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    2018年保护环境英语演讲稿-范文精选On a Saturday morning. I went to have breakfast. I felt there was a terrible smell and went over to have a look carefully. I found that there was a big pile of banana skins giving out the smell.Just then a young fellow holding a dustpan rubbish to walk towards here . He raised his hands, The big pile of rubbish was here. At once I went to him and said “Uncle , you cant do like this . These things will rot very soon. Its bad for our health and make the people fall ill.” However ,the man said “Everyone does so ,who falls ill,who will see the doctor.” Looking at this , I remembered another act : There is a stream through our village. Over it there are two bridges .At the age of seven years old , I enjoyed the beautiful scenery under the bridge very much. It was the best place to swim in summer. But now the rubbish was getting more and more .Dish leaves,fruit skins,dead ducks and chickensafter rotting ,not only the mosquitos flew around but also the bad smell made everyone feel quite terrible.Though the stream was cleaned up several times, its still happening now. A lot of plastic bags always float on it .In summmer we have to go far away from the village to swim. What causes this? Who is the devil?Its the human ourselves. I have got to known from a book .The rubbish in the countryside mostly occupies the fields and damages the earths surface .It pollutes soil,wave ,atmosphere and damages our health. The adults often say “The body is capital.” But why are they able to make woollen cloth like this ? Does it affect everybodys safe and sound life ? Schoolmates, we are the host of society tomorrow . Its our duty to improve and build the safe invironment. Safety is in our hands .We must take park in more environmental protection activities, Plant more trees and flowers to make us live in a beautiful home with the blue sky ,blue water and green land forever. Safety is in our hands . Please try your best to tell people around you to deal with the rubbish , and to make a contribution to building our safe hometome. 保护环境英语演讲稿(二) We all know Tagore.This famous Indian poet once said, “Life is given to us, and we earn it by giving it.” As the saying goes, nature is given to us, and we earn it by contributing to it. However, most people nowadays just want to ask for more from the nature. In fact, they do very little contribution to the nature. Therefore, the environment around us is becoming worse and worse. Do you often use batteries? Then do you know it takes 50 times more energy to make them than they produce? And just one simple battery can pollute as much water as a person can drink in his whole life. The facts and figures are amazing. So would you please try to use batteries only when it is necessary? If possible, give the used ones to the recycling companies so that they will be made into new ones and wont be able to pollute the environment any more. Sometimes we become complacent when it comes to recycling, but when you speak in terms of actual facts and figures that everybody can understand, people become much clearer about the problem. We, as school students, can also join in recycling activities to protect the environment. For example, our class set up a recycling center beside the back door, it is very useful. It is used to collect the waste paper and plastic bottles. In the past, our classmates used to throw all of these into the trashcan. At the very beginning of this collecting activity, it was not so warm-welcomed. Later, more and more people were influenced by the others and joined this collecting activity. Gradually, all the students in our class form a good habit to protect the environment. All of us will now put away the reusable things instead of throwing them into the trashcan. We should always remember in our mind that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect. Finally would you please let me end this speech with a little poem, “Be kind to the river. Be good to the trees. Smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze. Be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!” 保护环境英语演讲稿(三) What is nature? It's everything that exists in the world independently of people, such as pants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather. Now more and more people are focusing on the nature. It is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being. No nature, no life. Because of the supplies of the nature, we have lived happily for a long time. And we started to gain every thing available from the nature. And this lasted so long a time. Today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting worse and worse. What is threatening the nature? Air and water pollution, overharvesting of plant and animal species, overpopulation and so on. Overpopulation is the biggest source of pollution. Let's take overpopulation as an example. What does overpopulation feel like? When we move slowly through the city in a tazi. When we enter a crowded slum district. When the temperature is high and when the air is thick with dust and smoke. The streets are crowded with people. The streets seem alive with people. People eating. People washing. People talking. People sleeping. People visiting each other, arguing and screaming. People relieving themselves. People pushing their hands through the taxi windows, begging. People leading animals. People, people, people, people. As we drive slowly through the crowd, sounding the taxi's horn, the dust, heat, noise and cooking fires made it like a scene from hell! I admit, frightening. To the nature, overpopulation is a big problem. More people, more pollution. And the big population is threatening the nature every second. The rapid rise in world population is not creating problems only for the developing countries. The whole world faces the problem that raw materials are being used up at an increasing rate and food production can not keep up with the population increase. People in rich countries make the heaviest demands on the world's resources, its food, fuel and land, and cause the most pollution. A baby born in the United States will use in his lifetime 30 times more of the world's resources than a baby born in India. Unless all the countries of the world take united action to deal with the population explosion there will be more and more people fighting for a share of less and less land, food and fuel, and the future will bring poverty, misery and war to us all. For most of the developing countries, it is a good idea to control the population growth. For example, China has carried out birth control for years. And this plan has a great effect on the world population. 不是因为你相信 “ 学习是苦根上长出来的甜果 ” ,所以你总能坚持着努力学习?经过两年的不懈努力,你已成为全校闻名的好学生。新的学习生活已经在你面前展开,愿你驾驶着装满知识的巨轮,树起理想的风帆,擎着奋斗的指南针,抵达成功的彼岸。 If the population continues to increase, if the air and water continue to be polluted, if we don't do something to protect wild-plant and wildlife species will be declining. Species and biological communities have difficulty adapting to change. Economic opportunities and the quality of life of future generations are also put at risk. By protecting nature, we protect ourselves. 性情泼辣,热情大方的你,让我想到一句歌词: “ 该出手时就出手,风风火火闯九州。 ” 大有巾帼不让须眉的气势。思维活跃,创造力强,对于任何的挑战都能主动出击,把握住每一次机会,虽每一次未必都能成功,但你挫折打不倒你 “ 我永远是最棒的 ” 的信心,你总能调整前进的步伐,不断进取。 Let's unite together, hand in hand we stand all across the land.开放的课程观要求我们充分利用各种课程资源,创造性地使用教材。要注意联系本地区和学生的实际,关注社会中新的信息、学生生活中新的问题和现象,对教科书中提出的问题、预设的活动进行合理的拓展和延伸,及时、合理地调整教学目标,灵活有效地推进教学过程,增强教育的针对性 We can make this world in which to live. Hand in hand. Control the population growth. Take good care of our nature.


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