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    新托福强化听力讲义2011年版 刘韧 William 1.1 Listen to (part of) a lecture (in a) contemporary art class.1.2 Ok, Im going to begin this lecture by giving you your (next assignment).1.3 So youve probably studied (both of) these movements, separately, separate movements, Realism (and Impressionism), in (some of) your art history courses.1.4 Good. (What else)? What were the subjects?1.5 Well, (a lot of) impressionist artists painted everyday scenes, like people on the streets and in cafes, a lots of nature scenes, especially landscapes.1.6 One interesting thing I (read about) Franzten is that when she first moved back to Iowa after living abroad, she often visited this (place in) her town called the Sales Barn.1.7 One other painting I really want you to (look at) (is of) a young woman surrounded by pumpkins.1.8 The womans (nose is a) little less than perfect and her hair is (kind of) (messed up).1.9 But then, the background of the painting, this woman with the pumpkins is wrapped in a blanket of broad thick brushstrokes, and, its all kinds of zigzagging brushstrokes and lines, (kind of) (chaotic almost) when you (look at it) close.1.10 So she (took advertising) classes and (fine arts) classes too, until she was convinced by the head of an advertising agency that her work was really good, that she could be an artist.1.11 um, I really hope you can help me. That's why I'm here.What (can I )do for you?1.12 I dont even know where to start looking.You said (this is) for your psychology course, right?1.13 Your (foucus is) on? Dream Interpretation. Well.1.14 I just( copied an article), but I still need.1.15 Let's (get you) looking on thoese then1.16 We have printed (versions of ) twenty years old1.17 Actually, (most of) our materials are available electronically1.18 You (can access) psychology( databases or) electronic( journals and) articles1.19( And if )you want to search by.1.20 Just( type it in) and all the articles with dream.2.1 Well, you have a focus, so thats already a (good start).2.2 Well, I' m (glad to) see you feel that way, Mathew.2.3 Umm? Oh, uh I' m sorry but no. It has nothing to do (with that).2.4 I assume that most students taking the introductory level of class would have little or no experience (with the) archeological research, but thats ok.2.5 So essentially the same tale could be told in different communities, with certain aspects of the tale adapted to fit the (specific community).2.6 His films begin with facts, but then they (become more) and more fictional. 2.7 (Find students) from different parts of the country,2.8 Well, I can point you to some that presents fairly basic studies, that dont (assume much) background knowledge. 2.9 That have the (same meaning) and that sound similar.2.10 (Light pollution), right? From street lights and stuff . 2.11 Good afternoon, Alex. Can I help you (with something)?2.12 Well, I want to talk with you about the research project youve (assigned today).2.13 And what about the children I am supposed to observe?2.14 Not children, a single child (observed twice).2.15 And then, (with that) knowledge, you will make a second observation of the same child to see if the expected developmental behaviors are exhibited.2.16 Well, thats fine. Youll (note that) in your paper.2.17 The streets will otherwise be bustling with noise, unpleasant (traffic congestion).2.18 So what have city planner learned about making these (malls succeed)?2.19 Although Id be the (first to) admit those things are aesthetically appealing.2.20 It wasn't until a convention center and a parking garage were built about decades later that (malls started to) be successful.3.1 You can figure out their distance from (the earth), and identify what they are made of3.2 Its Happy Strangers. It was written in 1962 and we are supposed to write about its (influence) on American theatre and show why its been so important.3.3 Oh, I had to be, eh, around 16 or so, and my parents took me to (see it). That wouldve been about 1965.3.4 So that was the year premier, great, but eh, newspaper from back then werent online, so, how (do I)3.5 Its kind of (stressing me out), because we are getting close to the deadline and I feel like Im doing everything for this project.3.6 Now (we already) said that Emerson really emphasizes non-conformity, right3.7 But nobody has been able to (figure out) how they are moving because no one has ever seen it happen.3.8 But the first attempt the United States government made to, you know, to support (the arts) was the Federal Art Project.3.9 But (the alligators) would escape and find their way into the New York sewer system where they started reproducing, grew to huge sizes and now strike fear into sewer workers.4.1 Really? Is that all he said? ( Didnt he) make any other comments?4.2/4.3 Youd better( go talk to him). You need to find out (what hes) thinking.4.4 Yeah, I will. I (hope he) doesnt ask me to rewrite the paper.4.5 I know your (office hours) are tomorrow, but I was wondering if you had a few minutes free now to discuss something.4.6 (That happens) to me a lot, so Ive come up with a pretty good memory management tool.4.7 Watson made the argument that problem solving, or thinking, can be defined as a set of behaviors- a set of responses- and in this case the (response he) observed was the throat activity.4.8/4.9 Thats (what he) means (when he) calls it a laryngeal habit.4.10 (Thats how) the asteroid belt was discovered.4-11 Really! So, how (did he) do that?4-12 So there would have been an open fire inside the house with only one hole in the roof to let the smoke out. You and I would have found it a bit too smoky in there.4-13 I mean, you might think it was for protection or something, but (there has )been no evidence found yet of any violent attack that would indicate that kind of danger. 4-14 That is when its not covered in snow and there is no frost covering the grass and, umm, vegetative parts of (a plants herbs) and the flowers the marmots like to eat. 1:324-15 You (should have )got note letter from the registrars office about this.What? Ive never got it.4-16 Yeah, I guess thats it. But how can they cancel the class after offering it. If Id known this was going to happen, I would have taken it last semester. ReceptionistI know, its really inconvenient for you, I understand that, but er if we dont have enough students sign up for the course, the college cant offer it. You know, its a practical issue, like we cant have an instructor when therere only a few students in the class.4-17 (Do you have) any courses youre going to take next semester?1:594-18 Yeah, I guess I could do that. I (just hope) it won't be cancelled again. Do you know how many people have to be enrolled in order to keep a class from being cancelled?4-19 Anyway, these bands are perfectly safe, and some (humming birds have) worn them for years with no evidence of any problems.4:344-20 Are you sure? Cause it says on the computer that the letter was sent out to students a week ago.StudentReally? I (should have) got it by now. I wonder if I threw it away with all the junk mail by mistake.ReceptionistWell, it does happen.5.1 Lets (get you) going on looking for those then.5.2 Sure, John. What (did you) want to talk about?5.3 You know, you have to remember now that youre the expert on (what you)ve done.5.4 You should use them to indicate( what your) evolution in thought was through time.5.5 try to understand the climate variability of this areaand (what you did), and (what your) approach was5.6 And how often (would you) want the volunteers to work?5.7 Well, that certainly explains why your professor (wants you) to read some of those old reviews.5.8 Oh, well I (guess you) might think that.5.9 since( it's your)class.5.10 What (makes you) say that?5.11 Tell me (about you) classes.5.12 (And you) are having trouble keeping pace with the material?5.13 Well, in a big room its possible he didnt (notice you).5.14 And it so happened that the cellist graduated (last year).5.15 (Would you) be interested in auditioning?5.16 (Did you) concentrate mainly on form or content?5.17 Well, are you intending to study film (as your) main concentration?5.18 I want to talk with you about the research (project you) have assigned today.5.19 such a great city, why (did you) leave5.20 how (did you )get interested in.第5页,共5页


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