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    福建省海洋渔业资源与生态环境重点实验室发表的论文序号论文名称作者(排名)刊物名称时间01Isolation and characterization of eleven microsatellite loci in the marbled rockfish sebastiscus marmoratus ,黎中宝(通讯作者)conservation genetResour201402Screening and characterization of new microsatellite markers in Fenneropenaeus penicillatus.黎中宝(通讯作者)Genetics and molecular research: GMR201403Three new species of free-livingmarine nematodesfrom East China Sea.郭玉清(通讯作者)Zootaxa201404Molecular and expression characterizations of interleukin-8 gene in large yellow croaker姚翠鸾(通讯作者)Fish & ShellfishImmunology201305Estimated genetic parameters for growth-related traits in large yellow croakerLarimichthyscrocea using microsatellitesto assign parentage刘贤德(1)Journal of FishBiology201306Molecular cloning, characterization, and gene expression of the androgen receptor in the large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea王艺磊(通讯作者)fish physiology and biochemistry201307Characterizationof the global transcriptome forPyropia haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) anddevelopment of cSSR markers谢潮添(1)BMC genomic201308Characterization and expression profile ofVitellogenin gene from Scylla paramamosain王艺磊(通讯作者)Gene201309Characterization of new microsatellite markersof Siganus fuscescens (Siganidae)黎中宝(通讯作者)Genetics andMolecular Research201310Characterization of eight novel microsatellitemarkers in the green-lippedmussel Perna viridis(Mytilidae)黎中宝(通讯作者)Genetics andMolecular Research201311Disruption of Chemotaxis related Genes AffectsMultiple Cellular Processesand the Virulence ofPathogenic Vibrio harveyi鄢庆枇(通讯作者)ACTA OCEANOLOGICSINICAA201312Isolation and characterization of twelve novel polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Branchiostoma belcheri Gray (Amphioxus)黎中宝(通讯作者)ConservationGeneticsRescources201313Characterization of myosin light chain gene up-regulated in the large yellow croaker immunity王志勇(通讯作者)Gene2013by interaction with RanGTPase14Growth and physiological responses of mangroveKan delia can del (L.) Druce (Rhizophoraceae) tonaphthalene exposure陆志强(1)Vie et milieu - life and environment201215Parentage assignment and parental contribution analysis in large yellow croakerLarimichthyscrocea using microsatellite markers刘贤德(1)Current Zoology201216Molecular characterizationof a Ran isoform geneup - regulated in shrimp immunity王志勇(通讯作者)Gene201217Acute temperature and cadmium stress response characterization of small heat shock protein 27 in large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea姚翠鸾(通讯作者)ComparativeBiochemistry andPhysiology, Part C: toxicology & pharmacology201218Isolation and characterization of 15 microsatellite loci in Acrossocheilus labiatusRegan (Cyprinidae)黎中宝(通讯作者)ConservationGeneticsRescources201219Isolation and characterization of ten microsatellite markers of Fenneropenaeus penicillatus黎中宝(通讯作者)ConservationGenetics Resources201220Isolation and characterization of newmicrosatellite markers in the pen shell Atrinapectinata (Pinnidae)黎中宝(通讯作者)Genetics andMolecular Research201221Analysis of the genetic diversity and differentiation of Fenneropenaeus penicillatus populations by AFLP technology黎中宝(通讯作者)Chinese Journal ofOceanology andLimnology201222Effects of NMMA and catalase on intracellular survival of Vibrio alginolyticus in macrophages of large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea鄢庆枇(通讯作者)African Journal ofMicrobiologyResearch201223A vasa gene from green mud crab Scylla paramamosain and its expression during gonadal development and gametogenesis.王艺磊(1)molecular biologyreports201224Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7, a member of insulin-like growth factor signal pathway, involved in immune response of small abalone Haliotis diversicolor王艺磊(通讯作者)Fish & ShellfishImmunology201225SUMO-1 1 of mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) in gametogenesis王艺磊(通讯作者)Gene201226Erk2 in ovarian development of green mud crabScylla paramamosain王艺磊DNA and CellBiology2012(通讯作者)27Cloning and expression analysis of interferon regulatory factor (IRF)3 and 7 in large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea姚翠鸾(1)Fish & ShellfishImmunology201228Optimization of the Enzymatic Hydrolysis ofTilapia Frames马英(通讯作者)Advanced materialsresearch201229Molecular characterization and expression profiles of cdc2 and cyclin B during oogenesis andspermatogenesis in green mud crab (Scylla paramamosain)王艺磊(通讯作者)ComparativeBiochemistry and Physiology. Part B,Biochemistry &Molecular Biology201230Characterization of Interleukin-1receptor-associated kinase 1 binding protein 1 gene in small abalone Haliotis diversicolor王艺磊(通讯作者)Gene201231Bid-overexpression regulates proliferation and phosphorylation of Akt and MAPKs in response to etoposide-induced DNA damagein hepatocellular carcinoma cells李元跃(1)OncoTargets andTherapy201232The impact of acute temperature stress on hemocytes of invasive and native mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis and Mytilus californianus):DNA damage, membrane integrity, apoptosis and signaling pathways姚翠鸾(1)Journal ofExperimentalMarine Biology andEcology201233Composition and distribution of fish species collected during the fourth Chinese National Arctiec Research Expedition in 2010张静(3)Advances in polarscience201234Comparison of classifications of aptamers against Vibrio alginolyticus based on their primary and secondary structure黎中宝(3)African JournalBiotechnology2012


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