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    PRE-QUALIFICATION REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THESHAFT DEEPENING AND RELATED DEVELOPMENT/CONSTRUCTION RFP FOR CONTRACT NO. BAOXINYUAN 001BEIJING WANGJING CHINAFOUNDATION PITP.K. 0086, 100010 BEIJING S&E ENG. B.J., CHINA TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING PREQUALI- FICATION PROPOSALS 3.0 CORPORATE INFORMATION 4.0 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 5.0 RELATED PIT PROJECT CONTRACTING EXPERIENCE 6.0 INTERNATIONAL PIT PROJECT CONTRACTING EXPERIENCE 7.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM & RECORD 8.0 KEY MANAGEMENT AND FIELD SUPERVISION PERSONNEL1.0PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1LOCATION Cayeli Mine (Cayeli) is located in the Black Sea region of Northeast Turkey (refer to maps below). The mine is approximately 28 km east of Rize and the nearest town, Cayeli, is 8 km north of the mine. Access to the Site from Cayeli is by the Cayeli/Kaptanpasa road only. The project area can be reached by road from Ankara or via Samsun, Trabzon and Rize. The road distance from Ankara is approximately 900 km. The mine site can also be reached by Turkish Air to Trabzon (via Ankara or Instanbul) and then driving approximately 100 km to Cayeli. 1.2THE OWNER Cayeli Bakir Isletmeleri A.S. was created under the laws of Turkey, as provided for in decree number 83/6533 of the Council of Ministers dated April 26, 1983. The purpose of the company is to develop copper, zinc and certain other mineral resources in the north-eastern part of Turkey. 1.3THE PROJECT The mine is operated by Cayeli Bakir Isletmeleri AS (CBI) and produces copper and zinc concentrates by processing massive sulphide ore. Present ore production is 1.0 million tonne. As part of Cayelis ongoing long term production planning, ore production will be increased to 1.3 million tonnes. Cayeli plans to deepen their existing ore hoisting facility. The Work for the deepening project involves: The scope of work is outlined as follows: 1、 Engineering, design, fabricate, transport and set-up of appropriate shaft sinking plant. The existing shaft service hoist and cage compartment of the shaft will be made available for use by the Contractor. 2、  Pre-sinking preparation of the facility as required. The Owner may expedite portions of this work with independent workers decision prior to award. 3、Perform such works in the shaft in order to establish the sinking face while allowing continued mine production from the existing ore handling facilities. This may/will include excavation of the spill raise, installation of the shaft sinking/deflector bulkhead below the existing 900 Level loading pocket, shaft bottom cleanout, temporary removal of shaft steel sets, modifications to the shaft headframe structure to allow surface dumping of waste rock, etc. 4、 Deepening the production shaft (surface elevation nominal 1109 metres) from the current elevation (±835 metres elevation) to 540 Elevation (nominal 295 metres of sinking). Concurrently, install pattern ground support as defined in the specifications, and install a 25 MPA monolithic concrete lining to 5.5 metres final inside diameter. Install shaft steel sets, services and electrics in accordance with project construction and final design requirements. At shaft bottom, excavate a “stub” station approximately 10 metres long (for future breakthrough of shaft bottom ramp). 5.0 At the 570 Level, slash and line, in accordance with specifications, for a twin flask (two compartments) loading pocket. Install and commission loading pocket. 6.0 At the 570 Level, excavate and support the main shaft station (nominal 2,300 cu m) in accordance with the final design and specifications. 7.0 Conduct shaft changeover as required to utilize the shaft cage and skips to the new elevations. 8.0 Transport equipment underground via shaft and complete the mine development program as identified. One purpose of the program is to complete the slimes/spill handling/pumping system at/near 570 Level, connecting to the existing Geho dewatering sump/pump at 900 Level. 9.0 The development program will also complete the lower level ore handling system excavations. The system includes an extended length loadout conveyor from the shaft loading pocket, associated ore pass raises (3) complete with chain controls, and vibratory feeders. 10.0 All excavations will be completed with final ground support (generally rebar bolts, cable bolts, and shotcrete) as specified. 11.0 Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove, except as directed by the Owner representative, all temporary plant, buildings, surplus materials, equipment, tools, rubbish and debris. The Contractor shall leave the work site previously under his control and responsibility in a neat, clean and safe condition.插图1插图2 2.0INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING PRE-QUALIFICATION PROPOSALS 2.1GENERAL Pre- Qualification Proposals (Proposals) for the work specified in this documents must be submitted in accordance with the following instructions. 