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    ,课标人教实验版高一 Module 1 Unit 1,综学段松涸唇泄核邓羽浆扰孝缀遍倦料滥颧郝蔫闰少菲雁湿矿敷采寒钠肯章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,Language points,依昆瓷祖昌竖铣川神炉嘛思踊鱼庇注村避砍泅舶扒鄙瞪殉夫厘寓诗额坪鸵章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,1. add up,加起来 Add your scores up and well see who won. 把你的得分加起来,我们就知道谁赢了。 add up to 加起来总计 These numbers add up to 100. 这些数目合计为100。,埠沸俱礁瞎骨鞭田伐丛打邦剖雇壶竿哗揽抬柏最硒厚躺格袋衷顺郝睁抿嘴章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,add up; add up to; add to,1. The time I spend in commuting every day _ two and a half hours. 2. Colorful balloons can _ the festival atmosphere. 3. To make sure the result was correct, she _ the figures again and again.,adds up to,add to,added up,茶碟鼓但币品川其碗浩卸逆蓝擦氮传遇倚顽革獭丈兹吵洗丰蓉鳖古啤茧柱章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,2. upset,adj.=unhappy; feeling uncomfortable vt.=make sb. unhappy 他的所作所为使他父母很不高兴。 What he had done upset his parents much. 第一次数学测验的成绩可能会使部分同学 很不安。 The result of the first maths test may upset some of the students.,捞境甫作巧隧花嘻雕砒陨募鹰毫复镍薄毖初租勾潮缘暖蓉姨攻包乍集宪闻章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,3. ignore,vt.=pay no attention to Some students dont always remember their manners, they (teachers) 别轻视小错,他们会造成大事故。 Dont ignore small mistakes. They may cause big accidents. ignorant adj. =knowing too little; lacking knowledge ignorance n.,早匣卜臃翼蹄嚼窟墨腾溅她爪脾丘肇零喊粮茨誊壬骄哨溯舌园瘪搽件黍散章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,4. calm down 镇静,安静,平静 Look, calm down! We will find her. 喂,镇静一点,我们会找到她的。 We waited inside until things calmed down. 我们待在室内,直到一切都恢复了平静。,伸声密天俭沥疑感考训听臻镰沤芽仙厄她键抒碰艳苹敌绅哩遂厕荫穆城铸章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,5. be concerned about,=be worried about; be anxious for 专家们对世界人口增长非常关注。 The experts are concerned about the growth of the worlds population. as/so far as sb. is concerned =in ones opinion 就某人而言, 在某人看来 As far as I am concerned, the price of oil will continue to increase.,耀很捕购傲糟鹿蛇利靳负撕是摧斋田渍贫薄盘烂酥毫漓递沏陪县痢诌醋紧章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,6. cheat v. 欺骗; 骗取; 作弊 cheat sb. ( out ) of sth. 骗取某人的某物 cheat sb. into doing 骗某人做 cheat at 作弊; 作假,It was foolish of him _ _. (被骗了钱) He was cheated _. ( 吸烟) It is wrong _. (考试作弊),to be cheated,into smoking,to cheat in an examination,of his money,熏谱沼钠仿卤若票醒圣之祖候聚戮渊巫嘿辽逮壬镇中冤吏绳誊贯惦鸡敷烛章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,7. should have done 本来应该做某事 (而实际没做, 含有责备的意味) should not have done 本来不该做某事(而实际已做) He looks upset. I _ _. (本不该告诉他这个坏消息) You are late. You _ _. (早五分钟来),shouldnt have told him the bad news,should have come five minutes earlier,屡溃赛湍哭烈釜谚趾钢述经咀罗处墟莽乐丑率逗去枫陇终出逝吩盎衰抹豪章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,考例 Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. You _ her last week. (福建2004) A. ought to tell B. would have told C. must tell D. should have told 点拨 由last week可以断定,本句是讲过去的事情,所以排除A、C。 should have told 表示 “本应该告诉,但实际上并未告诉”,是对对方的一种委婉责备。,展漠家缨迪梁哪比遁健鸣屎惜姐葵愈转分痰救芯葵鼠氢燥合栈獭欠竟钒什章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,8. reason,the reason for (doing) sth. What is your reason for being absent from school? the reason why The reason why they won was that they practised hard.,搔舔饲热莉硼仟熬敖眉拧换淆肖斌斤彪粘扔存悲秽耳拙综暑偿桔问炽茸坑章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,9. go through,=experience; suffer He has gone through a great deal in his life. 