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    Unit 1 How do you study for a test?主备人:万霞 审核:吴小平 张晓艳第一课时:SectionA1a-2c学习重点:by+doing;Take about how to study for a test? 一词汇目标:1.flashcard.n抽认卡 制作抽认卡:make flashcards2.vocabulary.n词汇-vocabularies 英语词汇:English vocabulary3.aloud.adv出声地,高声地 指为了能使人听见而发声eg :The teacher asked him to read the article aloud .I read English for about half an hour every morning. A .aloud B. loud C. loudlyloud adj.喧闹的、吵闹的 adv 大声地、高声地侧重发出的声音大大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak/talk /laugh 等动词 (一般指谈笑方面)loudly 意为“响亮地”,常与 ring , knock 等动词连用,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味。(含有令人讨厌和被人打扰的意思)aloud 强调“出声”(常用在读书说话上), read aloud 朗读4.pronunciation.n发音、发音法v. pronounce发音eg. How do you pronounce your name?5. understandunderstood understood二词组1.准备英语考试 _ 2.朗读 _ 3提高我的口语技巧 _ _ 4.向某人求助 _5 和某人练习对话 _ practice+ n/代/ving 做宾语 和某人对话 _ practice doing sth三 重点句子1. -How do you study for an English test?-I study_ _ (制作抽认卡)/ _ _ (与朋友一起学习)/ _ (听磁带)/ _ (向老师求助)/ _ (阅读材料)/ _ (制作单词表)/_(通过小组合作) _ How a.怎样,如何How do you go there? b.问候How are you?/How is it going? 动词+by doing sth “通过某种方法途径”eg. She studies English by watching English movies.介词by 的用法1. by+动名词 表示通过方法或途径,“靠,通过”I learn music by listening to the tapes.2.by+名词“通过某种方式”go to sth by bus/train/bike/taxi/plane/ship/sea/air travel by air /land/sea. 3.表示“在旁边” 4.表示“不晚于,在之前” 5. 被,由 e.g. some articles written by Lu Xun.   6. by oneself 独自,单独 read by yourself 自已读She finish her homework by herself. 7.one by one  一个接一个巩固练习:1,Many students like to learn art by _ (join) the art clubs.2. I study by _(listen) to tapes. 3. He studies for a test _ working with his friends. 4. I go to school by _ _ (ride) a bike.= 5. Helen taught herself swimming by practicing all the summer holiday.(提问)_6. Ive learned _ (很多)that way. 7. Its _hard _ understand the voices.(听懂那些话太难了)巩固练习1.- _ do you like Chinese food? Very much. 2.-what about going to see a movie? - A. Thats right. B Youre welcome C Not at all D. Its a good idea3. - _ you _ China for a long time?-Yes. I came here three years ago.A. Have; come to B. Did; come to C. Have; been in4.听磁带怎么样呢? 5What about _ (he)? 6.Its difficult _ (play)table tennis for my brother.7. I think it is too _ (hardly)to memorize the English words.8 .It is polite _ him to give his seat to others. A. for B. of C. to Din9. If you practice (swim)more often, you will become a good player.10. The girl was too frightened a word. A. not to tell B. not to say C. to tell D. to say 11.The boy is so hungry that he cant move.(同义句)_第二课时Section A 3a-4.Teaching aims and demands: Learn to talk about how to study well.Step5老师点拨,集体释疑 Step6:小组讨论进一步熟悉3a内容 Step7:完成3b,4知识点聚焦:一:: 1.memorize .v(to learn by ones heart)记忆,背诵memory .n记忆,记忆力 memorize有意识用心去记Although the new words are too long ,he tried to memorize every new word.remember侧重记住的客观结果Because of his hard-working, he remembered every word he learnt.2.frustrate .v挫折,使失望,使沮丧 frustrate sb n. frustration 挫折 adj.frustrated/frustratingEg; I feel when I speak a wrong word. Its to do this boring job同类归纳:interesting/ interested   disappointing/ disappointed     boring / bored exciting/ excited surprising/surprised  3. be/get  excited about sth   be/get excited about doing sth be excited to do sth4. quickly .adv动作快敏捷quick adj Be quick! Move away quickly, the train is coming. quickly1 / 8 _ , (比较级) _ (最最级)fast adj 速度快Liu xiang runs very fast. (比较级,最高级) _ soon 强调时间“不久以后”I want to see you soon.5.add v.充,继续 增加Shall I add your name to the list? 增加add to 总计达到add up to add sth into sth 二:Phrases. 1.ask sb about sth/ask sb(not)to do sht let/make/have sb do sth2. the best way to do sth=the best way of doing sth3. for example 同类事物或人中的一例,常做插入语,用逗号隔开,句首.句中.句末such as 列举同类人或事物中的几个例子当列举的事物和所提及的事物数量相等时用that is或namelyeg. There re many famous universities and colleges in Beijing, for example, Peking Unverisity.Mary likes sports, such as football, basketball and volleyball.James knows three languages, that is/namely Chinese, English and French.4. feel differently 5.speak (too) quickly 6. improve English 7.have conversations with sb8.watch Tv/English movies/videos watch sb do sth 同类:notice, see, watch, look, find,9.get excited watch sb doing sth hear10.not at all根本不完全不 加强否定语气The box is too heavy. I cant carry it.