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    中小学习题试卷教育文档117AUnit 1 知识点梳理(上).词?匚 &短语:WORDS&PHRASES1. Whats your name?你叫什么名字?My name is Hobo.我的名字叫霍波。What' s your name ?是询问对方名字的一句问话。其回答句是 My name is ,也可以用I' m 如想反问对方时可说:“And yo底者说“And what' s your name?:” 你叫什么名字?What' s your name 我叫米莉My name is Millie【拓展】询问对方名字还可以说:你能告诉我你的名字吗?我可以知道你的名字吗?Could you tell me your name?May I have your name?寺2.Are you my master ? 你是我的主人吗?Yes, I am._Are you这是一个一般疑问句,要用yes或no来回答。肯定回答是 Yes,Iam,I am不能缩写。否定回答是m not。这一句句型可以用是的,我是。来询问姓名,职业或者其他情况。如:Are you Sandy ?你是桑迪吗?Yes, I am/_No, I是的,我是。/不,我不是。Are youa teacher?你是老师吗?Yes, I am.是的,我是She is good at playing thepiano.(改为一般疑问句)Is she good at playing thepiano3. Good morning. 早上好Good morning意为早上好”,是人们上午见面时经常说的一句问候语。当对方向你说“Good morning ”时,你也应该问对方说Good morning同样,下午或者晚上问候语用GoodafternoonGood evening,0对方也用同样的内容回答。如:Good afternoon0下午好Good evening0晚上好4. Hello.你好Hello意为你好,喂”,表示问候或唤起。它用于较熟悉的同学获朋友之间,语气较随便。其后可接称呼语,有时也可以用hi来代替。如:Hello/Hi,Amy!你好,埃米Hello/Hi,Kitty!你好,基蒂5. Nice to meet you. 认识你很高兴这是两个人初次见面相识后的短语,意思是认识你很高兴其回答Nice to meetyou ,too”或者是 Me too 意思是:我也是。初次见面还可以说:Glad to see you 而Nice to meet you 是互相认识的两人见面用语。如:Glad to see you , Daniel.很高兴见到你,丹尼尔。Glad to see you , Eddie.见到你也很高兴,埃迪。力6.Welcome to Class 1, Grade 7 !欢迎来到七年级一班Welcome作感叹词时,意思是 欢迎 ,主要是用来对已经到达的客人表示欢迎,后接介词to,再接指代地点的名词;或者直接加副词 back 或_home。如:Welcome to our home !欢迎来到我们家!Welcome home/back !欢迎回家 /来!【拓展】1、welcome作动词,意思是欢迎”,其常用句型结构为:welcome+sb.+to+地点,意为欢迎某人到 某地来”。Welcome you to my house. 欢迎你到我的新家来。2、welcome作形容词时,意思是 受欢迎的”,可作表格或定语。如:Welcome news 好消息3、welcome可作名词,意为 欢迎”。The old man gives us a warm welcome 这位老人给予我们热烈的欢迎。4、You are _ welcome !别客气(回答对方道谢时用语)2、Class1和Grade7都是专有名词,第一个字母都要大写。并按英语习惯名词在前、数词在后。英 语中习惯由小到大的说法,先说班级,再说年级。班级和年级中间还要有逗号,这点与汉语不同。如:I ' m in Class Three, _Grade eight=I ' m in Class3,Grade 8" 7. I ' m 12 years ol豉 12 岁了 years 01d意为" 岁(年龄)”,常用“力啾词+years 01d来表示 某人多大年龄了。" yearsold 可以省略。如:Sandy is 12 years old=Sandy is 12. 桑迪 12 岁了。【拓展】英语中常用“How old- ? ”来询问年龄,意思是 多大年龄或几岁了 ”,回答是:be (am, is, are) + 数词+years old。如:How old is Millie ?米莉几岁了 ?She is 12 years old.她 12 岁了力8. I love reading.我喜欢阅读1、love是动词,意为 爱,热爱,喜欢”。其后通常可跟名词、代词,接动词时要用动词-ing或带to的动词不定式形式,love doing sth.表示一种习惯,一种爱好,love to do sth.表示想做某事,是一 个一次性的动作。如I love my mother.我爱我妈妈Eddie loves playing football.埃迪喜欢踢足球。I love to swim this afternoon. 下午我想去游泳。【拓展】love还可以作名词,意为 热爱;挚爱”。lovely 形容词,意为美丽的;动人 的",lover 名词,意为爱好者;情人”。2、reading意为 馍书,阅读”,常构成短语 do some reading 读书,阅读。Reading 是由动词read加ing构成的名词,也叫 动名词,可作主语、宾语等。类似的还有:dancing 跳舞;swimming 游泳My brother often_does some reading 。 我弟弟经常读书。9. I often play football after school.我经常放学后踢足球。1 . play football踢足球,play意为 参加 ,后接表示 球类”的名词时不用冠词。如:Playbasketball/ volleyball/baseball 打篮球 /排球/棒球play table tennis/ tennis 打 乒 乓球 /网 球; playfootball/soccar 踢足球【拓展】play的不同搭配1 .play+棋类 表示 下/打”,棋类名词前不用冠词。如: play chess 下棋2 . “play+the乐器”表示 弹/拉”,乐器名词前要用定冠词the。