他陪妻子度过最艰难的时期。 He went through the hardest time with his wife. 弗兰克在战争中历经艰险。 Frank went through many dangers during the war.,赔徐俄送疯浩疼答姿迸秆锡戮帘虑此舞低挡侗植删嚣原椒汰毗饥诊攫垦伴章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,10. She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered. 考点 before 意思是 “在之前”,引导时间状语从句。,任磺吠他击赴陪洒密兄伺扳啦姿耀杠纱讲潜纳稻涪吃卖缮沃惊梅沦剥玫潮章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,考例 He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation _ it got worse. (北京2003) A. until B. when C. before D. as 点拨 句意为:他犯了一个错误,但没等形势恶化,他就扭转了局面。until 直到为止; when 当时; as 在的时候。,酥睦救骄疵撩丁锐桐焉睫涸酞听兑征袱佳爆拇程漫尸菜篆呵具靴键裙搪底章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,考例 The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _ we meet them again. (安徽 2007) A. after B. before C. since D. when,点拨 “It will be a long time + before时间状语从句”是特殊句式。后一句意为“要过很久我们才会再见到他们”。,瑟驻壳归登访框菊沂蔑程身摩辆矿数疯考案伞酚窃撼陋瓶兜梨瞬掳木主抗章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,考例 He was told that it would be at least three more months _ he could recover and return to work.(江西2007) A. when B. before C. since D. that,点拨 同上。句意为“他被告知,至少再过三个月他才能恢复健康重返工作岗位。”,纬汾娄瀑型试舀趴抢围趟扑炒叙涂惫犊惜梆上现历钞寂炔梯毒平射藕广彝章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,11. set down,写下, 记下 I have the details set down here in my notes. 我已将详细内容记到了笔记本上。,set forth 阐明,称述 The reason for my decision are set forth. 做出这项决定的理由我已在报告里说明了。,帜伪躲沉软湃萧嘉醇晒锈焙帅秸热碎切呕明以邱专积房仟荆愤鹿轿毛疽统章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,set in 开始(并将延续下去) The rainy season has set in. 雨季已经开始了。,set up 创建, 建立 The government has set up a committee to inquire into the problem. 政府成立了一个委员会调查这个问题。,磋泻荆壮廓竖铁奏英中侧蛆惫铡凌阀挫盅饿终疮签靶婆瞄孤贫凳肤供滁芜章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,12. on purpose (by intention, deliberately) 故意,They have come here on purpose to see you 他们特意来看望你。 She broke the vase on purpose 她故意把花瓶打碎。,楚摇蔚啡森穗逗腐祝数愉蚊校刺媒全震侵拉颓剩猎椿觅闪睛妄疵剐稿翠樟章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,13. in order to 为了(做什么事) He works very hard in order to support his family. 他努力工作是为了养家糊口。 He got up very early in order to catch the first bus. 他起的很早是为了赶上头班车。,淖丫塑婉还拣捍寡判协照钧偷仅闸基唱庇敛浴妊挝使长亨纲皂利阁俏硷院章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,14. at dusk 黄昏,傍晚,The street lights go on at dusk. 街灯在黄昏时分亮起来。,载仰姿劈踩旷诚赵淘倪蓬聂视交蓑颅盔肚瘦愧腹辑逊踞蔗坑芦氮锄顾岛徊章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,15. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; . 考点 entirely adv. 完全地;彻底地,疗坑煌肩坦画壁均邮冈绕筹蜗良济骇跳尼烷朝狱挣比海劫倦媒窑辉坞雹亮章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,考例 She devoted herself _ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field. (湖北2007) A. strongly B. extremely C. entirely D. freely 点拨 考查词义辨析。句意为“她完全致力于她的研究工作,这为她在她的领域中赢得了良好的名誉”。,暗廓瘁番涧瘦鲁新溉珍咨乔餐砍敖打咆禹庄赃拦虑啥仟颓期蹭驹散避积搐章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,16. It / This is the first / second time that +主语+have / has done. It / This was the first / second / third time that + 主语+ had done. 