不客气=Youre welcome .-Its very kind of you. -Youre welcome./Not at all.11.end up doing sth 结束做某事 end up with以.结束 12.记笔记keep/take notes 做的记录take/make a note of三句子分析 1,Wei Ming feels differently. feel在此做v(人)有某种感觉,differently adv.feel常做系动词,“觉得”+adj 同类:sound, taste, smell, look, feel, become, stay, keep feel like doing sth=would like to do sth=want to do sthdifferent adj. differently adv. difference n. be different frombe the same as2.Sometimes,however,he finds watching movies frustrating because the people .find接动名词短语watching movies做宾语,再接adj frustrating做宾补 find+句子 I find that she is clever.find sb do/doing sthfind/make sth +adj find+宾语+宾补 宾补可由现在分词,过去分词,adj, adv, n,介词来充当find it+adj to do My father found me reading when he came in. Havent you found the bike broken?I find the text easy to read. We all find him an honest boy.3.本节课语法点:动名词的用法动名词由“v+-ing”构成,具有名词性质,在句中可以做主语,表语,宾语和定语等。当动名词做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称形式。这些动词只做动名词做宾语:finish,mind,enjoy,Practice,avoid,miss, imagine, advise等。巩固练习。1, 用few,a few,little,a little 填1-4题。1. Mom, we have bottles of water. Shall we go and buy some?2.There is time left. Lets go quickly. 3.Is there porridge for me to have?4.-How long will you stay here? I think I will be here for _ more days.5.-what do you think of Tom? He is a man of words. He always stays alone.A. little B. much C. few D. many2.My Mom asks me _ _ ( watch)Tv before finishing my homework.3.Colours can change our moods(情绪) and make us _ (feel)happy or sad, energetic or sleep.4.When I got home I found my pet dog _ (lie) on the floor, dead.5.I found him _ (read) a book under the tree when I passed by.6.我发现开车(drive)很难。 _ 7.我发现他每天喝一瓶酒(wine) _ _ 8.I find it is useful to speak French well.=I find _ _ to speak French well.9.She found he was very clever.=She found _ very .10.Some people say (watch) movies _ (be) ( frustrate),because people speak too quickly.11.When we practice speaking English, we often end up (speak)in Chinese.12.The English party began an English song and _ a well-known piano music.13.Are you _ (激动)about going to high school?第三课时SectionB1a2clearn to talk about learning problems and methods知识点聚集:1Speak-spoke-spoken spoken English 2.mistake-mistook-mistaken mistaken.犯错make a mistake/make mistakes You have made some spelling mistakes. v.误解,误会(某人的意思)Your teacher must have mistaken your meaning.表示“在某方面犯错”用In You have made mistakes in spelling . by mistake 错误地在句中做状语You took my umbrella by mistake. 误解某人mistake sb 错把A当成B: mistake A for B3.challenge邀请赛;挑战give/send/be a challenge to. V.向挑战He accepted his friends challenge to swim across the river. 4. getright使正确/纠正5. Solution n. the solution to the problem 的解决办法:the solution to v. solve 总结 the way/key /answer/plan/ticket to 7.join加入政党或组织 join in +n/ ving参加某活动 join sb take (an active) part in (积极)参加8Much writing practice practice doing sth9.I dont have a partner to practice English with.本句中的动词不定式to practice English with做名词partner的后置定语,而且从逻辑上讲,partner做介词with的宾语,with不可省略。与所修饰词是动宾关系的不定式如果是“不定式+介词”结构,则其中的介词不可省略。eg I dont have a room to live in. I need a pen to write with. She need some paper to write on.10.I dont know how to use commas. how to use commas是“特殊词+动词不定式”结构,做know的宾语。动词不定式前有时加连接代词what, which或连接副词when, where, how, 此结构主要用在know, tell, wonder, ask, learn等动词之后做宾语。例如:Could you tell me how to get to the station? I dont know what to say.We wonder when to leave for England. Do you know where to get the book?11.提建议的句子:What/how about doing sth? Why dont you do sth?/why not do sth?Lets do sth.Shall we/I do sth? .Step 2:导入新课 Step 3:听力训练2a,2b Step4:pairwork2c Step5:小组再巩固知识点Step6:练习册巩固练习:1.Tom is so careless that he often (在考试中出错)。2.We are going for a picnic tomorrow. Ill call Wendy to make sure when _(start).3.为什么不和你爸爸去钓鱼呢? 4.我在报告中犯了几个错误。I have in my report.5.-I suppose well go to plant trees next week.-Terrific! Planting trees is a lot of fun. Id like to you. A. visit B. join C. follow D meet6.My father joined the communist party eight years ago.(同义句) My father _ _a member_the communist party eight years.7.All the students in our school _the sports meeting last week.(参加)8.Watching English-language videos can improve my _ (speak)English.9.Im very surprised that youve _ so many (错误)10 All of us were _ at the _ news.