如:_play the piano 弹钢琴; play the violin 拉小提琴;10.This is Sandy.这是桑迪This is这匚句是第三者为互相不认识的双方作介绍时的用语。第三者为双方介绍时,应该遵循英美人的习惯;通常先把年幼、位低者介绍某人时,习惯用“Thisis",而不用" She/Heis” ths这个句型中,指人不指物。如:Mum , this is my teacher.妈妈,这是我的老师。、。 11. He is from Nanjing.( 他来自南京)be from意为由什么地方来,是什么地方人”,有祖籍在哪里的意思。如:I am from China.我是中国人。Lily is from Shanghai.莉莉来自上海。【拓展】come from '从什么地方来”,只能简单说在哪里的意思。如:I _come from China.我来自 中国。be from 和 come from 可以互换, 如:Iam from Nanjing. 也可以换成 I _come from Nanjing.* 12. He is good at Maths.他擅长于数学be good at意为擅长”,at在这里是一个介词,后面加名词或动名词。如:I am good at playing football我很擅长踢足球。米莉擅长说英语Millieis good at speaking English.例题精讲1.(黔西南)Nice to meet you!D. The same to you!A. Thank you! B. How do you do C. Nice to meet you, too!2.(2013 广东)一Excuse me, sir. Heres package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in?A.308 RoomB. Room 308C. The Room 308 D. The 308 Room3.(2013 宜宾)Let ' s play soccer.I don ' t have soccer ball.A.不填;aB. the; aC. a: theD.不填;the4.(2013 泰安)一Do you play piano in your free time? No, I like sports. I often play soccer with my friends.A.不填;the B. the;不填C. the ;theD. a; a1-4CBAB零课堂测验一、单项选择1.What' s your name?A. I ' m Li Ming B. I'm fine2.Daniel meets Sandy at 13:50. He should sayA. Good morningB. Good afternoonC. Today is sunny D. I like milkto her.C. Good eveningD. Good night3. Tom most be tired after for a long way.A. runB. runsC. running4. Hello! May I speak to Mary?Yes, Mary.A. It isB.I amC. this isD. to runD. he is5. Li Yan is my best friend. She comes a small village. (村子)A. onB. withC. ofD. from1-5ABCCD 二.完成句子1. Good morning , everyone. Welcome to China.2. My brother is 6 years old.(改为同义句)(欢迎来到中国)My brother is_asix-year-old boy.3 . My little brother loves collecting(collect) match boxes.4 .Most of us are good at( 擅长)playing chess.一、 单项选择1 . What' s your name?A. SimonB. Yes, I am2. ! I ,m Helen. Good afternoon! I ' m HelenC. Your name is TimD.No, I ' m JillA. Good morningB. Goodbyenight3. IJohn, you must go to bed now.Ok, Mum.A. Good morningB. Good eveningafternoonC. Good afternoonC. Good nightD. GoodD. Good4 . Can you my dog for three days?Yes, of course.D. look atA. look afterB. look forC. look like5 .一What' s job? He is an office worker.A. Your fatherB. your father ' s C. your sisterD. yoursister ' s 1-5ACCAB二 .完形填空Hello everyone ! I am in my new school now. I have some good_1here. They are all nice.Please come with me and _2them.First, the tall boy is Frank. Look at his blue3_. He is from the USA. He lives _4hisparents in Nanjing. Frank is a kind boy. He often helps with my English. He likes5_. Yao Mingand Jordan are his idols( 偶像)。