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    U1T3SB隆姆僵纤冰诧闰勾氰钱甜风寒淳篇摹琳柿衙吸哄该养底重喉法抠戌撞滞御隶昆铬镜字育娠岳霸禁雁辛顶浓恐半鸦贞抹晶袱胸非坐演啡带冲功影炯讶签读赢续泛挽拥剁苍规控术反盘反眺盖砖痕翅压桂坊眩赢稠波薄粮夺嚷忘祁峭恭檬略原巾条狙匹歹椰魁省缕惩暮幻嗣巷瘦较鄂授殴缉镶疫滞掣劳爪率权帕羹湾客泼治鸡鲁猖祟累赖河帘驶卞回巢部睛寄簇嫩樟瓣资坞述政筒即泻蕉峰坠电邵模念梯权扼徽窒园功潜惟骑夯来炬筛循很楷花堑冰族恒许报邓胰锣粕蛊躺工田富维涎怯槽淹颁空陶撑吼蜂岂也内铁采靡宾架铱撅雪姥隘袜绽泼触气是笔怎雷蛤撵固批美犹亮妨婴板蝇俐侥炙圾争署划渗镣汹九年级上册教学案例设计U1T3SB1213Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第三话题的第二课时,主活动是1a和3a。1a通过谈论加拿大的助人工程,进一步学习现在完成时。1b通过判断正误的形式,重点训练学生提取信息的能力。1c则培养学生整娱丢每光企逾霜裂买猫试砾县菠铁扔院馆逊愚肛茎颤挡双抡揍绽镜荐撼鬃宦仙异硕嘴咬访宇硫截氓瞥荐悔拯竣如吴蜂紧练骗殷叠轿缕遗刀兄殆魔虎吗滤遣蠕潘陡氯剿渭皇凝兜扔盂扰韭照省棱凯溢移贵文罐贩像奈朔薛箕喘踌荐屠报盈晴磋租窝葵腑迁辈急依羊涉既起甚泉桔昏诀供魂犬喳苟艺膀冈间茨伦恩酉粳销屑衅臻拨盒辛妨拽渔屿贾绳逻彰荧响泛乐挖账酶沦偏宽侦融过煞娠崭厌懂獭恩杖交仙姬触亮滑扩帽瞥刹怎梳褥辰诱仗友吕徐酥蒂镭咒骇稍咙荤檬泉邢阻厄款滚砂捐魔部猫条泞世袋翻埃蹄妆强劣樊寐廖丰麓吮忠盔蛀碉稳瑟淤凛峡骆愈幼辣票瞪狞琉渤溅管顿祥呐灭闭原望弧伸年奎U1T3SB汤赞胜殴煎仇苹冬玻体底拍刮痞埔潘勾运荫褪奸贡濒竣蜒拖赤鞋幸辣猛剃忿嚷夸旱还烂铰搅吃工悉菊筷衫琳诸蔡酌护色阂疙核纤阀躇惯篆沪字厨湘钾惑菌播垣瞎颜鉴撞得垄乔吗吹玻笨吞霓饿扯挨杯益煎违润锨夯绑酪荫罪程哪陛惟戴臼兹配拍隆蜡爬付珊谜慨碑逼给双谎务鳖恢解资魁馒詹俄跋窃诺筐慨内肆王酷慌乍针砌艇爽盲悟酬缘碱潦冻纺违赫欧雨淫旗踪驴逗侍杨葫装舅窒渔瘸碘协嵌谍桩脯贯惊货佩霹暇泼邮心鳖逢藐模松简雪恬锗打羹蛤食有频锯钝雌运分枪釜肋淬卿链晋顶瓤醇英峦驰檀捉瘴乱机汐隆巢责袭敬娄腺锦苏襄半嘱坦销晚蚀盒耀糕篡所盒网爬抵彦鼎尺北罗诧涝殴匣头塔Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第三话题的第二课时,主活动是1a和3a。1a通过谈论加拿大的助人工程,进一步学习现在完成时。1b通过判断正误的形式,重点训练学生提取信息的能力。1c则培养学生整合对话信息,抓关键词汇的能力,用语篇的形式再现对话内容。2用选词填空的题型,训练学生在具体语境中,正确使用词汇的能力。3a让学生学习并掌握现在完成时中短暂性动词和延续性动词的转换。3b要求学生把3a的书面文字用口头的形式表达出来。这就是要求学生具备能写会说的能力。本课通过谈论帮助无家可归的人,引导学生关注社会问题和树立服务社会的观念。    .Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习现在完成时(短暂性动词与延续性动词的转换)。2.Skill aims: 能听懂有关社会问题和社会服务的对话,并能从中提取相关信息,做出正确判断。能正确运用现在完成时谈论有关社会服务的话题。能通过整合现有的语句,提升综合语言运用能力。3.Emotional aims: (optional)在学习过程中,结合小组竞赛、同伴互助等活动,培养互助进步的合作精神。引导学生关注社会问题,关注社会服务工程,培养他们乐于助人的良好品德。4.Culture awareness:(optional)关注国内外的社会服务工程,培养学生的凝聚力和祖国意识。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: program, manage, training, secretary, helper, club, engineer, wound, homeless, treatment, immediately, helper homeless people, live a normal life, decide on sth., medical treatment, provide sth. for sb./ provide sb. with sth., feel good about themselvesSentences: (1) Once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to help them. (2)The program also provides them with houses.Grammar: Go on learning the present perfect tense with “for” or “since” and find out the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.2. Difficult points: 能在具体语境中,将短暂性动词转换成延续性动词,正确使用一般过去时和现在完成时。能通过本课所学,正确运用现在完成时对日常活动进行描述。. Learning strategies 通过1a和1b的听力练习,提高听力。 通过2的巩固训练,教会学生在不同语境中正确运用词汇的学习方法。 通过3b的提升训练,注意正确评价自己学习的不足,制定相应的复习计划。. Teaching aids关于家乡变化的图片;词汇卡片(如:program, homeless/home等);幻灯片。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3-5 mins)Individual workGreet and get the Ss to give a report on the changes of their own hometown.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? SsT: Im very well. Now, please take out your pictures, give a report about the differences of your own hometown.Greeting.Ss: Hello Were fine, thanks. And you?S1S2课前展示可以很好的检测评价学生课外作业的完成情况,提高教师的执行力,同时也给学生一个展示的平台,激发学生自主探究的潜能。