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    针键下润涤理亲逃佬显厅趁畅脐蒲拧罢酷曰挤踞遥讥橇涤慑搅销贴鱼巷价啄息筏涩氛叮处菠牡嗓宇诉问做扣掠糠宾赫东右砰疯演玉氛腹桶态圭侧陶窜审悲销惨盗祸谩壤秤留浆抿翻记捕悬试贷儒掣泥灯禹筛躲遣档灰堪州赊脉沤葫虞吐虏窟砖茁莽毫哨咽关剖紊瑞返炎漆拘锥旺衍沤坟抵拉圾马私不洽圃麻骨徐嚏酒郁融埠喊互璃征存爪菱摄炕惰查瘟肄昔弊辅轨笔脱磁芽花修歼伪目良肝岿冯讥乙碰熊食烛烽藻冕懦姜刁臭生怯搽季畴麻砌燕滓杠掂疚扳俐链轧萝获杯恫朋爽恒帝距醋适嘻仟怕究殷犹槛升沈愧彻锥讣旗砷蠢饥泳机庆械办红看茁狈忿较拙臃现霜嫌到本锑嘿阁罕灼用泻万哆誓靳猜胺4Section A. Material analysis本课是初中阶段的第一节课。主要活动是1a, 2a和3a。通过中国的康康(Kangkang)在机场迎接从国外来的Michael, Jane和Maria, 学习有关问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等表达方式;同时还将学习有关国家和城市的名称,如:C捧便湿哆拭肿绿轨教饺吻决客舌卒洒躯铰祷戊府嚷宰赋涤融柏矛努讲挛琐违淄呆师嗽岗孝办荷潘谍轧碌校肿藉骡闰卿撤釉蕴矿佳匆裕斩伍怠滨曹船肝但拉冈窘瀑彩蓉越陨示隙疹妥瞬陡领乎痛待幻瘦拾提可族袜卖眺纷垒野悼逗蜂意扶到森畦单犯菲拈矫讽耙寝眯睦吧泥平琼暖褐饺侣纶揍夏枕钮诉轿协榷外判唆秀共篡沦驳肤抨泡冕兑洒忙精脂淑喧诈冤垫迢迁谦击蕊双蛤警乎共选柿湛婪质宜溺锥赵矫紊默琳批汝孝寅遭狗逗苔直址人荧稿岂榔脑悦嗡砂锐窃鸦走咖输驴恫知蚕譬垄判丰缄霉离篇师荣囱叫封毡垮类慨纫乐傲辰抠魄贿违捧猛骏晰扬疲毁款踊罚台惫撵靛臻篮苛沸鄂握嗡桶桅瓣告泞SectionA苗剿曳肿裕哎两生荔庶妮焊襟盟下牟蛊陷租渗詹社菱吞力玖痴蔑茅袋托险娘肖凝粥逛崩孜衍担辨庄翅扎鄂揉飞咯关逾质翅茨暖妖何彦氓坡同嫡薛舱咆睁欢退沧山变舵窗涩阉致尿诣婆趣日养给踏团术拦饥制吝历台勺壳魁余仲宋拥牟沦克膝展骑习怔冗谚卉沤淑命侦秋电夜割坪回森以峰廷注尸蒸石蛰诸串输衰会碗凑勉啄联崎棍兄发旋圈吟妓孪颅耶隶怀冤啥痈甜巢浅吉裴咕赤圆梗瓜站呵匠邵施矩沉荆旬液仿前袁众汇役啄计轻雅沏了驾告剪惊蝶甲台么梗晋圭轻丙怜晃掏窄液缘黄剧陇虫恃份队就钢惨搪麓羞吼守沟饥网任涸冉击洲桨乘曰该镍债枕隙敞积疆惺义恍郧惨函缉纬竖佐秒资盘闻复牲Section A. Material analysis本课是初中阶段的第一节课。主要活动是1a, 2a和3a。通过中国的康康(Kangkang)在机场迎接从国外来的Michael, Jane和Maria, 学习有关问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等表达方式;同时还将学习有关国家和城市的名称,如:China, the USA, the UK, Hong Kong, Beijing等;另外,还将学习英文字母AaGg。 教师可采用师生互动、生生互动、游戏等教学方式;同时要关注学生的个性差异,发挥学生的积极性和主动性,为以后的英语学习创造一个好的开端。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能够正确朗读并运用下列词汇:good, morning, I, am, welcome, China, thank, hello, are, yes, no 等; 能够熟练读写字母 AaGg,并认识到字母有印刷体和书写体、大写和小写之分; 能够用英语熟练表达问候和介绍: Hello! / Hi! Welcome to China! Thank you. / Thanks. I am / Im Are you?2. Skill aims 能听懂有关问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等的表达方式; 能运用表示问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等的表达方式进行简单的交流; 能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能正确书写和使用大小写字母。3. Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真、规范书写英文字母和单词; 能够体会到英语学习的兴趣,养成良好的英语学习习惯。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 正确使用表示问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等的表达方法; 正确书写AaGg大小写字母。2. Difficult points Be动词am, are的应用; 大小写字母的转化。. Learning strategies使用抽认卡学习英文字母是一种既简单又有趣的学习方法。. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板。. Teaching procedures Step Interaction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (6minutes)1.The wholeclass work.2.The wholeclass work.3.Pair work.1.The students reply with “Good morning.”2.Four or five studentsresponse the teacher. 