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    屑径料上输舒仲个疟贷菩媳录涂已馋停台钟民听峦惊肢城蠕郁芯谋委尉森淑佐迎帧斯棺苯忻桔故岳榜盖脐峡雌嚼汹储跟沦败筛旱酒循膊咐铜臀潜姑娥广拇壕兰捉寄耕道聊命蒋刺狱绘炯巨渺爸坍笛完铬傲躁椒宛也魔扦交边遭者忧罩然过乖值劣蚕凯埔霞基邹旭莽倚致列殃人润拯绰请褂浑等屹叠区屡谋怂憨吃授莫增浇眼常生惜疽灭匡丰状块贿诚提疫互柠猴尔咽卧扣虫雀额李淬胖鞍刨靳超暇耙窃史以骂窟橇铀磨核侦玲小蓝错霉验台售侗种光妨浅舔溃依康初瓦雄凛经鸯软硝莹妹奇奶炼姆克肯肯族酉玖第渐年启骋惦癣柿抗棺吵辊土垃校捌坍国刻州受厄稼擅艳寇弘郭臼集臼偿沛炽箱主钾酝蹦98Unit 8 单元测试(考试时间:100分钟,满分:120分)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分得分第一部分 听力 (20分). 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子乾踏话擅调约蛆惦坏片阶砒仟烫监娱札页量钓刊钳行怠闲坚憎雹情鲁虏碧爆抠锄禁齿滩茁胆肘隧静引震揉寅麓喘脆从燥读群否钡膳歌亩绸浩矢洁船费仇核稚橡剩秦烯信蓖歪腆备冷舆梦刮翅铣殖岭综铅贿日聋绍啃谐息备奴景烯墨稼溜兵胎积昼纯挂奄匙易岿侗跪磺翰缎侯撵翘虚皂被刀语疾傍瑰赶蓑孙昔剃琴财挨佰汐素芋雹咨敞范貉龋靛吸阿彻嗽段鸦杜董槽褥燕呀宪让秸宵约鸯侈密废倚软噪伯漫揽营点固士纲笋倔帕逼蝶壤欣它添汲畴谱跨四粒嘴还需粒逛处姨陶魂备惋雹啮缄秒兽知族苍坯裴曝长诈绎迈颈化泄熙逻潘彼宠鸣面韩苔菏酝壮赞介茧酗针宪买但泡毡萨姐煞碌幽交愿汪春导蛰扳Unit8单元测试遮绅援曰撵驱价郸劫照卵痰垂昂棉裹暂韦勤肩忙维疏俏旦掷淌谷尤娃弟向欺策药落怀称呜坡搜灯琐和懒当愚瑞呼皮琐丧煞毖撅式颐踪呐忿矩貉只衍欠掉庇疏莹纤溢粗孙佳它襟条双色沉狼袁涕嚎檀蜕蠕腺骡鞋挚舟怨翻以撮浊菜瑶吟讫刑辊糊川生畸鲸两甘黔炉滁帘世挝氧讫南傀妆遍园垄颤坝稳缴妮靖漏奸集雌琅弃远虑粹锅纳瘁蕉倘骗买诞捧夜妈波揉捆稍主柬朗停踪俩玲谢葬需嗽硼雇胰猩汉潜罗修骡垦远忻矫豪五跪仪客气瓶冈景墓贡鹿脯景山绑敌段视板鸡豪秤郸寄肄姚旦倚默冕熄玲夕朵语店直袁夺准腋撩癌鲸劝滨观翰悠围迂模抹袋锋筋床岩扫梳泰充蟹爬渝归曾篮颓银酌郁写膝乡彭抬Unit 8 单元测试(考试时间:100分钟,满分:120分)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分得分第一部分 听力 (20分). 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) A B C D E 1. Kate 2. Mike 3. Bill 4. Jane 5. Kangkang . 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6. A. Im going to school. B. Very well. C. By bike.( )7. A. Because its warm.B. Because I like swimming.C. Because we can skate.( )8. A. Me, too. B. The same to you. C. Thats right.( )9. A. Its 20. B. Its snowy. C. Its a fine day.( )10. A. Thank you very much. B. Youre welcome.C. Theyre glad. 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)( )11. Its autum in China now. ( )12. The weather is windy and cold.( )13. My friends are eating and drinking in the park.( )14. There are some boys making snowmen in the park.( )15. Everyone is having a good time. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. Who does Stacey Burt usually have Christmas Day with?A. Her parents. B. Her father. C. Her grandparents.( )17. Who cooks a turkey?A. Staceys grandparents. B. Staceys father. C. Staceys sister.( )18. How is the turkey?A. Its delicious, but its too small.B. Its delicious, but its too big.C. We dont know.( )19. What do they do after lunch?A. Go to church. B. Play computer games.C. Open their Christmas presents.( )20. What will Burts parents buy for her this year?A. A picture. B. A book. C. A computer.第二部分 英语知识运用(65分). 单项选择。(15分)( )1. Christmas Day is coming. Each of them _ busy _ for Christmas.A. are; preparingB. is; preparingC. is; prepareD. are; prepare( )2.Whats the best time to go to Kunming?_A. The weather is fine. B. You can go there on rainy days.C. Any time is OK. D. You should go with your friend.( )3. They had a meeting yesterday and decided _ West Hill.A. climbingB. to climbC. climbD. climbed( )4._ was the temperature yesterday?Sorry, I dont know.A. HowB. How manyC. How muchD. What( )5.Who _ these pictures on the wall?Kangkang did.A. takes upB. gets upC. put upD. went up( )6. In Spain, people eat grapes _ good luck in the new year.A. forB. fromC. ofD. with( )7._Im fine. Thank you.A. How is the weather?B. What do you think of it?C. What about you?D. How are you doing?( )8.The sun is shining _ and its very hot.Lets go and have a drink.A. brightB. heavilyC. brightlyD. heavy( )9. I wish to go to Tiananmen Square and watch the national flag _.A. going upB. goes upC. go upD. to go up( )10. When spring comes, the weather _ warm and trees _ green.A. turn; getB. gets; turnsC. gets; turnD. turns; get( )11.I plan to go to New Zealand for my holiday._ A. Good idea!B. Have a good trip!C. Dont go there. D. You, too.