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    编号:谅解备忘录MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING甲方:乙方:签订日期:年月日第2页共4页甲方:Patty A:乙方:Party B:鉴于:WHERERAS:1、2 ,甲方与宁波双林汽车部件股份有限公司签订了一份编号为:的先期选点目标协议(项目名称: ),建立业务合作关系;1. Party A and Nin gbo Shua ngli n Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. have establishedbus in ess part nership,pursua nt tothe terms of the Sourc ingNomin ati on letter(ProjectName/Code:) numbered datedentered into between the Parties;whereafter,Ningbo Shuanglin Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. have changed into NingboXin che ng Radio Comp onents Co.丄 td. i n accorda nee with the law.2、因不可归责于甲乙双方过错的原因,甲乙双方建立的上述合作关系无法继续进行;2. The above bus in ess partn ership cannot contin ue, due to a reas on not attributable to either Party.3、甲方同意对乙方履行上述合同付岀的必要成本进行适当补偿;3. Party A agrees to appropriately compe nsate Party B for the n ecessary expe nses for performi ng the Con tract.现甲乙双方经协商一致,根据中华人民共和国合同法等相关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方本着平等、自愿、互谅互让的原则,就双方终止上述协议及项目合作的相关事宜达成谅解备忘条款 如下:The parties hereby, in accorda nee with the Con tract Law of the People's Republic of China and other releva nt laws and regulati ons, through frie ndly con sultati ons and un der the pri nciple of equality, volu ntari ness and mutual un dersta nding, about term in ati ng theabove con tract and project cooperati on, agree as follows:1、甲、乙双方同意,解除双方 签订的编号为: 的(项目名称: )及其相关合同文本,基于该合同及其附件所产生的一切权利义务亦全部终结,任何一方均无权基于该合同向另一方提岀任何主张。1. Both Parties agree that the Sourc ing Nomin ati on letter(Project Name/Code: ) nu mbered datedand releva ntcon tractsare termin ated and all rights and obligati ons un der the con tract and its appe ndices are discharged. Neither party shall be en titled to make any claim to the other party upon the con tract.2、 经双方确认,甲方向乙方支付Y 元(大写:人民币 )作为对乙方的经济补偿,除此之外甲方无须再向乙方支付其他任何费用。Both Parties ack no wledge that Party A shall compe nsate Party B Y, without pay ingany other fees.3、 自本备忘录生效之日起,甲乙双方基于上述合同及其附件发生的项目的业务互不受对方干涉。但双方应确保彼此之间正在进行的其他合作项目不受影响,乙方承诺将继续按照其他合作项目的合同约定严格履行生产和供货的义务,否则应承担相应的违约责任。3、Bus in esses of either party ofProject based on the above con tract andits appendicesbecomeindependent from the effective dateof thisMOU.But thetwo partiesshould en surethat other ongoing cooperati onprojects arenot affected, PartyBcommitment to strictly fulfill the obligationsof the production and supply in accordaneewith the con tracts of other cooperati on projects. Otherwise Party B shall bear the corresp onding liability for breach.4、 双方签订解本备忘录之后,乙方应将双方合作期间基于 项目产生的与甲方相关的技术资料与成果交还给甲方。双方应遵守诚实信用原则,保守合作期间的商业秘密,不得作岀任何有损对方信誉及经济利益之行为。否则,应承担全额的赔偿责任。After sig nature of this MOU,Party B shall return all tech no logy,in formatio nand outcomerelatingto Party A based onProject. The Parties shall abide bythe pri ncipleof good faith and hold in con fide nee all commercial secrets in the bus in esspartnershipand not do anything harmful to the reputation and economic interests of theother Party.Otherwise, the violator shall be liable for mak ing compe nsati on in full.5、 本备忘录签订后15天内,乙方应将基于 项目盘留的库存产品全部打包发送至甲方,运费及装卸费用由乙方承担。 待上述库存产品经甲方验收无误后,甲方支付本协议第2条50%勺款项给乙方;剩余50%尾款,甲方在 前支付给乙方。5、Within 15 days followi ng the sig nature of this MOU, Party B shall ship to Party Aall products in stock base onProject, and bear the freight andhan dli ng charges.Up on the accepta nee of the above products by Party A, Party A shallpay to Party B the 50% bala nee of the amou nt un der Secti on 2 in this MOU and make compe nsati on of the rest before.第5页共4页6、因本协议所发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决,协商不成的,向甲方所在地法院起诉。All disputesrelat ingto this Con tract,shall be settled amicably throughIf the n egotiati on is un successful, either Party may litigate it to the court at thelocati on of Party A.n egotiati on.7、本协议自双方签字盖章时生效,一式两份,双方各执一份。7、The Con tract is writte n in duplicate which shall become valid on the date and each paty shall hold one copy.of sig nature.甲方:(盖章)乙方:(盖章)Party A :法定代表人:Party B:法定代表人:Legal Represe ntativeLegal Represe ntative委托代理人:委托代理人:Authorized AgentAuthorized Agent地址:地址:Address :Address电话:电话:Tel :Tel时间:年 月曰时间:年 月曰DateDate :


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