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    四级阅读基础段,太原新东方王赞,目录,阅读长难句分析的必要性 简单句+长难句分析 并列句+长难句分析 复合句+长难句分析 阅读长难句技巧 实战演练,长难句分析必要性,Tracking whales is but one example of an exciting new world just opening to civilian scientists after the cold war as the Navy starts to share and partly uncover its global network of underwater listening system built over the decades to track the ships of potential enemies.(47词,2002.6.3),The underwater listening system was originally designed_. To trace and locate enemy vessels To monitor deep-sea volcanic eruptions To study the movement of ocean currents To replace the global radio communications network,In the past our own blocks of flats have been associated with the lower-income groups and they have lacked the obvious provisions, such as central heating, constant hot water supply, electrically operated lifts from top to bottom, and so on, as well as such details, important notwithstanding, as easy facilities for disposal of dust and rubbish and storage places for baby carriages in the ground floor, playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings, and drying grounds for washing clothes.(86词,95.6.3),What is said about blocks of flats built in the past in Britain? They were mostly inhabited by people who did not earn much. They were usually not large enough to accommodate big families. They were sold to people before necessary facilities were installed. They provided playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings.,句子分类,简单句 并列句 复合句,简单句,定义:只有一个主谓结构的独立分句,可以有并列主语或并列谓语。,五种简单句,I do. I love you. You are my angel. You make me happy. I will give you a kiss.,简单句的标配版,The little boy ate the apple crazily in the garden yesterday.,谁可以主语宾语,名词(代词) 动名词 不定式,简单句主语增肥,形容词修饰主语 非谓语修饰主语 介短修饰主语 并列主语 同位语,形容词修饰主语,Her first three interesting little English compositions will be shown to the public.,非谓语修饰主语,His efforts to carry out the task is admirable. The fly flying to Beijing is admirable. The flying fly is admirable. The broken heart hurts. The heart broken by WZ hurts,介短修饰主语,A lady in red entered the room. An old man with some teeth missing was sitting under the tree.,并列主语,Fame, money and position are what he aspires. To die or not to die is the question.,同位语,Everyone, me included, would rather have coffee.,简单句谓语增肥,状语修饰谓语 非谓语修饰谓语 并列谓语,状语修饰谓语,High above in the blue sky there were flying some flies. He wounded her deeply. She face it calmly.,非谓语修饰谓语,He appeared to have suffered a lot. He was gazing into the distance, lost in thought. Considering his age, the work is well done.,并列谓语,He has been, is and will be remembered for his noble character and great deeds.,简单句表语增肥,Be+形容词+不定式(主谓关系) Be+形容词+不定式(动宾关系) Be+形容词+介词,Be+形容词+不定式(主谓关系),She is stupid to save him.,Be+形容词+不定式(动宾关系),The water is not fit to drink. The river is not safe to swim. The river is not safe to swim in. She is pleasant to talk. She is pleasant to talk with.,Be+形容词+介词,I am disgusted at his words.,简单句长难句解析,并列句,定义:两个或两个以上的独立分句。 注意 逗号? 分号! 连词! 连词前逗号! 三句并列尾逗号!,添加补充的并列连词 and, bothand, neithernor, not onlybut also, not onlybutas well 举例:Jack和Rose都在学汉语 Both Jack and Rose are learning Chinese. Jack不仅冷还很饿 Jack is not only cold but also hungry. Jack找不到衣服也找不到食物 Jack can find neither clothes nor food.,表转折的并列连词 but, yet, however 表结果的并列连词 so 表选择的并列连词 or, eitheror 举例:你可以给我写信,也可以给我打办公室电话 You can write to me or call me in the office.,表原因的并列连词 for eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also(就近原则) Jack和我都对如花不感兴趣 Neither Jack nor I am interested in Miss Flower 不仅Jack对如花不感兴趣,我对如花也没兴趣 Not only Jack but also I am not interested in Miss Flower.,Rather than,Be honest rather than clever. WZ prefers English rather than Maths. He lay rather than sat in his armchair. Rather than beg in the street, he would prefer to die of hunger. (no to) They rely mainly on their own efforts rather than on outside help.,I would prefer to dine out rather than at home. It ought to be you rather than him that signs the letter. He insisted on having the room papered rather than painted.,复合句,定语从句,人,who, (主宾)whom, (宾) that (主宾) Those who that do not work must not eat. He is the man who whom that we all admire. 