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    2020年浙江温州中考英语试卷及答案一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.1 havedog. HiS name is Floppy.A. aB. anC. dieD. /2. LUCyS fatler WorkS In No. I HOSPItal. He is a.A. teacherB. doctorC. POStlllallD. POliCeman3. Jiln is going to join the Art ClUb because he IikeS.D. IeadingA. COOkHlgB. drawingC. IUlinillg4. It,stoday. Lets go to the beach.SOIUldS great! Don,t forget your sunglasses.A. IamyB. WindyC. SlmilyD. ClOlIdy5. HOW Often do you go to the Cmema?. I Only WatCh mo*vies at home.A. AIWaySB. USlIanyC. SOmetImeSD. Neer6. LIttle Mary SayS good night to her ParelltSSlle goes to bed every day.A. IfB. ImtIlC. beforeD. IUlleSS7. an you PIayVOlIeybaIl or basketball?Of them. m good at ball games.A. BOthB. EitherC. NeitherD. NOne8. Hae SCIentiStS found IIfe On Mars?NOt yet. but I think theyit SOme day.A. findB. foundC. IIaVe foundD. WIll find9. DO you know?Iii Stratford. Englalid.B. When ShakeSPeare finished SChOOlD. Why ShakeSPeareS WOrkS are POPUlarA. vhere ShakeSPeare WaS bomC. how many PlayS ShakeSPeare WrOte10. The Great WaIl IUlIS about 21, 20OkIlOmetres.Wow!A. Its OKB. GOOd idea C. ThafS amazmg D. YOU are WelCOme二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下而短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B.C、D四个选项中选岀最佳选项。My COUSiil ROger WaS big ad strong. He WaS tlree years Older than me and Ile always wanted to bully* 11 oNear OUr farm, there WaS a beautiftl 12, Where kidsIIearby Often SWam In SUnliner. O er It WaS a bridge. When We Were in die IIVe匚 ROger always tried to 13 me and hold me IInder I WOUld dive3* down before he COUld IeaCh me. When I Canle UP to die SUrfaCe miles away, he WaS till there, _ 14 me.Otllerkids WOUld shout, MHey lies a fish!”ROger said, M No, he,s a SllrmIp*!I replied, "Better than a 15 Whale*,One day, We Were about to IeaV亡 after SWmllliiilg When a tnck IIneXPeCtedly IUShed OUt Of the bridge ad fell OntO the rater.EyeS Wide open, all Of US Were too 16 to Say a word. Then SOmeOne cried. H Oh, no! Tlle driver.ROger ShOUted to the Otller kids. HGO ad get 17 MThen he turned to me, HJaCk, youre the Ilnderater SWiInmer! Lefs try to PUIl the 18 out. HWIth these words, he JUnIPed IntO die Water-1 COUldntt 19 that It vas Roger5 a bully In my eyes. I took a breath and followed hm.The truck Iay On One side. tried to OPen the door but 20 ROger IIfted a IOCk and broke die windscreen*.21 the broken WindSCreea I got IIltO die tnck and OPened the doo匚ROger CaUglIt IlOld Of the drive匚 WIth all is Strength, ROger 22_ PUlled in OUt and SWam towards the surface.I tried to follow, 23 the Water WaS turning black in &Ont Of me. I WaS falling. I thought.I WaS gomg to J24 JUSt at that moment, a StrOng arm IeaChed down and held me. I tried hard to kick.BaCk to the bank, ROger IOOked at me, HYbU OK?HI managed to nod. nNot bad for a SlInmp. hejoked.I WaS to answer back, but from my moutli CalneM NOt bad for a 25 WhaIe. HIt WaS then that I realized ROger WaS not Ma fat WhaleH at all.11. A. meB. USC. IlilIlD. tlen12. A. fanB. EiVerC. bridgeD. beach13. A. CallB. SaVeC. teachD. CatCIl14. A. Carmg aboutB. IaUgIllng atC. IOOklng forD. worrying about15. A. fatB. SnIallC. quietD. SeriOUS16. A. SadB. angryC. excitedD. SUrPriSed17. A. helpB. adviceC. attentionD. HlfbnllatIOn18. A. doorB. truckC. driverD. SWImmel19. A. forgetB. believeC. explainD. IinderStalld20. A. IeftB. failedC. PaSSedD. missed21. A. InSideB. ACrOSSC. BehIndD. TlIrOUgh22. A. PrOUdlyB. SeCretlyC. COnfidentlyD. SUCCeSSfUlIy23. A. orB. SOC. butD. because24. A. WinB. IOSeC. DieD. SUrViVe25. A. braeB. POliteC. creativeD. humorous三.