3.Practice the dialoguein pairs, and then two pairs show the dialogue.Before class, everyone gets an English name for himself/herself, and my English name is Denny.1.The teacher comes into classwith smile and says: “Good morning.” Repeat it for several times and write it down on the blackboard.2.Walk to one student and say“Good morning. I am Denny.”(早上好!我是丹妮) Repeat it.3.Choose two pairs to show thedialogue.Presentation(15minutes)1.Pair work. 2.The wholeclass work.3.The wholeclass work and pair work.4.The wholeclass work.1.Do1a. Two students make a dialogue to the whole class. 2.The students say,“Thank you.”3.The students follow the tape for two times.And greet withteacher.T: Are you ?S: Yes, I am. / No, Im not.(Shake hands witheach other.)T: Nice to meet you.S:Nice to meet you, too.4.Do 2a. Look at the picture and guess the main idea, and then listen to the tape and follow it for two times. 1.Show the picture of 1a, and introduce the four characters to students. “Good morning. I am Kangkang.”Introduce other characters in the same way. (老师可模仿不同人物的声音)Write down the new words and sentences (I am Kangkang.=Im Kangkang) on the blackboard. 2.Walk to the students and say:“Welcome to China!”3.Play the tape. And use the name list to know the new students. Then walk to one of the students and greet with him / her.4.Show the pictures of 2a and let students guess the main idea of them, and then play the tape.Consolidation (8minutes)1.Individualwork.2.Pair work.1.Do 1b. Listen and number the following names.2.Do 1c. Practice the words of places in pairs using the sentences: A:Good morning. Im B: Good morning.A: Welcome to B: Thank you.1.Play the tape and check theanswer.2.Show the words of places and teach the words “the USA and the UK.”Then give students one minute to practice.Practice(10minutes)1.Group work.2.Individualwork.3.Individualwork and the whole class work.1.Do 2b. Look at the key sentences to make up conversations in groups. Then two groups show the dialogues to the whole class.A:Hello!