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    【英语】人教版英语专题训练七年级英语上册阅读理解一、七年级英语上册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析)1 根据对短文理解,选择答案。AmeriCa n school StUde nts usually go to school On foot, Or On the school bus. Some StUde nts ride their bikes to school.In the middle school, StUde nts usually take CIaSSeS for SiX hours a day. They StUdy En glish, math, history, SCie nce, PE, music and art.School begi ns at half PaSt eight i n the morning. At noon, StUde nts have IUnCh at school. After IUn ch, they go to their classes. School is over at about 4 o'clock. Most StUde nts Often WatCh TV and do homework after supper.On Weeke nds, AmeriCa n school StUde nts go to the church, do shopp ing, ViSit gra ndpare nts or go to the Park With Pare nts.AmeriCa n school ChiIdre n don't have too much homework. BUt they WatCh TV too much. Some even WatCh TV three to five hours a day. It's bad for health. So their Pare nts worry about it. They play games, do SPOrtS or do readi ng With kids to take their kids away from TV.(1)How Iong do AmeriCan middle school StUdents StUdy at school?A. SiX CIaSSeS a dayB. SiX hours a dayC. Three to five hours a dayD. Three to SiX hours a day(2) AmeriCan school StUdents haveat noon in school.A. a short restB. a good restC. no restD. a bad rest(3)AmeriCan Parents are WOrried because their kids.A. WatCh TV too much every dayB. have no rest time in schoolC. have too much homeworkD. take fewer CIaSSeS every day(4)AmeriCan Parents do lots of things to.A. help their kids With their homeworkC. look after their kids at home(5)The PaSSage tells USA. AmeriCa n kids WatCh TV too muchC. AmeriCa n StUde nts go to the ChUrCh【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)A(4)DB. help their kids to keep healthyD. stop kids WatCh ing TV too muchB. SOmething about AmeriCan school lifeD. AmeriCa n StUde nts' school SUbjeCtS(5)B(3)细节题。根据【解析】【分析】主要讲了美国学生的学校生活情况。(1) 细节题。根据 一天上六小时,故选(2) 细节题。根据 午休,故选COIn the middle school, StUdents usually take CIaSSeS for SiX hours a day. 可知BoAfter lunch, they go to their classes.可知午饭后,他们去上课,所以没有BUt they WatCh TV too much. Some even WatCh TV three to five hours a day.It's bad for health. So their Pare nts worry about it. 可知孩子一天看太多电视,所以父母担心, 故选Ao(4) 纟田节题。根据 They PIay games, do SPOrtS or do reading With kids to take their kids away from TV他们和孩子们一起玩游戏、做运动或读书,把孩子们从电视上带走,即阻止孩子们看太多电视,故选 Do(5) 主旨题。根据全文可知主要讲了美国学生的学校生活情况,故选BO【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题和主旨题常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答 案;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。2 阅读理解Do you know the boy in the picture? He is Yi Yan gqia nxi. HiS En glish n ame is JaCkS on. Yi is 15 years old. He is a StUdent in a school in Beijing. And he is also a boy in the group (组合) TFBOYS.TFBOYS has three boys Wang YUa n, Wang JUn kai and Yi Ya ngqia nxi. All of them are tall and have good looks. They are good at dancing and singing.Wang YUanandWangJUnkai are Yi's friends. And Yi hasanother (另一个) friend. He is a toy bear. He lives in Yi's schoolbag. Yi goes to school With him every day. He talks and plays With him.nice. I like him Very much, Yi says.“ He Can't talk, bUhe Can liste n to me. He is Very nice. I like him VerV much, " Yi says. "I don't Want to be away from him. "years old.(1) Yi Yangqianxi isA. fourtee nB. fifteenC. SiXtee nD. SeVe ntee n(2) Boys in TFBOYSVery well.A. SWimB. readC.danceD. StUdy(3) The toy bear livesA. at Yi's homeB. in Yi's CIaSSroom(4)文中加下划线的单词him指代“_C. on Yi's bed。D. in Yi's schoolbagA. Wang YUa nB. Wang JUnkai(5) What does the PaSSage (文章)C. Yi Yan gqia nxi talk about?D. the toy bearA. Yi Yan gqia nxi and his friends.C. Yi Yan gqia nxi is a nice boy. 