阅读理解(本题有15小题。第26-28小题,每小题3分;第29-39小题,每小题2分;第40 小题5分。共36分)阅读下而短文,第26-39小题从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选岀最佳选项,第40小题 在答题纸规定区域作答。DO you WaIIt to have fun in Oxford? Take a bus tour!imetbl3StOP NameFirSt tour LaSt tourOXford Railway Station09:30180GkXlCeSter Green BUS StatFOn09:35185ChriStChUfCh09:501820Queen's COIlege09:551825Trtnjty COltege10:0018:40*A(JUlt(16+)£16.50StUdenI£14.00S ChIld(Sd5) £10.00Family£40.00¾AdUIt(16÷) £19.00StUdentE16.00虬 CkJ(5-15) £11.00Family£45.00CIlrISt ChUrCh COllege The COllege IIall is USed In the HarIy POtter fis. Magdalen COllege ItS bell tower and gardens are famous SIghtS ill Oxford.COrPUS Christi COllege It is One Of die SlllalleSt COllegeS in OXfbrd but Witll the best library.EXeter COnegeYbU Can find most Of the book ShOPS Ul OXfbrd around the college.26. The first bus tour begins at 9:35 fromA. Trmlty COllegeB. OXfbrd RaIlway StatiOnC. QUeens COllegeD. GIOUCeSter Greell BUS StatIOn27. HOW much isa24-hourfamly ticket?28. Iii Magdalen College, tourists CanAvisit the bell towerB. Iead in the best IIbrary In OXfbrdC. find many book ShOPSD. See the Ilall in the Harry POrter filmsBA. £16. 50.B. £19. 00.C. £40. 00.D. £45.00.The balalaika, also Caned the MRlISSiall gtar, is a traditional RlISSlan musical istment. It has a IOng neck, a WOOden triangle-shaped body and strings. It is USlIany USed to PIay RlISSIall msic by plucking* the StrlngS WItll fingers or a pick.RlISSIanS IIke the balalaika. The msic PIayed With it Call be cheerfil. as If die farmers Were dancmg happily toCeIebrate their harvest It Call also be energetic, as if the WorkerS Were Workmg hard to make theirCOllntry IICher and StrOnger. If a RllSSiaIl moves to IiVe Or WOIk abroad, he Will PrObably take a balalaika With him. Whell he feek IOnely and sad, he Will Play it to Cheer Imiiself up.The balalaika WaS Ongmally Played by the POOr i RUSSia. At that time, balalaikas Were made by the PIayerS themselves. Tlley Were IOUgl, SmlPle and CheaP With different numbers Of strings.two to even six. Later a RUSSian musician sly VasiTyevich AIldreeV(1861918)ImPrOVeddie balalaka. He Created a WhOle family Of balalaikas Of different sizes, all WitIl tlree strings. TlleSmalleSt balalaika is CalIed Pnllla. It is 60-7OCm long. The biggest. Contrabass, is almost 2metres high Witll a Ieg to Sit On the floor AndreeV fbuded die first balalaika OrCheStra* In the world. IlIaHllyILSlng balalaikas to Perfbn. He gave COiICertS at the UIHVerSal EXPOSition In ParIS m 1889、WhIChWaS a great success.Today、there are blalaka groups PerfbrniHlg aroud the WOrld- MOre and more PeOPle get to know die balalaika and are attracted by its RlISSiall Style music.29. The balalaika is a musical InStnIment.A. WitllOUt StrmgSB. With a IOng neckC. Of a IOllnd ShaPeD. With a metal body30. The music Played with a balalaika is USUaIly.A. SlOW and SadB. Stroilg ad SeriOlISC. SOft and modernD. CheerfUl and energetic31. AndreeV is mentioned In Paragraph Three to mtroduce.A. the SllCCeSS OfbaIalaika COnCertSB. tle history OfbaIaIaika OrCheStraSC. IliS talent for PlayUlg tle balalaikaD. IIIS COntnbUtiOnS to the balalaika32. WhiCh Of the following Can be the best title for the passage?A. Balalaika: Tlle HRUSSian GlIltar Hfbr the POOrB. RlISSia: Tlle HOme Of FamOUS BaIalaIka MUSICianSC. Balalaika: A TradItIOnal RUSSlan MlISICal IilStnImelltD. RlISSia: The IntenlatiOnal Hand-IlIade BalaIaIka FaCtOryCTIde is the IeglIIar IISe and fall Of the OCean leel CallSed by the InOVement Of die sun, the earth and the moon. It is COnSidered a PrOmiSmg SOlIrCe Of green energy to PrOdUCe electricity In COaStal areas.TO make USe Of tidal energy. We need to build tidal POWer StatIOns. The bays* and the InWer mouths Where the tide is gl (the tidal Iange is more tlax 10 metres) are USUany PerfeCt SiteS to build tidal POWer StatiOnS- Tllere are many SUCh PIaCeS In die world. ACCOrdIng to the IRENA (the IntenIatIOnal RelleWable EnergyAgency). by just USmg 2%Of OUr COaStIities, We Can PrOdUCe 4, 383TWh Of OCeall POWer each year, enough to meet 16. 