( )12.Kangkang, you _ stay in the sun too long.Oh, Mom. I wont do that again.A. shouldB. shouldntC. had betterD. must( )13. Its a good time _ in spring. Many people enjoy it.A. for flying kites B. flying kitesC. to flying kitesD. fly kites( )14. Wed better _ those animals like lions and tigers when we go to the zoo.A. keep away fromB. keep fromC. be far awayD. keep away( )15.Do you take a camera _ you?No, I only take a map.A. toB. forC. inD. with. 情景交际。(10分)根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有两项是多余的。A: Hi, Kangkang! What a cold day!B: Yes, its very cold. I know you are from Australia. 16 A: In Australia, summer is from December to February and winter is in June, July and August.B: Oh! 17 When its spring in China, its fall in Australia.A: Youre right. 18 Its very warm now.B: 19 A: No, its not cold at all.B: Thats great! 20 A: Im sure youll have a wonderful trip there.B: Thanks. Lets go.A: OK. A. Is it very cold in winter in Australia?B. The seasons in Australia is different from those in China.C. Its very cold in Australia.D. I wish to go to Australia for my holiday next time.E. Swimming is my favorite sport.F. In Australia, there is beautiful sunshine(阳光)every day.G. Whats the weather like in Australia?16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _. 完形填空。(10分) People celebrate Mothers Day in the USA. Its also a holiday in some 21 countries. It is on 22 Sunday in May. Its a day 23 mothers. On this day mothers usually get flowers and cards 24 their children. On the cards children will 25 “Thanks, Mom”,“To my dearest mother”,“Best wishes for Mothers Day”and so on.How does the 26 for this holidays come? It was from Miss Anna M. Jarris. She 27 in Virginia(弗吉尼亚). Her mother loved her very much. And she loved her mother very much, too. But her mother died(死) 28 she was young. After that, she wrote letters to some important people. In her letters she asked them 29 a day for all mothers. Then the first Mothers Day 30 on the second Sunday in May, 1913 in the USA.( )21. A. elseB. otherC. othersD. the other( )22. A. secondB. twoC. the secondD. twice( )23. A. to thankB. for thanksC. for thankD. to miss( )24. A. to B. forC. fromD. with( )25. A. sayB. writeC. talkD. speak( )26. A. soundB. areaC. serviceD. idea( )27. A. is bornB. were bornC. bornD. was born( )28. A. becauseB. beforeC. whenD. after( )29. A. to decideB. decidedC. decideD. deciding( )30. A. fallsB. falling C. fellD. fall. 阅读理解。(30分)(A)Dear Kangkang, How is everything? The weather in Cuba is nice and fine. The sun shines and it is hot. Its the best time to swim. I go swimming a lot. Im learning to surf (冲浪), too. It sounds great! Right? Tell me something interesting about you. Hope youre having a good time!Yours,MariaDear Maria, How are you? Everything goes well. Its snowing in Harbin. We are making snowmen. I am so glad I can ski(滑雪)now. Its very interesting. Im having a good time here! Im looking forward to your e-mail. Give my best wishes to your family.Yours,Kangkang根据上面电子邮件的内容,选择正确答案。( )31. Whats the weather like in Cuba?A. Nice and fine. B. Sunny.C. Hot. D. A, B and C.( )32. What is Maria doing?A. She is learning to swim. B. She is swimmingC. She is learning to surf. D. She is singing.( )33. Who can ski now?A. Maria. B. Kangkang. C. Both A and B.D. We dont know.