2.2THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE For the purpose of liaison between the Owner for the pre-qualification process and the Contractor, the Owners representative will be: Mr. John Wright Technical Manager Cayeli Bakir Isletmeleri A.S. P.K. 42, 53200 Cayeli, Rize, Turkey Telephone No: (90) 464 544 64 30 Extension 227 Facsimile No: (90) 464 544 62 84) Email: 2.3SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL Proposals must be sealed, complete and self-contained, regardless of pre-qualification documents. The original and Two (2) copies of the Pre-qualification Proposals shall be submitted by courier to the address specified above and labeled as follows:. PRE-QUALIFICATION PROPOSAL RFP for Contract No. CAY 262 CAYELI MINE SHAFT DEEPENING & RELATED DEVELOPMENT/ CONSTRUCTION Sealed Proposals must be received on or before 30 January, 2003 at 12:00 hours local Turkish time (the “due date”). Note that faxed and/or e-mailed Proposals will be accepted but must be accompanied by a faxed copy of the appropriate signed courier receipt as proof of compliance that the appropriate original and copied documents are being delivered. Proposals will not be opened in public. The Contractor is to note that the Owner has the right to reject all or any proposals without explanation. 2.3SCOPE OF WORK A general description of the Scope of Work has been provided in Section 1.3. 2.4SCHEDULE OF WORK The following tentative schedule is for the Contractors information. Tentative Schedule Issuing Tender Documents-early February, 2003 Closing of Tenders-late March, 2003 Expected Award of Contract-mid-April, 2003 Completion of work-June. 2005 2.5COMMUNICATIONS All communications, written and spoken, between both parties in connection with this Proposal and Contract will be in the English language and shall reference the RFQ or Contract Number as applicable. 2.6CONTRACTORS REPRESENTATIVE AND SIGNATURES The signature(s) on behalf of the Contractor must be in the handwriting of officers authorized to sign contracts for that party. The Contractor must give the full legal name under seal, the business address of their company and consortium, and identify persons competent and authorized to discuss the details of the Proposal. 2.7PROPOSAL CLARIFICATION No oral interpretations shall be effective to modify the provision of the Pre-Qualification Proposal Documents. Every request for interpretations shall be made in writing by letter, or facsimile, to the Owner. 3.0 CORPORATE INFORMATION The Contractor must submit the following corporate information: Corporate back ground and organization. Total current contracted workload. Number of home office and site personnel. 4.0 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 4.1 The Contractor must submit the following corporate information:·                     Financial Report. Total estimated revenue for the next three (3) years (total corporation and mine contracting division (if applicable) Bonding Limits·  Certificates of insurance. 4.2 The Contractor acknowledges that by his signature hereunder, he consents to the Owner obtaining a credit report on the Contractor. Two bank references are to be supplied。 5.0 RELATED MINE CONTRACTING EXPERIENCE The Proposal must include details of the Contractors total shaft sinking and underground development and construction experience in undertaking projects of a similar magnitude and similar ground conditions to that of the Work. A list of relevant projects completed in the past five (5) years shall be presented with the proposal. The list shall incorporate: ·  Descriptions of the Projects including location and key statistics (i.e. shaft diameter, shaft depth , linear meters of development etc) ·  Short description of manpower, equipment, and methods used in each project. 6.0 INTERNATIONAL MINE CONTRACTING EXPERIENCE The Proposal must also include details of the Contractors international (ie outside of the home country) shaft sinking and underground development and construction experience in undertaking projects of a similar magnitude and similar ground conditions to that of the Work. A list of relevant projects completed in the past five (5) years shall be presented with the proposal. The list shall incorporate: ·  Descriptions of the Projects including location and key statistics (i.e. shaft diameter, shaft depth , linear meters of development etc) · Short description of manpower, equipment, and methods used in each project. ·  Nominal value in US Dollars ·  Overall schedule achieved ·   Description of major successes or failures for each project ·  Project safety records (including manhours worked, number of first aid incidents, number of medical aid incidents, number of lost-time accidents, number of fatal accidents (and short description of accident) for each project listed). ·  Project contact references including name, title, address, telephone number, telefax number and email address (if available) 7.0              HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM & RECORD The Contractor shall supply a copy of his standard safety program with the Proposal as well as a summary of the companys accident history over the past five (5) years. If the company is involved in several distinct areas of work, the relevant statistics for the division responsible for shaft sinking and mine development are to be used. Safety Statistics 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 A - Hours Worked B - Fatal Accidents C - Total Accidents D - Accidents with Lost Time E - Lost Days F - Lost Time Frequency G Severity H Compensation Costs Contractors Safety Program: 8.0  KEY MANAGEMENT AND FIELD SUPERVISION PERSONNEL The Contractor shall submit an organization chart for the Work which identifies key personnel and the responsibilities. Resumes of key personnel shall be submitted with the organizational chart. The proposal shall identify the location of the Contractors administration and engineering offices for the Work. In the event that the Contractor would form a Joint Venture for this project, a list of key personnel from all companies involved in the Joint Venture shall be submitted for the Owners review.19 / 19文档可自由编辑打印


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