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    Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第三话题的第三课时,承接第二个话题,继续谈论社会问题和公共服务,主活动是1a和3。1a通过分析流浪人口的产生原因和导致的结果,让学生正确认识流浪人口这种社会现象。1b的任务主要是培养学生提炼文章标题的能力。1c则是让学生学会寻找特定的信息。1d旨在培养学生根据上下文猜测词意的能力。2这个看图说话属于半控制性任务。让学生模仿1a的句型来谈论新的问题。3的写作任务是建立在完成2的基础之上的。让学生先讨论再写作,有利于降低写作难度,拓展学生的思维。本课通过了解流浪人口产生的原因和结果,引导学生关注社会现象,思考社会问题的成因。文章还向学生传递了“以人为本”的人文关怀的理念。 .Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,巩固现在完成时的用法。2. Skill aims: 运用不同的阅读方法找出文章主题,段落主旨句和细节描述。能通过语境猜测词义,扫清阅读障碍。能谈论和表达与本文相关材料的话题。3. Emotional aims: ( optional)引导学生关注社会问题和社会服务,为社会主义的发展作出努力。4. Culture awareness: (optional)了解世界各国存在的社会问题,分析产生的原因和导致的结果,关注各国政府就这个问题采取的应对措施, 从而拓展学生的国际视野。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: basic, human, value, period, whatever, steal, support, shelter, homelessness, earn, drug, mental, on purpose, effect, phrase, according, context, laborer, cruel, basic needs, a short period of, one place to another, in a shelter, mental illness, on purpose, think of as2. Difficult points: 口头报告和书面写作时,能有意识地使用“cause and effect”来组织段落。. Learning strategies通过归纳总结的方法,找出文章主题和段落大意。通过语言环境,掌握通过猜测词义和扫清阅读障碍的学习策略。引导学生就不同的问题讨论、交流观点,培养学习英语的自信。. Teaching aids单词卡片(如base/ basic; human, value/ valuable etc.);幻灯片;能反映学生家乡今昔变化的图片或照片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(2-3 mins)Class activityGreet and hold a competition between boys and girls: Let the boys make a sentence by using the simple past tense and ask the girls to change the sentence into the present perfect tense. Then they do it in reverse.T: Good morning, boys and girls, we have learned the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense last period. Now lets have a competition. First, boys make a new sentence in the simple past tense and then girls change it into the present perfect tense as quickly as you can. Are you ready? Ss: Yes! S1: I came here last year.S2: I have been here for one year/since last year.The boys make a sentence by using the simple past tense first and the girls change the sentence into the present perfect tense. Then they do it in reverse. Ss: Good morningSs: Yes! Bs: I came here last year.Gs: I have been here for one year/since last year.该环节通过造句和改句的竞赛方式,让学生巩固一般过去时和现在完成时的用法。为了降低难度,老师可以提前准备一些一般过去时的句子。2Lead-in(3-5 mins)Group workPlay a part of the movie of cruel wars about Nanjing Massacre, and then lead the Ss to talk about their feelings.T: Lets watch a part of the movie about Nanjing Massacre. Then discuss your feelings.T: What do you think of it?S1:Its very “残酷”.T: Right. Its cruel. Whats your opinion?S2: The people there couldnt live a normal life.S3: The cruel war will cause people to be homeless.Watch a movie about Nanjing Massacre. Then talk about the feelings.Ss: Good morning,S1: Its very“残酷”.S2: The people there couldnt live a normal life.S3: The cruel war will cause people to be homeless.通过观看“战争”导致的无家可归,引导学生思考更多的无家可归的原因和结果,为学习1a做好准备。对于一些描述性的词,可允许学生用中文表达,教师给出英语说法,同时,引导学生更好的思考。如cruel等。3Pre-reading (5 mins)Class activity Present the new words according to the introduction about the homelessness and guide the Ss to guess the meaning. Then lead to 1a.T: Thats right. The war is cruel. It causes people to lose their homes. They have to live on the street or in a shelter. A home is the basic need to humans. Everyone values it. So we must value our home and family.(Teach other words by the pictures or word cards)Ss: T: Have you ever seen any homeless people?Do you know why they are homeless?S1: Some of them are disabled.S2: Maybe they are lazy.S3: Some have mental illness.S4Guess the meaning of the words according the teachers descriptions and pay attention to the pronunciation and spelling of the words.S1: Some of them are disabled.S2: Maybe they are lazy.S3: Some have mental illness.S4教师在教授新词汇时,要注意丰富语言环境,才能让学生“够得着”。4While-reading (15 mins)Individual workGroup workStep 1: First-readingGet the Ss to read the passage quickly and finish 1b. Check the answer in class and give necessary explanations.T: Ok, now read the passage quickly and choose a title for this passage. Step 2:Second-reading.Guide the Ss to read the passage para. by para. Then fill in the chart according to the details in each paragraph. Finish 1c.T: Now, please read Para 2 carefully and get the details of the cause of short-time homelessness. T: Whats the cause of short-time homelessness? S1: The first cause is moving.The second reason is that people are unable to find a home.T: Right. Now read Para 3 and find the cause of homelessness.T: OK. Who can?S2T: Right. Now read Para 4 and find the effect of homelessness.S3.Read the passage quickly and try to choose the best title for the passage. Read the passage again and finish 1c. Get the main ideas of each paragraph and pay attention to the details. Then finish 1c.S1: The first cause is moving.The second reason is that people are unable to find a home.S2S3.