物,that, which (主宾) Pumas are large, cat-like animals which that are found in America. The Pumas which that I like best are dangerous. 从句定语,whose(人、物),of which(物) Qiong Yao is a writer whose books are popular. The book whose author is Qiong Yao is popular. The book of which the author is Qiong Yao is popular.,宾(可省) He is the man (who whom that) we all admire. The Pumas (which that) I like best are dangerous. 介+which, 介+whom(黄金考点) (介+that who) The world in which we live is mad He is the man on whom I can depend. 被修饰词前any, only, all, every, no, some, much, little, 序,最高(that) The only thing that we can do is waiting.,被修饰词为something, anything, nothing, everything(不定), all, little, few, much, none, (用that) All that glitters is not gold Is there anything that I can do for you? 限制和非限制区别 The boys who that knew about the floods took another road. The boys, who knew about the floods, took another road. 非限中不用that,时间(when),地点(where),原因(why) I still remember the day when (on which) I met her for the very first time. I still remember the place where (in which) we used to date. I still dont know the reason why (for which) she left.,复合句之名词性从句,主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句,主语从句,主语从句要点,That不可省略 It 做形式主语,主语从句放后,that不可省 What主语从句,不用it形式主语,主语从句练习,That she was ungrateful cut him to heart. It cut him to heart that she was ungrateful. That the Chinese people show great hospitality is well known. It is well known that the Chinese people show great hospitality.,That she will succeed is certain. It is certain that she will succeed. What he needs is more experience. It is more experience what he needs.,主语从句练习,宾语从句,及物动词后 wz thinks that English is beautiful. Do you know why English is beautiful? 双宾语动词后 wz told me that English was beautiful. wz told me why English was beautiful. 介词后 Weather we can Learn English well depends on how hard you work. 形容词后 wz is sure that English is beautiful. wz is sure why English is beautiful.,that 省略问题,Everybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened. That he ever said such a thing I simply dont believe. We decided, in view of his special circumstances, that we would admit him for a probationary period. I know nothing about him except that he is from the south. 总结:that不省,句子结构清晰,表语从句,表语从句要点,That可省略 系动词之后,表语从句练习,It seems thatas if it is going to rain. The question isremains whether we can win the majority of the people. This is how he lives.,表语从句练习,That is why they left him. The years of peace are when everyone can lead a happy life. You are why his hair becomes grey.,同位语从句,同位语从句,同位和定语的区别 It is a fact that she has done her best. It is a fact that you cant deny. She expressed the hope that she would write a book someday. Why did she give up the hope that she cherished so long.,状语从句,时间状语从句(when) 地点状语从句(where) 方式状语从句(as) 原因状语从句(because) 目的状语从句(so that) 条件状语从句(if) 让步状语从句(though) 比较状语从句(asas) 结果状语从句(so that),时间状语从句(when),He entered the room whenwhileas they are dancing. He is playing computer games while I am learning English. He walks as he swings his arms.,地点状语从句(where),Wherever you go, I will be there for you.,方式状语从句(as),Do it as I told you.,原因状语从句(because),She was punished because she did not obey the regulations.,目的状语从句(so that),Study hard so that you canmay pass the entrance exam.,条件状语从句(if),If you dont love her, let go of her.,让步状语从句(though),I had a very good time though I didnt know anybody at the party.,比较状语从句(asas),She dances as gracefully as her sister. Bill is taller than Bob (is). I know you better than he (knows you).,结果状语从句(so that),The wind was so strong that we could hardly move forward.,


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