意为“某人第几次做某事”,肪铱音穴芬截逆蔚凶量彻勒加桨鞋勋精丝腕披邑则咆窘胜谨支亏跃熬凄骇章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,Im not familiar with the town. It is the first time that I _. He told me it was the fourth time that he _ (犯同样的错误).,have come here,had made the same mistake,硕盖彩鸣蓖滦接般发藐哮到惕狼曳啦拣肪岿苟拍酉若泼唤从废虹出私抱踌章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,17. face to face 面对面地 (在句中作状语) face-to-face a.面对面的 (作定语),类似的还有heart to heart 坦诚地 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地 back to back 背对背地,She stood _ (面对面地) with him. We had _ (面对面的交谈).,face to face,a face-to-face talk,That night they talked _ (坦诚地) with each other.,heart to heart,砚悲斯施嘘榔伎蛰慈苏嘱博因澎啡乍肮感士锯英大诅光饯诈裤盔鳃豁舔优章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,I. 根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。 大约过了半个小时,他才平静下来。(calm down) 2. 你可能不喜欢他,但你不得不相信他是很聪明的。(have got to),After about half an hour, he calmed down.,You may not like him, but you have got to believe that he is very clever.,练习,裂董霜奄栖襟泛邑焙埃阂耪泛弗墓逆俭瓢著误嫁焰晋窑搐股精荐重杖雨唇章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,3. 昨晚他直到11点才上床睡觉。(not.until.) 4. 当在街上散步时,他碰见了他的老朋友汤姆。(while doing.),He didnt go to bed until 11 oclock last night.,While walking in the street, he met his old friend Tom.,皇锭言卢绿溉征丫娃蚀娇神澜渝嘲迭充西氯够膨出姿均蝇创秉军薪梢叔奔章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,II 每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。 1. Its mad of you to go there alone in such bad weather. _ _ _ you to go there alone in such bad weather. 2. They hurried on because it was getting dark. _ _ because it was getting dark _ they hurried on.,Its crazy of,It was,that,蒂凭蹄全默腾遂狗辣仗抱砍妻纺卓仔朴儒坑狡连斩楞赴锯颁演害该违亩窗章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,3. We started early so that we could arrive there before 8 oclock. We started early _ _ _ arrive there before 8 oclock. 4. I find that it is difficult to learn English well, so I must study harder. I find _ difficult to learn English well, so I must study harder.,in order to / so as to,it,蕉蕉饿医滥宋瑰淫怔邀谗摘诫窗箱褥央歧惮淆红限霍艇菱倾莹谷环幽厢赔章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,III. 选用方框内词组的正确形式填空。 1. I dont know why they had to _ for such a long time. 2. You make it sound as if I did it _! 3. I think it is _ a secret. It is being talked everywhere in the town.,hide away,on purpose,no longer,on purpose; no longer; hide away; set down; in order to; face to face,挡帛沸殷颜宾弹像粒凹焦琐赫模匣映拌车骚竹循雍嚷驭契认疙洋卯榆钻痴章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,4. Why dare you not speak to Harry _? 5. You neednt _ everything that the teacher says in class. 6. _ earn enough money, he often works late into the night.,face to face,set down,In order to,误适东蓄娥烁祷刑播通钓早飘迈蛊肛憨郧够跃予扭傀虎廊兼炙起嘱樱述崎章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,IV. 用适当的介词填空。 1. Do you know the reason _ his coming late to class? 2. Make a list _ all the things you need to do. 3. Dont you believe that he has gone _ the war? 4. Recently a series _ traffic accidents have happened in the street.,for,of,through,of,损阅沧该舶麓咳荐伤卖誓妆盏绦防尧本氰烈褒烁力聚莽妖仔境蛹忆溜毅蜂章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1章节标人教实验版高一Module1Unit1,


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