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    课题 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball? SectionA_1. 单词及短语 : have, tennis racket, pingpong ball, soccer ball, volleyball, TV, 学 习 ping-pong bat, computer目标game,basketall,let,us,play,sound,good,we,many,class,club,sport,more.2. 掌握动词 have 的一般疑问句式的构成及其回答。3. 掌握 Let s 开头的句式。一、预习感知写出球类名词的英文名称并翻译下列动词短语篮球 _ 棒球 _ 排球 _ 足球 _ 乒乓球 _学网球 _打乒乓球 _打篮球 _踢足球 _ 打棒球 _ 打网球 _打排球 _参加运动 _二、合作探究1.do 的用法习作助动词无意义, 翻译下列句子并能用have 造出相似的句子.Do you have a basketball?Yes, I do.Do they have a soccer ball?No, theydontDoes she have a computer?No, shedoesnt导Does he have a ping-pong ball? Yes,he does./No,hedoesnt.句中的 do 和 does 都是构成疑问句和否定句的助动词do not的缩写形式 _ does not的缩写形式 _dont/doesn t+ 动词原形.如,I don t _(have) a soccerball. (我没有足球 )航He doesnt _(have) a ping-pong ball.(他没有乒乓球)作实义动词 , 意为 _, 它的第三人称单数形式是_ .如 ,I do myhomework every day.(我每天做作业)改为否定句 :I _do my homework everyday2. Lets play volleyballlet s=let us, let的意思是 _,let+人称代词的宾格,us 是_ 的宾格 let s + 动词原形 , 如,Let s _ _(play) soccer.3. manymany+复数名词 , 如 ,We have many sports _(club).4. class作名词 , 意思是 _, 如 ,I am in Class 6(我在 6 班 ).作名词 , 意思是 _, 如,I have 7 classes every day.(我每天上7 节课 )一. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I don t_(have)a soccer ball.2,He doesn t _(have) a tennis racket.3.Do you _(have) a dictionary?4.Let s _(play) volleyball.5.That_(sound) good.6.Please call _(we) at 495-3935.7._(Do) she have a sister?8._(Do)Alan have an eraser?二 . 翻译下列句子1. 你有乒乓球吗 ? _检 2. 他有排球吗 ? _3 我爸爸没有电脑。 _4. 让咱们去踢足球吧_测 5. 我有许多朋友。 _6. 那听起来不错。 _反馈三.据上下文,写出句中所缺的单词。1. _ _ have a banana ? Yes , I do .2. Do you have a basketball ? No , _ _ .3. _ Mary have a sister ? Yes , she _ .4. _ go to play football . That sounds interesting .5. _ _ have a computer ? Yes , they do .6. _ you have a bat?7 _ he have a basketball?8. _ play volleyball.9.My brother _ have a notebook.10.He_ sports every day.11That sounds _.12My sister _ five baseballs.13.-Does Tom _ a computer?-Yes, _ _初中英语导学案年级 七 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball? SectionB_学习目标1.掌握单词及短语:六个形容词 (interesting, boring , fun , difficult, relaxing,great),watch,has,but,only,them,every day,watch TV,play basketball,play volleyball,play computer game.2.动词 have 的第三人称单数has 的用法。3.掌握规则动词三单形式的变化规则: 如 ,watch(三单 )-watches, play(三单 )-plays一。预习感知:翻译下列短语Every day_watch TV_,play basketball_play volleyball_play computer game._二、合作探究学1. sound作系动词 , 意思是听起来, 后面接形容词, 如 ,That sounds _(有趣的 );习导航Thatsounds _(无聊的 ); That sounds _(令人愉快的 ); Thatsounds_( 困难的 );That sounds_(轻松的 )2. interesting 形容词 , 在句中作表语 , 位于系动词后面 , 如,This book is _. That sounds_.形容词 , 在句中作定语 , 后面接名词 , 修饰名词 , 如 ,This is an _book. interseting的反义词是 _.3.has: has是 have 的第三人称单数形式, 当主语是第三人称单数的时候, 动词用 has, 如,肯定句 :My friend has many story books.否定句 :My friend doesnt have many storybooks.一般疑问句 : Does your friend have many story books?My cousin doesn thave a computer(正确的 ).My cousin doesn thas a computer(错误的 ).因为 doesnt+ 动词原形改错 : His brother dont have a computer game. _.原因是当主语是第三人称单数, 否定句中的助动词用_.3. watch 它的三单形式是 _, 当主语是第三人称单数时 , 动词形式的变化规(1)一般动词在词尾加_,在清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音后或元音后读/z/,在 t 后读 /ts/,在 d 后读 /dz/ 。(2) 以字母 s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词加_读 /IZ/; (3).以辅音字母 +y 结尾的,变y 为 i 再加es。do (三单) _ play_ study(三单 )_5them:它是 they 的宾格形式 , 动词后面若接人称代词必须是宾格形式, 如,He onlywatchesthem on TV. we(宾格 )_you(宾格 )_英语导学案年级 七课题 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?SectionB.