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    外文翻译望起重机创新设计展大连科技学院2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译Crane innovative design Prospects1 OutlineWith the new century, new patterns of global industry changes and the level of Chinsfs rapid development of industnal technology, Innovative design has drawn increasing attention to institutions and enterprises. Crane also extremely active market in recent years up to the crane design, no doubt brought a higher level of development requirements, crane Innovative design has become the most important enterprises to improve competitiveness means and ways.With the rapid development of modern computer control technology to make comprehensive consideration of the design of crane control system reliability, operation comfort, organization and structure, there have been generalized optimization demands a higher level, Cranes must be designed so the conventional design from the original model come out with new ideas, new principles, new methods, new technologies and new techniques to design new products to adapt to new situations, creative design issues have been placed in real designers in front of the crane.Crane innovative design theories, methods and tools are based on modern design theory and method, applied micro-electronics, information, management and other modern scientific techniques to improve product quality, customer satisfaction, price and style, improve product features, shorten product development cycle for the purpose of the relevant work clone. Crane innovation theory, method and technology research aim is special equipment from the crane as required by the work of security and reliability objective, in particular technical, economic constraints the complete lifting of the innovative creative design, to the delivery and performance requirements to meet the users premise to achieve the best mix of technical and economic.According to reality and development, design means more and more reflect the precision, automation, virtualization and fast characteristics. Modern crane products are toward the mechanical and electrical integration integration,modular individualized direction. Automatic detection, automatic data processing (Operations, determine, storage, memory), automatic display, automatic control, fault diagnosis and automatic protection and maintenance functions are a large number of applications. Therefore, product innovation crane design to reduce design costs, increase design speed, shorten the design cycle for the aims,including reducing the cost of design, reliability2大连科技学院2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译design, rapid design, concurrent design, simulation and virtual design, intelligent design, generalized optimal design of modern design technology At the same time highly Integrated design for modern cranes significant trend. With advanced technology and good design can be cost-effective crane is mechanical, electrical designers, manufacturing engineers, management marketings personnel and workers, accountants, patent lawyers together, the collective wisdom and trends.The following points are the innovative design direction of crane:(1) Integrated with the components, agencies concise, structured fully optimized machine design;(2) To meet the specific requirements of individual users personalized design;(3) Diversity and low cost to meet market requirements with new technologies, new crane series features modular design;(4) Self-analysis, self-adjusting, self-correction, intelligent operation of automatic, semi-automatic operation of the form of a high degree of mechanical and electrical integration of the crane design;(5) The introduction of new high-precision weighing sensor technology and positioning systems crane design;(6) The design and the corresponding high-speed crane anti-sway, accurate alignment of the technology;(7) Expert system with parametric design of the rapid response;(8) Immediate response based oil the cost economics of DFC (Design For Cost) design;(9) Very short delivery time requirements parallel design and concurrent engineering design;(10) Product life cycle based on the convenience of maintenance and repair of the design and maintenance-free design;(11) Large single complex product design and dynamic simulation of virtual realization;(12) The generalized optimization design;(13) Crane dynamic (fatigue life analysis of) the extensive application of research results.Truly innovative design is the design of the various methods and techniques of organic composition and utilization. Design work has never been isolated, the resulting technical and management related issues: From the PDM, CAPP, ERP, PLM to the whole process of CRM management of closed-loop feedback; From design, engineering, production, installation, commissioning and operation of the whole process of information management; Enterprise collaborative design and manufacturing of MVPN research; based on CPC and MVPN the rapid design and manufacture of integrated systems; are a large number of patented technology and intellectual property protection.2 Status and development trend of domestic and foreignFor decades after World War II, the major advanced industrial countries have begun to pay attention to the design of the study, the level of crane design technology also developed rapidly. United Kingdom from 6(Fs,on national policies and financial resources to support the development and promotion of innovative design; Germany proposed design is science, to design the development of science has reached a considerable scale; The United States set up the Planning Board Japan also attaches great importance to the development of design technology will be designed as a technical, economic, aesthetic, and the overall integration of ergonomics, and strongly promote and adopt new technologies. In short, the economic and technical design of the developed countries and a lot more attention to innovative design, making the mechanical and electrical products, including lifting the product design, safety and reliability, technical and economic aspects of such rapid changes occur more and more design increasing levels.The development of China's crane design has gone through a tortuous process. More than before the design is based oil imitation of the Soviet Union mainly, with the designer experience,a great product design limitations. From the 60,s,started a new product development and design of new components and experimental research, to make the design experience from design imitation and gradually to experimental research and analysis phase. To 80 years, BaoGang and some very large companies with foreign crane and with the introduction of foreign Joint design, manufacturings and other forms of domestic adoption, begin in the country to introduce a number of international advanced technology and design. The same time, computer application technology into design, design work on the crane played an important role in promoting development.However, our crane design are still many problems, primarily the design of most small and medium analysis is not enough, low capital investment, personnel training, keep up with development needs, has not formed to develop new products or old products, design and ability to cope with the introduction of advanced technologies and products, not from a design perspective digestion, and no ability to re-innovation. Designers do not form a reasonable echelon; the product is still the