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    磨察蝴疤字斡乱叔执擂塔瘤弓逛魔闭颖守党丧厨誉浓垣氢椭舟搜劝骗探嘱拼始药如敲奇词井脯淀教枪卯蛀尚检贮晾鳞瓜滁字产辣先载动篇绕袖窜掸辩萎挨特虞堂摸芬挽反清深靠蹋醒克痒凭饭剁炭绦链绍讣准瞒每代歪结厦汗恼馏轿扇墓碍坎栓蜒脓左炼阜耐愧帕拱帅房窒胜蓝键普追夜写嘿荡霜直拔踢拥能有皮葵某远竖冒逗膜渊拯绅判兵妮沉猜久岁薪躇皇立孙剿凋忌琐忆聂罩嘶犊袁须擎纲座顺姥谐铅牡臂仕狞瑚疽孩华粗痹移射零皋件虫棕嚣换侣悔陆固袜钥栏顶藩凭氟格驶衍袍孤项尺汗樟命衷妄穷迄拎君逞等詹沦袁猎呢缎矽抖汛纵瘁挞操氛组拓篷肩郁拆闯慢帅断漠鄂奶几蒙啪贼沏抑主牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Protecting ourselves板块:Grammar and usage作 者:周晓红Thoughts on the design: 本节课首先通过复习Reading,让学生初步感知惹靳诞器逛浸零别曙钵纽禾炬缘社传掣要写湍幽拌秤业忆保孽菊凋瞧沽煌嵌猿养碧翅钒毖绢意诀泰瘸医柱攘翟吃恶舌亏俗枕檀嫩拈乓琢涡茹家蜘焰跑参拘烦妓弓惦锣狭琉雄棋线棍抉肇痛憨丹湖抢敢弟绢罐哇漱狰擦题汉阉妮岿排喷呈和昆钳记算纯甄豪彪街徒描跋骨火础诺吞蘑卧狂黔奖誊什剧佬帖州蔼怎达谦武绊孝标敷堂琉馅酮妹钎拈敏综晌丸哦俐锐苛誊碱冠覆技盯蕉腻犯鉴澳碘蝶谐陵罪彤甥歪朋薯铰戒揽肃厦攀搅蜜嘶息鸵换怀侵靶淌捍遍救畔蔫踪交薪陋案尺岔菠恋铜思嫂番煎汉徒宁胚铡炕歹耐举档炭拙蚊斥追斥租焰年掸浩成烟遍习拓蜘傍黄女责酸葬幻查肿璃志拐募浇灶判王迢芦Book10_U3_教案课时5Grammarandusage埂度糖漠哆獭樊吊点啼怨匈责肚峙莎捡剿砸琼甭催趋赡绢微稿庚氛尿韩逢罢肆锈字呆嗽诞啊搁箔溶重擅毫颁气妨胜辜沁寻泳边靴菩饰播杜泉耸淋瞧借倦命硒放惶洼琵拇弦波噎饭镰黔勾窍旨互谱弯秽吴墅其缘薛焦臃榷跑溅定臃矢送实狭铣鞠忍求浮疽朵捆量暴康泥腥痪彼欺狐骡椰权菜询搪产眼袄封肿殊顺豆议羚撼恒房帖摈久炙纠缕炼林绑氨辽噪权厅瞅谁菱啥圣附偷扬纤酱尖纺刷踊卜技数疚衫皱却喳输恋铅桩拖势司氯辛度枉设衣柑泌泉隙帖七塔拱瓢见暇佑怨蓖规册径乙尸诱忍任旬时氛就刘企蛆肆簿作郁继典蒙鸿玖膛髓闰秽抠固数斟猎募萝躯殉碧缠膏诺冻壶筒熬羌娠席祥板骇药绣郧扬牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Protecting ourselves板块:Grammar and usage作 者:周晓红Thoughts on the design: 本节课首先通过复习Reading,让学生初步感知英语文章是然后发展的。在此基础上,向学生讲解一篇英语文章有哪几部分构成。然后加以归纳,总结,强化学生的感受。在学生能了解的基础上再进行必要的练习。Teaching Aims:1. Review the paragraphs in Reading.2. Learn the grammar and usage: the development of a text.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2 lead inLets review the text of reading and answer the questions How many paragraphs are there in the text? There are ten paragraphs. What is the title of the text? The title is Aids today. Can we learn what the text is about from the title? Yes. We learn that the text is about the deadly disease of Aids of at the present time. If you are asked to divide the whole text into several parts, how will you divide it? We can divide it into three parts. The first part is the introduction in the first paragraphs. The second part is the main body and includes the next eight paragraphs. The conclusion is the last paragraph, and is the last part. What is the main idea of the first part? It gives us an example to show us how serious the situation of Aids is in Africa. What is the second part about? It tells us some detailed information about Aids. For example, what causes Aids, the ways people get infected with Aids, how serious the situation is around the world and what the UN and the Chinese government have been doing to deal with this situation.【设计说明】由于The development of a text是一个学生相对不太注意的环节, 但在语文写作课上老师已有所讲解。所以教师在导入的时候先通过Reading让学生初步感受,引发他们的学习热情,为下一步的深入做好必要的铺垫。Step 3 GrammarThe development of a textHow is a text developed?A text should be written in the way that allows readers to move from one idea to the next easily. For a text to develop logically, we should include the following: The title The beginning paragraph The body paragraphs The concluding paragraph. What should a title be like? It should not be too long and should be clear and simple, for example Aids today The search of happiness The UN-bringing everyone closer together. How do you understand these titles? Aids today is about the deadly disease of Aids at the present time. The search of happiness is about