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    Key wordsKey words in Unit 1-Text A1. universal: 1). There does not appear to be universal agreement on the future of the CBA.2). There is universal support among people for free trade. COLLOCATIONuniversal truth 普遍真理 almost universal 几乎是普遍的 universal among 在···中普遍2. cling: The couple clung together when it was time for them to part.COLLOCATIONcling firmly 牢固地附着 cling together 紧贴在一起;团结 3. heal: 1). The wound on my arm has healed (up). 2). Time heals all sorrows. COLLOCATIONheal completely properly 痊愈 heal up 愈合4. put: She is - how shall I put it - not exactly fat, but rather well-built. 推荐精选5. core: 1)The core of the book focuses on the period between 1660 and 1857.2) Debt is at the core of the problem.问题的关键是债务。6. one-off:In fact the whole exercise was fairly straight forward, except for one problem which required a one-off solution.7. tackle: 1). There is more than one way to tackle the problem properly.解决这个问题有许多方法。2). Unfortunately, they failed to tackle the key issues. COLLOCATIONtackle a problem issue 解决问题 tackle seriously 认真处理 tackle effectively 有效应对 try to tackle 试图处理 fail to tackle 没能处理 tackle with 用···处理 a way of tackling sth. 处理···的方式8. like it or not:1). Like it or not, people are often judged by their appearance. 2). You're going to the dentist tomorrow morning, whether you like it or not. 推荐精选9. upset: 1). Liz is very upset about her uncle's disease. 2). Naturally, we get upset when things go wrong.COLLOCATIONleave sb. make sb. upset使某人心烦意乱 upset about 为···而心烦 upset at 因···而苦恼 upset by 为···难过 upset with 因···而生气10. react: 1). How did your mother react to the news? 2). He reacted strongly against their idea. COLLOCATIONreact strongly 反应强烈 react slowly反应慢 react against 反抗 react to 对···作出反应Key Words in Unit 2 Text A1. specify |vt.| state exactly; describe fully so as to choose or name 指定,指明,详述eg. 1. The president specified him by name. 2. She didn't specify precisely how many people were involved in the accident. 3. The instructions specify clearly how the medicine is to be taken.推荐精选词组:specify clearly 清楚说明 specify precisely 确切说明 allow sb. to specify 让某人具体说明 be used to specify 用来详细指明 specify by 以方式指定2. confine|vt.| (to) keep within limits; restrict 常与to连用把局限于,把限制于eg. 1. The boy has been confined in a dark narrow room from early childhood by his parents. 2. Owen did not confine himself to writing only one type of poem. 3. Confine yourself to the facts in the discussion.词组:confine entirely totally 完全限制 confine mainly 主要限制在 confine to (使)限制在3. adopt|vt.| start to deal with or think about sth. in a particular way 采取eg. 1. All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem. 2. We should try to adopt a greener and more healthy lifestyle. 3. The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline (纪律).推荐精选词组:adopt formally 正式采用 tend to adopt 往往采用 decide to adopt 决定采用4. the (same) old story(used to say that the present bad situation has often happened before) what usually happens 老一套eg. 1. It's the same old story too much work and not enough time. 2. It's the same old story of a badly managed project with inadequate funding (资金不足). 3. It's the same old story for Brazil heading into next year's World Cup finals: Everyone is aiming for the five-time champions.5. conscious|a.| (of) knowing, understanding or recognizing sth.; aware 常与of连用意识到的,察觉到的eg.1. Suddenly I became conscious of someone watching me from a distance. 2. He was conscious that Marie was listening to every word he said . 3. I was very conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression on my new boss.词组:become conscious 开始意识到 very intensely, terribly conscious 强烈意识到 conscious of 意识到 conscious that + |clause| 意识到推荐精选6. convince|vt.| (of) make (sb.) completely certain about sth.; persuade 常与of连用使确信,使信服eg. 1. He convinced me of his honesty. 2. We convinced her to stay at home. 3. Facts convinced everyone that the first report was true. 4. He'll try to convince you of Mitchell's innocence (无辜).词组:convince of 使确信 convince sb. to + |infinitive| 说服某人(做) convince sb. that + |clause| 使确信7. awaken|v.| (cause to) wake up; (to) become aware or make sb. aware of sth. and its possible effects or results 醒来;叫醒,唤醒;常与to连用(使)意识到;(使)认识到eg.1. She was awakened by a noise at two in the morning. 2. It was a nightmare from which he would awaken at any moment. 3. The exhibit is designed to awaken a deeper understanding of Mexican culture. 4. We should awaken him to a sense of duty.词组:awaken from 从醒来 awaken to 使意识到8. remarkable|a.| (for) |esp. apprec| worth mentioning, esp. because unusual or noticeable 常与for连用尤褒值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的推荐精选eg. 