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    牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 1 Laughter is good for you板块:Project 作 者:刘 青Thoughts on the design: Project属于探索型实践课,在本单元前面对中西方喜剧形式和戏剧相关词汇了解的基础上,引导学生阅读和分析两个短篇喜剧剧本。之后通过小组讨论,分工合作,交流汇报等形式将英语学习和实践延伸到课堂之外,最后呈现学习任务,培养综合运用语言的能力。本课利用本单元前面所学内容引导学生对两个小喜剧进行理解和分析,为学生课后的表演和制作做好充分的铺垫。Teaching aims: After this class, the students will be able to:1. have a good understanding of the two short plays2. use what they learned in this unit to analyze the play3. form groups to discuss and prepare their own performances.Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead in (PPT4-6)1. Revision What have we talked about in this unit up till now? laughter, stand-up, performing and acting, dramas, crosstalk.2. We have talked a lot about laughter, performing and dramas. Now you have a chance to experience dramas for yourselves.Explanation导入从回顾本单元所讨论过的主要话题入手,告诉学生前面我们谈论了这些,现在我们即将亲身经历戏剧,开门见山,简单明了。Step 2 Reading and analyzing (PPT 7-16)1. The invisible bench(1) Ask the students to read the script and then ask them some questions. Is there a bench in the courtyard? -No What does the word “invisible” mean?-That cannot be seen Is this a comedy? Why or why not? -Yes. Because actors use body language to perform, which makes the audience laugh with a surprising and amusing ending.In which style of stand-up is this play, observational, prop, physical or impressionist?-Physical. They use their bodies to make jokes.(2) After the Ss understand the play well, ask them: “If we want to put on this short play, what should we prepare?” Script,drector , actors and actresses, stage (lights, microphones).2. The important paper(1) Ask the students to read the script and then ask them some questionsHow many characters are there in the play? -Three. The king, the queen and the servant.Who do you think is the main character/ hero in the play? -The king.What does the King actually want? -Toilet paper.Why are the others unable to understand him? -Because he is the king, important paper may mean very important official documents for him.In what style of stand-up comedy is this play? - Proptoilet paper and some other papersphysical“pump into people or things”How does the playwright make the play funny? -The playwright uses a play upon wordsimportant paper and toilet paperto make people laugh.(2) After the students understand the play well, ask them: “If we want to put on this short play, what should we prepare?” Script, Director, Actors and actresses, Toilet paper & other paper, Throne, Costumes, Stage (lights, microphones, scenery)Explanation这两个短剧通俗易懂,学生在理解上问题不大,因此,教师可以结合喜剧的特点以及Drama表演需要筹备的东西等方面引发学生思考。一方面能帮助他们进一步理解喜剧的各种形式,另一方面为他们Project的完成做好准备。而且,和Word power的内容有机结合,增加相关词汇的复现,便于学生的接受和记忆。Step 3 Planning and preparing (PPT 15-17)借:其他应收款 720 1. Ask the students to discuss in groups the following questions, which will help them to carry out the project. Ask them to write down their plans. C经营活动现金流入320万元Which play do you want to put on Who will play each character? Who will be the director? D.编码、系统测试、系统安装和新旧系统转换What kind of scenery will need? Who will make it? A中毒性贫血 D缺铁性贫血Will you need props? Who will find them? Will you need costumes? Who will make them? 题解 a-TF复合物既可激活因子(传统通路),也可激活因子(选择通路),从而启动凝血反应。Where and how often will you practice?答案: 2. Ask some groups to report them idea about the project. The teacher may give some suggestions in this step.Explanation 在分析了两个短剧之后,让学生充分讨论来选择他们即将演出的短剧,用问题引导他们思考在演出的前后应该筹备和考虑的方面,最后的汇报可以让老师和学生相互学习和借鉴,并且发现问题及时解决和改进,以确保课后学生的任务更顺利的完成。存货调整金额=-42-15-800=-857(万元)。Step 4 Homework (PPT 18)Ask the students to prepare and practice their plays.(1)1月1日,甲公司与乙公司签订资产转让合同。合同约定,甲公司将其办公楼 以4 500万元的价格出售给乙公司,同时甲公司自20×0年1月1日至20 X4 年12月31日止期间可继续使用该办公楼,但每年末需支付乙公司租金300万元,期满后乙公司收回办公楼。当日,该办公楼账面原值为6 000万元,己计提折旧750万元,未计提减值准备,预计尚可使用年限为35年;同等办公楼的市场售价为5 500万元;市场上租用同等办公楼需每年支付租金520万元。21有关DIC的实验室检查,下列哪种说法是错误的?3月6日4pm:查血小板2万/mm3,凝血时间(玻片法)15分钟。


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