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    The Fourth Period Extensive ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语imitate, spin, shuttle-submarine, destination, sensor, be essential for, contactb. 重点句式The sea bottom is deep and this makes it difficult to. P58Only the robot cleaner will be able to move objects. P582. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the Ss to discuss the possibilities and the difficulties of living under the sea.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the Ss learn how to talk about the possibilities and the difficulties of living under the sea. Teaching important difficult points 教学重难点Talk about the possibilities of living under the sea.Teaching methods 教学方法Fast and careful reading; asking and answering activity; discussion.Teaching aids 教具准备A computer and a projector.Teaching procedures ways 教学过程与方式Step I Warming upLead in the topic by discussing the possibilities of living under the sea. Encourage the Ss to use their imaginations.T: Have you ever watched the movie“ The Little Mermaid” ? Do yIomuyliskelfthlikeestehae?sea very much. I always think that how great it will be if I have the chance to live under the sea!Do you think living under the sea is possible? Why? Now please work in pairs to discuss the three questions on the screen.Show the following questions on the screen and hold a discussion.1. Do you think living under the sea is possible?2. Where are you going to live under the sea?3. In the undersea cities, what equipments do you think are necessary?Ten minutes later, ask some Ss to answer the questions.T: Have you finished? Who would like to tell us your opinion? Volunteer?S: I think it 'posssible. Maybe in the future scientists will invent some kind of equipment that makes it possible for human being to live under the sea.T: If it is possible, where are you going to live under the sea? There is all water and fishes around you.S: Maybe in a special equipment which will provide us much-needed oxygen and can float in the water. In that case we can travel in the sea to enjoy the wonderful view of the sea.T: Good. If you are going to live under the sea, what kind of equipment do you think is necessary for your living?S: Oxygen provision and cleaning machine may be necessary.Step n ReadingDeal with the passage on page 58.T: OK. From what you said, I know all of you are looking forward to living under the sea. Now a company just provides the very service! Please turn to page 58 and read the passage RISING TO A CHALLENGE.Let 'sese what the life will be like in this undersea city. When you finish reading, complete the sentences on the screen.Give the Ss 3 minutes to go through the whole passage.1. The undersea city is so comfortable that it is described as .2. The undersea city has the following advantages:a. b. c. d. T: Can you find out some suitable sentences or words to fill in the blanks? What ' rethe advantages of living under the sea?S: The undersea city is so comfortable that it is described as “ a silk adventure S: The un dersea city has the followi ng adva ntages: a. easy con tact with the land surface; b. morepersonal space; c. complete personal security; d. no housework worries.T: That ' s great. You all have got the general idea of the passage. Now let k into some detailed ' s loo aspects of the un dersea city. First let' s look at its con tact with the land surface. Who would like totell me at the very beginning, what kind of problem were they facing? And how was the problem solved?S: The sea bottom is so deep that it 'hard to con tact with the land surface. But later theyinven ted the on e-pers on or family shuttle-submari nes which will always be ready to take peopleto the surface.T: So in that case people who live un der the sea can easily con tact with the land surface. The n com-paring with living on land, what advantage do you think can attract people to live under the sea?S: We can get twice as much pers onal space as in flats on land.T: Good! Then what kind of special equipme nt will be provided so as to realize all the adva ntages?Please read the text again and finish the following chart. You can work with your partners.Show the chart on the scree n and give the Ss 3 minu tes to go through the whole text aga in tosca n for the an swer. A few minu tes later, check the an swers.Adva ntagesSpecial equipme ntsHow does it become realized?Easy con tact with landOnepers onor familyshuttle-submari nesAlways ready to take people to the surface, a special small, computerized mach ine to monitor each person during the trip.More pers onal spaceGet twice as much personal space as in flats on land, your house can float i n the water.Complete pers onal securityComputer sen sorCan feel the space left; only whe n the robot clea ner touches objects can they bemoved.No house- work worriesFamily used robotsFeed your details into the computer hard-drive; answer your comma nds.T: This un dersea city is amaz ing. But I think desig ning such kind of un dersea city is quite difficult!Do you want to meet its desig ner? Now the desig ner of the city William Lee is being in terview.Let ' s liste n to his in terview and find out which two problems he came across and how he solvedthem. Then please finish the exercises on page 59.Step 皿 Follow-up ActivitySet a scene for the Ss: The compa ny is going to held a press conference and exhibiti on. En couragethe Ss to desig n a poster which will draw visitors' atte nti on and provide some useful in formati on.T: We know that all new products have to be promoted so that it can be well-known among people. Now a press conference and exhibition is going to be held to make the undersea city known to people. If you work in the compa ny, can you desig n a special poster to draw visitors attention so that they will come to the press conference? Use your imagination and you can discuss with your group members.A Sample poster:Come to this meet ingSee the value of OUR un dersea houses.Saturati on City has: easy con tact with the land surface more pers onal space complete pers onal security no housework worriesCost: 20 dollarsDate: May 18thTime: 8:00 amPlace: The Science Exhibiti on Buildi ngStep W HomeworkT: After class, please listen to the tape repeatedly until you can retell it yourselves and pay atte nti on to pronun ciati on.


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