在切入“一读”、“二读”、“再读”的阅读任务时,要注意任务的层次性,引导学生通过不同的阅读方式解决不同的阅读任务, 培养学生掌握阅读策略。5Post-reading(15mins)Pair work Group workGroup workStep1: Third-reading. Guide the Ss to read 1a third time and guess the meaning of some key words and phrases according to the context. Finish 1 and 2 in 1d.T: Now read 1a again, guess the meaning of “on purpose” according to the context. T: Whats the meaning of “on purpose” in the sentence “No one is ever homeless on purpose”. For example, we are good friends, so nobody wants to hurt others on purpose.S1: “故意地” T: Right.(Let the Ss deal with the language points in the same way)Step2: Ask the Ss to read the last para to finish 3 in 1d.T: Read the last para to find out whether the government has done enough for the homelessness. Discuss what else we can do to help them. Then share your suggestions with your group members.Ss: No, they havent.T: What else can we do to help them?S1: We can raise some money for them.S2: We can give some old clothes and books to them.S3Step 3: Present three pictures in 2, lead the Ss to choose one of them and discuss the causes and effects like 1a. Finish 2. Then let them make a report to the whole class based on 3.T: Look at these pictures and choose one of them to discuss the causes and effects like 1a.S1: What is the cause of child laborers?S2: There are many causes of it. One of them is that they are too poor.S1: What are the effects of the child laborers?S2: The effects are different. They cant go to school. T: OK, who can make a report about the cause and effect based on 3?S3: The teenagers dont have enough money to go to school, so they become child laborers Read the passage carefully, and discuss and ask questions about the points they do not understand. Taking notes when the teacher gives explanations. S1: “故意地”Read the last para to find out whether the government has done enough for the homelessness. Discuss what else we can do to help them. Then choose one student of each group to give their report to the whole class.Ss: No, they havent.S1: We can raise some money for them.S2: We can give some old clothes and books to them.S3Look at three pictures in 2 and choose one of them to discuss the causes and effects like 1a. Finish 2. Then make a report to the whole class based on 3.S1: What is the cause of child laborers?S2: There are many causes of it. One of them is that they are too poor.S1: What are the effects of the child laborers?S2: The effects are different. They cant go to school. S3: The teenagers dont have enough money to go to school, so they become child laborers 学生水平整体较好的话,1d也可处理为读中的任务。教师可以仿照1d的1、2小题,训练学生通过语境猜词的能力,同时在读后安排成重难句(汉译英)的翻译题来处理和巩固本课的重点词汇,如:通过翻译“没有人愿意无家可归”来复习短语 “on purpose”。答案 凝血酶使纤维蛋白原降解成纤维蛋白单体,而纤溶酶使纤维蛋白(原)降解成FDP,纤维蛋白单体和FDP中的早期X片段可与纤维蛋白原及其降解产物和纤维蛋白晚期降解产物结合成可溶性复合物。副凝试验利用鱼精蛋白使上述可溶性复合物中的纤维蛋白单体和FDP中与X片段解离,然后纤维蛋白单体和FDP又各自聚合成肉眼可见的凝胶状物析出,这种不经凝血酶的作用而引起的凝集反应称副凝反应。上述管理用固定资产系甲公司于20×1年12月购入,原值为3 600万元,甲公司采用年限平均法计提折旧,预计净残值为零。税法规定该固定资产的计税年限最低为l5年,甲公司在计税时按照15年计算确定的折旧在所得 税前扣除。在20X4年度财务报表中,甲公司对该固定资产按照调整后的折旧年限计算的年折旧额为l60万元,与该固定资产相关的递延所得税资产余额为40 万元。【答案】:DC抗凝血酶活性降低 D高脂血症9、系统实施阶段主要由( )等主要活动构成。甲公司出租办公楼在合并报表中不应该作为投资性房地产反映,而应该作为固定资产反映,视同办公楼没有出租给集团内部。CD-二聚体分解为小分子物质完成课文学习后,利用教材资源,引导学生积极思考社会问题,以及有效解决问题的策略,培养学生关注社会的意识,为社会发展做出贡献,实现本课的情感升华。资料(3)甲公司的会计处理不正确。A发行债券收到现金作为筹资活动现金流入(1)我公司出于长期战略考虑,20×1年1月1日以l 200万欧元购买了在意大利注册的乙公司发行在外的80股份,计500万股,并自当日起能够控制乙公司的财务和经营政策。为此项合并,我公司另支付相关 审计、法律等费用200万元人民币。乙公司所有客户都位于意大利,以欧元作为主要结算货币,且与当地的银行保持长期良好的合作关系,其借款主要从当地银行 借入。考虑到原管理层的能力、业务熟悉程度等,我公司完成收购交易后,保留了乙公司原管理层的所有成员。为了降低该环节的难度,可以允许学生选择其中一幅图片进行讨论,还可以安排不同层次的学生,讨论不同的话题。如:A、B类学生对第二和第三幅图片进行讨论;C类学生可以就第一幅图片作出反应,也是对课堂学习情况的巩固和检测。6Summarizing and Assigning homework (3-5 mins)Group workStep 1: Sum up the key points in Section C. Then ask one group to give a presentation.Step 2: 1. Assign 3 as the HMK. 2. Ask the Ss to collect some famous logos about social organizations and make an introduction next class.Go over what they have learned in Groups. Then try to report to the whole class.1. Write a passage about causes and effects according to what they have discussed in 2. 2. Collect some famous logos about social organizations and make an introduction next class. Blackboard designThe world has changed for the better.Section CWords:basic, human,value, period,whatever, steal,support, shelter,homelessness,earn, drug,mental,effect, phrase,context,cruel;Language points:basic needs,a short period of,on purpose,from one place to another,in a shelter,mental illness,child laborer,think of as,according toReading:A serious problemHomelessnessPara 2: cause of short-time homelessnessPara 3: cause of homelessnessPara 4: effects of homelessness


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