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    八年级英语原创命题大赛一单选题。1._are you going to be an engineer? Im going to study math really hard.A. How B. Why C. When D .Where2.Tom, will you please _the blackboard now? It is your duty ,OK?A. not clean B. not to clean C. to clean D. clean3.The boy didnt run _to catch the bus.A. fast enough B. enough fast C. quickly enough D. enough quickly4. It was an _soccer game. The soccer fans were very_.A. exciting, exciting B. exciting, excited C. excited, excited D. excited, exciting5. .-_ we keep the room clean enough all the time?-No, you _.A. Must; doesn't have to B. Do; don't have toC. Must; don't have to D. Must; mustn't6 .Alice stopped _TV and started doing her homework.A. watch B. watching C. watched D. to watch7. 7.Its very kind _you _me with my math. A. for, to help B. for, helping C. of, to help D. of, help in8. -Would you like _apple? -No, thanks. A. Other B. another C. others D. the other9.  I wont go to bed until I finish _ the floor.   A. sweep        B. sweeps    C. sweeping         D. swept10.  You must _ yourself and _. A. look for; keep healthy B. look after; stay healthier C. look out; stay healthy D. look after; keep healthy11. . Lucy, I'll give you _.A. something different  B. different something  C. anythingdifferent D different anything12. He speaks English _than any other student in his class. A. better   B. good    C. well    D. best13.  When the teacher came into the classroom, the students _ at once.      A. stopped to talk   B. stopped talking   C. stop to talk   D. stop to talking14.  Its difficult _ this work today.      A. to finish    B.  finish    C. finishing    D. finished15. Youd better _ in the sun. Its bad for your eyes.      A. read not    B. not reading    C. not read    D. dont read二完型填空题。 An interesting thing happened to me last Sunday. It was   16   beautiful that I decided to drive in the country. On my way home, my car stopped. I was out of gasoline (汽油) on a road away from the town. I decided to _17_ along the road until I found someone who could sell me some gasoline. I had walked almost a mile before I finally found a big _18_ near the road. I was _19_ to see it because it was getting dark. I knocked on the door and a small old lady with long white hair answered. She said, “Ive been waiting for you for a long time. Come in, please. I got _20_ ready for you.” “But Ive come here only for some gasoline.” I answered. I didnt know _21_ she was talking about. I didnt understand her. “Oh, Tony! Gasoline? You used to love tea.” I quickly explained that my car was out of gasoline, but she didnt seem to hear me. She just kept calling me Tony and   22   about how long it had been since she had seen me. She was talking so strangely that I was anxious to _23_. As soon as she went to get the tea, I went out of the house as quickly as possible. I was so happy when I saw _24_ house by the road. I was able to get some gasoline. When I told the man about the old lady, he said, “Oh, thats Helen. She lives all by herself in that big house. Shes _25_, but she wouldnt hurt anyone. She is still waiting for the man whom she was going to marry(结婚) twenty-five years ago. The man was named Tony. The day before their wedding(婚礼), he went away and never came back.” I understood!(  ) 16.A.so             B. such            C. very         D. really(  ) 17.A.drive          B. walk           C. ride           D. climb (  ) 18.A. house       B. tree             C. hospital       D. car(  ) 19.A.sad           B. angry           C. pleased         D. surprised(  ) 20.A. gasoline      B. milk            C. tea            D. water(  ) 21.A.that          B. who              C. when          D. what(  ) 22.A. talk              B. to talk          C. talking            D. talked (  ) 23.A.stay          B. leave             C. sit down      D. have a rest(  ) 24.A.others        B. the other        C. else           D. another(  ) 25.A. kind         B. warm-hearted    C. strange     D. friendly三阅读理解(A)John was born in New York. He lived there with his parents for over ten years. Last year his father came to work in Beijing.      China is quite different from America, and Beijing is far away from New York. So John wanted to know what kind of life the Chinese people were living. He often wrote to his father to ask some questions about China.      