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    新PEP英语五年级上册unit5There is a big bed A let27s talk.ppt

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    新PEP英语五年级上册unit5There is a big bed A let27s talk.ppt

    Unit 5 There is a big bed,Part A Lets try Lets talk,授课人:张 娟,There isa/an in my room.,Lets say,PEP小学英语五年级上册,Unit5There is a big bed,Part A Lets talk,Listen and tick.,Q: Whats in Zhang Pengs bedroom ?,There is a computer in Zhang Pengs bedroom.,lets try,Task 1: Watch the cartoon and answer (看卡通,回答下面问题。), Is Zhang Pengs room nice? Is the bed big or small? Where is the computer?,Lets talk,Task 1: Watch the cartoon and answer (看卡通,回答下面问题。), Is Zhang Pengs room nice? Is the bed big or small? Where is the computer?,Yes, it is.,The bed is big.,It is on the desk.,Sarah: Zhang: Mike: Zhang: Mike: Sarah: Zhang:,Your room is really nice.,Thanks.,There is a big bed.,There is a nice photo , too.,Wow! You look cool.,Yes, I like my bed.,Thank you. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Lets play.,Task 2: Listen and imitate the pronunciation.(听并模仿发音),Sarah: Zhang: Mike: Zhang: Mike: Sarah: Zhang:,Your room is really nice.,Thanks.,There is a big bed.,There is a nice photo , too.,Wow! You look cool.,Yes, I like my bed.,Thank you. Hey,my computer is here on the desk. Lets play.,Task 3: Read it by yourself. (自读对话),Learning tip : 自己读一遍,如果遇到不会的单词或句子,可以问老师或同桌。,Task 4: Read in groups.(分角色读),Learning tip : 三人根据自己的学习程度选择合适的角色。并要互帮互助!,Task 5:Recite time:,Learning tip : 三人一组2分钟背诵对话。注意:语音、语调和语气。,Sarah: Zhang: Mike: Zhang: Mike: Sarah: Zhang:,Your is really .,.,a big bed.,There is nice , .,Wow! You look .,Yes, I my bed.,. Hey, my computer is the desk. Lets .,Task 6: Show Time.(精彩展示),Learning tip : 要注意你的语音语调、语气。,A: B: C: B: C: A: B:,Your room is really .,Thanks.,There is a .,There is / are ,too.,Wow! .,Yes, I like my .,Thank you.,有用的单词,在句型和图片的帮助下,创编一个新的对话。,Group work,There is a/an on/in/under/near the.,There are on/in/under/near the.,Group work,1: There is a girl and two boys in the picture. 2: There are two boys and a girl in the picture.,小知识,There be句型(某地有某物或某人),There is +可数名词单数或不可数名词。 There are +可数名词复数。,There .,There .,is a beautuful plant.,are many beautuful plants.,Exercise:,一、Look at the pictures, make a new sentence.(看图,组句。),(1),(2),There _ a _ in the pictures. There _ some _ on the desk. There _ a _ on the books. There _ a _ near the books. There _ a _ under the desk. There _ a _near the bag.,二、Fill in the blanks.,is,desk,are,books,is,ship,is,car,is,bag,is,cap,1. There _ a new teacher in my class. 2. _ there a cat under the bed? 3. How many apples_ there on the tree? 4. There _ two pens in the box. 5. _ there any boys in the room? No, there _ only one girl in it. 6. _ there a bike over there? Yes, there _.,is Is are are Are is Is is,三、根据句子意思,用is、are来填空。,Try to describe your room. (试着用我们学过的句型描述你的房间吧!),My bedroom,I have a new room. Its very nice. There is a big bed. Its pink. There is a clock near the bed. There is a plant on the floor. Look, my water bottle is on the desk. It is red. There are so many photos on the wall. Do you like my room?,practice,请你写一个有关你房间的小短文。要求:内容叙述合理,家具描述准确,书写工整,最少写五句话。 My bedroom This is my bedroom._ _love my room very much!,小练笔,Which room do you like? Why?,We should keep our room clean and nice!,Summary,这节课你学到了什么?你有什么收获?,Homework,Listen and read A Lets talk 5 times. 听录音,读课文五遍。 2. Introduce your room to your friends, using the sentence structure There is a . 用“There is a .”句型向你的朋友们介绍你的房间。,Bye bye !,


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