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    大孙中学“自主学习”导学案学案课题M4U1课型NEW学科英语审核人八年级英语组主备人朱岳玲年级班级使用人1、(知识与技能) 重点词汇:1 have got a stomachache 2 be ill 3 take one's temperature 4 fast food5 do exercise 6 such as 7 take the medicine8 look after 9 too much2、(过程与方法)通过任务教学,培养学生的自学能力和合作探究能力3、(情感、态度与价值观重点:现在完成时与for和since引导的时间状语连用的结构。 难点:与同学合作完成医患间的角色表演,谈论疾病及治疗办法。学习过程教学设计思路学生课堂笔记Step 1.【自主学习,基础过关】一写出下列表示疾病”的名词1.咳嗽2发烧3.头疼4.胃疼5牙疼6.感冒二结合课本26页的对话,试着翻译下列词组、重点句子。1.感觉病了2.胃痛3.你这样有多长时间了 ? _4.自从星期五以来5.感冒6.我不这样认为7.量体温8.哪种类型的食物9.吃早餐10.锻炼11.在.前面12.对.有害13.别担心14.停止吃快餐食品15.比如跑步16.每天吃三次17.怎么了?|二、根据汉语意思完成句子1.-你怎么了 ?-我胃疼。I2.你这样多长时间了?3.在太阳底下看书对我们的眼睛有害。Reading in the sun-our eyes.4.停止吃快餐食品每天吃早餐。自主学习合作探究学习 重难点学法导航第6页Stop5你在电脑前呆的太6. 我能帮你什么【please.7. 我认为你应该匚 为。I thi nk you shoul(8. 大明感冒了,他头Dami ng三、从对话中找出下1. I ' ve got a stcfast food andbreakfast every day.:久了吗?请(帮我)接个电话。? An swer the teleph one for me,吃快餐食品。快餐食品又快又方便。一我不这样认d eat fast food. It is fast and convenient.k痛。,and his head.列句子并翻译:)mach ache and my head hurts.2. Let me take your temperature3.That ' s why you ' ve got a stomach ache.4. Do you do any exercise?5. It can be very harmful to your health.Step2 Read the conversation and complete the table about Daming.Ill nessandHow long(2)For about.Whyfood and no. He spe ndsin front of the.What to do(4)First, stop eat ingand.Sec ond, get some.Take somea dayStep3根据课文对话内容填空Daming has got asince Friday and he went to see thedoctor. The doctorand asked him somequesti ons. Then he found Daming' s lifestyle is un healthy uaual,noand little. This ki nd of lifestylehis health. So the doctor told Dami ng toeati ng fast food, have breakfast every day and.Step4.【Language points】1. catch a cold是一个固定短语,意为“感冒”,与have a cold 意思相同 -What'swr ong with you? T have a bad cold . -How are you feeling now ? I 'mfeeling much better.2. stomachache胃痛腹痛肚子痛have a stomacha che 胃痛 = have a pain in the stomach -I 'mnot feeli ng well at the mome nt .- What'swr ong?-I have a bad stomachache.此刻我感觉不舒服。你怎么了?我胃痛得厉害。 The boy said he had a stomachache .The boysaid he had a pain in the stomach.男孩说他肚子痛得厉害。3. have a toothache 牙痛 dentist 牙医(1) -What'sthe matter?怎么了?T ' vetoothache . - Maybe you should see a dentist.- That ' a good idea. 我牙痛。出许你应该去看牙医。是好主意。(2) -I had a bad toothache last night.- I 'nmorry to hear to that.(3 )我昨晚牙痛得很厉害。听到此事我很难过。4 . fever adj 发烧 have a fever 发烧 have a high fever 高烧5 . medicine 药 take some medicine 吃药(1) You'd better take this medic ine twice a day .You' llbe all right soon.这药你最好一天吃两次。你会很快就好的。(2) My mother asked me to give her some medic ine for cold .我母亲要求我给她买点治点感冒的药。6. problem n 问题,(1) 1 have some problem to ask .(2) The physics problem is very difficult ,I can ' work it out.这道物理题很难,我算不出来。ave some problems( in ) doing something 做某事有困难It was very rainy last Sun day ,so we had some problems climbi ng the mount ain s.上星日下大雨,所以我们爬山遇到了困难。类似用法no problem 没问题 -Ca n you go the movies with me now? - No problem.7. exercise 锻炼 n.v.T数名词,意为"锻炼” dogettake exercise做锻炼f可数名词,意为"一套动作,练习题”do eye exercises做眼保健操You spend too much time in front of the computer.你在电脑前 花费太多的时间中心词 I用法too much much toomuch tootoo much(=much)+不可数名词too manymanytoo man y(二ma ny)+可数名词复数Step5课堂检测、根据首字母提示补全单词。1. Have you caught a c?2. What' s wrong with you? You look very we*.I have a s.3. He can ' t come to the meeting, because he is itoday.4. You may have a fever. Let me take your t.5. Take the mthree times a day.The n you will feelw.6. What' s wwith you, eff? I ' ve caught a cold.7. Fast food is bad for your h.8. After a long week, the stude nts feel son Friday after noon.9. I haven ' t seen him sthree years ago.二、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. Jim has known Kate since he(be) here.2. Miss Dai(teach) in our school sin ce2019.3. How long has your sister(be) a stude nt in that school?4. She(have)the new coat since Janu ary. She(buy)it on New Year's Day.5. Stop(eat) fast food. It's bad for your health.6. My brother(not do) his homework carefully si nee he(receive) a mobile pho ne last mon th.7. They(visit) this city for 3days.词语点将台多面手take 一举多得【例句】1. Please take your umbrella to school.请把你的雨伞带到学校去。2. It ' s very cheap. take it.'太便宜了,我买了。课后反思第7页


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