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    七年级英语:Chapter 4 Theworld of numbers (教学方案)Learning English is conducive to making friends, chatting or working together with foreigners,and learning English is very useful for traveling abroad(英语教案)学校:年级:教师:教案设讣/精品文档/文字可改教学文本 I DOCUMENT TEMPLATE 七年级英语教案七年级英语:Chapter 4 The world ofnumbers (教学方案)I教材简介:学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作,本教学设计资I I料适用于初中七年级英语科目,学习本教材的学生可以提高自身技能,本文档I i是按照教材进行修订编写,可以放心的进行教材使用。|chapter 4 the world of numbers(intensive reading)teaching aims:1. to get furthering learning about the passage, learn the 12 phrases in the text 2. know how to use the phrases 3. to learn how numbers developed with the times.teaching key point:the 12 phrases in the textteaching difficult points:1. phrase: help sb. do sth.2. recite the passage, teaching procedures:步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手 段 step1. revisioncheck the homework and prepare for the lesson. 1 guide the students to use reading skills(it is a passage about a clock)tell and check the answers of this第2页教学文本 I DOCUMENT TEMPLATE七年级英语教案reading, blackboard step2 lead-in 1. get close to the ss 2. create an easy atmosphere 3 lead into the lessonl. ask ss wha s the to pic of the passage? (a clock) 2. show a clock to show we use numbers to tell the time ask ss “where can we see numbers?v 1. answer the question. 2. free talk: awhere can we see numbers?" computerstep3 intensive reading 1. get the further learning about numbers 2. get the idea how ancient people wrote numbers in many different ways 3 train the ss' intonation; get a better understending of the character. 4. educate ss to be careful. 5. educate ss' ability of analysis 6. educate ss' ability of analysis 7 the computers are very powerfuL8. train their discussing ability.1. ask students to answer a question: how many languages do you know?2 a. ask students to read paral to understand how ancient people wrote numbers in many different ways, (show a七年级英语教案 picture of different numbers)b ask ss to find the similar of ancient numbers 3. ask a student to read para2 and the other students to correct his or her intonation. and then show a picture to help the ss to undetstand what the system of numbers today is. ask a question: what ' s the importance of the inve nt ion of the zero ?4 ask ss to read para 3to six ask: how many calculating machines are there in the book?5 analysis the abacus s features.6. explain the modern electronic calculator. focus on its func tions.1 show a computer,ask two questions: & how do peoplethink of the computer?b. how fast can a computer do acalculation?8. show a form;ask students to consolidate eachcalculating machineT s formation and functions. 1. answer the question and then read the headline and then try to recite it.七年级英语教案2. read paral and find ancient people wrote numbers in different ways by the help of the picture. 3 read and answer the questions 4. with the help of the pictures in the book, the students try to get the sense of the development of calculating machines 5. see the picture, to say out “the beads on the wires standfor” 6. see the picture, and say out "it can add, subtract”7. find the answers in the textbook8. discuss in the group and fill in the form.computer and text book showing pictures computet showing a picture. showing pictures showing a picture showing a picture the text book computerstep3 language pointsconsolidationl. read the phrases 2. do three exercises: a. phrases b fill in the blanks with the phrases to summarize the passage. 1. read the phrases and finish the exercises .computer picturesst ep4 using language tell ss how numbers developed with the times3 show some pictures of umbers discuss the development七年级英语教案of numbers. picturesstep4homeworkconsolidationl. listen and read the text, recite the phrases 2 tty to recite the passage according to the pictures可在这填写你的名称YOU CAN FILL IN THE NAME Here第6页


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