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    人教版_ 七年级上册_UNIT5 Section B 2a—3c Self check (共17张PPT).ppt

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    人教版_ 七年级上册_UNIT5 Section B 2a—3c Self check (共17张PPT).ppt

    Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?,Reading for speaking,Section B,衔接导入,Do you like sports?,2a,Find the sports words in the unit. Write them in the correct column.,Things I have Things I dont have _ _ _ _ _ Report like this: I have . , but I dont have .,tennis ball , tennis racket, ping-pang ball, ping-pang bat, soccer ball, volleyball, basketball.,Lets practice!,I have but I dont have,This is a school magazine(杂志).,They make a survey(调查) about sports.,Here are three survey results(调查结果),s:ve,mgzi:n,rzlt,A. Friends B. Classmates C. Balls,1.This is a survey results in a school magazine. From the title, can you tell what the passage may be about?(这是一篇校刊调查报告,根据文章标题, 请判断文章可能会写什么内容?),阅读技巧1: The title can be helpful to understand the text.文章题目可以帮助理解文章,Frank Brown,Gina Smith,Wang Wei,2.From the pictures, can you tell what they like playing?(根据图片,判断他们喜欢做什么运动?),阅读技巧2: The pictures can be helpful to understand the text.文章配图可以帮助理解文章,Who has a soccer ball, Frank, Gina or Wang Wei?,Reading: Scan 快速阅读,Frank Brown,Gina Smith,Wang Wei,解题技巧1: 利用主题句一般在开头或结尾的特点快速寻读。,1). Franks brother has a soccer ball. ( ) 2). Frank and Alan go to the same school. ( ) 3) .They play soccer ball at home with their friends. ( ),阅读第一段 ,判断正误 T or F,解题技巧2: The similar words and sentences can be helpful to answer the question. 相同关键词和关键句可以帮助解决问题,T,F,at school,为了避免重复,此处用does代替has a soccer ball. 练习: I dont have a volleyball, but my friend Tom_. A do B have C hasnt D does,T,Reading: Skim 细读,1).Does Gina love sports? 2).Does Gina play the balls?,请运用解题技巧: 相同关键词和关键句可以帮助解决问题,- “Do you have a soccer ball?”,Yes, she does.,No, she doesnt.,Sport 名词,意为“体育运动”其作定语时,常以复数形式出现。 练习: 我每天都做运动 I play _ everyday.,阅读第二段,回答问题:,- “Do you have a soccer ball?”,阅读第三段,完成填空。,1. “Soccer is difficult. I like ping-pong, its easy for me”.一句中“easy”的意思是“_” 2. “After class, I play ping-pong with my classmates.”一句中“classmates”的意思是? A 同桌 B 同班同学 C 校友,After介词,意为“在之后”短语after class意为“课后”。 猜测:after school 意思为“_”.,根据上文after class这一特殊时间,同时class意为班级,可猜测:classmate意思为“同班同学”. 猜测:deskmate 意为”_”,容易的,上文difficult意为“困难的”,可猜测:easy应为其反义词,解题技巧3: You can guess the meaning of a word from the context. 可利用上下文猜测词义,Answering skills:解题技巧,解题技巧2: The similar key words and sentences can be helpful to answer the question. 相同关键词和关键句可以帮助解决问题,解题技巧3: You can guess the meaning of a word from the context. 可利用上下文猜测词义,解题技巧1: 利用主题句一般在开头或结尾的特点快速寻读。,I play ping-pong with my classmates after class. 2. I have soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs and baseballs. 3. My brother has a soccer ball but I dont. 4. I only watch sports on TV. 5. Soccer is not easy for me. 6. My brother and I are in the same school.,2c,Who do you think says these sentences? Check()F for Frank, G for Gina or W for Wang Wei.,Read aloud! 小组活动:大声朗读课文一遍后,完成填空,Retelling,Frank Brown doesnt _ a soccer ball, but Alan does. They _ soccer. They play it _ with their friends. Its _.,Gina Smith _ two soccer balls. She _ sports, but she _ play them she only _ them on TV!,Wang Wei _ have a soccer ball. He _ ping-pong. Its easy for him. He _ three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, he _ ping-pong with his classmates.,have,loves,at school,relaxing,has,love,doesnt,watches,doesnt,likes,has,plays,小组活动:大声朗读课文一遍后,完成填空。看看哪个组完成的又快又好。,本课总结,阅读技巧:1、文章题目可以帮助理解文章 2 、文章配图可以帮助理解文章 解题技巧:1、利用主题句快速寻读 2、相同关键词和关键句可以帮助 解决问题 3、可利用上下文猜测词义 重点词汇和句子: play sports/same/easy/after school/classmates ,Homework,1. Recite the words on page 29,


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