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    根底导练I . Fill in the blanks according to the given tips, using their proper form.1. Let' go there on f, so we can enjoy the sce nery.2. There are several(knife) on the shelf.3. People feel wafter a long ill ness.4. Tom makes his mother abecause he spe nds too much time oncomputer games.5. Fra nee is a wcoun try.6. I don ' t know the (mean) of the new word.7. She made a great(decide) after graduati on.8. Many people lost their(life) in the serious accide nt.9. The baby kept on(cry) un til the mother came back.10. He left the classroom without(say) any thi ng.n . Complete the following sentences.1. What' s the matter with you改为同义句)with you?2. Do you have a fever?作否认答复)3. You should eat something.改为否认句)Youeat.4. I think you have a healthy lifestyle.(改为否认句)Ia healthy lifestyle.5. Having breakfast is important.改写同义句importantbreakfast.6.1 think he is a smart man.改为否认句Ihea smart man.7. Having a healthy lifestyle is very important.改为同义句It is importa nta healthy lifestyle.8. Put your hands in the cold water.改为否认句your hands in the cold water.9. I spend lots of time on my homework.改为同义句I spendtimemy homework.10. I have a sore back.改为一般疑问句并作否认答复have a sore back?能力提升in . Choose the best answer from the given choices.1. What' s the matteryobike?It doesn ' t work.A. of B. with C. to D. about2. There is something wrong with my. I can see you.' tA. eyes B. arms C. ears D. feet3. He said he was a policema n, but n obodyhim.A. believed B. saw C. thought D. found4. The exam is coming. Many stude nts feel.A. relaxed B. thirsty C. stressed D. funny5. did the stomachache start?About one hour ago.A. How B. Why C. When D. Where6. If you ofte n feel un comfortable, youlie dow n and have a rest.A. must B. would C. might D. should7.1 have a bad. I must go to see a den tist.A. headache B. fever C. toothache D. cold8. My gra ndmother is ill in hospital.A. What a pityB. She is un healthyC. That sounds uniuckyD. I ' m sorry to hear that9. This kind of medic ineyou feel better soon.A. stays B. getsC. hopes D. helps10. Nowadays stude nts havehomework. They have no time to playgames.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many tooIV . Choose the best answer according to the short passage.We know good health and happ in ess are importa nt in life. Here aresome ways to make them easy.Eat a bala need diet. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, some grains and a little bit of meat.Exercise twice or three times a week.Get eno ugh sleep. It is best to get eight hours of sleep a day.Keep yourself busy. It stops you from hav ing bad habits. Also, you can work around the house, spe nd time with your pet, do a sport, or do a hobby you enjoy.Go out and make frien ds. Spend time and have fun with them. Talk with them, but you must be sure not to talk about anything bad. You should stay with the people who are healthy and happy themselves.1. ways are men tio ned for keep ing healthy and happy.A. Seve n B. Five C. Four D. Six2. is a bad habit accord ing to the passage.A. Play ing sportsB. Clea ning the houseC. Look ing after your petD. Talk ing about bad things with your friends3. Which of the follow ing is true accord ing to the passage?A. We must exercise every day.B. Sleep ing eight hours every ni ght is eno ugh.C. Keep ing yourself busy is bad for your health.D. We should make frie nds with all kinds of people.AnswersI. 1. foot 2. knives 3. weak 4. angry 5. western 6. meaning 7. decisi on 8. lives 9. crying 10. say ingII . 1. What' s wrong2. No; I don'3rshouldn ' t; anythin. don ' tthink you have 5. It ' s; to haVte don ' t think; is7. to have 8. Don ' t put 9. a lot of; doi ng 10. Do you; No; I don 't皿.1-5 BAACC 6-10 DCDDBIV. 1-3 BDB


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