【答案】(1) BB. The group n amed TFBoYS.D. Yi Yan gqia nxi likes Singing(5)【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了(1) 细节理解题。根据选Bo(2) 细节理解题。根据Singing可知,故答案选Co(2)(3)TFBOYS中的一个男孩 一一易烊千玺。Yi is 15 years old. He is a StUdent in a school in Beijing 可知,故答案All of them are tall and have good looks. They are good at dancing and(3) 细节理解题。根据He is a toy bear. He lives in Yi's schoolbag 可知,故答案选 DO(4) 细节理解题。根据He can't talk, but he Can listen to me. He is Very nice 可知,him 指 toy bear。故答案选 D。(5) 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了易烊千玺和他的朋友们。故答案选Ao【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意 之后找出中心思想。3 阅读理解For many young people, Hallowee n is the best day of the year.Hallowee n comes On OCtOber 31. When it comes, all the family members always get togetherto make a PUmPkin lantern. They usually CUt SCary (恐怖的)Or funny faces into PUmPkins.Then they PUt Can dles in Side to make the PUmPk ins into Ianterns.ChiIdre n dress UP in costumes. They walk around their n eighborhoods to collect Can dies. They knock on their neighbors' doors. When a PerSon OPens the door, the ChiIdren shout, "Trick or treat!" If the PerS On gives them Can dies, they go away. If they Can't get the Can dy, they always Play tricks On the PerS on.Many PeoPle have Halloween Parties. They like to WatCh SCary movies and tell ghost stories.(1) Halloween is On.A. NOVember 1StB. OCtOber 3ftC. NOVember 2dD. OCtober30h(2) What do they PUt inSide the PUmPkins to make them into lanterns?A. Some Can diesB. Some Can dles C. Some Ian ternsD. Some PUmPk ins(3) How do ChiIdren collect Candies?A. By knocking On their n eighbors' doors and ask ing for Can dies.B. By going to the SUPermarket and buying Can dies.C. By ask ing their Pare nts to give them some Can dies.D. By Singing for their n eighbors and Pare nts.(4) What does the Un derl ined word "they" refer to?A. The PerS On who OPe ns the door.B. The ChiIdre n who knock at the door.C. The ChiIdre n's Pare nts.D. The n eighbors and the Pare nts.(5 ) WhiCh of the following is TRUE according to the Passage?A. ChiIdre n n ever go out and knock at their n eighbors' doors.B. They usually CUt frien dly and beautiful faces into PUmPk ins.C. Nobody has Hallowee n Parties.D. Many PeoPle like to tell ghost stories.【答案】(1) B(2 ) B(3 ) A(4 ) B(5 ) D【解析】【分析】主要讲了万圣节。(1) 细节题。根据 HalloWeen comes On OCtober 31 St可知万圣节是10月31日,故选BO(2) 纟田节题。根据 Then they PUt Can dies in Side to make the PUmPk ins into lanterns 可知他们 把蜡烛放进南瓜里,故选Bo(3) 纟田节题。根据 They Waik around their neighborhoods to collect Candies. They knock On their neighbors' doors.可知他们敲邻居家的门来收集蜡烛,故选A。(4) 细节题。根据前文可知孩子们敲邻居家的门收集蜡烛,如果邻居开门,并且给了蜡烛,那么孩子们将离开,所以they代指敲门的孩子们,故选Bo(5) 纟田节题。根据 Many PeOPie have HaiiOWee n parties. They like to WatCh SCary movies andtell ghost StOrieS可知许多人喜欢讲鬼故事,故选D。【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。4 阅读理解Hello! I am Joy. I'm a girl. I'm eleve n. I'm in CiaSS Eight, Grade Seven. ThiS is my friend, Joa n.She is twelve. She is a high school StUdent (中学生).She is in CiaSS SeVen, Grade Eight. My English teacher is MiSS White, but her English teacher is MiSS Green. Look (看)! That's my mom. She's a Chinese (语文,中文) teacher.(1) is in CiaSS Eight, Grade Seven.A. JoanB.John(2) Joan is Joy's (乔伊的).A. teacherB. frie nd(3) Joan is.A. eleve nB. twelve(4) Joy's (乔伊的)En glish teacher isA. MiSS WhiteB. MiSS Gree n(5) Joy's mother isC. JoyC. StUde ntC. thirteenA. a StUde ntB. a friend【答案】(1) C(2) B(3) B(4) A(5) C【解析】【分析】这篇短文中7年级8班。她的好朋友是 师以及她的妈妈。C. Joy's momC. a Chin ese teacherJoy介绍了自己和她的好朋友Joan, Joan在8年级7班。短文中Joan。Joy今年11岁了,她在Joy还提到了他们的英语老细节理解题。根据短文的开头HeIlo! I am Joy. I'm a girl. I'm eleve n. I'm in CiaSS Eight, GradeSeVen可知,Joy在7年级8班,故选 C。