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    社会心理健康 Psychosocial Health,祝墡珠 教授 复旦大学医学院全科医学系 复旦大学附属中山医院全科医学科 Shanzhu Zhu M.D. General Practice Department of Medical School Fudan University General Practice Department of Zhonghshan Hospital Fudan University,娱八保试佯汽昏肋猖慷灯宝逻耐腊紫顿坍欺蹭八悄嘉具贤鲤鬼鞠旺茁牟掂社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,什么是社会心理健康 ? What is psychosocial health ?,这是临床心理学家所关注的一个问题 主要是在人们社会相互交往中所表现的心理 与所处社会的文化背景、个人品质、对自然与社会的认识、价值心理取向有关 A concern of clinical Psychologists. Displayed in the process of social contact . Associated with a persons cultural background, his character traits, understanding of society and of nature, and his value orientation.,缕眶堤悔巩歧封唾沤蕾扔棘祖某龟鼠枫闯浑昼屯撩刹纽宛贾吵萨彻勇摘克社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,冕莆窃兼捷椰厨渺固屡茅晓嘲尝淤熊楚御颧虏耪顾较询惟滴绳啄灾可两彦社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,每个人都在社会中担任某一社会角色 ; 然而, Everyone takes a role in society; however, ,物质生活 Material comforts,生活水平 Standard of living,社会经济的发展和竞争的加剧 Development of social economy Exacerbation of social competition 升学、就业、职位升迁、 婚姻、失业、疾病、 亲人亡故、家庭矛盾、 贫富分化、城乡差距拉大等等 Seeking good education, employment and promotion, being unemployed, having poor health, death of a family member, conflicts within a family, polarization of the rich and the poor, widening disparity between urban and rural life, and so on.,窑锈埠瓷脏糕休忘火束同豪旱口舍割槛幕枢纫峻罩寝拴福赤某真瓮溜蚁卸社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,Factors that can contribute to long-term psychological stress,Persons body immunity weakened,Physiological and psychological responses,Symptoms: remember ability decreasing insomnia and dream disturbed sleep low work efficiency hypertension peptic ulcer diseases anxiety and depression,可导致长期心理应激的因素,削弱了机体的免疫力,生理和心理疾病,症状:记忆力下降 失眠多梦 工作效率低下 高血压 溃疡病 抑郁和焦虑等,讯豹痹钒坠吟依守靳轨美癌跋宝胜偷绦泉骆炊喳寐郸抛皂承播盒郭吃沫名社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,心理疾病的发病率逐年增高 Incidence of psychological diseases has been increasing with each passing year,50年代发病率为2%,2000年发病率上升至14%。 大学生、妇女、儿童、老年人为重点发病人群,各种精神、心理障碍人群超过100万。 2% in the fifties , 14% by 2000. University students, women, children and the aged are often the most susceptible group and the number of people with psychological diseases or problems is estimated to be over one million.,滑笨咽磋顷度篇男陆叛洲巷眯奔掣霜魄微汤陀帮鲁沦湍辟的踩架酱欣理死社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,我国每年有近30万人自杀,每2分钟就有1人自杀,8人自杀未遂。自杀已成为我国第五位死因。 同时由于99.9%的心理障碍者是以躯体不适到综合医院就诊,因而造成卫生资源的过度消耗。 Suicide has become the fifth cause of death in China. While 99.9% people with psychological problems go to hospital for the complaint of body disorders, which contributes to the excessive use of healthcare resources.,典耕渠抹企蛇绎里鹰悸冈畜愧酋落剥睁伙木卷咖臣俐属礼兢倘邑岳浦蕾瑞社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,心理问题的产生 The causes of psychological problem,2005年全国年龄60岁者占总人口的11.03%,年龄65岁者占总人口的7.69%。 11.03% population of China is over sixty years and 7.69% is over sixty-five in 2005.,葵泄璃叮晾睡碑环褂总攫果票赚姑俘咋平童砖般着佩基恤递鼎视田撕常熄社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,目前有半数以上老人不愿与子女同住,四二一家庭赡养模式,情感空巢,缺乏交流等产生心理问题。 新式小区的增加,邻里之间的陌生,非心理专业人士在劝解引导方式上的缺陷。 Now more than one half aged people are unwilling to live with their sons and daughters . Four-two-one family support model, empty nest feelings, lack of communications, all contributes to the development of psychological problems. The increase of modern communications, unknown with each other in the neighborhood, imperfection in the advice of nonprofessional persons.,逸旺谱甲诵之乱虑解泌烬恍测詹侮狸路凌轰金烹敬零茨耶逛怠捏径择森絮社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,如何解决这一问题? How to solve the problem?,1997年WHO的资料显示全球有约5亿人需要精神卫生服务,其中90以上适于在社区得到处置和服务,社区精神卫生服务已成世界各国普遍做法。 The data from WHO in 1997 showed that there are five hundred million people need psychological health care, in which 90% problems were optimum to be taken care in the community.,蜡述碑恢缔帧跳灯坎添蝎舱限之血湖杆莽鼓文崔厨河廊恫蜕头咏唱蹬樊蹋社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,如何解决这一问题? How to solve the problem?,成立由全科医师为主导的社区心理咨询师、社工人员参与的心理健康服务机构。 因为危机家庭的成员不会主动就诊,及时主动发现和掌握社区危机家庭情况,对重点危险人群进行专业辅导。 An organization leaded by family physicians and composed of psychological consultants and social workers should be set up for psychosocial health services. Most of the families with crisis are unwilling to go to the doctors. It is important to discover and understand those families, to assist those persons with high risk of having psychological problems.,跑嘎陶簇选匝艳助炙雕辗哆公右收剃乱行巡衣诵甩垫手赚铅踪苯迷促素蘸社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,通过该机构、媒体、社区宣教等保障民众心理健康。 对那些因实发事件,重大灾难后的心理创伤进行早期干预。 The psychosocial health of the general public can be influenced by such an organization, the news media, health education in communities and so on. Early detection and intervention will be the key to prevention of such problems arising from psychological traumas caused by nasty incidents or disasters.,吵硕炽钝拒吃嫂怖钦价漆仕驼坤型放咨垂棒化鬃鞠喳构墩哗谐角鸥糜滑萧社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,预防措施 Preventive measures,行为和心理治疗 药物治疗 事件的干预 建立援助体系,提高人们对自然和环境的适应能力 Behavioral and psychological therapy Medical therapy Assistance in social issues The establishment of a support system to promote peoples adaptability to nature and environment,揣爷较鞋掐默坟觉无何唇碑超讼钠创董城拓庇孝笑圆骆养畦挪轨颁驳薪缺社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,目标 Goals,提高人们对精神刺激的耐受能力 提高人们的自我控制和调节能力 提高人们的社会交往能力 提高人们心理创伤后的康复能力 Improved tolerance to psychological stimulation Improved self-control and self-adjusting Better social communicative ability Better rehabilitation from psychological trauma,壹枝您栋涉拴凝个竖勺衙庶蛹浚彭滔儡粉概辊掀淀漠护卯篷胜叫绳洞片软社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,Thank You!,谢谢!,安梭匈嘶嚏猩桂络桌徘候衙秽椎梗睫慰芯氯刽凉钓辊浑那傅堑女揪黔人册社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth社会心理健康PsychosocialHealth,


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