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    Section D. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第四课时。主活动是1a和Project。“语法和功能”部分让学生总结归纳一般将来时的被动语态。1a 继续学习宇宙知识并讲述了人类探索宇宙的活动。在这个部分还留下了一个悬念:茫茫的宇宙中还有其他生命存在吗?很好地激发了学生探索宇宙的欲望。1b这个图表型的任务可以看作是一个跨学科衔接。地理知识好,不用看1a 也能完成,否则必须把1a读懂才能完成。3是个有趣的活动。学生在展开想象的同时可以顺便复习将来时的被动语态。本课的Project不再是写作任务,而是口语活动任务。以学生现有的知识不难完成此任务。2是个写作任务,让学生描写“地球”。由于写作需要较长的时间,故把2留作家庭作业。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,了解太阳系的相关知识。2. Skill aims: 能够通过“语法和功能”部分,把被动语态进行系统地整理。能够借助1a的插图和文字,对太阳系有比较清晰的了解。3. Emotional aims: (optional)激发学生探索宇宙的兴趣。4. Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: launch, beyond, sendto Sentences: The sun and its planets are called the solar system. Some spaceships have gone beyond the solar system. Grammar: sum up future passive voice Difficult points: With so many stars in space, are we alone, or is there life on other planets in space?. Learning strategies 学会梳理和总结归纳已学知识以便更好地记忆、理解和使用。如:总结所学过的所有被动语态。能够通过课文的插图帮助理解课文。 在做Project的时候,要敢于积极发言,专注于表意,不要怕出错。. Teaching aids火箭发射的视频/太阳系的图片/ppt等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Revision(10mins)Class activityIndividual workClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss take out their HMK and encourage them to read their letters.T: Hi, boys and girls, have you done your HMK?T: xxx, can you share with us your letter to Uncle Stephen?T: Very nice writing indeed. Who is your partner?T: Could you read your letter, xxx?T: A wonderful letter. Step 2: Let the Ss read the sentences in Grammar and Functions and understand the underlined parts.T: Now, turn to page 95. Please read the sentences in Grammar and Functions and understand the underlined parts. Step 3: Let the Ss sum up the passive voice.T: Hi, boys and girls! How many kinds of passive voice have we learned?T: Whats the first one?T: Whats the structure of it?T: Whats the second one?T: Read their letters.Ss: Yes.S1: Sure. Dear Uncle,Im very happy to get the letter from you. Im very interested in the life there. Is it very cold there? What kind of clothes do you wear? There is no water on Mars. How can you get fresh water? Can you walk on the surface of Mars?What do you usually have for your meals?Im really proud of you. I hope I will travel there one day. Im looking forward to hearing from you.Yours, Kangkang.S1: xxx.S2: OK! Dear Kangkang,Im very glad to know that you are interested in the universe.The life condition is very hard here.You know there is no water here. So we have to collect all the waste water and recycle it . I hope you will work hard from now on. Then your dream will be realized in the future. Yours, Uncle StephenRead the sentences in Grammar and Functions and understand the underlined parts.Sum up the passive voice.Ss: Three.Ss: 一般现在时态的被动语态。Ss: am/is/are + ppSs: 一般过去时态的被动语态。Ss: 最好课前就选定要上台展示的学生。不然会造成冷场。老师最好不要唱独角戏,应引导学生自主总结归纳被动语态的知识。2Pre-reading (2mins)Class activityStep 1: Present a video about launching a satellite to learn the new word: launch.T: What are they doing?T: Right. They are launching a satellite. Step 2: Present the solar system to lead to 1a.T: Whats this, class?T: What is this planet called?T: And this one? T: Do you want to know about the universe?Watch the video and learn the new word.Ss: 发射卫星。Learn about the solar system.Ss: Its the solar system.Ss: Its the earth.Ss: Its the Mars.Ss: Yes.3While-reading(5mins)Individual workLet the Ss read 1a, choose a proper title and do 1b.T: Now, read 1a. You will finish two tasks. First, choose a proper title, then, do 1b. When you finish, put up your hand.T: xxx, which do you think is the best title?T: Do you agree with him?T: How about 1b? T: Is he right?Read 1a, choose a proper title and do 1b. S1: The No. 1.Ss: Yes.S2: B D A C Ss: Yes.4Post-reading(10mins)Individual workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a again and find out the difficult points.T: Now, please read 1a again and find out the difficult points, such as words, phrases or sentences. When you finish, put up your hand.T: Boys and girls, any questions? Hands up, please.T: xxx, please.T: This sentence has two grammar points. “Scientists think that” is an object clause. “There has been.of years” is perfect tense of “There be”. Who can put it into Chinese?T: Perfect translation. What else?T: Its a new word. Turn to page 137. See if you can pronounce it. T: Who can try to pronounce it?T: Right. Please follow me, “beyond”.T: Could you tell me which sentence is an attributive clause?T: A smart girl. You have got it. Read 1a again and find out the difficult points.S1: What does the first sentence mean?S2: 科学家认为生命已经在地球上存在数百万年了。