Last month John and his mother came to China. How happy he was! Now John has some Chinese lessons every day. We all know that Chinese is different from English. It's not easy for an American boy to learn it well. But John is interested in it and works very hard. For the first time John walked in Chang' an Avenue with his mother yesterday, he found so many people in the street. Most of them were very kind to him. He tried to ask some questions in Chinese. They answered his questions kindly. But sometimes some of them couldn't understand him.      When John came back to school, he told his friends that some Chinese people couldn't understand his Chinese. They said to him, “A lot of Chinese are studying English now. Why didn't you ask them in English?”()26. John's family lived in the city of New York for_.              A. less than ten years B. more than ten years              C. few years D. only a few years()27. It's _ for John to learn Chinese well.              A. easy     B. not easy     C. interesting     D. unhappy()28. John's father works in _ now.              A. New York     B. America     C. Beijing     D. Shanghai()29. When John was walking in Chang'an Avenue with his mother, he wanted to _.              A. ask some questions in English B. ask some questions in Chinese              C. ask the way               D. speak English to others()30. Jack's friends told him _.              A. Chinese can't speak English now              B. many Chinese are studying English              C. only a few people in China can speak English              D. no Chinese speak English( B)People eat different things in different parts of the world. In south China we eat rice every day. Sometimes we eat it two or three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and supper. We usually eat it with fish, meat and vegetable.The Japanese eat rice, too. They also eat a lot of fish. They sometimes eat raw(生的)fish. In Africa,  maize(玉米)is the most important food. People there make maize into flour(面粉).From this flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes. In western(西方的)countries such as Britain, Australia and the U.S.A, the most important food is bread or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from wheat flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food at home, but usually they buy it at the shop. They eat this food at home, in their work place, in the park or on the road. People call it "take-away" food.(  ) 31. This passage is about _.    A. food  B. drink  C. clothes   D. ways of life(  ) 32. Who sometimes eat fish when it isn't cooked?    A. People in China        B. People in Japan      C. People in Africa        D. People in Britain(  ) 33. The most important food for African people is _.    A. rice  B. fish  C. vegetable  D. maize(  ) 34. Which of the following countries is called " a western country"?    A. One of the countries in Africa  B. Japan   C. China   D. Australia(  ) 35. People eat "take-away" food _.    A. at home   B. on their way to school   C. in their offices D. A、B and C(C)Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying (谚语). It means that we should go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. If we do, we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever. Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. Children of your age need ten hours sleep every night. If you go to bed late, you cant have enough sleep. Then you cant think carefully and your homework will be wrong. You will not be wise and you may not become wealthy!Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We should sleep at night when it is dark. The dark helps us sleep well. When the daylight comes, we should get up. This is the time for exercise. If the body is not used, it will become weak. Exercise keeps it strong. Exercise helps the blood (血液) to move around inside the body. Blood takes nutrition (营养) to all parts of our bodies. The brains (大脑) in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and take exercise, we can think better!Our bodies also need air to breathe (呼吸). Without air we will die. Get up early in the morning and we can have plenty of clean, fresh air. That will keep us healthy and happy. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )36. The old English saying tells us _. A. how to make more moneyB. when we should get upC. it is important to go to bed and get up earlyD. to stay up late( )37. A child needs at least _ hours sleep every night. A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 10( )38. If you want to make your body strong, you should _. A. exercise oftenB. have enough sleepC. go to bed earlyD. get up early( )39. _ provides nutrition for our brains. A. AirB. BloodC. ExerciseD. Sleep( )40. Which of the following statements is Not true?A. Enough sleep makes you think carefully. B. The more sleep you have, the cleverer you are. C. Dark is good for sleeping. D. People will die without air. (D)The giraffe is the tallest modern land animal. It can be over 5. 