same kind for several decades, so far, the copy from the mode of existence, not their intellectual property, only the contract brought in to cope with low price. A few large enterprises in the innovative design of rapid development, the domestic design capability and level of cranes and the advanced design phase to shorten the distance. These enterprises have a large number of new computer technology, already popular two-dimensional CAD, 3D design has been extended. ED and other electrical design using advanced design tools, the introduction of the stator voltage regulation and frequency control, PLC system control involved using a large number of high-tech sensing devices, to achieve a positioning accuracy, easy operation, is also gradually increase its security and reliability. Through the application of expert systems, greatly advanced the process of innovative design and use of system theory and information theory and other modern computer application technology research results and have made innovative design crane began to intelligence direction.2.1 Reduce design, procurement and production costsDomestic and foreign experts on the cost estimates and methods to reduce costs a lot of research, some enterprises in program design, and quotation system such as the work of the results achieved to some extent. German scholars of the cost structure and classification, with the relative costs of different design concept to realize the contrast between the evaluation z At the same time using the design methodology and design of cost control features of cost and design features of the transformation between the proposed objectives of cost accounting of user-oriented; American scholar (the quotation of prices in the face) on the existing or produced products for return of the survey results, the establishment of a cost model; Japan,Switzerland, the United Kingdom and other scholars have estimated the cost of the manufacturing stage had more of. However, research funding and manpower shortage, workload and difficult reasons, progress has remained slow. Many scholars country on this subject for several years of research, DFC and DTC proposed research model, completed the comprehensive analysis and comparison of the single series of crane design standards and design objectives of the cost of comprehensive evaluation system. But the data acciimulated amount is less, less practical scope. Can be seen from the above, the design of the product cost reduction has also been a long time to stay in the local phase of the analysis and calculation, has not yet put it into the design process through the integration of CAD system, and did not introduce the concept of product life cycle , resulting in mostly qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis is based on a small number of limited data, based on statistical analysis, Therefore, the establishment of the whole process designed especially to support the initial design phase of the program and the cost of the overall structure of the information model has been the key to achieving low-cost design and the urgent need to address the problem.2.2 Innovative design of the Rapid ResponseTokyo International Conference in 1992 formally proposed concurrent engineering technology, developed as the basis to reduce the design period of rapid design techniques (RDT),Current international design in parallel for rapid design, rapid prototyping, serialization modular technology and the development of virtual manufacturing technologies are relatively fast, but crane industry has not been large-scale popularization and application.2.3 Simulation and Virtual DesignStudy abroad are more active, the simulation of mechanical product design modeling, including the current most widely used finite element method (FEM), finite difference method. Simulation technology is increasingly widely used, so that it can overcome the physical space and time constraints. Digital prototype simulation designed crane products on large and complex program evaluation; review of agency action principle, the structure interference check is of great practical significance. At the same time in the computer virtual reality system (VRS) in the virtual design environment (VD) for technical studies also began to receive attention.2.4 Intelligent designThe major industrial countries are from traditional CAD technology continues to intelligent CAD (ICAD) and the direction of man-machine intelligent design system, electrical control system from the analysis, self-adjusting, self-correction intelligent level increased, which make cranes the whole process of design and use of automation and intelligence can be achieved.2.5 Optimal Design of GeneralizedHome about numerical optimization techniques applied to engineering design early 70s, and the current discrete and random variable optimization structural optimization, intelligent optimization,optimization modeling and optimization of complex systems research methodology has been made in the fields of theory and a considerable level of application of the results, But extended to the forward modeling, processing model, backward extended to the whole process of optimization results show that lack of research in-depth and comprehensive, and there is a certain gap between the major industrial countries. China crane design parameters on the sensitivity analysis and optimization of the specific application of generalized also achieved initial success.3 Objectives and key content and direction3.1 TargetResearch and product innovation to grasp the theory and method, and applied to a number of focused product design, improve product design capability and level of integrated, so that crane products in the product quality, price, delivery and function of type (shape color) and so on to meet the evolving needs of users, in the fierce market competition take more share.3.2 Main contents3.2.1 Innovative design techniquesType carried out on the crane drive innovation, structures and functions of innovation theory and technology innovation base in theoretical research, we analyze the new material, new techniques, new gear, and thus through the optimization of different design, decomposition and combination to produce a new design, has introduced a new innovative design results transmission.322 Cost designIn the product design process cost-oriented design techniques and technologies in parallel cost estimate is critical to product cost reduction. The focus is to study the cost structure analysis and value engineering analysis techniques, and the need to construct a variety of specific design knowledge base and cost data to accurately estimate the cost of paralleL Immediate response to achieve product cost through design adjustments to control the product design stage to achieve the true cost of implementation. Innovation does not always equal to the higher costs to the invention with new components, use standard components, and even standard parts and purchased parts also can be combined into a new product, which is an innovation.323 Rapid Design TechnologyMarket demand for very short delivery time requirement to carry out web-based collaboration (offsite) design, concurrent engineering technology, this can shorten the product development cycle. Among them, the series modular design, artificial intelligence, product design expert system technology and virtual manufacturing technology is designed to be fast an importan


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