S3: How to pronounce the word “b-e-y-o-n-d”?S4: beyond.Ss: beyond. S5: I know. “And there are seven other planets that also go around the sun.”老师在说attributive clause 时,同时在黑板上板书“定语从句”。因为在下一话题就要学习它,但是在这里先不讲解。5FinishingTask 3(5mins)Group workLet the Ss discuss in groups to make a list about what changes will happen to people on the earth if aliens are found in the near future.T: Now, imagine its fifty years later. Aliens are found by scientists on other planets. Some aliens even have come to the earth by spaceships. Please discuss in groups and make a list about what changes will happen to people on the earth as the examples. If you finish, raise your hand.T: Which group wants to have a try?Discuss in groups to make a list about what changes will happen to people on the earth if aliens are found in the near future.S1: Some people will be killed by aliens or some aliens will be killed by people.S2: New technology will be taught by aliens.S3: The language of the aliens will be learned by us.S4: 6Finishing资本公积 197.5Project(11mins)2甲公司20×3年度实现账面净利润15 000万元,其20×3年度财务报表于20×4年2月28日对外报出。该公司20×4年度发生的有关交易或事项以及相关的会计处理如下:Group workD作为当期已售A产成品的销售成本A败血症 D胰腺癌Individual work(1)我公司出于长期战略考虑,20×1年1月1日以l 200万欧元购买了在意大利注册的乙公司发行在外的80股份,计500万股,并自当日起能够控制乙公司的财务和经营政策。为此项合并,我公司另支付相关 审计、法律等费用200万元人民币。乙公司所有客户都位于意大利,以欧元作为主要结算货币,且与当地的银行保持长期良好的合作关系,其借款主要从当地银行 借入。考虑到原管理层的能力、业务熟悉程度等,我公司完成收购交易后,保留了乙公司原管理层的所有成员。Individual workC凝血因子和血小板的消耗Step 1: Let the Ss discuss in groups the life on their own planet. T: Now, you are living on different planets. Discuss in groups the life on your planet, such as clothing, food and drink, and so on. If you finish, put up your hand.Step 2: Encourage the representatives from each group to introduce their living conditions.T: Which group wants to share your idea?D血浆鱼精蛋白副凝试验检查血液中FDP-纤维蛋白单体复合物存在确认的减值损失=(350+150-450)×(1-70%)=15(万元)体检:急性重病容。T40,P130次/分,R30次/分,深大,BP0mmHg。昏迷,口唇紫绀,四肢湿冷,巩膜及全身皮肤黄染,颌下可触及肿大的淋巴结,活动。双肺呼吸音粗糙。心率130次/分,律齐,未闻明显杂音。腹较平坦,剑突下及右上腹肌紧张。肝在右肋下约2cm,中等硬度,脾未及。Step 3: Let the Ss choose where they would like to live and state the reason.4甲公司为一家机械设备制造企业,按照当年实现净利润的l0提取法定盈余公积。20X 1年3月,会计师事务所对甲公司20×0年度财务报表进行审计时,现场审计人员关注到其20×0年以下交易或事项的会计处理:T: Each group has already described the life on different planets. Now, Its your turn to choose which planet you would like to live on. You should explain to us the reason. T: xxx, which planet would you like to live?T: How about you, xxx?Discuss in groups the life on their own planet.The representatives from each group introduce their living conditions.S1: We live on Mars. You know it is cold there. We have to wear special clothes. We plant vegetables in the air. All the water is recycled.We travel by spaceships. S2: We live on the moon. Choose where they would like to live and state the reason.S1: Id like to live on the earth. The weather is comfortable. I can enjoy all kinds of fruit and vegetables. S2: I want to live on the moon. Its not too far away from the earth. I can visit the earth by spaceship. I can buy things from the earth. S3: 7Summarizing and assigning homework (2mins)HMKT: A spaceship will be sent out to find aliens in outer space. A letter will be put on the spaceship to introduce our earth. Write a short introduction of the earth after class. In the next class, Ill ask several students to present your writing to the class. . Blackboard designIm excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.Section DWords and phrases:launchbeyondgo aroundsend toGrammar:passive voiceam/is/are+ppwas/were+ppwill be + ppSentences:Scientists think that there has been life on earth formillions of years.And there are that also go around the sun.With so many stars in space , are we.in space?


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