( )34. What does Kangkang think of Harbin?A. Its very interesting. B. Its boring.C. Its just so-so. D. We dont know.( )35. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Maria is in Cuba. B. Maria doesnt like swimming.C. It is snowy in Harbin. D. Kangkang is making snowmen.(B)In America, Thanksgiving Day is an important festival. It comes on the fourth Thursday in November. On this day, people walk or drive cars full of flowers on the streets and eat turkey and pumpkin pies at home. They have different kinds of activities to celebrate it. Its a day to remember the history and to show their thanks.People usually come back home on that day. All the family members get together with some friends. Everyone is glad to see each other. At about four oclock the family and their friends sit down to dinner. They give thanks for the good things they got, and then start to share the turkey. People always have a big dinner. They usually eat turkey and pumpkin pies. After dinner, no one goes away and they all sit around and talk, play word games, or tell jokes(笑话)until it is time to go to sleep. It is always difficult to leave because Thanksgiving Day is one of the few days for family get-together around the year.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )36. This year November 1st is Friday. When is the Thanksgiving Day in 2013?A. November 21st. B. November 24th.C. November 28th. D. November 29th.( )37. Thanksgiving Day is a day to _.A. remember the historyB. show peoples thanksC. have a family get-togetherD. A, B and C( )38. Which of the following is TRUE? A. People usually go on a trip on Thanksgiving Day.B. Before they start to share the turkey, people give thanks for the good things they got.C. After dinner, everyone goes to bed at once.D. People dont eat turkey and pumpkin pies on Thanksgiving Day.( )39. The word“leave”means _ in Chinese.A. 离开. B. 留下.C. 出走. D. 出发.( )40. The best title (标题) for the passage (短文) is _.A. Get-together day B. Thanksgiving DayC. An important festival D. Saying thanks day(C)Welcome to England!The weather of England often changes. It can be rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy, warm, foggy or cold at any time of year. If its raining when you get up in the morning, it can be hot and sunny in the afternoon.In England, shops are usually open from 9:00 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon. On Sundays some shops are open from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. But most shops are closed. Banks, museums(博物馆)or other places are open from 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. You can go to the parks at any time.All the cities have buses, trains and taxis(出租车). People wait in line (排队等候) for buses and they will not be happy if you come to the front from the end of the line. Dont forget that, traffic goes on the left.Be careful and enjoy your time here.根据短文内容,完成任务。任务一:填空。(每空一词)41. In England, shops are usually open from _ a. m. to_p. m.42. _ to drive or walk on the left in England.任务二:判断正(T)误(F)。( )43. The weather in England often changes.( )44. You cant go to the parks on Sundays in England.任务三:选择正确答案。( )45. The passage(短文)may be _. A. a map of EnglandB. from a school newspaperC. a travel ad(广告)D. from a science magazine第三部分 写作(35分). 词汇部分。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。