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    Lesson6 What food do you like?延安实验小学张甲佳1. Teaching aims(1) Knowledge objective:a) Can listen, read, speak and write the words: dumplings, vegetables, noodles, fried chicken.b) Can use the sentences: 1) A: Where does he/ she come from?B: He/ She comes from A: What food does he/ she like?B:He/ She likes2) A: Where do you come from?B: I come from(2) Ability objective: Can use the key words and target language freely and correctly.(3) Emotion objective: Inspire students interests and give their some advice about diet.2. Key points and difficult points(1) A: Where does he/ she come from?(2) A: Where do you come from?B: I come from3. PreparationSome eggs and milk, PPT and tape recoder.4. Teaching procedureStep 1. Greeting and free talk.1. Greet class as usual.2. Free talk:A: What s for breakfast?B: I like(设计意图:热身阶段先用以前学过的句型和食物的词汇来调动学生学习英语的热情和积极性,这样可以让学生快速进入学习英语的状态。)Step 2. Revision1. Show a picture of Tutu T: Who is he?T: Suppose you are Tutu.T: Where are you from?SS: I m from Yan an.Then ask students to practice with their deskmates.2. Show a picture of Xiao Wanzi.T: Can you guess who is she?T: Where is she from?SS: She is from Japan.3. Show a picture of Mickey Mouse.T: Who is he?Ss: He is Mickey Mouse.T Where is he from?Ss: He is from America.Then ask students to practice in pairs several times.(设计意图:创设学生熟知并感兴趣的动画人物来进行复习,让学生可以在熟悉并喜爱的生活场景中练习对话,这样可以调动学生的积极性,为新知识的学习奠定基础,可以让学生对本课的学习整体有感知,体现语言的整体性。)Step 3. Presentation.1. Teacher looks at the watch.T: It s 11:00. I m hungry. Are you hungry now?Ss: Yes.T: What food do you like? Please come and have a look. Then show some pictures to teach the new words.T: What are these? Ss: They are Jiaozi.T: We also can say: They are dumplings.T: What are these?Ss: They are noodles.T: What are these?Ss: They are vegetables.T: What s this? Ss: It s fried chicken.Then help the students read these new words correctly.2. Then show Tutu s picture again and ask: T: Where are you from?Ss: I m from China.Explain be from and come from. And help students to say: Where do youcome from? I come fromT: What food do you like? Ss: I like dumplings.Ask students work in pairs to practice. After that, ask several groups to showtheir dialogues.(设计意图:继续把学生喜爱并熟知的动画人物和新知识的学习结合起来,学生的求知欲和好奇心得以激发。 )3. Teacher shows the pictures of Xiao Wanzi and Mickey Mouse. Help students to say: Where does he/ she come from?He/ She comes fromWhat food does he/ she like?He/ She likesThen work in pairs to practice and then show their dialogues.(设计意图:让学生根据所学的知识自由表达,更真实的体现语言的功用和语言运用的真实性,有利用提高学生的积极性,进一步培养学生的语言能力。)4. Listen, read and act.Listen to the dialogue twice and ask sever students to act.(设计意图:在锻炼学生语言表达能力的同时也锻炼学生的听力,真正达到语言学习的真谛。)5. Look, write and say. Show a chart and practice.A: Where does he/ she come from?B: He/ She comes fromA: What food does he / she like?B:He/ She likesThen, according to the chart to write a short passage.My friend and IMy name is _, I _ _ the north of China. My favorite food is _. Ihave a good friend. His/ Her name is _.He/ She _ _ America/ England.He/ She likes _. We are good friends.At last, ask several students to show their passage in front the class.(设计意图:通过表格进行问答训练,强化学生对新知识的学习和掌握。学生通过对表格的理解把所说的句子转变成文字,提高书写能力。在小组合作中还可以互相协助,共同提高。 )Step 4. Summary and homework.1. Make dialogues with your good friends.2.Write the short passage on your exercise books.5. Blackboard design.Lesson6 What food do you like?Where do you come from?Where does he/ she come from?I come fromHe/ She comes fromWhat food do you like?What food does he/ she like?I likeHe/ She likes


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