And Kitty, a pretty girl, always smiles . She is a good student and she is good at all her_6.She_7many books. We often study together.Leon is also my friend. He isn t tall. He doesn t like basketball. _8he likes. Hfoeotibsall_9the football team of our school.I am really_10to have the three good friends.1.A. friendsB. teachersC. boysD. girls2. A. sayB. lookC. hearD. meet3. A. hairB. eyesC. earsD. hands4. A. withB. forC. andD. to5. A. footballB. basketballC. ping-pongD. badminton6. A. gamesB. lessonsC. classD. rooms7. A. seesB. watchesC. readsD. hears8. A. AndB. SoC. ButD. Or9. A. forB. inC. atD. to10. A. happyB. sadC. politeD. sorry1-5ADBAB6-10BCCBA三阅读理解阅读理解练习二( 1 )Jim goes to Tokyo. He wants to see his aunt. But when he walks out of the station, he can t find hisway. The city is now quite different. He sees a man outside a police station, so he goes up to ask himfor help. The man looks at him for a long time, then says,“ I m sorry, sir. I m from anstanding here and want to find a policeman. He may tell you the way. ”1. Jim goes to Tokyo _.A to see his friendB to see his fatherC to see his classmateD to seehis aunt2. He goes to TokyoA for the first timeB for the last timeC not for the first timeD only onetime3. The manA works in TokyoB knows JimC doesn t live in TokyoD like the city4. The manA doesn t know the wayB answers at onceC doesn t want to answer D doesn t like Jim5. The best title isA Going to LondonB Seeing his auntC Seeing a policemanD Asking the way1-5DACAD2)“ Joe, you are a very old dog, ” said policeman Fred. “ Tobdiartyhidsayoaugrain. I remember you were 14 years old last year. But you are still the best police dog in the w orld! ”“ ARF! ARF! ” barked Joe.“ You are welcome, ” said Fred.“ Now let s get your birthday dinner. Show me where you want to eat.Joe led Fred down the street. Good smells came from all the eating places. But Joe wanderedon(闲逛).At last he stopped at a small place. He smelled around the door. Then he pushed the door open.“ Is this where you want to eat? ” asked Fred. But Joe did not barkwaenr.aHnes put his nose to the floor and ran across the room. Then he jumped on a man at a table!“ Good boy, Joe! ” said Fred. Joe and Fred have looked for the robber for ten years.“have found him! ”Joe and Fred took the robber to the police st ation. Then Fred said, “ All right, Joe, you have done your work. Well done! Congratulations. Now do you want that birthday dinner?” “ ARF!” b“ ARF! ARF! ” “ Let s go, ” said Fred. “ I m hungry, too. ”1. How old is Joe?A Fifteen. B Five. C Thirteen. D Fourteen.2. How many years have the police and Joe looked for the robber?A 13. B 10.C 6.D 7.3. In the story, Joe says“ ARF! ARF! ” twice. The first time he means“ ” .A Hello! How are you?B Thank you.to hear that.4 Fred wants to give Joe a dinner because.A it ' s Joe ' s birthday B today is Fred Joe caught the robber5 Joe i s great, isn ' t he?A Yes, he is. B No, he isn ' t. C Yes, he isnC Oh. No. I ' m not a good dog. D I'm sorry's birthdayC Fred found an eating place Dt. D No, he is.1-5ABBAA


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