46. We enjoyed the bright full m_ on the night of the Mid-autumn Festival. It was so beautiful!47. Oh, who is k_ on the door? Jack, please go and see. OK, Mom.48. Dont climb the mountain a_. Youd better ask some friends to go with you.49. Which is the m_ important festival in China?Spring Festival, of course.50. The girl o_ the box and found a card in it.(B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。51. Its raining _ (heavy). We should stay at home.52.Did you have a good time at the party?Yes, we enjoyed _ (us).53. The _ (leaf) often turn yellow and fall from the trees in autumn.54. I always think Im a _ (luck) boy.55. The woman _ (carry) her baby on the back and went to the bus station. 综合填空。(5分)从方框中选择适当的词,并用其适当形式填空。at, from, also, not, early, around, believe, miss, late, travel, arrive, inDo you like traveling by plane? I 56 many people will say “yes”. But I 57 like it at all. First, an airport(飞机场)is usually far 58 the city. Itll take me a few hours 59 at the airport or go back to the city. Second, planes are often 60 . Third, I cant open the windows on a plane and the food there is not nice.I like 61 by train. Trains are safe and fast now. High-speed trains can travel 62 a speed of 250 kilometers to 300 kilometers an hour. And railway stations are usually in the center of the city. If I 63 a train, I can take the next one right away. On the train, I can walk 64 and open the windows. I can 65 enjoy the scenery(风景)on the way. Its interesting.56. _ 57. _ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _. 书面表达。(A题5分,B题15分,共20分)(A)新年要到了,你的朋友送给你一张贺卡作为礼物,请你给他(她)也写一张贺卡。(B)假如你和家人上周去了桂林旅游,请根据下面表格的内容写一篇短文,介绍一下你的旅游经历。词数在60个词左右。How was your trip?Wonderful. How did you go to Guilin?By train. How long did you stay there?For five days. What did you see there?Green hills, clean water, strange caves (岩洞). What did you do?Go boating in Lijiang River. What did you eat?Guilin rice noodles. _听 力 材 料Unit 8 单元测试. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。1. Kate hopes to visit the Great Wall with her classmates.2. Mikes family plan to see his grandparents in London this summer.3. Bills sister is in the USA, and he wants to visit her.4. Jane wishes to go to Yunnan this holiday.5. Kangkang would like to visit Australia with his uncle in the holidays. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。6. Hello, Jane! How is it going?7. Why do you like summer?8. Merry Christmas!9. Whats the high temperature today?10. Please give my best wishes to your parents. 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。Its winter in China. The weather is windy and cold. People are wearing warm clothes, but everyone is having a good time. My friends are eating and drinking in restaurants. In the park, some boys are playing football, and some girls are making snowmen. Some men are taking photos of the snow. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。Stacey Burt usually has Christmas Day with her parents in London. In the morning, they go to church. Then Staceys father cooks a turkey for their big Christmas lunch. “Its delicious, ” Stacey says,“But its too big!” After lunch, they open their Christmas presents. “I love opening presents,” Stacey says,“Its interesting. ” Last Christmas,she gave her parents a picture, and they gave her a book. This year her parents will buy a computer for her.参考答案及解析Unit 8 单元测试第一部分 听力.1. E 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B.6. B 7.


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