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    GMAT 考试阅读试题 (三 )(3)Passage 17Prior to 1975 , union efforts to organize public-sectorclerical workers, most of whom are women ,were some-what limited. The factors favoring unionization drivesseem to have been either the presence of large numbers 5 of workers , as in New York City , to make it worth theeffort , or the concentration of small numbers in one ortwo locations , such as a hospital , to make it relativelyeasy , Receptivity to unionization on the workers, partwas also aconsideration , but when there were large 10 numbers involved or the clerical workers were the onlyunorganized group in a jurisdiction , the multioccupa-tional unions would often try to organize them regard-less of the workers' initial receptivity. The strategicreasoning was based, first , on theconcern that politi- 15 cians and administrators might play off unionizedagainst nonunionized workers , and , second , on theconviction that a fully unionized public work forcemeant power , both at the bargaining table and in thelegislature. Inlocalities where clerical workers were few 20 in number ,were scattered in several workplaces, andexpressed nointerest in being organized , unions moreoften than not ignored them in the pre-1975 period.But since the mid-1970's , a different strategy hasemerged. In 1977 , 34 percent of government clerical25 workers were represented by a labor organization, comparedwith 46 percent of government professionals, 44 percent ofgovernment blue-collar workers , and41 percent of government service workers , Since then ,however , the biggest increases in public-sector unioniza-30 tion havebeen among clerical workers. Between 1977and 1980, thenumber of unionized government workersin blue-collar and service occupations increased onlyabout 1.5 percent , while in the white-collar occupationsthe increase was 20 percent and among clerical workers 35in particular ,the increase was 22 percent.What accounts for this upsurge in unionizationamong clerical workers ? First , more women have enteredthe work force in the past few years , and more of themplan to remain working until retirement age. Conse-40 quently , they areprobably more concerned than theirpredecessors were aboutthe wome n'sjob security and econo mic ben e-fits. Alsomoveme nt has succeeded in legit-imiz ing the econo mic and political activism of wome n on their own behalf, therebyproduc ing a more positive atti- (45) tude toward unions. The abse nee of any comparable in crease in unioni zati on among private-sector clericalworkers , however , identifies the primary catalyst-thestructural cha nge in the multioccupati onal public-sector unions themselves. Over the past twenty years the occu- (50)pati onal distributi on in these unions has bee nsteadilyshift ing from predo minan tly blue-collar to predomi-nan tly white-collar. Because there are far more wome nin white-collar jobs, an in crease in the proporti onoffemale members has accompa nied the occupati onal shift(55) and has altered union policy-mak ing in favor of orga-nizing wome n and address ing wome n's issues.1. According to the passage , the public-sector workers who were most likely to bel ong to unions in 1977 were(A)professi on als(B)man agers(C)clerical workers(D)service workers(E)blue-collar workers2. The author cites union efforts to achieve a fullyunionized work force(line 13-19 ) in order to account forwhy(A) politicia ns might try to oppose public-sectorunion orga nizing(B) public-sector unions have rece ntly focused onorga nizing wome n(C) early orga nizing efforts ofte n focused on areaswhere there were large nu mbers of workers(D) union efforts with regard to public-sectorclerical workers in creased dramatically after 1975(E) unions sometimes tried to orga nize workersregardless of the workers' in itial in terest in unioni zati on3. The author's claim that , si nee the mid-1970's, an ewstrategy has emerged in the unioni zati on of public-sectorclerical workers (line 23 ) would bestrengthened if the author(A) described more fully the attitudes of clericalworkers toward labor unions(B) compared the orga nizing strategies employedby private-sector unions with those of public-sector unions(C) expla ined why politicia ns and admi nistratorssometimes oppose unioni zatio n of clerical workers(D) in dicated that the nu mber of unioni zed public-sector clerical workers was in creas ing eve n before the mid-1970's(E) showed that the factors that favoredunioni zati on drives among these workers prior to 1975 have decreased in importa nee4. Accord ing to the passage , in the period prior to1975 , each of the following considerations helped determine whether a union would attempt to orga nize a certai n group of clerical workers EXCEPT(A) the nu mber of clerical workers in that group(B) the nu mber of wome n among the clerical workers in that group(C) whether the clerical workers in that area were concen trated in one workplace or scattered over several workplaces(D) the degree to which the clerical workers in that group were in terested in unioni zati on(E) whether all the other workers in the same juris-dicti on as that group of clerical workers were unioni zed5. The author states that which of the followi ng is acon seque nee of the wome n's moveme nt of rece nt years?(A) An in crease in the nu mber of wome n en teri ng the work force(B) A structural cha nge in multioccupati onal public-sector unions(C) A more positive attitude on the part of wome n toward unions(D) An in crease in the proporti on of clerical workers that are wome n(E) An in crease in the nu mber of wome n inadmi nistrative positi ons6. The main concern of the passage is to(A) advocate particular strategies for future efforts to orga nize certa in workers into labor unions(B) explain differences in the unionized proportions of various groups of public-sector workers(C) evaluate the effective ness of certa in kinds of labor unions that represe nt public-sector workers(D) an alyzed and expla in an in crease inunioni zati on among a certa in category of workers(E) describe and disti nguish strategies appropriateto orga nizing differe nt categories of workers7. The author implies that if the in crease in the nu mberof wome n in the work force and the impact of the wome n'smoveme nt were the mai n causes of the rise inunioni zati onof public-sector clerical workers , the n(A) more wome n would hold admi nistrativepositi ons in unions(B) more wome n who hold political offices would have positive attitudes toward labor unions(C) there would be an equivale nt rise inunioni zati on of private-sector clerical workers(D) unions would have show n more in terest tha n they have in orga nizing wome n(E) the in crease in the nu mber of unioni zed public-sector clerical workers would have bee n greater tha n it has bee n8. The author suggests that it would bedisadva ntageous to a union if(A) many workers in the locality were not unionized(B) the union con tributed to political campaig ns(C) the union in cluded only public-sector workers(D) the union in cluded workers from several jurisdicti ons(E) the union in eluded members from only a few occupati ons9. The author implies that , in comparison with working women today , women working in the years prior to the mid-1970's showed a greater tendency to(A) prefer smaller workplaces(B) express a positive attitude toward labor unions(C) maximize job security and econo mic ben efits(D) side with admi nistrators in labor disputes(E) quit work ing prior of retireme nt ageWord是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要删除,这个时候我们可以完全可以用查找替换来轻松解决。翻开 编辑菜单中的 替换对话框,把光标定位在 查找内容输入框中,单击 高级按钮,选择 特 殊字符中的 段落标记两次,在输入框中会显示“ "PAP',然后在 替换为输入框中用上面的方法插入一个段落标记个“AP,再按下全部替换按钮。这样多余的空行就会被删除。Ctrl + Z 是撤销,那复原呢?就是 Ctrl + Y ,撤销上一步撤销!比方我输入abc,按一下F4,就会自动再输入一遍 abc


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