(frustrating)第四课时Section B 3aSelf-check知识点聚集:1. afraidbe afraid to do sth因害怕而不敢做某事Im afraid to go out at night.be afraid of+人/物 害怕某人、某物be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事 He is afraid of falling behind others.be afraid +that句子他害怕和老师说话_他害怕犯错误_恐怕、担心某种情况发生 Im afraid that Tom wont come tomorrow.回答问句时,afraid后面可以用so ,not或that从句,多用于指令人不满意的事。Will Tom come tomorrow?-Im afraid so./Im afraid not.-Would you like to have dinner with me ? Id love to. But Im afraid Im not free. Im afraid so/not.2.easy-easier-easiest easily-more easily-most easily 3.later on以后;之后;随后4. realize 认识到,了解到 实现=come true realize my dream/my dream comes true5.laugh at sb嘲笑某人 make fun of =laugh at plete adj . - completely adv.7.the secret of .的秘密/秘诀 keep a secret 8.decide v. decide to do sth/decide+疑问词+动词不定式/decide that+句子 n. decision make a decision下决定 eg: I cant decide when to go.9.take /make notes 做笔记、做记录 take/make a note of “做的记录” take/make note of注意/记住eg :Its a good habit to take/make notes in class.上课做笔记是个好习惯Please take/make a note of my new address. Take/make note of what I say and dont forget it.10.trouble n. have trouble with sth=have trouble (in)doing sth做某事有困难 Have difficulty with sth=have difficulty (in)doing sth 处于困境之中: be in trouble 使某人陷于困境中:get sb into trouble v. trouble sb to do sth麻烦某人做某事 trouble sb for sth为某事麻烦某人11.impress sb with sth给某人留下深刻的印象 be impressed by/with被感动12.look up in a dictionary 查字典Step 7: Complete the letter in 3b Step 8:小组内交流3b发表各自观点 Step 9:自学完成Selfcheck的练习,在小组内交流观点巩固练习:1.我们班的女孩害怕晚上出去。 2.I have some trouble _ (answer) the math questions. 3.If you keep every day, you will be a good player. A. practicing run B. practicing running C. to practice running4.Ill explain it to you A. later on B. late C. lately D. last5.I want to be a scientist when I grow up, so I will work hard to realize my dream. (同义词) A . have a good dream B. get a good job C. make my dream come true D. cheer me on6.-Mr Wang, I have trouble _ ( understand)the text. Remember _(read) it three times at least.7.每个人一生都会犯错误。Everyone _ _ in life.8.不要嘲笑处于困境中的人。Dont people in trouble.9.我们不应该害怕挑战。We should not .10.记语法笔记很有用处. Is helpful.11.学习计算机对我们来说很有用处。 _ 。12.-Could you come back home at three oclock?- _ .Ill be at a meeting at that time.第五课时Section B Reading知识点聚集:(请同学们在课文中把下列重点词找出来)1.deal with后常接trouble, problem等词 how deal with=what do with . 2. unless引导条件状语从句=if noteg: I will be late for class if I dont get up early.=I will be late unless I get up early.1. worry about sth/sb be worried about sth 4. behave v - behavior n. 行为,举止5. affect 具体的影响 influence 抽象的影响have an influence on impress持久的影响6. be angry with sbbe pleased with sb 7. fair unfair an unfair8.last for 持续 9.each other彼此each of做主语谓语动词用单数10.regardas+n/adj=consideras把看作11.go by(时间)过去Two years went by. Time goes by12.decide not to do sth decide+n/to do sth/疑问词+to do/that句子 make a decisionplain about doing/sth 14.be strict with sb对某人要求严格15.ones duty on duty16.with one help=with the help of sb 17.changeinto使变为18.development n. develop v. adj. developed发达的/developing 发展中的19.think of认为,想起 think about思考,考虑 think over仔细思考 think out 相出pareto把.比作 comparewith 把同比较21.successful adj. success n. succeed v 22. instead代替 用在句末,副词(字面上常不翻译出来) instead of sth/doing sth 代替,而不是 用在句中23break off打断;中断 break-broke-broken24.make up 组成,构成 25.one of +adj+(the+adj最高级)+名词复数 其中之一25. perhaps=maybe=probably 26.native speaker 说本族语的人27.first of all 首先 to begin with 一开始 later on后来,以后.成果展示,集体释疑进一步阅读课文,尽可能用自己的话复述课文。第六课时 Homework: 1.-Look! How the boys are! Yes .They won the game this afternoon.A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited2.You are never too old learn things.3.I find time very quickly when I do something interesting. A. goes out B .goes by C. goes off4.-Excuse me, do you know Roberts telephone number? Sorry, I dont know. You may in the phone book. A. look it up B. look up it C. find it out 5.-Why not music club?-Sorry. I cant sing or dance. A. to join B. join C .joining D. to join in6.How do you study Chinese so well? - reading plenty of book. A. To B. Of C. At D .By7.Dear,what time is the flight to Beijing on Saturday? Wait a minute. Let me the schedule.A. look at it B. look for it C. look after it D. look it up8.How do you your


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