一. 词汇1.She likes _(体育运动 )very much.2._( 让我们 ) play tennis.3.Sue has two _ (篮球 ).4.My mother _(看) TV every day.5.I have a computer game. It's _(有趣的 ).6.My mother _(有) a nice book.7.That music _(听起来 ) good.8 To play soccer is _(困难的 ).二 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.It _(sound) like a bird.检2.We only_(have) one earth.3.Mr Zhang _(be) very busy.4.Mary _(watch) TV every day.测5.I have two _(basketball). 6.He has 8 _(tennis racket).反馈三 . 单项选择1.I watch an _film on TV.A. interestingB. interestedC. interest2.Mr Smith_two basketballs.A. haveB. doesnt haveC.doesnt has3.Every student_a ping-pong ball.A. haveB. hasC. dont have4.I like volleyball. Its_A. relaxingB.funC.boring四 . 句型转换1.I have an English book(改为否定句 )2.Tom has two baseballs.(改为一般疑问句)3.She doesn t have a soccer ball.(改为肯定句 )4.Does Mary have a computer game?(作否定回答 )年级 七课题 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?知识反馈一 . 看图片,补单词。What's this?1. Its a _2. Its a _3. Its a _What are these?4. They re tennis _ 5. Theyre _.6. Theyre _.二 . 单项选择( )1. I like to watch football games _ TV.A. onB. atC. in( )2. He _ baseball.A. don't playB. doesn't playsC. doesn't play( )3. My mother likes volleyballs. She thinks(认为 ) it is _.A. funB. boringC. difficult( )4. Do you have _ eraser?A. aB. someC. an( )5. My sister has a new backpack, but I _ one.A. hasB. dont haveC. doesnt have( )6. Lets play soccer. No, its _. I want to watch TV.A. interestingB. relaxingC. boring( )7. _ he have any apples ?A. DoB. DoesC. Is( )8. Lets _ to play basketball .A. goB. goingC. is going( )9 Jim _ a good friend at school .A. haveB. hasC. is( )10Frank _ English dictionary?A. is aB. have anC. has anD. have a三 . 句型转换1.Gina has a tennis racket.(改为否定句 )2.His volleyball is under the bed.(对划线部分提问)3.Mary has a baseball bat.(用 many 改写 )4.volleyball, does, Tom, a, have?(连词成句 )四 . 完形填空Look at this girl, she is1good friend.2name is Cindy.She is 3 .She is thirteen. My4is Liu Fang. Im a Chinese girl. Iam one year older than Cindy. We are5 the same class.Cindy 6 a great sports collection. She has7tennis racket, threebaseballs and five 8. I have9sports collection. I only playsoccer. Cindy and I both10 sports after class every day.()1. A. IB. meC. myD. a()2. A. SheB. HerC. MyD. His()3. A. an EnglishB. English girlC. EnglishD. England()4. A. friendB. fatherC. motherD. name()5. A. ofB. inC. onD. to()6. A. isB. areC. hasD. have()7. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four()8. A. basketballB. basketballsC. soccerD. baseballs()9. A. noB. notC. manyD. don t()10.A. doesB. playsC. playD. make五 . 阅读理解。Mila: Let' s play computer games.Ella: That sounds like fun. Where's your computer?Mila: I don't have a computer. Do you have a computer?Ella: No, I don't. But I have a TV. Let's watch TV.Mila: No, that sounds boring. Let's play tennis. I have a tennis racket.Ella: Good. Where is it?Mila: On the sofa. Do you have a racket?Ella: No, I don' t. Does your brother have a racket?Mila: Yes, he does. And he has tennis balls.() 1.Does Mila have a computer?A.She has two computers.B.Yes, she does.C. No, shedoesn' t.()2.Ella has a TV. Where is itvA.It'son the sofa.B.It'sinher room.C.It's under the bed.()3.Does Ella have a tennis racket?A. Yes, she does.B.She has two tennisrackets.C.No, shedoesn't.()4.Does Mila have a tennis racket? A. She has two tennis rackets.B. Yes, she does.C. No ,she doesn't


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