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    名词性从句主语从句Noun clauses as the subject【课前自主学习】Task 1 :找出主语Jane is good at playing the piano.To see is to believe.Smoking is bad for health.What he has said is true. I like English.The train left.主语:句子说明的人或事物,一般位于_ 。在句子中充当主语的就是主语从句。 Task 2 :理解主语从句他通过了考试让老师很高兴。He passed the exam.It made the teacher happy.He passed the exam made the teacher happy. 主语从句_他何时要来还不清楚。When will he come?It is not clear.When will he come is not clear. 主语从句_Task 3 : 找出主语从句That he will succeed is certain.Whether he will come makes no difference.What we need is more time.Tip:先找谓语【 In class 课上探究 】Task 1 : 引导词1) that和whether/ ifThat he will come is certain.Whether he will come is uncertain._ 不做成分,无意义,不能省略。 whether /if 不做成分,表“_”。Whether 和if 的区别:whether可放句首和句尾,if引导主语从句放句尾,前面需用it作形式主语2) 连接代词who, what, which Who will go makes no difference. What we need is more time.Which book I shall choose hasnt been decided3)连接代词whoever, whatever, whichever Whoever comes is welcome. Whatever I have is yours. Whichever you want is yours.whatever = anything that whoever = anyone who连接代词引导主语从句,在从句中可以作 4) 连接副词when, where, how ,why When we will leave hasnt been decided. How she keeps healthy is a secret. Why he cries is not clear. Where the meeting will be held is not known.连接副词引导主语从句在从句中作状语Task 2 :it 作形式主语的结构That he will win the match is certain.It is certain that he will win the match.注解:一般来说主语从句都是放在 ,但有时为了使句子 ,避免”头重脚轻”,常用 作 ,从而把主语从句放在 这样就构成了下面一些常用句型: 1) It is + n. +that It is a pity/shame that. 可惜的是 It is a surprise that 令人吃惊的是 It is a fact that 事实是 It is common knowledge that 是常识 *_ (很可惜)we lost the match.*_ (这是事实)he cheated in the exam.1. 令人吃惊的是他改变了主意。 It is a surprise that he changed his mind.2. 真可惜你错过了这么一个好机会。 It is a pity that you missed such a good chance.3. 事实是我们周围的污染正变得越来越严重。It is a fact that the pollution around us is becoming more and more serious.2) It is + adj. +that Its certain that 肯定 It is possible/likely that. 很可能 It is obvious/clear that 很明显 It is true that的确 * It is necessary important natural. that*_ (很可能)she will come back tomorrow.*_ (很明显) he is an English teacher.1. 很可能他会申请这项工作的。 It is likely that he will apply for the job.2. 的确我犯了个错误。 It is true that I made a mistake.3. 有必要我们要学习英语。 It is necessary that we should learn English.3) It +不及物动词+that It happened that. 碰巧 It occurred to me that我突然想起 It appears/seems that 似乎,好像 It turned out that 原来*_ (刚好)I was out yesterday.*_ (我突然想起) I forgot to sent the letter.1. 好像是我错了。 It appears that I am wrong.2. 碰巧他得去参加一个会议。 It happened that he had to attend a meeting.3. 我突然想起他会说英语。 It occurs to me that he can speak English.4. 原来他是Mary的朋友。 It turned out that he was Marys friend.4) It + be +过去分词+从句 It is said that. 据说 It is known to all that. 众所周知 It is reported that. 据报道 It is believed that.据相信;人们相信 It is suggested that + (should)do. 建议*_ (据报道)20 people were killed in the accident. *_(建议)we should eat more vegetable and do more exercise.1.据说他已经去了上海。Its said that he has gone to Shanghai.2. 众所周知台湾是中国的一部分.It is known to all that Taiwan is part of China.3. 有人建议我们应该多做运动。It is suggested that we should take more exercise.Task 3 :主语从句的规律例1.When will he come is not known.正: .规律一、主语从句一律用陈述语序, 即主语在前,谓语在后。例2. He will not come to the meeting this evening is true.正: 规律二、连词that 在从句中无实际意义, 但不能省略。例3. If the meeting will be put off has not been decided yet.正: 规律三、whether 可以引导主语从句, 放在句首,但if不能例4. When he will come are a puzzle.正: 规律四、主语从句的谓语动词多用 单数第三人称形式。When the meeting will begin _ (have) not been decided yet .When they will start and where they will go _(be) still unknown.When and where the meeting will begin _ (have) not been decided yet .例5 1. What he needs _ that book. 2. What he needs _some books规律五、what 引导的主语从句,可根据表语决定主句动词的单复数形式。Task 4: 小试牛刀我最喜欢的是你的发型。 我需要的就是休息。 杜拉拉如何成功取决于她的勤奋。 这个男孩所做的事让老师很生气。 Task 5: summary 主语从句的特点:1.引导词: 连词 连接代词 连接副词 2. 语序:3:、It 作形式主语的主语从句【After class :课后巩固复习 】学预测 P57页 达标检测


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