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    【最新】七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas第七课时 Self Check作业课件(新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标级上册英语课件.ppt

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    【最新】七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas第七课时 Self Check作业课件(新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标级上册英语课件.ppt

    Unit 6Do you like bananas?,第七课时Self Check,一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1Are you going to Annas _(生日) party? 2Do you know the names of these two _(明星)? 3If (如果) you eat too much chocolate,youll be _(肥胖的). 4We have three math classes every _(星期). 5Jane,can you help me with my English? _(当然).,birthday,stars,fat,week,Sure,B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6Mr. Whites classes are _(real) interesting. 7Grace likes _(tomato) best. 8Do the boys eat _(good) at school? 9Gina,let the girl _(be) your friend. 10Those foods are _(health) and delicious (美味的).,really,tomatoes,well,be,healthy,二、单项选择。 ( )11.Lets have some _ OK.I like fruit. Abananas Bhamburgers Ceggs Dchicken ( )12.Do you have _ for breakfast? Yes, I think its good for my health. Atomatoes Bmilk Chamburgers Dstrawberries,A,B,( )13.I think the pen is Lilys. Yes.Youre _ Aeasy Bright Cfat Dtidy ( )14.What _ do you like? I like some carrots. Afruit Bfood Ccolor Dvegetables,B,D,( )15.Peter_oranges,but he doesnt_bananas. Alike; likes Blike; like Clikes; like Dlikes; likes ( )16.Look!Some rice _ on the table. Aare Bis Chave Dhas,C,B,( )17.Mary,I want something to eat.Please get some _ for me. Achickens and pears Bchickens and pear Cchicken and pears Dchicken and pear ( )18.What does your father like _ breakfast,Jenny? Eggs and milk. Afor Bto Cof Don,C,A,( )19._ your parents _ bananas? ADo; like BDoes; like CDo; likes DDoes; likes ( )20.Next week is Davids birthday. Lets _ the birthday dinner. OK. How about some vegetables and fruit? Acome on Bthink about Cask for Dplay with,A,B,三、补全对话。 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。 A:Bill, Mom is not at home. 21._ B:OK. What do you like for lunch? A:Rice and vegetables. B:22._ A:I like cabbage(卷心菜) and carrots. B:23._ A:Bananas and strawberries. B:But I dont like bananas.,F,D,B,A:24._ B:Yes, I do. A:I see. 25._ B:Sounds good. ABananas are healthy. BWhat about the fruit? CSo do you like apples? DWhat vegetables do you like? ELets have strawberries and apples. FLets make lunch together(一起做午餐).,C,E,四、完形填空。 Im Tony.Im new (新来的) in school.I like _26_.Its great fun to play volleyball with my friends.I like tennis,too.But I dont like basketball.Its _27_I like eggs and hamburgers.For _28_,I like apples. Helen is my friend.We are classmates,too.She is _29_ English girl.She is in China _30_ her parents now.She likes China.And she likes Chinese food.She has an egg and _31_ bread for breakfast.,Lunch in our school is really good.She always _32_ rice for lunch.And she likes playing sports.Pingpong is _33_ favorite sport.It is the ball game _34_ China.After dinner,she always does some sports.She has _35_ habits.,( )26.A.soccer Bvolleyball Cbaseball Dbasketball ( )27.A.difficult Beasy Cfun Dinteresting ( )28.A.schools Bfruit Cvegetables Dicecream ( )29.A.a Ban C/ Dthe ( )30.A.about Bfor Cwith Don,B,A,B,B,C,( )31.A.some Bno Ca Dthe ( )32.A.has Bthinks Cknows Dfinds ( )33.A.our Bher Cmy Dhis ( )34.A.about Bat Cfor Dof ( )35.A.healthy Btidy Crelaxing Dboring,A,A,B,D,A,五、阅读理解。 There is a big supermarket near Mrs. Greens home. She usually goes there to buy food. The shop assistants (店员) are very nice. The things are cheap, too. One day, Mrs. Green goes to the supermarket. She buys some noodles. Biscuits (饼干) are their childrens favorite food. And she buys some milk. Her children always have milk for breakfast. Mimi likes fish and Tim likes hot dogs. She buys some fish and sausages (香肠) for them, too. Mrs. Green doesnt have any rice at home. So she buys a bag of rice, but she cant take it. It is very heavy. Mr. Green is coming to the supermarket and carry (搬运) the rice.,( )36.Wheres the supermarket? AIn Mrs. Greens house. BNear Mrs. Greens house. CUnder the street. DIn the school. ( )37.Who likes biscuits? AMrs. Green and Mr. Green. BMrs. Green and Tim. CMrs. Green and Mimi. DTim and Mimi.,B,D,( )38.Mimi likes _ Afish Bhot dogs Crice Dvegetables ( )39.Does Mrs. Green buy a bag of rice? AYes, she does. BNo, she doesnt. CYes, she is. DWe dont know.,A,A,( )40.Who helps Mrs. Green take the rice? AMr. Green. BMrs. Green. CMimi. DTim.,A,六、短文填空。 根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。 starhabitwanteatwellapple theyaftergoodwithandfat Sophia is my good friend.She is a sports 41._ in our school. Sophia likes volleyball and she can play it 42. _She has a good eating 43._. She is very healthy. She has some bread,two eggs and a glass of milk for breakfast.44._ breakfast,she goes to school 45._ her brother.,star,well,habit,After,with,At 12:00 she has lunch at school.She usually 46._some vegetables,chicken and rice. After lunch, she always eats an 47._. She says its 48._ for her health.For dinner,she only has some fruit.She likes hamburgers,but she doesnt often eat 49._.She doesnt 50._ to be fat. She says they are not healthy food.,eats,apple,good,them,want,


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