Joan在8年级7班;John在短文中并没有提到。细节理解题。根据短文中ThiS is my friend, Joan可知,Joan是Joy的好朋友。故选 B。teacher老师;StUdent学生,不符合文意。细节理解题。根据短文中ThiS is my friend, Joan. She is twelve.可知,Joan今年12岁了。故应该选BO细节理解题。根据短文中My En glish teacher is MiSS White, but her En glish teacher is MiSSGreen.可知,Joy的英语老师是 White, Joan的英语老师是 Green。故选A。细节理解题。根据短文的最后一句话That's my mom. She's a Chinese (语文,中文)teacher.可知,Joy的妈妈是一名语文老师。故选C。5阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Wang Bing is a 12-year-old boy. He and his Pare nts live together. He likes SPOrtS Very much and does well in sports.One after noon, he comes out of the CIaSSroom and SeeS his father Wait ing for him at the school gate. He is Very glad and runs to his father."Dad, PIeaSe don't Wait for me next time. I Can go home by myself. I have grown up," SayS Wang Bi ng."Let's go," SayS his father, "I'll cook SUPPer and you Can do your homework at home. MUm isstill at work."On their Way home, Wang Bing SeeS some boys Skat ing in a park. "Ca n I go to lear n Skat ing, Dad?" asks Wang Bing. "I'm sorry, my boy. You must go home and do your homework," an SWerS his father, "but I Can buy you an ice cream."Then his father buys an ice Cream for him. When Wang BingWantS to eat it, a fly(苍蝇)fliesto the ice cream."Drive off the fly." SayS his father. "It's Very dirty (脏的)."BUt Wang Bing SayS With a smile,"You don't let me skate, but Can you Iet it Skate for a while(一会儿)?"(1) There arepeople in Wang Bing's family.A. eightB. five(2) Wang Bing is good at.A. making PUPPetSB. Skat ing(3) On his Way home, Wang BingWants to _A. eat an ice CreamB. play basketball(4) WhiCh One is RIGHT?A. Wang Bing Wants the fly to go away.C. Wang Bing likes the fly on the ice cream. 【答案】(1) CC. threeD. twoC. Si ngi ngD. SPOrtSC. go SWimmi ngD. lear n Skat ingB. Wang Bing is not Very happy.D. Wang Bing is Very an gry.(2) D(3) D(4) B【解析】【分析】主要讲了 12岁的王兵非常喜欢体育,并且在体育方面做得好,一天下午 和爸爸在回家的路上发生的事情。(1) 细节题。根据 He and his Parents live together.可知他和父母住在一起,所以一共3 人,故选Co(2) 细节题。根据 He likes SPOrtS Very much and does well in sports.可知王兵体育好,故选DO(3)纟田节题。根据 On their Way home, WangBing SeeS Some boys Skati ng in a park. "Ca n I goto learn Skat ing, Dad?" asks Wang Bing.可知王兵想学习滑冰,故选D。(4) 细节题。根据 He is Very glad可知王兵是高兴的,故选B。【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。6阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Don't be too SUrPriSed if you See a Car going down the road WithOUt a driver in Beijing these days. It might be One of Baidu's self-drivi ng cars. LaSt mon th, BaidU WaS gran ted (授予)alicense to test its self-driving CarS on OPen roads in Beijing, China Daily reported.Self-driving CarS have been in development Since 2010, When Google announCed that it WaS making SUCh cars. SinCe then, companies like Tesla, Uber and BaidU have been working to PrOdUCe and test their OWn self-driv ing cars.Self-driv ing CarS are expected to revoluti OniZe(革命) the Way We get around. They are Saferand more environmen tally frien dly tha n regular cars. They Can remove the StreSS of drivi ng and allow disabled or bli nd people to get around more easily.BUt self-drivi ng CarS have their OWn flaws (缺陷) as well. Inone test, researchers Poin ted alaser Pointer (激光棒)at the car's SenSorS (传感器)while it WaS moving. The Carmistake nly thought that the laser beam WaS in its Way and slowed dow n Or Cha nged direct ion. Flaws like this could be USed by people to trick self-driving cars, according to the GUardian.The SOftWare that is USed to direct the CarS may not be Safe eno ugh, reported LiVe SCien ce. It may CraSh (崩溃).When We USe our COmPUterS or Smart Phones, they SOmetimeS CraSh WithOUt any reason. BUt if this happened to a self-driving car, the results could be deadly. ImPrOVements to the SOftWare could be a solution to this problem.