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    新概念英语第一册_第111-112课 Alan.docx

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    新概念英语第一册_第111-112课 Alan.docx

    新概念英语第一册_第111-112课 Alan Lesson 111 The most expensive model. Daily EnglishTake it easy. 别急。/慢慢来。 Free talkHave you ever bought things by yourself? What did you buy? How did you bargain? Key words expressionsmodel 'm d l n. 1)型号,样式, This phone is the latest model. 这部手机是最新型的 2)模型 model plane飞机模型 留意,把model放在名词前面 3)模范,榜样 He is a model of diligence. 他是勤奋的榜样 4)模特儿 a fashion model 时装模特 That s too expensive for us . We cant afford all that money . 一般用于否定句或 一般疑问句中。 deposit di'p zit n. 1) 预付定金,押金,保证金(通常以单数的形式 表示) Make a deposit of 500 yuan on a new camera. 为买新的照相机付500块的定金。 2) 存款 instalment n. 分期付款,按揭 When is these installment payment going end? 这些分期付款什么时候才能缴完? Can I pay by installment payment? 我可以分期付款吗? price prais n. 1)价格,prices表示物价的意思 The prices of vegetables are going up. 蔬菜的价格正在上涨。 表示price 价格的高,低时,用形容词high,low The price of watch is very low at that shop. 那家店的手表很廉价。 询问价钱时,price与what连用, What is the price of this watch? 这手表多少钱? =How much is the watch? How much is the price of(错误) Key words expressions millionaire ,milj 'n n.百万富翁 millionairess 女百万富翁 亿万富翁 billionair 贫民窟的百万富翁 (Slumdog Millionaire) Key words expressions instalment in'st :lm nt n.1)分期付款,分期摊付的钱 以分期付款的方式 in/by/on instalment He paid for the car in instalment. 他以分期付款的方式买那辆车。 2)(连载刊物的)一回 最终一期 the final instalment 百 千 万 十万 百万 千万 亿 十亿 Hundred Thousand Ten thousand One hundred thousand Million Ten million One hundred million billion Language points1.How much does it cost? Cost表示花费时间,金钱,主语一般是物 This book cost me 10 yuan. 这本书我花了10美元。 Spend 花时间,金钱,主语一般是人 Spend (money)on sth. 在方面花钱 She spent much money on the clothes. 她花许多钱在衣服上。 Spend (time) in doing sth 花时间做某事 I spent a lot of time in reading. 我花许多时间读书。 Language points2. It's the most expensive model in the shop. It costs five hundred pounds. expensive 形容词,昂贵的,多音节词, 比较级和最高级要用more 和 most five hundred pounds hundred 有具体数字在前面,不用复数 pounds 复数形式 more/less expensive the most/least expensive two hundred student s hundreds of students Language points 3. This model's less expensive than that one. cheaper Language points4. That's too expensive for us. We can't afford all that money.afford,动词,付得起,一般用于否定句和疑 问句中, cant afford 负担不起 He cant afford so much money for a house. 他负担不起买这座房子的这么多钱。 Can you afford a car? 你买得起一辆轿车吗? Language points5. But, of course, it's not as good as the expensive one. as good as 和一样好 asas 和一样 Your brother is as tall as I am. 你的哥哥和我一样高。 Not as/soas 不如怎么样 这辆车没有那辆车新。 This car is not as new as that one. Grammar形容词与副词都有三个等级,原级,比较级, 最高级。 原级比较:as as Bill is as fat as Tom . Bill和Tom一样胖。 He runs as fast as you. 他和你跑得一样快。 在as as 中间用法的形容词和副词肯定要用 原级. 否定用not as as Language points6. The other model's more expensive, but it's worth the money. the other 是指两者中的另外一个 I have two sisters:one is tall;the other is short. 我有两个姐姐,一个高,一个矮。 be worth 值钱 This book is worth 50 yuan. 这本书值50元。 Language points7. Can we buy it on instalments? buy on instalments 以分期付款的方式购买 Why dont you buy this house on instalments? 你为什么不以分期付款的方式购买这座房子呢? Exercises1. Of all the students in our class, she is . A. most careful B. careful C. more careful D. the most careful 2. The snow storm which hit this area last night was _ in recent years. A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest D. the heaviest 3. Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as as the nurses. A. much B. many C. more D. most 4.All of us are proud of the progress hes made during the past few years. -Yes, were sure he will be even. A. successful B. more successful C. most successful D. successfully 留意:(1)形容词最高级前通常必需 用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。 例句: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. Homework 1. 听录音Lesson109-113 2. 完成Lesson112练. 3. 背诵Lesson111


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