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    精品文档默写短语:1习惯于2目的、旨在、针对3. 专心于5. 被理想的大学录取7.与.息息相关9. 相信,坚信11. 涉及、参加13. 接触传统文化15. 为所打算或准备的17. 应该做某事19. 穿戴着4. 致力于、献身于6. 附属于,附上;喜爱.忙于10. 下定决心做某事12. 得知;知悉;听说,14. 比较対照;比喻为,16. 计划做某事18. 一定做某事20. 拥挤着精品文档be +过去分词+介词”的常考必背短语归纳2018.6.41. be accustomed /used to doing 习惯于be aimed at doing/to do sth 目的、旨在、针对2. be absorbed in 专心于 be buried in 埋头于、专心于be devoted to 致力于、献身于* apply on eself to doi ng sth 专心致力于做be applied to sth 应用于,适用于3. be addicted to doing 沉迷于be lost in thought 陷入沉思4. be admitted to/in to an ideal uni versity 被理想的大学录取be attached to sb/ sth 附属于,附上;喜爱 ,爱慕;5. be associated with= be closely related to 与.息息相关=be linked with=be connected with 禾口有关6. be caught / trapped /stuck in 被困于,陷入(困境)be faced /confronted with failure 面对失败7. be occupied in (doing)/ with (sth.) 忙于=be engaged in sth/to sb 忙于、从事于 =be employed in doing8. be (fully/greatly) convinced of sth/that 相信,坚信be determ in ed to do 下定决心做某事9. be/get in volved in 涉及、参加be in formed of sth 得知;知悉;听说,10. be exposed to traditional customs 接触传统文化11. be intended/ meant for为所打算或准备的12. be charged with=be accused of 因 被指控13. be concerned/worried about 关心、为 担心be compared to/with 比较,对照;比喻为,比作be scheduled to do计划做某事be equipped/armed with 装备着,配备着be fed up with =be tired of 厌倦,厌烦14. be supposed to do 应该做某事be bound to do 一定做某事15. be (widely) regarded /recognized/taken/knownas被认为是 . be honored with 被授予精品文档16. be made up of=be composed of 由组成be (perfectly) acqua in ted with 了解,熟悉17. be surprised /astonished/amazed/shocked at 对惊讶的be dressed in 穿戴着18. be covered with be surrounded by be based on be set in be crowded with be burdened/loaded with阅读理解解题策略、整体要求1 不要用手指或笔尖指着单词一个一个地读,而是以句子为单位整句整句地读,整句整句的理解其汉语含义。不要求全不理解,至少理解75%-80%及以上,能够做题即可。碰到不会的单词、短语,能通过上下文猜出其大意更好,实在猜不出来,就用this that代替继续往下读,千万不要因为某个不理解的单词或短语影响自己对文章的整篇理解而失分。这是阅读的大忌。2. 文章要整句地读,整段整段的理解,各句之间的联系、各段之间的联系是考题常出现的地方,千万不敢放过。3. 可以先阅读文章后面的设问,再读文章,做到心中有数。4 对于自己不太确定或者是事而非的选项,紧紧抓住设问,以原文为基础,对四个选项进行逐一排除,确 保少失分。5 对文章的整体理解,做题技巧的不断提高、改进,只有自己心理最清楚。6 逐步养成快速(默、朗)读英语的习惯。读完英语,汉语含义立刻就清楚,英汉同步进行阅读。含有 it 的固定句型归纳Take it for gran ted that 想当然以为Bring it to one ' s attention引a起某人注意的是See to it that 务必 /留意Make it a rule that 使成为惯例Owe it to sb. that把归功于Depe nd on it that 指望、依靠 一组意义易混淆结构归纳:1. other than 除以外2. or else 否则的话3. anything but 决不,根本不4. no more than 仅仅 情景交际用语辨析归纳:rather than 而不是or rather 更确切的说 nothing but 仅仅,只有no less than 至少1. How ' that?那是怎么回事?How come? 怎么会,为什么(表惊讶)What for? 为什么?How about.?怎么样?如何?2. not exactly 绝不,根本不、不完全是(纠正对方) not really 真的没有, 真的不能(语气强烈)not in the least 一点也不3. take it easy 别紧张、放松take your time 慢慢来,不着急4. Why not? 为什么不呢? 好啊(表示赞同对方的提议) Why ever? 究竟为什么?(表惊讶)5. So what? 那又怎么样?(反驳对方)What? 为什么?(没听清) / 什么?真的?(表惊讶或愤怒)6. With pleasure 很愿意,非常乐意 My pleasure 不用客气,不用谢7. The same to you. 祝你也如此。Me too. 我也有同样的感受8. Good luck! 祝你好运!9. That ' s very kind of yo谢谢你。(=thank you ) 精品文档Nothi ng of the kin d.决不是那么回事,一点也不。动词+副词+介词 构成的动词短语归纳:add up to加起来总计break away from 脱离、打破、放弃(习惯)catch up with 赶上come up with 提出、想出come down with 患病cut down on 肖U减do away with 废除drop in on/ at顺便拜访某人、某地drop out of 退学、放弃end up with 以结束face up to勇敢面对get away with 逃避处罚get down to 开始认真做go in for 喜欢、从事go ahead with开始,继续keep out of 使不进入hold on to抓住不放,坚持get along with 相处,进展live up to遵守、符合、不辜负look up to 尊重、尊敬look out for 当心watch out for注意、留神stay away from 离开、缺席look back on 回顾make up for 弥补look down on 轻视run out of用完,耗尽put up with 忍受(7)最常见的换词手段:形容词 =of+同根名词黯然低分词闪光高分词very important 重要的of great importa neevery difficult 困难的of great difficultyvery beautiful 美丽的of great beautyvery useful 有用的of great use精品文档very helpful有帮助的of great helpvery harmful 有害的of great harmvery valuable有价值的of great valuevery significant至关重要的of great sig ni fica neevery n ecessary 必要的of great n ecessity【原则三:具体化”单词优先】it记忆小巧门:It句型归纳及固定搭配(2008-11-02 11:03:50)转载标签:教育It句型归纳1. It is + adj. (+ for sb ./sth. ) + to do sth.