4% Of die WOrIdS electricity needs.TO build a tidal POWer station, We need to build a dam. Iii the darn are Illany ubiQS and On each turbine there IS an electric generator*. Whell the tide rises, Water COmeS through die dam, die UIrbineS n ad the electric generators work, PrOdUCmg electricity. Wheil the tide fall, Water goes OUt tlrougl the dam. the turbines tn again. The electric generators COntinUe to WOrk-TIdal energy has it advantages. USmg tidal energy to PrOdUCe electricity IS much CheaPer than IlSHlg die traditional energy; IIke COal or gas. FOr example, the RanCe Tidal POWer StatiOn In FranCe has been tlere for OVer 50 years, PrOdUCmg around 540, OoOTWh Of electricity each year The COSt is OIIIy 1.3 CentSTWh. Tidal energy Can be IISed nearly 24 hours a day. AS IOng as the sun, the eartl and the moon exist, We Cail IISe it to PrOdUCe electricity. BUt WithOlIt sunshine, here is no SOIar energy. WlleIl there is no wind, electric generators WiIl not WOrk In addition, With the development Of modern teclmology, tidal energy Can be StOred and USed to PrOdUCe electricity continuously. However, We Still have SOme PrOblelnS to solve. It is difficult to build a dam In die sea. ad the COSt is VeryhlglL MOreOer it,s expensive to keep a tidal POWer StatIOn in is best CondltIOn.SCientiStS are WOridng On them.33 . A tidal POWer Station is best builtA. at a IIVeT moutl Witll WmdB. along die COaSt With WaVeSC. in a bay With tide IlIgh enoglD. In COaStal areas With SUnShine34. The IInderIIned WOrd MtUrbmen In ParagraPh There is a macue to.A. make the tide rise and fallB. make an electric generator WorkC. Iet Water go through the damD. keep the dam in good COndltIOn35. What advantage does tidal energy have?A. We Can USe it to get USefiIl tide.B. It Cail ImPrOve the OCean erironent.C. W Can USe it nearly all the time.D. It meets 16. 4% Of the electricity needs.36. HOw Call We Inake better USe Of tidal energy?A. By digging more bays and InWer moutlis.B. By building CheaPer tidal POWer StatIons.C. By ClOSmg traditional electric POWer Pallts.D. By USing tidal energy to replace Other energy.CA few months ago I WaS nominated* for Gemor* Of the great State Of NeW York, to run against SteWart L. WOOdfbrd and JOlln T. Hofiinaii. I IeaIly felt dirty to IUn against tlen for all their ShamefUl CrmleS that Were IePorted On newspapers. However, as a CalldIdate*, I had no choice.The next moung. as I WaS IOOkmg IiStleSSly OVer the PaPerS at breakfast, I Calne across his ParagraP:PERJURY- MK Mark 7vain, a Candidate for GOVelI)Orf WaS COnViCted *of PerjIny by thirty four people, D) WakaWakf U) 1863 He intended to rob a POOr WOnIan Ofher Iandf her OnIy Stay and SIlPPOrt after her husband died. FOr MK 7初 himself, as Well as the PIIbliCf he needs to CIear this Inatter up. WiIl he do it?What a he? I neer had heard OfWakaWak!Dlinng the IeSt Of the time, I got a title Htlle InfamOUS PerjUrer TWainM on this PaPerNeXt Callle uGazetten, With tlis:WANTED TOKNOW Whel) Mfi: TyVain WaS UI MOrItanaf his WOrkInateS IOSt SnIan VaIuableS fi'om time to time, ImtiI at IaStt these