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    优秀教案欢迎下载九年级(下)英语公开课教案Time: April22nd,Places: Class4,Grade9Teachers: Xiao Lizhen1. 话题 : 代词的复习2 内容:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词、指示代词和疑问代词用法,大部分的代词都是具有名词或形容词的作用 (指代前面提到的人或事物) 。指示代词有 this ,that , these , those ,疑问代词有 what ,which ,who , whom , whose 。3 重点与难点:人称代词的宾格,形容词性,名词性以及疑问代词的运用。教学步骤:Step1:Review竞赛单词:学生分组写出尽可能多的单词,看哪组写得最多。Step:代词分类1. 写出所要求的人称代词形式:第 I 人称复数 we us our ours ourselves第 II 人称复数 you you your yours yourselves第 III人称复数they them their theirs themselveshimselfherselfitself第 I 人称单数 I me my mine myself第 II 人称单数 you you your yours yourself第 III 人称单数hehimhishissheherherhersitititsits2 、写出不定代词:someone anyone no oneeveryonesomebodyanybodynobodyeverybodysomethinganythingnothingeverythingsome , any , both , either , neither ,all ,none , each , many ,much , few , a few , little , a little , one , other ,another优秀教案欢迎下载3. 疑问代词;what, which, who, whom, whose。Step3:示例分析The teacher explain the exercises for the students.单项选择:1.-_ school is much larger than _.-Really?A. Our ; your B. Our; yoursC. Ours ; yours D. We; you2.I am looking for a house. Id like _ with a garden.A. one B. it C. that D. this3.-How many more oranges can I have?-You can have one more. _ are for Tom.A. The others B. anotherC. Others D. the other4.-I feel a bit hungry.- Why dont you have _ bread? A. any B. some C. little D. a5.Not _ in our class likes playing football. Some of them like playingbasketball.A. anyone B. everyoneC. nobody D. someone6._ are all League members.A. You, I and he B. He, you and IC. I, you and he D. You, he and I7.There is a lot of money holding in my hand, but _ is mine.A. all B. some C. none D. neither8.- Oh, there s someone knocking at the door.-_ must be your neighbor.A.There B.She C.He D.It9.Kate went on holiday with a cousin of _. _ have been to a lot ofplaces.A. her, We B. hers, TheyC. her, They D. hers, We10. For quite _ students, their teachers advice is more important tha_ of their parents。A. a few; that B. few; oneC. a little; some D. a lot; manyn1.B 。第一个空要选一个形容词性的物主代词去修饰名词school ,第二个空需要的是名词性物主代词相当于your school,那就是yours 。2.A 。 B、C、D 是指示代词,都是指代前面提到的已确定的某物,但是前面句子中的ahouse还没有被主语的人买到手,说明它不确定所以用不定代词。3.A 。橘子被两个人分,所以排除B(三者以上的用法);other是形容词不能做主语,优秀教案欢迎下载谓语动词是are ,特指剩下的橘子主语用the others。4.B 。bread不可数, 不用冠词a ;该句是表请求的句子不用any ;5.B 。从第二句的主语Some of them可知第一句的主语表一部分人,little是否定概念。noteveryone(everything)常可以做主语表一部分,not everyone in our class意为 “在我们班里不是每个人”;anyone和 someone没有这样的用法,not 更不会和nobody连用。6.D 。三个单数人称代词一起用时的顺序是“You, he/she and I”;但复数时为“We,you and they。”7.C 。 but 表转折,说明前后两句表达的意思不一致,所以后面句子是否定;neither表示 “两者中任何一个都没有”, none表示 “三者或三者以上都不”,关键是none既可以指代可数也可以指代不可数名词的量。8.D 。当弄不清对方是谁时,it 指代隔壁的人,打电话过来的人和敲门的人。9.B 。 a friend of+名词性物主代词;第二句的主语指Kate和她的 cousin两个人。10.A 。第一个空使用a few修饰可数名词,表“有几个,有些 ”;第二个空涉及了两个不同的 advice相比较,因为advice不可数,所以用this和 that指代。 their teachersadvice相当于 this advice, their parents =their parents就advice被看做thatadvice。Step4练习Ask the students to finish the exercise. Then check the answer.1._ of us has already finished reading it.A.Everyone B.Every C.Neither D.All2.We think _ important to protect the environment.A. it B. this C. that D. what3.The book on the shelf is _. She wrote her name on _ cover_A. her, it, herselfB. hers, it, herselfC. hers, her, herselfD. hers, its, herself4.She stayed at this school longer than _.A. anyoneB. everyoneC. anybody else D. else anyone5.I have had enough food. Would you like _?A. a few more B. one moreC. another more D. some more6.-What are you doing here, Mary and Kate?-We are looking at _ pictures.A. each s other B. each othersC. each other D. eachs other s7.The buildings in Dalian are similar to _ in Tokyo.A. ones B. those C. these D. that8.-_ of the dictionaries would you like?- I ll take _ of them, so I can give one to my cousin. A. Which, both B. Which, all优秀教案欢迎下载C. What, either D. What, both9. “Help _ to some cakes! ” Uncle Tom said to the twins. A. yourself B. youselfC. yourselves D. youselves10.-Do you have _ homework?- I don t have _.A. some, some B. some, anyC. much, little D. much, any参考答案:1.C 。 everyone和 every都没有 of 短语, all 的谓语动词应为复数。2.A 。此题来自固定句型的用法:“主语 +think/find/feel/+it+adj.+to do sth.”it是形式宾语指代动词不定式,意为:“认为 / 发现 / 感到做 怎样。 ”3.D 。第一个空需要可独立使用的物主代词,那就是名词性的hers ;第二个空需要形容词性的物主代词修饰名词cover ,这个 cover是书的,所以是指物的its ;四个选项都给第三个空提供了herself ,这里 herself是主语的同位语,当“亲自 ”讲。4.C 。比较的句子说明she 和除了 she 之外的其他人在比,else 必须用在不定代词后。5.D 。这是在原来有一定量的基础上又增加的用法。A、 B 两项都是修饰可数名词时的用法;没有another more的用法; food不可数, some more=some more food,意为: “你还要些吗?”6.B 。 each other可以有名词所有格,为:each other s;另外 someone else也有,为: someone else s,这两个特殊的名词所有格要记住。名词部分的练习中也给出了几个特殊的用法,最好放在一起去记。7.B 。此题与第10 题第二空的语法相同,只不过这里使用了可数名词buildings,这回是两个城市的buildings相比较,指代可数名词时用these和 those 。the buildings inDalian=these buildings,那么Tokyo的 buildings就是those (buildings)。I 和8.A 。第一步从对话的内容可知要买的东西是买字典,所以排除my cousin各一本(共两本)。9.C 。 “Help oneself to some”随便吃些 what;第二步可知是当于句子的最后一个单词twins ,提示是对两个人说的,所以要选反身代词的复数形式。10.D 。一般疑问句中不用some ;否定句中用any , not any总是连用的;littlenot ,若用就双否不符合句意。相Homework:完成代词专项练习。


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