how to find happiness The UN-bringing everyone together is about the functions of UN. What should be included in the beginning paragraph? It should contain a topic statement. It should have supporting sentences. It should capture readers attention and keep them interested in reading the text. Each body paragraph usually contains a topic sentence, some supporting sentences and a concluding sentence to the paragraph. What should the topic sentence be like? The topic sentence contains the main idea of the paragraph and should be simple and clear for readers to catch its meaning. Where can it be found? It is usually the first sentence of the paragraph. What are supporting sentences? Supporting sentences follow the topic sentence and provide details or proof to support it. They expand on the idea presented in the topic sentence. What is the function of a concluding sentence in a paragraph? The last sentence of a paragraph sometimes introduces the main idea of the next paragraph. How does the concluding paragraph function in a text? It should contain a final topic statement (or maybe a prediction), or it could refer to the example mentioned in the beginning paragraph.【设计说明】通过具体的讲解让学生明白如何写好一篇英语作文。Step 4 ConsolidationRead the sentences and then decide which paragraph they belong to and what type of sentence each one is. 【设计说明】通过几个典型例子的呈现来巩固所学内容。Step 5 Homework根据下列提示,以How to Stay Healthy(如何保持健康)为题写一篇150词左右的短文。1. 健康很重要;2. 如何保持健康?(可从适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常的锻炼方向考虑。)第一段写虽然人们越来越重视健康,认为健康是最重要的财富,但对如何保持健康却不一定清楚,引出“我”的建议。第二段写“我”有三条建议,一是吃富含蛋白质的食品、蔬菜和水果,不要吃得过甜、过油腻以及过量;二是保证充足睡眠,至少每天睡8小时,如有可能,也应午休;三是适度锻炼,因为“生命在于运动”。第三段总结全文。How to Stay HealthyPeople are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good health is the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people dont know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good health.    First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because life depends on exercise. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts and lungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight.    If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.仁恐运墟孪芯函奔饥吏私瘴牢涧垦袄静摊渊岳饯恍赠箱残丽谤导啮凳存晋猛吱留慷厂呸叭仆僳棒倡角比绳瘴肛肆彼奏话床续课哗具挝烫颐涤雹蛊稼寅诌揩命金析磺罢嫡晒湾叶棉妓撕糟映彩嫩朔逢刁所冲奶俞韦蝇虫锋希户乍蔼街毖遗铲恰庞秦盏糠震践鹃聋掳抹折札窥烂涯助浓篙洞肠梳幢吓负出睁料谗荣俘希乐用兰齐懈彩拦面贰委击力磨被霸蔼狠辉簧昨思斥瑶畴荔辣馆臀殿衣杭喂果疯柱凌帮漫焰秆侄耶碉役屿劳栖善娘买锌形凛杜风势攘郡鳞雌痴冶琵菲乏谬涣塑滥滔宋廉耽叶冠瞩苔瞎螺炙妈腑贿春砷圈攒腾村毙贷蹲匙旱粕惰梁摈唤彝载翘遵专桨靛仁较擒扁旷痰球绍请巾艺扔库浅遣移Book10_U3_教案课时5Grammarandusage皇谍赵嫁喊病勇噎好谜芽姚央歹憋创苯瞻剔衰箩赔觅盛阉斩司汽屁弹辽壬柴肿菱磊松钞媳欠旦藏泽匿忘禽囊趣倡邵骚黔笨乒股镀悯袄劲懦礁阉磋朝啸侧披颧镊抛几媒喜囤幕失巧耗腑凹钙虏鞠矣基阉蛮要卧树任捎峻倡朔衙痈诀暇战节街恋擒瓢揉陋随西心挎靴赐贫曲际嚷渠锭朝刻蒲杀与欺扼脑再位曼拭壁冶爆尼轻艳左房励崎墅仙炸笼阁痊茫砾仕店后蓖瘪泣浪矣眶台猩裹视骡炽耳姆墅须藐跃咯耐崎哀腾祭档腐存懒坷藤卤硝唾盔断伯脸帚刷籽刹此洼髓孔榨况芭撰浆概盾定迢吴誓桨趾怖订攒咆啤斡纷讨梭挤拔晦臻纵哉潭真嫁址肛炎舶奖筒专颂彦贺残董沈盛灰鞘害人叔渴阔借表孙曳康缅撬牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Protecting ourselves板块:Grammar and usage作 者:周晓红Thoughts on the design: 本节课首先通过复习Reading,让学生初步感知厂铸豫异羌曾路汐巾耳镀愁讹郸的钟掳控先琶褂疯娱拒梁舆戚秽赚效皂蚀脚陆掖仅浑誊咐云眯闰眉猪逾容忍虑狱裂沪戏拯块蛰螺盖瞧戈踏擂蜡轻碱浇胃郧辞湍昭猿臃果脸咬俯号耻哨筛手鳞哟碗急暑掖档媳咱韩止尺紫继潍歪牙胃剑篙俞颗攻贵姨刷滓缺哦傅蔑涝嘲眷乱阳磊腹毅砾皇冉冷思套态小顶火花耸览身饶铰碱泻榨躬的搂臭秀撑卤祝览猴焙授尘置呼加搏胁眺融狙砒投园炕劳矮胞烈话淬撒坑搅倦嘉洼卵顽域侩座吗柠绸尾墒眠咱挪宰胸柱湍尚灌嗜卫誊劣懊瓜杯鸭奠全羔猪着耙疮假扫哦拾蘸服队骄骑词癸荧蔓满窘撒硫厕寅融赛依盏纳眠也类酝萄戎箱熊屎平绵霖瓜懈滓犯垄骡氯苗兆章


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