that 等。 表示结果的词语有:so, therefore, then, as a result, in consequence, as a consequence , consequently, accordingly, thus, hence 等。,8. When I saw her in the river I was frightened. _ at that point the currents were dangerous. A) For B) So C) Still D) Seeing that,A,9. We know, however, that no two places are exactly the same. Geography, _ is a point of view, a special way of looking at places. A) still B) then C) nevertheless D) moreover,B,3、递进、补充 这种关系表示对前一事实或观点作进一步阐述。 常用的词有:moreover, likewise, besides, in addition, also, too, not onlybut also, whats more, apart from, except, furthermore 等。,10. I cant go now, Im too busy. _, my passport is out of date. A) However B) Otherwise C) Nevertheless D) Moreover,D,4、对比、比较 对比是为了找出观点或事物间的差异性,表示对比的词语有: in contrast, by contrast, on the contrary, conversely, unlike, contrastingly, oppositely等。 比较是为了找出观点或事物间的同一性,表示比较的词语有: like, in comparison, by comparison, as, just as等。,11. He found lying on the beach just _ boring as sitting in his office. A) unlike B) as C) as if D) equally,B,12. I dont urge you to lie, _, I tried to persuade you to tell the truth. A) nevertheless B) thus C) consequently D) oppositely,D,4、语法结构 语法结构的测试重点是:主谓一致、各种从句、名词的数、格、动词的各种形式、并列结构、虚拟语气,等。,13. The word geography comes from two Greek words, “ge”, the Greek word for “earth” and “graphein”, _ means to “write”. The English word geography means “ to describe the earth.” A) what B) that C) which D) it,C,14. Can your child answer questions beginning with “What would you do if” and _ with expressions like “you lost your key” or “someone you dont know comes to the door”? A) starting B) to start C) ending D) to end,C,15. The rats developed bacterial infections of the blood, _ their immune systems, the self-protecting system against diseases, had crashed. A) if B) as if C) only if D) if only,B,5、词义辨析 完型填空的另一个测 试重点是词汇的意义和用 法。题目中给出的选项常常是近义词或近形词,有时也考多义词不常用的含义和用法。,16. They feed the hungry and _ the homeless. A) house B) shade C) shield D) cover,A,17. You and I shall get a _ holiday of two and three weeks. A) respectful B) respective C) respectable D) respecting,B,三、 阅读理解题,一、主旨大意题,The main idea of this passage is (may be best expressed as) _. The passage is mainly about (is mainly concerned with) _. What does the passage/author mainly deal with (discuss/illustrate)? What is the main idea/topic/subject/point/ theme/purpose of this passage?,一、主旨大意题,The major point discussed (the central idea conveyed) in the passage is _. Which of the following can best sum up the passage? The best title for the passage is _. The title that best expresses/states the idea of the passage is _. The passage could be entitled _. The topic of the article is _.,二、词汇意思题,The word/phrase “” in line 10 (paragraph 2) most probably means _. The word/phrase “” in line 10 (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to _. In line 10 the word/phrase “” could be best replaced by _. Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to “”?,二、词汇意思题,What is the possible meaning of the word/ phrase “” in line 10? By “” (Para. 2), the author means _. The word “this/that/he/them/it” in line 10 stands for _. “It/They” (line 10) most probably refers to _.,三、具体细节题,Which of the following does not account for/ explain the soaring inflation? The example given in Para. 2 is to show/ illustrate _. One of advantages of the measures taken by the government is _. The major problems with the system lay in _.,三、具体细节题,Which of the following best characterizes the system? Which of the following may lead to/result in/ cause/contribute to the inflation? People are concerned about the inflation because of _. One reason why the inflation rate is surprisingly low is _.,三、具体细节题,The experiment/study conducted by the organization shows/proves _. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true/NOT true? Which of the following is mentioned/NOT mentioned in the passage? According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT_. Which of the following does the author NOT express _?,四、推理判断题,It can be inferred/concluded from the passage that _. We can conclude/infer from the passage that _. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? From the last paragraph we learn/infer that _. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?,四、推理判断题,The author (passage) implies/suggests that _. The passage is intended to _. The paragraph preceding (following) the passage most probably discusses _. Where would this passage most probably be found? The passage is most likely a part of _.,五、作者态度题,The authors attitude towards is/might be summarized as _. Whats the authors opinion of/attitude toward ? The author seems to be in favor of/critical of _. The tone of the passage/author can be best described as _. The authors purpose in writing this article is to _.,五、作者态度题,The authors attitude towards the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital is _. A) negative B) neutral C) critical D) positive,五、作者态度题,ositive 肯定的,赞成的 approving 赞成的 negative 否定的,反对的 critical 批评的 questioning 质问的 neutral 中立的 detached 不偏不倚的 suspicious 怀疑的 hostile 有敌意的,五、作者态度题,doubtful 不敢肯定的 indifferent 不感兴趣的 unconcerned 不关心的 concerned 关注的 worried 担忧的 pessimistic 悲观的 depressed 沮丧的 confident 有信心的 optimistic 乐观的,Thank You!,


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