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    第7章 目标市场战略一、概念题1. 判断1)依据消费者对商品的同质需求和异质需求,可以把市场分为同质市场和异质市场_2)消费者需求和购买行为的差异性和同类性,是市场细分的主要依据_3)市场需求潜量分析只需要静态考虑细分市场的规模_4)产品专业化是指公司专门满足某一类顾客群体的需求,为这些顾客提供所需要的多种产品或服务_5)现代市场营销学中所描述的定位包括产品定位、品牌定位和企业定位_6)企业定位,产品定位和竞争性定位分别有不同的含义_7) A segmentation scheme must produce segments that meet four criteria to be considered useful. These four criteria are substantiality, identifiability and measurability, accessibility; and responsiveness 8) Geography, psychographics, and benefits sought are examples of possible segmentation variables used by marketers 9) Market specialization is one of target market strategies 10) Differentiated marketing can meet customers need better 11) Positioning is nothing to do with product differentiation 12) Product differentiation is the base of Positioning 2. 选择(可多选)1)_是市场细分的条件之一。A、竞争性 B、可衡量性 C、效益性 D、适应性2) 市场细分对企业营销具有以下利益_。A、有利于发现市场机会 B、有利于掌握目标市场的特点 C、有利于制定市场营销组合策略 D、有利于提高企业的竞争力 E、有利于节省成本费用3)目标市场的选择模式包括_。A、市场集中化 B、产品专业化 C、市场专业化 D、选择专业化 E、市场全面化4)定位的最后一步是_。A、企业定位 B、市场定位 C、品牌定位 5)企业可以体现差异化的方面包括_。A、产品差异化 B、服务差异化 C、人员差异化 D、渠道差异化 E、形象差异化6) A group of individuals or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have relatively similar product needs is called a _。 a. market segment b. market position c. retail base d. segmentation base e. retail division7) The process of dividing a market into meaningful groups that are relatively similar and identifiable is called _。 a. perceptual mapping b. positioning c. micromarketing d. cannibalization e. market segmentation8) undifferentiated marketing _。a. has cost economics b. without segmentation c. fit for most products d. only focus on demand generality e. fit for small company9) concentrated marketing especially fits for _。 a. International companies b. Big companies c. Medium companies d. Small companies10) _is the development of a specific marketing mix to influence potential customersoverall perception of a brand, product line, or organization in general, and is related to the place a product occupies in consumersminds relative to competing offerings.a. Differentiating b. Segmentation c. Targeting d. Positioning e. Integrating12) _assumes that competing products are arranged in peoples minds along various dimensions relevant to their purchase and consumption behavior。 a. Target marketing b. Market segmentation c. Differentiation d. Production e. Positioning3. 简答1)消费者市场细分的依据有哪些?2)目标市场选择可供使用的模式有哪几种?各有什么优缺点?3)简述产品定位、品牌定位、企业定位的含义4) What are the segmentation indices in B2B market?5) How many types does target marketing strategy have? What are they?6) Whats Perceptual Mapping?二、理解题1. 判断1)市场细分实际上是对产品进行分类_2)市场细分是选择目标市场的目的和归宿_3)只要综合考虑细分市场与企业自身两个方面的因素,就能有效地分析市场机会_4)无差异性营销战略能被大多数企业采用_5)企业采用服务差别化的市场定位战略,就可以不再追求技术和质量的提高_ 6) 企业在市场营销方面的核心能力与优势,会自动地在市场得到表现_7) One reason marketers use market segmentation as a tool is that once completed, the process need not be repeated_8) Substantiality of a market segment, asking "how large is large enough," indicates that large numbers of potential customers are needed for a market segment to be considered viable 2. 选择(可多选)1)生活消费品市场的细分变量主要有地理环境、人口状况、消费者心理、购买行为等四类,其中使用习惯属于_。A、购买行为 B、人口状况 C、消费者心理 D、地理环境2) _差异的存在是市场细分的客观依据。A、产品 B、价格 C、需求偏好 D、细分3) The purpose of market segmentation is to: a. divide the market into equal size and profit regions for sales territories b. reduce the market down to a specific size that the firm can handle c. group a large number of markets together enabling a company to serve them simultaneously d. enable the marketer to tailor marketing mixes to meet the needs of one or more specific groups e. develop a generalized definition of the market as a whole 4) Market segmentation can assist marketers in all of the following EXCEPT: a. developing more precise definitions of customer needs and wants b. identifying which variable base should be used for segmenting c. identifying when and how customer needs are changing d. identifying where new opportunities are emerging e. evaluating where and why demand is falling5) For high homogeneity products, which strategy should be used?_ a. single-segment concentration b. product specialization c. market specialization d. selective specialization e. full market coverage 6) A clothing company only sells clothes to old male people, its strategy is called_ a. undifferentiated marketing b. differentiated marketing c. concentrated marketing7) Product positioning is the process of_ a. finding the correct location for retail outlets that will sell the product b. finding the right place in the channel of distribution for a product c. creating the desired image of the firms product with respect to its competition d. competing with competitors products in the retailers stores for the best position on the shelf e. pricing the product to be at a competitive level with other brands on the market 8) _is a means of displaying or graphing, in two or more dimensions, the locations of products in the minds of present or potential customers. a. Perceptual mapping b. Product differentiation c. Psychographic targeting d. Graphic target strategy e. Market orientation3. 简答1)为什么市场细分战略是现代市场营销观念的产物?2)决定企业选择特定目标市场的关键因素是什么?3)定位时应避免哪些错误?4) The chapter states that once we divide large, heterogeneous markets into smaller segments we can reach them more efficiently and effectively. What does that statement mean? Why is this important to the marketer?5) How to use Perceptual Mapping when positioning?三、应用题1. 选择一种你经常使用的产品和品牌,列出你因使用它而得到的好处,不要说出你的答案,请另一位也使用不同品牌的这一类产品的同学(最好是异性)也列出他或她认为使用该品牌的好处,比较这两个答案并找出厂家运用利益细分来营销这两种品牌的办法。2. 上网搜集苹果公司“i-pod”MP3产品相关资料,分析其目标市场营销战略并做出评价。3. 请到“大中”、“国美”这些家电大卖场,仔细观察康佳、TCL、创维、长虹、海信等品牌的彩色电视机,并浏览相关企业的网站,从定位的角度分析一下国产彩电的情况。4. Assume that you are the marketing director for a new candy company in Beijing, how should you segment the overall candy market here? Write your statement in detail. 5. Find out how BMW ( )choose its target market, then discuss with your classmates about this question: whats the difference between BMW and domestic Auto companies as far as choosing target market is concerned? Which is better?6. Assume that you are the marketing director for the school of business, and that the dean has asked you to prepare a positioning statement for the business school. Write a positioning statement using the form presented in the chapter.


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