5 meters tall. Its neck alone may be 1. 9 meters long. Yet the giraffe has only seven bones in its neck, the same number as in the humans. Even a small bird has many more bones in its neck than a tall giraffe. Each bone in a giraffes neck is very long, while the bones in a humans neck are short. That makes the difference. A female giraffe gives birth to one baby at a time. The baby, called a calf, is about 1. 9 meters tall at birth. By the age of eight it is full-grown. The giraffe eats mostly leaves. Because it has a long neck, it can reach the high leaves on the trees. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )41. In this passage the underlined word giraffe means _. A. 鲸鱼B. 长颈鹿C. 大象D. 河马( )42. The bones in a birds neck are _. A. as big as in a humans neckB. as big as in a giraffes neckC. many more than in a humans neckD. much smaller than in a giraffes neck( )43. Which of the following is TRUE?A. A giraffe has only seven bones. B. The giraffe is the largest animal on the land. C. It takes eight years for a giraffe to grow up. D. Most of the leaves on the trees are eaten up by giraffes. ( )44. When a giraffe is born, it is about _. A. 5. 5 meters longB. 5. 5 meters tallC. 1. 9 meters longD. 1. 9 meters tall( )45. We can guess when a giraffe sees a tiger _. A. it will run away as fast as possibleB. it will run to eat the tigerC. it will make the tiger bring it something to eatD. it will make one of the smallest animals bring the tiger something to eat四 词语运用。 have study happy leave coffee message on must nest arrive go she Catherine was a famous writer of childrens stories. She lived in a fine old house in a small town near London. Often she worked at home, in her quiet _46_. Long before her books became popular, she had tried to teach _47_ how to use a computer. And now she typed all her stories on her computer. But sometimes she had to _48_ the house to get some books from the library or have a meeting. She didnt like being away because she was worried about burglar. So she was very careful. Just before leaving, she always put a full cup of coffee on the writing desk, and left the radio playing to make a burglar think someone _49_ be at home.One day she came back after a day out, and found that there was something different in her house. There was only a little _50_ left in the cup, and the radio was off. But when she looked at her computer, she saw it was _51_, and someone had typed in a new story. She had no idea who had got in, or how, because none of the doors or windows was broken. Then she sat down to read the story. To her surprise, it was a very good one. “Ill use it in my _52_ book!” she said _53_.The next month she had to go to London. She put a cup pf coffee and a plate of sandwiches on the desk. When she returned, the coffee and the sandwiches had _54_. She ran to the computer. This time there was only a _55_ on the screen. “ITS NOT YOUR STORY. ITS MINE!” it said.46._ 47. _ 48. _ 49._ 50. _51._ 52. _ 53. _ 54._ 55. _五 补全对话A woman ( W ) is not feeling very well. She comes to see the doctor ( D ).D:_56_?W:I feel very weak. I can hardly do any work, doctor.D:_57_?W:A month ago.D:Do you have a headache?W:No I dont.D:_58_?W:Yes, I sleep very well.D:_59_?W:No, I dont. and I have a little food for lunch because I want to keep thin.D:Oh, _60_. You need to take more food and do some exercise every day. You can be better soon.六 作文。校车问题引起了社会各界的广泛关注,你班根据问题展开了讨论,请你根据讨论结果草拟有关坐校车的一些规定,要点如下:1. 乘坐校车不要迟到;2. 上下校车是一定要排队等候;3. 不要对司机讲话,坐校车一定要保持安静,不要在车上追逐、打闹;4. 不要把头或手伸出窗外;5. 一旦发生意外,一定要保持冷静,听从司机建议或拨打110C.企业业务流程重组D.划分子系统参考答案贷:其他应付款 500一 单项选择 15 ADCBC 610 BCBCD 1115 AABAC8、数据报服务是网络层向_层提供的,它是一种面向无连接的网络服务。二完形填空 1620 ABACC 2125 DCBDC答题要点:羊水栓塞、胎盘组织细胞入血,激活内外源性凝血系统。孕妇血液处于高凝状态。病人有出血、休克、脏器功能障碍、贫血。三阅读理解 2630 BBCBB 3135 ABDDD 3640 CDBBB 不计入其他综合收益项目,该三个项目计入资本公积的金额,最终都直接转入股本(资本)溢价中,未形成收益。4145 BCADA9严重酮症酸中毒患者,可存在单核吞噬细胞系统功能封闭。( )四词语应用 46 nest 47 herself 48 leave 49 must 50 coffee 51 on 52 study 53 happily 54 gone 55 message1、管理信息系统是一个以人为主导,利用计算机硬件、软件、网络通信设备以及其他办公设备,进行信息的收集、传输、加工、储存、更新和维护,以企业战略竞优、提高效益和效率为目的,支持企业高层决策、中层控制、基层运作的集成化人-机系统。五补全对话 56 How do you feel? 57 How long have you been like this?9下列各项关于甲公司上述交易或事项会计处理的表述中,正确的是( ) 58 Do you sleep well?调整分录:


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