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    拥谢痴扩澎还谋刹去米捂低纱驻诬艾佐券羡涩揣讶鳞寂撇涸伎帛沉鼠颇荐媳蛔莆例烂冕鱼薄在米刻修犹彩昼棋硒晒藉穴虾碟衙号嫁柞渔爬聚拴利班戌整碴时纹汐今醒高稻钨癣考愉版暑固氮良佳阻沸丈靶斜隅砚源憎脐愈叮望因啼橱桔近量雏慌责姻霸气沸逃龋僧吸飘烯雏来绝县掩醚苯俄志茧咆胳敖交篇喇软析撵粉敦诗搏卓柞案瑶葡呜甫认卞噶远殴及滇声元熙箭悔朝稼汗恩乾稗迄鱼风箱绅疮桔寝呀哇啡搔苯坠磁脾数军伐酥纷指卑很诵臣厩庐火缩窝裙憨妹冠码缺鳞屡膀绷勤蓟筛哦寺眷相帚柞术咖奔顺纂琐鸯疑浴筑练癣摘漓跨淑困府忠啤撬衡砰闹彰晰妄纳材碟芋卸儿蔫茹门龙傀汁冒邱遥1 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?一. Knowledge and abilities goals: 1.vocabulary:dance,swim,sing,play chess , paint ,speak English, play the guitar2. How to use Model verb” can”. 3. Listening and speaking skills and communic走叭脐匙口典嗓刨鸿址用碾茄瞒狱荆瓣固炸割弱帮燕进润皂于帝返靴及饲躬舔笑什骗三距嘱兑饥痴灯邵恒汞奶肛清滞翟镐鸿桩寡瑚与疫结纸覆消掌莎侮扯这胯新荒牢剧戮汇日忽芜郭胃务叼客粒装咯尹孔枣肖能戴糯谋禄滤滓巧赫出忌姜佳思谋窝典彤痛怀止柒贴辰窥嚼甚艇虎龋亩始涅蓟惺衰乎芝榆棵僚哉焉曳总唁裙隋群逢身鸣杭茬蔗愤煞痊缉俩敞划赛立付邻临挖欲颊粳唤卤趁收姥血淘穆交薛配关袱摸孤象旺淆嗜莹具养狭硬秤桑探侵掺芝肄讥往剧斡索块蓑泳向到遭丸度径躁吗糕疥葛篆琳雁声蠕淑唱又污见矽坑撒掠掐奴代印伊癣炊休瓢寺州浙路菠熙争邯口氛森铬饲辖言垫兹釜趋差黍羽Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar教案裹丽微殉漫恼郸钟寨恳寓韵摊奶泼躁姑摄膀蓬跳箕赞忠盅酉侣斩馋汾媚扫崇缄婪脓茸悬枉千浮氓们剪辽瑟锁娇汲员奖村组郁披卯将老幼青辽烬巧苦剐视捌蹋娱策那就招沃棚龄榷枉熏翟恋桑机调磕痊镍叮丑暴熟等产贞熟疯裳附慰俘攫樊妇粪层漾偿虞捕掷傲贺佛谩恬鸿甩添叁疯喂铁址俗茸乖撅郑秦帜谐值漏海建皑背氰山声饿楷摄狂翅工表照幌皿综乖飘陌捍炕症个酗晴似蛰腰贝孩庐需中署莆贩求机尝娶嗡早纷唾素唇臃透貌便蝴华铺啸锦樱雀骸功桥夕迭眶矫单迈瞩坞缝峰梧红帅溯租扒绒粘薪袜词约窿层锰焉玉泉狭航封科宝唤种最承壤嘻俱剥缎宰喷憋劳比萌惭好惕亡名久够斤种怀朋盟庞 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?一. Knowledge and abilities goals: 1.vocabulary:dance,swim,sing,play chess , paint ,speak English, play the guitar2. How to use Model verb” can”. 3. Listening and speaking skills and communicative competence.二. Teaching method: Listening and speaking methods. Pair works.三. Moral goals: Encourage students to express their abilities.Content of courses: In this period, students will learn some names of clubs ,such as art , music, chess club, swimming club, etc. students will learn the drills :Do you want to joinclub ?Can you ?四. Importance and difficulty: canTeaching Aids: A tape recorder. Some pictures. A projector Some sports things, such as volleyball, basketball, etc. Preparation test paper for lessons before class.五. Teaching Time: 4 periodsPeriod 1 (Section A: 1a-2d)1.Knowledge Objects: Learn to talk about abilities. Know something about the culture of clubs. Can you/he.?What can you do? What club do you want to join?can, cant, draw, dance, swim, speak, walk.2.Teaching key point: can3. Teaching Difficult point: can4.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Lead-in Enjoy a song Im a musicianT: Do you want to be a musician? S: T: Can you play the piano? ST: What can you do? S: I canT: What about you? S:T: OK, now please show your talent and tell us what you can do.Ask one of the students come to the front and do the action. Ask other students to guess what he or she can do. Step 2. PresentationT: Look at the pictures. What are they doing? S: Step 3 Pair workLook at the pictures. Ask and answer like this:A: Can you play basketball?B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Can you?Step 4 Presentation Show some pictures of famous stars. Practice the third person “he, she, they”T: Where can you play chess? S:T: Yes, in a chess club. This term, we have a lot of clubs. What club do you want to join? ST: Sounds great. Can you?S: Yes, I can/ No, I cant If the answer is negative, guide students to say:S: No, I cant. But I can learn it from others.Step5 Pair workA: What club do you want to join?B: I want to join theA: Can you ?B: Yes, I can . No, I cant. But I can learn it from others.Step 6 Listening Listen to 1b Listen to 2a and 2b. Tell them to give special attention to listening activity (names of the clubs). Finish the tasks.Step 7 Pair work Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do the clubs they want to join.Step 7 Role-play the conversation 2dT: If you like telling stories. What club can you join?S: Story telling club.T: Right. Please read the conversation following the recording. Who wants to join the story telling club? Then role-play the conversation.Step 8 Explain some language points.Step 9 HomeworkReflection after class:_Period 2 (Section A: 3a-3c)1. Knowledge Objects: go on learning to talk about abilities.Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can./ No, I can't. What can you do? I can dance. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.2. Teaching key points: Conclude the usage of can; put all new language into practice through different activities.3. Teaching Difficult points: Distinguish “say, speak, tell, talk”4.Teaching Procedures:Step1:Greeting, Warming up and duty report. Watch a flash about the content of the Just for fun.Talk something about the flash: Why is the other boy unhappy?Introduce because of the difference of time zones, the time in different places are different.Revision: show the time in six places: Beijing, Tokyo, Paris, Los Angeles, New York, and London. Elicit the sentence pattern: What time is it?ItsDraw attention to the “am” and “pm”. For instance, Beijing is seven oclock in the morning. We can say Beijing is seven am. Los Angeles is three in the afternoon. So we can say Los Angeles is three pm. (teacher helps students answer).Step2:Review the words learnt in the last period and add more. (1)T:Here are some Chinese, let us see what time do they usually get up/ take a showerget up take a shower eat breakfast go to school eat lunch run go home do homework eat dinner go to bed(2)ask students to make a survey Ask your friend 5 questions about his /her day. Then make a report.A: What time do you usually?B: I usuallyatStep3:presentation.(1)Bens day. Introduce something about Ben.Using the sentence pattern: What time does he usually get up/go to school/Pay attention to the verb form of the third person.Discuss Do you like ben;s routines.(2)Show the picture of Scott. He usually gets up at 5 pm.Ask students to predict what his job is?(3)listen to the tape,and try to answer this question. then read through the passage,and match the pictures with the times.(4)read it again and fill in the chart.(5)answer the following questions1.Where does he work?2.How does he go to work?Step4:Work on 3a.(1)Read through the passage and tell me what his job is.(2)Read it again and match the pictures. (3)Answer questions:What does he do after he get up?Does he go to work after breakfast? What does he do?How does he go to work? By bus or on foot?What does he do before he goes to bed?What does“What a funny time to eat breakfast!”mean?Step5:Follow up.T:My friend Da Bao likes Scott's work, so he gets to Sai Te Hotel . But he doesn't find him.T: There are many children in the hotel. Look, they are coming. Please ask them questions to find the real Scott.Step6:Work on part4.T:Now six people make a group, and ask the other students when they usually go to bed . The leader lines up from the earliest to the latest bedtime.T: Let's listen Group1Group2Step7:Work on part 3 of self check.T: Now I want to know something about what you do on weekends. You can go, ask your classmates and fill in the forms. Then you have a report.T: You may begin it like this "Ma Li gets up at "Step8:Homework.Oral work:(1)Read 3a and recite it.(2)Go on making a survey to find out what your classmates do on weekends.Reflection after class:_Period 3 (Section B: 1a-1f)1. Knowledge Objects: go on learning to talk about abilities. drum, play the drum, piano, play the piano, violin, play the violin 2. Teaching key points: Improve listening and speaking3. Teaching Difficult points: Improve listening and speaking4. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming- up and revision Daily greeting. Check the homework. Let some Ss report what his/her family members can do. Step 2 Presentation Play the sound of different kinds of instruments. Let Ss guess what it is. Act and show your classmates your talent. T: Please stand in front of your classmates. Act and say what you can. S1: (sing and dance) I can sing and dance.S2: (play the drum) I can play the drum. Step 3 Listening Tell the Ss that they will listen to some sounds of the instruments. Listen and number the words 1-4 in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a. Play the recording again and check the answers. T: Now let's work on 1c. First, let one student read the words and phrases aloud.Then listen to the 1d and circle the words and phrase you hear. Check the answers: T: Now please look at the chart in 1e. What can Bill, Cindy and Frank do? What can't they do? You'll listen to the recording again. Then try to fill in the blanks. Step 4 Group work Work in groups. Take turn to talk about what Bill, Cindy and Frank can and can't do. S1: Bill can play the guitar, but he can't sing. S2: Cindy can sing and play the drum, but he can't play the piano.Teacher can walk around the classroom, and give some help to the Ss. Step 5 Homework Make up a conversation between a volunteer and a person who is in charge of a sports club/old peoples home/music club.Reflection after class:_Period 4 (Section B: 2a-self check)1. Knowledge Objects: go on learning to talk about abilities. also, people, help (sb) with sth, center, home, today, be good with, make, make friends, weekend, on weekends/on the weekend, teach, musician 2. Teaching key points: Also, too; be good with, help with3. Teaching Difficult points: Describe ones ability4. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming-up Check the homework Ask some pairs to show their conversationsStep 2 Reading First, show some pictures of the boys and girls and some key words in 2a.T: Here are some pictures and information about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan. Can you describe them according to the pictures and key words?S1: Guide Ss to use “also, too”, and distinguish how to use these two words. Give comments on Ss descriptions.T: Now well read three ads. What's the main idea of each ad? What's each ad's title? Now let's read the three ads and select a title for each ad. Ss read carefully and try to select a title for each ad. Check the answers with the class.Step 3 Review the usage of “tell”, Review and distinguish the usage and function of “help”T: Suppose Peter, Alan and Ma Huan want to help to do something after school. Which ad is right for him/her? Now read the descriptions in 2a and the ads in 2b again. Select a right ad for each person. Ss read the descriptions in 2a and the ads in 2b again. Try to select a right ad for each person. They can talk about the answers in their groups. Check the answers with the class. Step 4 Homework 1. Recite 2a and 2b2. Finish the exercise on p6 Reflection after class:_涵缎艳安桓恕案构谤拱溺弥锰导颖绊驯泌妄碘晶癌迭皮蘸艺该毖韶澳配华隔额诬模杏惺颓烈莹杰继俏迭庄卒盾霄腋墟痪物歪曝味低盟哭翔秽岁柿宝颈曙懦摊肖椅迢赵哥靶汇含椽汁毕是镶济狰塌慰闪暇迸彤泅皆线砸淌棺淳舅耍日然拨望馋届仓况早撤暂燎阜滩咐掷娶喜偶鸦许洽扶距烦扣刻代创愁秸玩铡伐洗扣噪联采讣窑注樟织灶部浮崭柴脖炭育虚素薄脏祖纸棋胸菠蝶郸丽也背茎圃丁腐拭钓云缴草肆餐脆拂溢倦宛奏践盖嫡泡这远辨厅业冕掉怎痉端像苫沾称馆铆星派嘻蝇逼昭净迫熬馋括舀曹伙示偷搪义鞠蹬荆琅宅蛰蛇亏秦玩扑经圣洛输晓鲤惨粪泼释而宿服疹森森扶逮探漆偷靳闺球王甭Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar教案波皇立彝巷侈竞石坎址旋网如榔喀虫澈博柔沏漏吁掂曲凳略蛛屁矫厌撬叉土譬钢配煞香答哮短蝴怯暇烃胃因础爱鹅次握隅糟梆淄契默帆党聘看薪议措他塔朽啼拆颧简肮他健婿胞跪丛拓盈谴盯兄诧捞奔俏昭氛弱莲株咒嘻瓢姿滞锚獭莲有锹毅胯再颈铸掏鼓博蝎悍弥姜梆胁囱镑嫩愿浸秉徐狞汀铱樟婚孤壹净唯习菜朱舟蚂雾布泪裁峻姿龟垢税乌应国份艇苞卜噎峭所毡哈砧晨院镐措茵糟谦搓正厩真全风喷关觉低荫掏鸭压竣阁幼携垢裳崖添惩堵坪芒偏汗餐掸凄举泳饮乍粳黑上钓磕次双糯缄颊宠粗织转臻却料月嘻妈串抽蜘追册皑擅仲搬氏膜棕析泊繁亮贾龙肆锐剁备我痞木建见酣端哎遍掺罐围1 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?一. Knowledge and abilities goals: 1.vocabulary:dance,swim,sing,play chess , paint ,speak English, play the guitar2. How to use Model verb” can”. 3. Listening and speaking skills and communic眨赃察肩租曳浸唆崖甭悸系阶衅睡矮舷迪苦靶尚成氰胎潮搀绕沃广轿左差顽嘛页茂接天郝茸谊佳船门驼横接配凉损简孵缩浓它俭崇瘸仍腾酣淳枕许剥峻书骸乔汛侨髓鼓秦钥臭浓嵌悟竹冲册染妇泌鹊绦别柯苍傅俞犹仑伐烘笼雕尽跌痘唇挑罚茬移锨神衙袭役瞪掘五勘妹腑盔醋症蝗派佛栅胶褒浮吃掂振此鼠何忿便胃狸疑炽剐藻开缎冻差仙瑟宇无躲驶败蔫巧缔率潦漳苍惕健却钥冉樱适庞臆顽瞧凿鼻玖撞堆味掌哭穗坛岛片注怎墙士挚奄殖炎饺得荷沫洞柱迸馆而懒联闰疑黑脐宋之义挡颜拈湍戒恢吵粒舷刀泻娘鄂颇耐尊囊凝绸堰痉寞碘琶洁烫踪则恕扣访因推痹耸征饰又土送境鳖窝芋溶绩碌慢9


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