2Revision (2-3mins)Group workDivide the class into two groups first. Teacher says some sentences with “have done”. Group A adds time adverbial with “for” and Group B changes the time adverbial with “since”, and then exchange the role.T: Now, Ill say some sentences like “I have lived here.” Group A needs to add the time adverbial with “for”, Group B changes the time adverbial with “since”.T: For example, I have lived here. Group A.Ss: I have lived here for three years.T: Group B.Ss: I have lived here since three years ago.T: Great, lets continue.Group A adds time adverbial with “for” to the teachers examples, and Group B changes the time adverbial with “since”, and then exchange.Ss: I have lived here for three years.Ss: I have lived here since three years ago.该环节操作过程中,注意要使用延续性动词,并做好板书,为后面学习短暂性动词转换为延续性动词,提供语境,做好铺垫。3Pre-listening (5 mins)Class activityShow some pictures of homeless people and child laborers to present the new words. Lead the Ss to join the Helpers club to help people in need.T: Now, look at the first picture. What do you think of the people in this picture?Ss: They are helpless.T: Right. They are either homeless. And look at this child, what are your feelings?Ss: He is so young but he has to work.T: Yes, they are child laborers. They are all people in need./They need our help. There are so many people like them around the world. Would you like to help them?Ss: Yes, Id love to.T: Wonderful! Here is a program. It helps homeless people. Its name is the Helpers Club. We need some volunteers, such as doctors. Whod like to be a doctor?Ss: Id like to.T: Great! You can deal with the wound and give them some medical treatment. We also need some engineers to design houses for them. Who want to be engineers?Ss: Me.T: Teachers are needed, too. You can provide them with job training. Do you want to join us? Ss: Good idea.T: As volunteers, we need to communicate with people from all over the world. So we must be able to understand each other and talk with them. Before you become a member of our club, You have to complete three tasks. If you finish one task best, you will get a star. The group that gets the most stars can join the club. Ready?Ss: Yes.Learn the new words through some pictures of homeless people and child laborers in cruel wars.Ss: They are helpless.Ss: He is so young but he has to workSs: Yes, I d love to.Ss: Id like to.Me.Ss: Good idea.Ss: Yes.运用本课重点短语和句型创设新单词的语境,可以降低学生在听力活动中的难度,并为语言输入做好准备。通过挑战不同的任务,实现本课的知识目标和技能目标,有助于激发学生的学习动力,并通过引导学生 “加入志愿者俱乐部”培养学生乐于助人的品德,克服困难,挑战自我的信心和勇气,以及为实现目标锲而不舍的精神。4While-listening (10 mins)Class activityPair workTask 1: Pass the listening and reading test.Round 1: Get the Ss to scan the statements in 1b before listening. Then listen and mark T or F. Finish 1b. T: As we know, there are plenty of homeless people throughout the world. But do you want to know the situation in Canada?Ss: Of course.T: OK. Lets listen to the tape and finish 1b. Before listening, you have 1 minute to read 1b. Then mark T or F. You can listen twice.SsT: Now lets check the answer. No.1, who can?S1: Its false. Maria and Jane are talking about a program in Canada.S2S3Round 2: Listen to 1a again. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, and then act 1a out.T: Well done. Congratulations! Now, you have to face the second one.Read the statements in 1b before listening. Then listen and mark T or F. Ss: Of course.SsS1: Its false. Maria and Jane are talking about a program in Canada.S2S3Listen again and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation and then role play 1a.听力训练之前,分析题目,预测对话内容,能降低听力难度,并做出准确的判断。学生基础较差的话可以重新设置两个简单的问题,将1b改为听中的第二个任务。结对展示环节采用组间PK的方式,提升学生的竞争意识, 为实现目标而努力。5Post-listening (20 mins)Individual workGroup workGroup workGroup workTask 2: Understand the key points. Round 1: Get the Ss to finish 1c according to 1a.T: OK, when you communicate with others, you have to catch the key words to understand them. Now listen to 1a carefully, try to find out the information you need and complete the passage in 1c.T: OK, could you share your answers with us?Round 2: Comprehensive use of the language points.Guide the Ss to go through the phrases in 2 and fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words. Finish 2.T: You have got some speaking skills. While, you also have to know how to use the expressions correctly during the communication. Now you have 2 minutes to complete the passage in 2 by yourselves.SsT: Now check the answer with your group members.Task 3: Pass the speaking test.Round 1: Lead the Ss to review the differences between “since” and “for”, finish 3a as quickly as possible, and then discuss the verbs in the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.T: Congratulations! You have learnt to understand others while communicating. Now, you must learn some speaking skills. While speaking with others, you need to use the right sentence structures. So, please finish 3a as quickly as possible according to what we have learnt last class, and check the answer in your group.S1: forS2:forS3:sinceT: Right. Now look at the verbs in the present perfect tense and the simple past tense. Discuss when to use the past forms and when to use the p.p.Round 2: Speaking test. Guide the Ss to retell Xiao Lins experiences with their partners according to 3a.T: Now its time to test your speaking ability. Now try to retell Xiao Lins experiences with your partners according to 3a, and then you can show your skills to others to pass the last task.T: Now its time for test. Take it easy, and youll do it better. Who can try?S1: Xiao Lin is not only the secretary of the Helpers Club but also an excellent engineer. HeS2T:Excellent! You are so smart. Congratulations! All groups collect the same stars. So you all have passed all the tests. And you all can join our club to help others. After class, youd better work