用于此句型的形容词有:easy,hard, difficult , possible, important, impossible,necessary, good, bad,exciting , interesting , surprising 等。如:It is necessary to change your job .It was very hard for them to walk such a long way in the snow2. It is + n. (+ for sb./ sth. ) + to do sth.用于此句型的名词有:pity, shame, pleasure, one ' s duty,jobefun,joy, good manners, bad manners 等。如:It is a pity for you to have missed such a wonderful play .It is bad manners for the young to take up the seats for the old .3. It is + adj. + of sb.+ to do sth.此句型中的形容词主要描述某人的品德、特征。能用于该句型的形容词有:kind, nice, wise,silly, polite, impolite, frien dly, foolish, clever 等。如:How silly it was of you to give up such a good chanee !It is frien dly of the family to try to make me feel at home in their house .4. It is + adj.(+ n.)+ doing sth .此句型中的形容词和名词常见的有:no/ little use, no / much good, useless等。如:It ' s no use crying over spilt milk5. It takes sb.+段时间+ to do sth.表示 做某事花费某人多长时间”女口:It took us half an hour to ride to the town by the sea .6. It is +及物动词的过去分词+that从句此句型中常见的及物动词的过去分词有:said, told, known, reported, recorded, thought, believed, considered 等。如:It is reported that the Russia n Preside nt will visit China n ext week .7. It +不及物动词+ that从句此句型中不及物动词常见的有:seem,hap pe n, appear,matter等。如:It seems that there will be a heavy snow tomorrow .It happened that I met my good friends in the museum yesterday .精品文档精品文档&强调句型:It is +被强调部分+ that/who从句在使用强调句型时要注意,指人时可以用who或that,其它情况一律用that。如:It was un der the bed that my brother hid the ball this morningIt is Mr Bell who /that often comes and looks after the old man .9. It is / has been+ 段时间+ si nee 从句。如:It is / has been three years since we saw each other last10. It is (high) time that sb . did sth .该句型表示 某人现在该做某事了 ”,从句常用过去时(虚拟语气)说明现在应该做的事情。如:It ' s six o Cloehigh time that we went home now .It的特殊用法(固定搭配)1.make it 做某事2 . man age it成功做某事3.That ' s就是它了4 . Forget it 忘了它吧5.Get it明白了6 . Do you like it here today ? (it 指代天气)7.It ' s worth i值那么多8. I appreciate it if when 精品文档9.'t look like it.Look at the girl on the stage. She is already fifty.You are jok ing. She does nIt is a pity thatit is a won der thatIt is a fact thatit is no won der thatIt is obvious thatit is stra nge thatIt so happe ned that it follows that从而 这样一来It seemed that it appears thatIt appears seems as ifit turned out thatIt occurred to me thatIt was said thatIt is was reported believed announced It doesn ' t matter It doesn ' t need to bothere无须担忧 It makes no differenee 毫无二致三、on eself的搭配make on eself done (un derstood; heard)让另 U人懂、听至U自己的话boast on eself 自夸behave on eself使自己的行为规矩些come to on eself苏醒teach on eself 自学hide on eself 藏起来enjoy on eself 过得很愉快hang on eself 自缢express on eself表达自己的思想make yourself at home 请不要拘束help yourself (to some fish)请随便吃些 bring somebody to himself 使 苏醒过来 精品文档imagi ne on eself (be ing a pilot)设想自己 dress on eself (自己)穿衣服 dry on eself把身上擦干devote on eself to把自己奉献给 seat on eself 坐下=sit dow n= to be seated say to on eself 心理想 talk to on eself 自言自语take care of yourself 请多保重suggest itself to浮现在 的心中be not on eself身体不舒服better on eself改善自己的地位(或经济状况等)by on eself独自for on eself 为自己; 亲自的 beside on eself 失常;发狂 in on eself就其本身而言of on eself自发的between on eself只限你我之间(不外传 )to on eself独自占用或享用四、用于不能直接跟宾语从句的动词后,即V+ it +从句。(表示好恶的动词及短语后)like; dislike; love; enjoy; hate; appreciate; don' t mind ; be fond等。feel like; see toDo you like it here today ?I ' ll appreciate it if you could help me.I take it that you don't agree withnate.it when 1 have to speak in French on the phone.


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