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    Unit2We'regoingtocheertheplayers. (4).ppt

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    Unit2We'regoingtocheertheplayers. (4).ppt

    ,Were going to cheer the players.,Making plans,Unit 2,Hefei Sunshine Middle School Yang Lili,Pair work, What are you going to do this afternoon/this evening / this weekend?I am going to ,What is Gogo going to do?,Guess,Lets play a game.,Pre-reading:,fan,Were going to cheer the players.,Making plans,Unit 2,Words and expressions,/fwd/fn /t/t/ple/hp/,面向未来的;向前,forward,迷,支持者 n.,fan,球衣,衬衫 n.,shirt,为喝彩 v.,cheer,运动员 n.,player,look fordward to,盼望,交朋友,make friends,希望 v.,hope,Words and expressions,/wIn/maIself /djrI/meI/leIt/wk/,赢,获胜 V.,win (won/),我自己 pron.,myself,在期间 pron.,during,五月 n.,May,迟,晚 adj.&adv.,late,enjoy oneself,过得愉快,步行,走 n.,walk,May Day,五一劳动节,talk a walk,散步,Words and expressions,/kntrI/seknd/lIt /fn /kmp/streIlin/saItsiI/bit /,乡下; 乡村 n.,country,第二 n.,second,娱乐,乐趣 n.,fun,营地,帐篷 n.,camp,澳大利亚的 adj.,Australian,垃圾 v.,litter,观光,游览 n.,sightseeing,summer holiday,暑假,go sightseeing,观光,海滩,beach,Shes going to collect litter in the park.,Theyre going to go swimming.,Im going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia.,Theyre going to watch the football match.,Theyre going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach.,Try to match the people with the pictures.,Try to match the people with the pictures.,A,C,B,2. check() what theyre going to do.,A Im looking forward to the football match tomorrow. My friends and I are going to watch our favourite team. Were going to meet other fans, and make some new friends. Were all going to wear the team shirt, and were going to cheer the players. I hope they win the match! Martin,What are you going to do?,Read Passage A carefully and answer some questions.,What is he looking forward to tomorrow?2.What is he going to do?,He is looking forward to the football match.,He is going to watch his favourite team with his friends. Theyre going to meet other fans, wear the team shirt, and cheer the players.,B Im going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday. On the morning of 1st May, Im going to get up late and then read a book. In the afternoon Im going out with my family and friends. Were going to take a walk in the country or go swimming. And on 2nd May were going to collect litter in the park near my friends house. Its going to be a great holidaybusy but good fun! Zhang Sijia,take a walk in the country or go swimming,go out with her family and friends,get up late and then read a book,Read Passage B carefully and fill in the form.,collect litter in the park,CUsually I spend the summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be very different because Im going on a summer camp in Sydney Australia. Im going to stay with an Australian family and speak English. Were also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach. Lucy,1. Lucy spends the summer holiday at home every year. ( )2. Lucy is going on a summer camp in New York City. ( )3.Lucy is going to lie on the beach. ( )4.Lucy is going to live at her friends home. ( ),F,F,T,F,Read Passage C carefully and say T or F.,1. When is Martin going to watch a football match?,2.What does Martin hope?,3.Why is it going to be a busy holiday for Zhang Sijia?,Tomorrow.,He hopes his team will win the match.,Read the passages again and then ask and answer in pairs.,Because shes going to do a lot of things during the holiday.,4. Why is this summer holiday going to be different for Lucy?,5. Who is Lucy going to stay with?,Because usually she spends the summer holiday at home, but this year shes going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia.,She is going to stay with an Australian family.,Retell :What are you going to do ?,Martin: the football match. (tomorrow) watch our favourite team . meet other fans , make some new friends. wear the team shirt , cheer the players .Zhang Sijia: get up late , read a book .(the May Day holiday) go out with talk a walk or go swimming . collect litter Lucy: go on a summer camp in Sydney .(the summer holiday ) stay with an Australia family and speak ,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,Australian beach camp cheer collect during forward fun hope litter player sightseeing something swimming win,Martin and his friends are going to watch their favourite football team play and _ the _. Its going to be great _ and they _ their team gets the best score and _ the match. Zhang Sijia is going to do something with her family and friends on May Day. Theyre going to take a walk or go _ . Theres a lot of _ in the park, and on 2nd May, theyre going to _ it. _ her summer holiday, Lucy is going to a summer _ and is going to stay with a(n)_ family. Theyre going to the _ and are going _. Shes really looking _ to her holiday in Australia.,“What are you looking forward to?”“What are you going to do ?” “Why?”,May Day is coming.,Make a survey!,Im looking forward to Im going to because ,Report:,Interview your friends.,Homework:,Write about your plans of May Day holiday.,Life is interesting , isnt it?BYE!,


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