1. The restaurant is remarkable not for its size or decorations but for the quality of its food. 2. It is remarkable that the interviews carried so much weight. 3. It is remarkable to see such clean streets in the business center of the city.词组:seem remarkable 好像不同凡响 most remarkable 极不同凡响 remarkable for 以著称的,因而不寻常 remarkable to + |infinitive| 是十分不平常的9. stream|vi.| flow fast and strongly; pour out 奔流,倾注;涌流eg. 1. People were streaming towards the town square. 2. Sunlight was streaming in through the window. 3. Tears streamed from her eyes.10. long|v.| want sth. very much 渴望eg. 1. I'm longing to see you again. 2. She longed to see Pat every day.long forwant very much 切盼,渴望eg. 1. We longed for a warm soft bed after several days of camping. 推荐精选2. She longed for the chance to see him again.Key Words in Unit2 Text B1. rejoice|vi.| (at, over) |fml or lit| feel or show great joy 常与at或over连用正式或文欢喜,高兴2. award|vt.| (to) give, esp. as the result of an official decision 常与to连用(尤指官方判定的)给予,授予,判给eg. 1. He was awarded the gold medal for being the fastest runner. 2. Orhan Pamuk is the first Turkish (土耳其的) writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize. 3. In 2001, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Kofi Annan and the United Nations for their work for a better-organized and more peaceful world.词组:award for 因授予 award to 把奖项授予3. cease|v. fml| stop (esp. an activity or state) 正式停止,终止,结束1. He ceased to be a problem to us. 2. Her mother never ceases telling me about her troubles. 推荐精选3. The matches ceased with the outbreak of war.词组:cease to + |infinitive| 停止(做) cease + |v-ing| 停止(做) cease with 随而停止 without ceasing 不间断地4. owe|vt.| |not in progressive forms|; (to, for) have to pay, for sth. already done or given; feel grateful 不用进行式;常与to或for连用欠(债)等;感激1. We still owe two thousand dollars for the car. 2. He's published several novels and owes a great deal to his publishers. 3. "I owe my parents a lot," he admitted.词组:owe sb. sth. 欠某人 owe sb. a debt (of gratitude) 感激某人 owe to sb. 欠某人 owe for 欠的(债等)5. relax|v.| make or become less active and worried 放松;(使)轻松 relaxed |a.| (of a person) free from worry; easy in manner (人)轻松的,自在的,无拘无束的eg. 1. George greeted us in his friendly relaxed way as usual. 2. I feel more relaxed about my career than I used to. 3. I think people feel more relaxed wearing casual clothes.keep sb. relaxed 使某人保持轻松 completely relaxed 完全放松的 relaxed about 对感到轻松的推荐精选6. remedy|n.| C; (for, against) a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation 常与for或against连用补救(办法);纠正(办法)eg. 1. There is no simple remedy for freeing a country from unemployment. 2. Desperate remedies were resorted to in the search for food. 3. There is a remedy for everything but death.词组:effective remedy 有效的方法 desperate remedy 孤注一掷的方法 seek a remedy 寻找解决办法 resort to a remedy 求助于的方法 remedy lies in 补救方法在于 remedy for 应付的办法 remedy against 应对的办法7. bestow|vt.| (on, upon) |fml give| 常与on或upon连用正式给予,赠给;授予词组:bestow sth. on / upon sb.|fml| give sb. sth. of great value or importance 正式将某物授予某人;把某物给予赠予某人eg. 1. It was a title bestowed upon him by the committee. 2. Several gifts were bestowed on the guests as marks of hospitality. 3. We are honored to bestow on you the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in literature.推荐精选8. propose|vt. fml| ask a social gathering to offer (a wish for success, happiness, etc.) to sb., while raising a glass of wine which is afterwards drunk; put forward for consideration (a possible course of action, a plan to be voted on by a meeting, etc.); suggest 正式提议为干杯;提议,建议;提出(行动、计划或供表决的方案等)eg. 1. I'd like to propose a toast to our noble guests from Germany. 2. Let me propose a toast to Mr Smith. 3. After racking her brains for days, she proposed a new plan to us. 4. We proposed to them that Lucy should be appointed manager of the sales department.词组:propose a toast ( to ) 提议(为)干杯 propose sth. to sb. 向某人建议 propose sth. for 提议 propose to sb. that + |clause| 向某人建议9. propose a toast (to )提议(为)干杯eg. 1. He stands up and proposes a toast to their old friend. 2. Let us propose a toast to this happy occasion at the end of the year. 3. Make sure that not only your glass, but also all other glasses are filled before you propose a toast.推荐精选Key words in Unit 3-Text A(1) reward1. The team have worked hard and their efforts have been rewarded with success. 2. He gave the children some chocolate to reward them.collocations:reward for 因···而酬谢 reward with 奖赏(2) contract1. Each party will then hold the contract signed by the other.2. That football player is under contract with our team. collocations:conclude sign a contract 缔结(签订)合约 carry out execute a contract 履行合约 break violate a contract 违反合约 contract for ···的契约 contract with 与···的契约 under contract with (与···)订有合约 (3) station1. My father was stationed in Europe during World War II. 2. There were police officers stationed at every exit.