things having all been found On MK TVVcIuI PerSOn Or in his suitcase. WiU he explain this to his JeHOW-Ciriens?I got a new title, l,Ivan, the MOntana Thief*. BlIt I neer WaS in MOntalIa In my life.Then another newspaper article:DELIRlUM TREMENSTWAlN-Mayk lvau, WhO WaS to make a SPeeCh at the mass HIeeting Of the IndePendentS IaSt night, didn 9t come to time! He argued that he had been blocked down by a HnIaWayi team and his Ieg broken UI two PIaCeS BUt a Certain Inan WhO WaS VeIy drunk WaS Seen to reel into M): TWaintS hotel IaSt night. It is his duty to PrOVe that this PerSOn WaS not Mark Tyvain himself WHO WS THATMANf>I did IlOt drink!In die following weeks. I got more titles IIke "Delirium Tremenso, nBody-Snatchern, nFilthy COrrUPtiOiIiSt ", etc. Tllen One moriuiig:MK Mark TWain Sill InaintainS SILENCE. He dare BOtspeakDare he OPen his InOUth to explain?Befbre I COUld reply, more dirty charges* POUred UP On me. One day they even tauglt nue IIttle ChIldren Of all ShadeS Of COlOUr to rush on to the Platfbrm at a PUbliC meeting and CaIl me Pa(fatler)!I gave up. I Sent them a Ietter to State that I gave up, ad In bitterness Of SPirit I Signed it,HTnIly yors,OnCe a decent man but now MARKTWAIN、IP. , M. T. , D. T., B. S. and FC. H37. Iii the story,PeOPle Were nnung for GOVernorA. TllreeB. fourC. fiveD. SiX38. WhiCh Of the fblloving is TRUE about Mr TWam accordmg to his story?A. He got PUmShed for SteaIing In Montana.B. He kept Sllent to die ChargeS against him.C. He WaS Often too dnuk to attend meetings.D. He accepted the titles from the newspapers.39. WhO COUld be the PerSon making Mr. Twam dirty?A. The PerSOnS WhO WalIted to beat him.B. The POOr WhO Wanted tleir Iand back.C. The WOmen who had Clllldrell With IiilIl-D. The IePOrterS WhO IleIPed him make news.40. Why did Mr TWain filially decide to give UP nnnug for GOV亡mor?(请用约 40 词回答)四.词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)A. 用方框footMOndaytallSmeIlrecently41. The nilkSOlIr- DOlrt drmk it.42. ThiS is a machine to WanIl OUri Wmter.43. It is difficult for me to get UP early onmornings.44 I havent Seen Cilldy. She must be busy Witll Iler work.45. The buildmgs in WenZilOU aretla most buldmgs ill my hometownB. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。The first Week Of my SUmlIler VaCatIOn WaS exciting. I WaS 46 (自 由的,空闲的)!I SPent much time On my PhOne WithOUt domg my 47(家庭作业).MOm WaS angry ad told me ICOUld Only IISe it 48 (在之间)7:00 pm. and 9:00 pm.I felt IOSt and kept asking 49 (我自 CI)What fhn I COUld hae during the day. MOm OSered me a challenge. IflCOUld follow the Salne at for 50 (H ) minutes, d get a prize.I thought for a Wllile and agreed. I 51 (选择)th亡 biggest ant In die yard ad followed it. I Saw it Create a bridge to CrOSS a 52 _(深白勺)hole. I dropped SOme bread and SOon it began 53 (U乞).It even brought &IendS to Cany SOme home. I never thought WatClling ants COUld be SOmuch fin.After that, I found Other interesting things to do. I built a house for birds, PIanted 54(树)in the yard ad borrowed books &om the library.5) (虽然)I didn't USe my phone Oftell. Ihad a fantastic SUmmer五、书面表达(本题有1小题,共30分)56.年夜饭是中国文化中最重要的团圆饭。年夜饭菜肴丰富、美味,像年糕(NewYearcake). 鱼等都还带有美好的祝愿。请以TheFanUIy Dinner On SPringFeStiVaIEVe为题,写一篇约10词的短文,向外国朋友介绍 自己家乡的年夜饭,让他们更好地了解中国丰富多样的文化习俗。注意:文中不可出现人名。标题已经给出,不计入总词数。The Fainily Dmner on SPring FeStiVal EVebay n.海湾bully n. 小词典-欺负弱小者;欺负CandIdate n.候选人Charge n.指控COnViCtV证明.有罪de 潜水electric generator 发电机governorn.州长IlOnilnate .提名OrCheStra n.管弦乐队PlUCk v.弹拨SllrmIP n.虾Whale n.鲸WmdSCreell n挡风玻璃参考答案第一部分(


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