(1)WhiCh company WaS the first to develop self-driving cars?A. GoogleB. TeslaC. UberD. BaidU(2)What does ParagraPh 3 mainly talk about?A. Soluti OnS for disabled people.B.TiPS for riding in self-drivi ng cars.C. AdVa ntages of self-driv ing cars.D.ReaS OnS for test ing self-drivi ngcars.(3) WhenSenSing (感应)an ObStaCIe (障碍物)in the way, self-driving CarS will.A. attack it With a laser beamB.slow dow n Or Cha nge direct ionC. CraSh into it to get PaSt itD.stop and move around it(4) What Can We infer (推断)from the story?A. Self-driv ing CarS will be USed as taxis in Beiji ng.B. TraVeIi ng in self-driv ing CarS Can PreVe nt traffic accide nts.C. Self-driving CarS free people from the StreSS of driving.D. ReSearCherS have found soluti OnS to the problems self-drivi ng CarS have.【答案】(1) A(2)C(3)B(4) C【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述由百度研制的自驾小轿车的优势和劣势,它们比普通的小 轿车更安全而且更环保。(1) 细节题。根据 Whe n Google ann OU need that it WaS maki ng SUCh cars. 可知,谷歌先制造 自驾小轿车,故选 AO(2) 主旨题。本段主要讲述自驾小汽车的优势,故选CO(3) 词义猜测题。根据The Car mistakenly thought that the laser beam WaS in its Way and slowed dow n or Cha nged direetio n.可知,当感应路上有障碍物时,自驾小轿车会减慢速度或者改变方向,故选 BO(4)推断题。根据第三段可知,自驾车比普通车更加安全和环保,开车没有压力,可推出自驾车可以是人们开车没有压力,故选Co【点评】考查阅读理解能力,细节题和推断题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题要从文中 寻找答案;推断题需要根据上下文,推断出需要的信息。7阅读短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the IeaVeS on trees. It is also the color of most grow ing pla nts.Sometimes, the word "gree n" means young, fresh and grow ing. For example, a gree nhorn is some One who has no experie nce. In the 15 the Cen tury, a gree nhorn WaS a young cow or an OX whose horns (角) had not yet developed. A Cen tury later, a gree nhorn WaS a soldier who had no experie nce in war. By the 18th Cen tury, a gree nhorn had the mea ning it has today a PerS On who is new in a job.SomeOne who is good at growing plants is Said to have a green thumb. The expression comes from the early 20 the Century. A PerSon With a green thumb Can make plants grow quickly and well. The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other gra in s. It WaS the result of hard work by agricultural(农业的) SCie ntists whohad gree n thumbs.Green is also the color USed to describe the POWerfUI feeling jealousy (嫉妒).The green eyed mon Ster isn't a dan gerous ani mal from outer space. It is an expressi On USed about 400 years ago by the BritiSh Writer William ShakeSPeare in his play "Othello". It describes the UnPIeaSant(不愉快的) feeli ng Whe n some One has SOmeth ing he Wan ts.In most PIaCeS in the world, a gree n light is a Sig nal to move ahead. In everyday speech, a gree n light means approval (赞成) to Con ti nue With a project.(1)A new solider WaS called a greenhorn in theCentury.A. 15thB. 16thC. 18thD. 20th(2)A PerSOn With a green thumb.A. is good at grow ing pla ntsB. really has a gree n thumbC. has no experie nce in WarD. is new in a job(3)A man may meet the green eyed monSter if.A. he SeeS a dan gerous ani malB. he Can't get SOmeth ingC. he reads a Sad play(4) What's the PaSSage mainly about?D. his friend gets a PriZe that he WantS(1) BA. Gree n, the color of grass and trees.C. Gree n, a Sig n Of approval.【答案】B. The StOrieS about the color "gree n".D. DifferentmeaningS of "gree n".(2) A(3) D(4) D【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述讲述"green及“greenhorn的不同意思。(1) 纟田节题。根据 A Century later, a greenhorn WaS a soldier who had no experience in war. 知,新士兵在16世纪被称为新兵,故选(2) 纟田节题。根据 Some One who is good at grow ing pla nts is Said to have a gree n thumb.知,一个有园艺才能的人擅长种植,故选BOAO(3) 细节题。根据It describes


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