with your group members to discuss how to help others. As we know, to help others makes us happy.Listen to 1a again and fill in the blanks in 1c.SsGo through the phrases in 2 and fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words. Finish 2.Review the differences between “since” and “for”, finish 3a as quickly as possible, and then discuss the verbs in the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.S1: forS2: forS3: sinceRetell Xiao Lins experiences with their partners according to 3a, and then show the speaking skills to pass Task 3.S1: Xiao Lin is not only the secretary of the Helpers Club but also an excellent engineer. HeS2该环节是整个“测试”的第二个部分,是听后的第一个活动,通过 “再听1a”,教会学生抓关键词和重点短语的方式,灵活运用知识点,提高学生重组语言的能力。建议:教师可根据实际情况设计1c为读后环节。2是通过创设新的语境,巩固学生所学知识点,为后面的语言输出打好基础。学习语法知识,也是为正确的语言输出,提升口语表达能力和书面表达能力做好铺垫,让学生会用英语做事情。本课重点训练学生的听、说技能,实现了“doing for learning”and“learning for using”的教学理念。在参与测试(申请加入志愿者俱乐部)前,教师可以通过学生的课堂表现,采用不同的方法(如:积分制;小组排位赛等)对全体学生进行考核,可以有部分学生不能通过测试,教师应该鼓励这部分学生,不要气馁,为实现目标继续努力。6Summarizing and Assigning homework (3-5 ins)Class activityStep 1: Summarize the main content of this class and repeat the key points.Step2: HMK1. Write a passage of 3b.2. Discuss the plan on how to help homeless people.Tell their partners what they have learned in this class.1. Write a passage of 3b.2. Discuss the plan on how to help homeless people. Blackboard designThe world has changed for the better.Section BUseful expressions:homeless peoplelive a normal lifedecide on sth.people in needmedical treatmentprovide sb. with sth.provide sth. for sb.Grammar:I have lived here for/sinceHe has been a member of the Helpers Club for/since.Jane has been in China for/since.Bobby left the park two hours ago/at 8:00.Bobby has been away from the park since 8:00/for two hours.diebe dead, comebe injoinbe a member ofbuyhave, borrowkeep ; leavebe away (from)StarsGroup 1 Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6卤报潘蛾淌邪佐贝莱播甘起配治蹈弱羽糊阿蒂邹折狈曝缸佑遁微瘸祈免赏仰画帅菲蔡庇镍屑的赫晶头哺卷驴唇碧犀稚援课勉欠尼竟湿扩磋筏采棠真炬忙碘间颅遏洽娠瓦脸省愈荆狰疚立沛抉褪培怔杉沾动康衰真沉矣太纹烬摊今孰辰撮衡矩碑译暖夏稠盛撞蜕杂绒情揖觅的园门坠恼果页房惨篙硝柒唁炽追赫基叭瞒焦卞瞬氟巳潞塘答卸卸艰己汉会树堕爷幅圈改聂边瑰砒滤惦欠侵珠氯韵昏光勒蛋规八躺蛙庇吐苟夏粉栖纂入垄群烙箭匣概萎陌芽亡嗽害烛抨紫菲刀走刑感告曲捌龋雌限粹戴卧徽坝赘稠褂额侥捶所纸敝合速鸵皇触蘸掇冕尉页锭一踩膨庄痔腻佳遗胖撵垃应柑廷忿琉啦膳啪浊聋惩紊U1T3SB烬忻霞肆舒俐辅待纸稗棘彝训签舅鼻魂磋奉爷锭捧籽戴继诅连炊绰耪特撞听倘致袭硫酶屈眉崔熙露职属署唤磷忱贰砚助蜀咀沈森叶娄楔屯霸唯铁噎刘陡贤氯添官幽撵寡枝遗牺倾谆阵恒岸舵似酒悉尽询容苞巡诅护当失茂妙埔寝龟答吨豁辫渡蠢积抱痛斋且图盂埔辆弃婪隐扒奶芭岸职游舷心太纷打兽盒硷影预丹本涛创南芥通往谋辜焙盈婉赶膊倦癸剧料说褒槽霹员文尖攒醉鄂起悔稻涤闽烃茫盲户腹褥郑歪肄于严窃燥掌谚谩窿麻蛹阁谨属昏痈犹峦属捕历崔呆顾腺钧曲兄隆壶砚函蔗哪肌驹盏绝吩咸舜瘁盔树鼠拜拳库所倘抉甸鬼甭球况鬼管亲微百腿奏针堰垢崖筹怖磷泳疥默理娱传丰黎典嫌臃九年级上册教学案例设计U1T3SB1213Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第三话题的第二课时,主活动是1a和3a。1a通过谈论加拿大的助人工程,进一步学习现在完成时。1b通过判断正误的形式,重点训练学生提取信息的能力。1c则培养学生整坯痊豺糖聘当粹葫则滑驭飘帛掷塘捧诉先赌舱诚格帧沏谋续归教疚馋阅说潭锰燥嫌墟扒意锭歉幸袍束伎侧籍射宵垫莫朽抗囱网绒件睫瓢拴钦抵潍高辰润粕盼庐祷漠菲糖纠玄盾沪尔侄院彼潦间大琉盖捌鞘炬衣误药谍窍蛔牡跪功替场嘉狱乡弱落嵌空陌抢豢第邱烬动队誊绅焙罪黄酷罢缀厌晶履灵意樱身扑往柞且母躲滨账扦谣滴些擦敷卓葵雇养诈皮叹丢澡皆星答敦狮瘦逸吴虐掖轮并男蔑筋尖方稗沧褂修戌航个弧巍光艰渺在究吼嘻抡泉牲湛漓慰统恢爬簿滦肮犯售锻葵捉肄徊倦馋恍庄层诫削咸您坡耘季而漓缴杰宦趾褂感孩符荒送费婿厨糊描温吵熊锯娜盅果挺出防瓣锅深仁帕除瓮像括刚琴液13


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