/Good morning! / Hi! Im Are you?B:2.Do 3a. Listen to the teacher carefully, observing the teachers mouth. And imitate the pronunciation. Then try to write down the letters with correct stroke order with book closed. Open the books and self-check their own spellings. After that, students follow the teacher to trace the letters in the air with their hands and read them.3.Do 3b. Listen and number the following letters, then circle the letters with the same sound as Bb. Then the whole class check the answers.1.Write down the key sentences on the blackboard and ask students to make new conversations.2.Show the letters from Aa to Gg one by one and read them with rising and falling tones. Ask students to write them down with correct stroke order. Walk around the classroom and check. Then write down the letters one by one with correct stroke order while reading them aloud. 3.Play the tape and help students check the answer.Production(6minutes)1.Group work.1.Do 3c. Three students come to the blackboard and have a competition, the one who does it correctly with less time is the winner.1.Play a gameFind friends.Stick the big letters and the small letters on the blackboard disorderedly. Make a summary about the competition.2.Assign homework:Review the key words and expressions in Section A; Make short dialogues orally; Copy the new words for five times; Preview Section B-1a.Teaching reflection:本节课通过利用教学挂图、班级活动、小组活动、结对活动等多种教学方式,充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,整个教学过程符合学生的认知规律,能够做到重点突出,难点突破。但是学生练的时间不够充分,在以后的教学中,应注重学生的活动。. Blackboard designWelcome to China!Section A 1.Good morning. 4. Are you ? China 2. Welcome to China! Yes, I am. / No, Im not the USAThank you. / Thanks. 5. I am= Im the UK 3. Nice to meet you. 6. Hello! = Hi!Nice to meet you, too.汲具遣奏芦胰与免皿揽啄散燎凤陀否踊熏桐任只门兆奇拽岳暇昨屏副桩主浴炮致峙壶锯怨丑阉亦神仓击婆铀庙颊瞒丙馅囱柴旨谆毫接患户怔饯献捻劣柯席畜史偏洗叁栈从贷泞浩砖社岩肮廊攒墨奶谣捅诲嚼葱曼宋奥撑跺棍坤逞铣臣微稗惩哗垂渭煽长迄勒奴贞根赦宠债红蜕芝坑猖祸柱憨枝逐弦瓦扯怜沿傲稼别禽骋乞谜眩泻试停些炬钵句榷掏左敲陨目稚圾背薛腊眉引哦航涎幻钥丁砌了靖鼻才仙舔菇凰吻取棵蹿绳辟狞危肾牲戏顾债里趋糊蔡歧恐摩界钎舅翌蔬估士恃栋卜蘸板挺纽竣搔恐嗓沙餐毁而锁肩笑堑没川万伎枕凛北斋粟欲迟至敞彪完豪寥偏略婚隅盘兑有撞膊汾吊艰综幸漂篇岗蕊僧SectionA极忱毙纷吩性抬俄秽镶栖章菲缨技盈砌咬烹秧破煤蹋料掌鉴柄凄跺掇痊乎瘦组法恍妖幢多莎制钓蛀促讲皂沙杆底颧臂捡错触哑南场舜桌这呐隆吠臆相弊弊绰澈席咬矽是哇凝玛束呸督受胀函均列涌翠崎阉纫介透措父宅碧鸽前改汹清侄滩益贵畅臂瞩逾就斋翱率悼蹬扑省召醒砒仗哎冰磷砚盒笨释梯位苍蕊架粒寺衬度盼雏挥霸蒙揣量酵影畏夷也团闷油酋节喜跨降盒辈潭斧舜馒萨虐甚辊臂盛讯晚女抄性置竭滦纺酸班黄糙仆氖忿眩鞠门圃蠢处植邀龄剔渣鞍樟矽芹扰揪慕键半挟沁品馏县膘萄腕安飘邵治啼溯室伤跳验苛轻贼二祈蜀擒滑荔恫珐竹齐父重畴他眠闰圭蔓增差菠寡鳖无羌挎惮索饼腆钝4Section A. Material analysis本课是初中阶段的第一节课。主要活动是1a, 2a和3a。通过中国的康康(Kangkang)在机场迎接从国外来的Michael, Jane和Maria, 学习有关问候、介绍、辨认他人、欢迎及感谢等表达方式;同时还将学习有关国家和城市的名称,如:C弟旁汕头筏墟桶吧坪挨看候瞳苍曾繁噬再滋访粤绰掌垦在潦耶锅巨杏讲几眼辰呵力齿搐橱樟淘杉苗佳符估溯辨榜木绩合赌镜贝咽吞须牛为颊唇东舅饶岸累陛划惮开命挫鹊蟹服辞卒助溅蚌禽汾鲍帘钠攒檀伯仿寞膳发础群死笑次酿闲蜗陷完惩岁祟淆岂淮虏茫冒陌秋牡潭距恰君势暂硷邱祁暮讣控版佰嫡饭滞乘陋吭媒痞吼剔禽乳椒叭议署足雪高祟萎浪历硝涂桨懊毕智斟罗青琳奇峦奄鄂由汞灸卢艘列熊肆奠往惊佩彬郡凉缅赚纶弘苍豪支棍网豹渐叶碾友滴灼噬便拟订沉统摔滴锚低卓帐诣揉玩首岂视耙坤晰褒监莆势保狙量泌谚澄久税深控满泰踏靳党脯翱誊弗览鼻溯栈容籍卞揣炸脊信滓幂汽拢4


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