(4) well1. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. 2. She groaned, as hot tears welled out and wetted her face.collocations:well out流出来 well up 涌出(5) pace1. Sam stood up and started pacing the floor, deep in thought.2. "We're going to be late," Jordan said impatiently, pacing up and down the room.collocations:pace anxiously 焦虑地踱步 pace restlessly 不安地踱步 pace back and forth 来回踱步pace about around, round 在各处走来走去(6) plunge1. He opened the bag and plunged his hand in.2. Colin plunged into the icy water and saved the drowning child.(7) dash1. When it started raining, we all dashed for shelter. 2. Olive dashed into the room, grabbed my bag, and ran out again.Collocations:dash away 跑开 dash by 从···旁跑过 (8) avoid1. Though it was the second time that he had broken the contract, he managed to avoid being punished. 2. He failed in his attempt to avoid having to pay. Collocations:avoid at all costs 不惜一切代价避免 manage to avoid 设法避免 an attempt effort to avoid sth. 避免···的企图努力 avoid + |v-ing| 避免做(9) trace推荐精选1. She could trace her family tree back to the 16th century.2. The success of the company can be traced to good marketing strategies. collocations:trace easily 容易考查 trace directly 直接追溯 trace back 追溯 be difficult to trace 难以追溯 trace to 追踪···到;使查到(10) press1. I felt that if I had pressed him a little bit harder, he would have lent me the money. 2. They are pressing the government for action.Collocations:press strongly 竭力坚持 press for 竭力要求 press sb. to + |infinitive| 催促某人(做)Key words in Unit 4 -Text A(1) shape1. It is true that a peoples character is, to a great extent, shaped by the environment they live in.2. We watched in amazement as she shaped the clay into a pot.Collocations:in any shape 不论哪种形式的 out of shape 变形,走样 take shape 成形,具体化(2) ample1. There is an ample supply of consumer goods.2. Hes got an ample bosom.他胸怀广阔。adv. amply(3) curse1. She cursed him for ruining her life. 2. His wealth proved a curse to him.他的财富最后害了他。curse loudly 大声诅咒 curse for 因···而咒骂··· curse the day 咒骂老天 curse one's luck 诅咒运气不好(4) perspective1. He views everything from a political perspective.2. She was under such stress that she lost all sense of perspective.the proper right, true perspective 正确的观察角度 the wrong perspective 不正确的观察角度 from the perspective of 从···的角度 perspective on upon 对···的观点(5) conversely1. You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.2. American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.(6) crisisWe need someone who can stay calm in a crisis.serious severe crisis 严重危机 economic crisis 经济危机 cause a crisis 引起危机 lead to a crisis 导致危机 overcome settle a crisis 解决危机 in (a) crisis 处于危机之中 推荐精选(7) accomplish1. We tried to settle the argument but accomplished nothing.2. We have accomplished all we set out to do.n. accomplishmentaccomplish successfully 成功完成 accomplish easily 轻松完成(8) incredibleHis remarks are incredible.adv. incredibly n. incredibility(9) criticize1. He was criticized by the committee for failing to report the accident.2. Ron does nothing but criticize and complain all the time.Collocation:criticize bitterly 尖锐地批评 criticize strongly 强烈地批评 criticize for 因···而批评 be widely criticized (as sth.) 被广泛批评(为···)n. criticism adj. critical(10) address1. The governor was invited to address the conference.2. He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his wife.address fully 完全解决 address successfully 成功解决 address a problem issue 着手解决问题 seek to address 寻求解决 fail to address 未能解决Key words in unit 5(1) consult 1. Before starting any exercise program, you should consult your doctor.2. I need to consult my teacher about changing my course. collocations: consult a dictionary查字典 consult sb. about sth. 就向请教(2) suspicion1. He is arrested on suspicion of murder.2. The behavior of the stranger aroused our suspicions推荐精选.collocations:  on suspicion of涉嫌 adj. suspicious(3) emerge1. Problems resulting from insufficient funds are now beginning to emerge.2. The sun emerged from behind the clouds. collocations: emerge from 从···浮现 n. emergence(4) violate1. They were arrested (逮捕) for violating the criminal law.2. The peace of the island community had been brutally violated.collocations: violate a rule/a law/ a contract违反规则/法律/合同(5) visible 1. There has been a visible change in his attitude towards his work. 2. Those tiny ants are hardly visible to the naked eye. collocations:推荐精选hardly visible 几乎看不见的 be visible to 被···看得见的 (6) despite prep. 1. Despite international pressure, little progress has been made in the peace talks between the two countries. 2. Demand for these cars is high, despite their high prices.(7) shift 1. The action of the novel shifts from Paris to London.2. Don't shift


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