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    新概念一册lesson41-42练习册Less on 41 and Less on 42一根据句意用适当的词填空,每个单词的首字 母已给出(10分)1. Here is a p of cheese.2. Please give me a l of bread.3. May I have a b of soap?4. Here is a b of chocolate for you.5. There is a b of milk on the table.6. Take her a p of sugar.7.1 want h a pound of coffee, please.8. She gets a q of a pound of tea.9. Is that t of tobacco for me.10. Do you have a j of jam.二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Is that tin of tobacco for (I)?2. Be (care)! Don 'drop it.3. Those flowers are (love).4. Now we are doing (we) homework.5. I'm going to wash the (dish).6. Pink ' her (favour) colour.7. Our village is between two (hill).8. Some (child) are coming out of thebuildi ng.9. It is very (sun) today.10. There is a pen cil desk.(sharpe n) on the二用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)1. What are you going(do) with thatvase?2.not(put) it here.3. Look , the girl(show) her mothersome flowers.4. There is a boyin the water. He(swim) across the river.5. What are the childre n doing? They(go) into the park.6. Look , the boys(jump) off thetree.7.Sally(sit) under thetree? Yes, she is.8. It is very cloudy. It is(go) to rai n.9 Amy must(clea n) the room.10. There (be) some cigarettes onthe dress ing table.四选择填空(10分)()1. Is that bag heavy? No ,it'A. heavyB. bigC. fullD. light()2. Is that tin of tobacco for .A.IB.myC. mi neD. me()3.Theun derthetreeA.man , isB.woman,areC. men areD. women ,is()4. How are you today?.A. I "m fine , thanksB. How doyou do C. Thank you D. I "m twelve()5. in the bag? There aremany thi ngs in it.A. WhatB. What 'C. HowD. How '()6. room is this? It 'room.A. Whose, we B. Who ', ourC. Whose, usD. Whose, our()7. Aretherebagson thetable?A. aB someC. anyD. an()8.Is therea passporthere?Yes, A. it isB. it'C. there isD. there '()9. What colourMr.Gree n ' trousers? They are brow n.A. are theB. is theC. isD. are()10. Here are you trousers.please.A. Put on themB. Put themonC. Put it onD. Put on it五根据答句写出问句(10分)1 . that bag ? No ,t isn '.It' very light?2. is the boy going to dosome flowers? The boy is going to send someflowers to his gran dmother.3. Sam? Sam is verycareful.4. are you for a bus? Iam wait ing for a bus at the bus stop.5. is George going topaint the bookcase. George is going topaint the bookcase pink.6. is George ? George iswork ing hard.7. the woman going theshop? No, she is going out of the shop.8. must Amy ? Amymust sweep the floor.9. is in the ? There is asuit in the wardrobe.10. there shoes on thefloor? Yes, there are.六完形填空(10分)A: Excuse me. Can I know your 1,please?B: Oh , I "m Lin Tao.A: Good. I 2 Mr. Green.B: 3you Jim "s father?A: Yes, I am. 4 class are you in?B: Jim and I are in 5 class.A: Er , 6 is Jim? Do you know?B: Sorry , I don "know. I think 7 inthe classroom.A: Can you 8 this bag 9him?B:Ok ,I musit10it.()1.A.timeB.n ameC.ageD.book()2.A.doB.canC.isD.am()3.A.DoB.AreC.WhatD. Who()4. A. WhereB. WhoseC. WhatD. Who()5. A. sameB. the sameC.differe ntD.the differe nt()6.A.WhereB.WhoC.WhichD.How()7.A.heB.himC.hisD.he '()8.A.seeB.findC.giveD.put()9.A.onB. inC.un derD.to()10.A.seeB.findC.put onDl look after七句型转换(10分)1. There is a bar of soap and a bottle of milk in the bag.(就划线部分提问) in the bag?2. There is some cheese in the plate.(变为否定 句)There ischeesei n the plate.3. Show this picture to your mother.(变为同义 句)Show your this .4. I am going to sharpenjthe pencil.( 就戈U线部分 提问) are you going to the pen cil?5. Put it here.(变为反义句) put it .6. George is working hard.(就划线部分提问) is George ?7. The boy is sitti ng beside his mother.(就戈 U线部分提问) is the boy ?8. Some childre n are com ing out of the buildi ng.(变为同义句)Somechildre naren'the buildi ng.9. George is going to paint the bookcase.(就戈H线 部分提问) is George going to ?10. Those flowers are lovely.(就划线部分提问) are lovely?八 每空填一个英语单词,补全对话(10分)A: I can' find my 1. What '2that big box? Do you know?B: No, let me 3. There is a bag.A: Is 4 a pen cil-box in the bag?B: No, there 5, but there 6some books.A: Are there 7En glish books?B: No,there aren 'any English books,but there are 8Chinese books in it. Is it yourbag?A: I don ' think9. There aren ' anyChinese books in my bag, but there are two En glish books.B: Oh, I'm 10. It is not you bag.1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. 7. 8.9. 10. 九阅读理解(10分)There is a readi ng-room in our school. It is big and bright. On the walls there are some maps and pictures. There is a clock on the front wall. There are many desk and chairs in the room. There are all kinds of books on the shelves.Many students often go there and read books after class. The students an teachers in our school clea n the readi ng-room.A根据短文内容选择正确答案。()1. The reading-room is .A. bigB.brightC.small but niceD. big and bright()2. There is a nice clockA.onthewallB.on the front wallC.onthebackwallD. i n front wall()3. There are on theshelves.A. some mapsandpicturesB. many desks and chairsC.allkindofbooksD. some books()4. Every dayreadi ng-room.clea n theA.thestude ntsB. the teachersC. the teachersandstude ntsD. the stude nts and teachers in our school()5. Many students often go there andafter class.A. readbooksB. do some home workC. have theirless onsD. clea n the readi ng-roomB按要求完成下列练习。5. It is big and bright.( 分析句子成分 )1231 是 语 2 是词 3是语6. There are many desks and chairs in the room.(就划线部分提问)in the room?7. What do many stude nts ofte n do after class?(根据短文回答)They often to thereading-room and books.8. Who clean the reading-room?(根据短文回答)The and in theschool clea n it.9. There is a readi ng-room in our school.( 变一 般疑问句) there a in your school.10. The stude nts and the teachers (in our school) clean the room.(分析句子成分 )1 2341 是 语2 是语3 是 语4 是语十 阅读写作(10分)阅读课程表,请在空格上 写出单词MathsChin eseEn glsihSportsMon dayVVTuesdayVVVWednes dayVVVVThursda yVVVFridayVVVVMy name is Li Lei. I "m a student. I have 1from Mon day to Friday. From Mon day toFriday. I have 2 and 3classes in the morning. I have 4classes 5 Tuesday, Wednesday,6and 7. I have Sport classes onWedn esday after noon and Friday after noon. My8 sport is Ping-pong. We 9 ourless ons. We like our10.1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. 7. 8.9. 10.


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