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    【最新】七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 4课件2 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标级上册英语课件.ppt

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    【最新】七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period 4课件2 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标级上册英语课件.ppt

    Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section B 2a2c,Skimming: Read 2b quickly and circle the food words.,根据Cindy对这些食物的喜好,在相应单词后打勾或 画叉,然后让学生判断哪些食物是David和Cindy谈 到的早餐、午餐或晚餐,教师在相应的单词后写 b (breakfast), l (lunch)或d (dinner)。,Read the magazine article quickly and answer the questions:,2b,Does Cindy eat healthy food? Does she have good eating habits?,Cindy eats healthy food every day, and she has good eating habits. She eats well.,Cindy Smith is a _ _. She eats _. David _ her about her _ _.,volleyball/sports star,asks eating habits,well,think about ask sb. about sth. How/What about?,小结about(介词),Scanning: Read 2d again and underline “it” and “they”. What does “it” refer to? What does “they” refer to? it: 指代(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ they: 指代_,Whatre Cindys answers? A1:_ A2:_ A3:_ A4:_ A5:_,(2) Read the article and answer: What questions does David ask? Q1:_ Q2:_ Q3:_ Q4:_ Q5:_,Question 1:_,Question 2:_,Question 3:_,Question 4:_,Question 5:_,What do you like for breakfast?,What fruit do you like? Do you like bananas?,What about lunch? Do you like salad?,Do you like hamburgers for dinner?,Do you eat ice-cream after dinner?,Question 1:_,What does Cindy like for breakfast?,She loves fruit. She thinks its healthy.,Question 2:_,What fruit does Cindy like? Does she like bananas?,She doesnt like bananas. But she likes oranges and apples.,Question 3:,What about lunch? Does she like salad?,Yes, she really likes it.,Question 4:_,Does she like hamburgers for dinner?,Oh, no, theyre not healthy. She likes chicken for dinner.,Question 5:_,Does she eat ice-cream after dinner?,ErrShe likes ice-creambut she doesnt want to be fat.,2b,fruit (oranges, apples),bananas,salad,chicken,hamburgers,We dont know.,Put the food words into the chart.,根据提示复述课文。,观察与思考 1David对Cindy一日三餐的提问是按照_、_、 _和_的顺序来提问的。 For breakfast/lunch/dinner, I like介词for与一日三餐 名词搭配使用时,表示各餐所吃的食物。 例如:What do you eat _ _(早餐)?,2So what fruit do you like?此处疑问词what和名词fruit 合成了一个独立的疑问结构,表示“什么水果;哪些水果”。 what还可以和其他名词搭配,组成“合成疑问词”。例如: (1)_ _(什么颜色) do you like? (2)_ _(什么运动) does he play? 3. I dont want to be fat.请你根据上文意思来猜测此句话的 含义。_。 want to be表示“_”,动词be之后接形容词或 名词。例如: 我想变得健康。I want to_ _.,跟踪训练 根据汉语提示补全句子 1. 午餐你想吃什么? What do you have _ _? 2. 中午饭他不喜欢吃大米。 He doesnt like rice _ _. 3. 早饭后我爸爸喜欢喝茶。 My father likes to drink tea _ _. 4. 放学后我想和你一起打排球。 I _ _ _ volleyball with you after school. 5. 她喜欢吃什么样的蔬菜? _ _does she like eating?,2c,Cindy likes healthy food. 1. Cindy _ 2. She _ 3. She _ 4. Cindy doesnt _ 5. She doesnt _,Write five sentences about Cindys eating habits.,Write three sentences about your own eating habits. 写三个句子,谈谈你自己的饮食习惯。 (1)_. (2)_. (3)_.,Discuss: What is healthy food? How should we be healthy?,【课堂练习】 1根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 (1) My mother has a good eating h_. (2) Sports stars always e_ very well. (3) My family have h_ food for three meals. (4) He is really _(肥胖). (5) Do you _(想) two apples? (6) I have some _(问题).,Rose and Jack are my friends. They eat different things every day. For breakfast, Rose likes _, but Jack likes _. For lunch, Jack _ like fish, but he likes hamburgers. And for _, Rose likes tomatoes. I think Rose _ healthy food.,2根据表格信息完成短文。,Roses and Jacks eating habits,【课堂小结】 教师提供给学生阅读的策略: 本课时引导学生学会如下的阅读策略: 1. Predicting (预测) 2. Guess unknown words (根据上下文猜测单词意思) 3. Reference (指代) 4. Skimming (略读) 5. Scanning (扫读) 6. Detailed reading (关注细节,仔细读) 7. Retelling (复述课文),【家庭作业】 1. 听录音,模仿并背诵2b课文。(必做) 2. 调查你同学一日三餐情况并写下来, 至少六句话。(必做) 3. 围绕healthy eating habits为主题设计 办一期手抄报。(选做),


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