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    二.重点短语,句型复习1.问好Hello.你好 Hi.你好 Good morning.早上好 Good afternoon.下午好 Good evening.晚上好 Good night.晚安 Good-bye.再见 Bye-bye.再见 How are you?你好。 Im fine. Thank you.(或者:Fine, thanks.)我很好,谢谢。And you?你呢? Im fine, too. Thank you. 我也很好,谢谢。2.介绍Im .我是. This is .这是.Whats your name?你的名字是? My name is .我的名字是Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。 Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。3.特殊疑问句及回答Whats this(in English)? =What is this? 这是什么? Its a/an . =It is a/an .这是.Whats that(in English)? =What is that? 那是什么? Its a/an . =It is a/an .那是.Whats it(in English)? =What is this? 它是什么? Its a/an . =It is a/an .它是.What are these(in English)? 这些是什么? Theyre s. =They are s.这些是.What are they(in English)? 他(她,它)们是什么? Theyre s. =They are s.他(她,它)们是.What shape is this? 这是什么形状? Its a . =It is a .这是.What shape is that? 那是什么形状? Its a . =It is a .那是.What shape is it? 它是什么形状? Its a . =It is a .它是.What shapes are these? 这些是什么形状? Theyre s. =They are s.这些是.What shapes are they? 他(她,它)们是什么形状? Theyre s. =They are s.他(她,它)们是.How many are there?有多少个? There is one.有一个。 There are .有个。Wheres my ? =Where is my ?我的在哪里? Its in .它在的里面。 Its on .它在的上面。Where are my s?我的在哪里? Theyre in . =They are in . 它们在的里面。 Theyre in . =They are in . 它们在的里面。4.一般疑问句及回答Is this a/an ? 这是一个吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is that a/an ? 那是一个吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is it a/an ? 它是一个吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is this your ? 这是你的吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is that your ? 那是你的吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is it your ? 它是你的吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Are these s? 这些是吗? Yes, they are.是的 No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的Are they s? 他(她,它)们是吗? Yes, they are.是的 No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的Are these yours? 这些是你的吗? Yes, they are.是的 No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的Are they yours? 他(她,它)们是你的吗? Yes, they are.是的 No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的Is the in the ?.是在里面吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Is the on the ?.是在上面吗? Yes, it is.是的 No, it isnt. =No, its not. =No, it is not.不是的Are the s in the ?.是在里面吗? Yes, they are.是的 No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的C因持有的债券到期收到现金作为投资活动现金流入Are the s on the ?.是在上面吗? Yes, they are.是的【解析】: No, they arent. =No, theyre not. =No, they are not.不是的题解 FPA和FPB是凝血酶水解纤维蛋白原为纤维蛋白时放出的两种短肽。纤溶酶水解纤维蛋白原为一些可溶的多肽碎片,包括D和E片段及它们的中间产物X和Y片段,统称为纤维蛋白(原)降解产物(FDP)。5.动作及回答Wash your hands. 洗洗手 All right. / OK.好的Brush your hair. 梳梳头 All right. / OK. 好的【论坛从新做人版主回复】:关于这题,看到论坛众说纷纭,详情请点击查看大家的讨论 2011年注会会计多选题第2小题讨论Wash your face. 洗洗脸 All right. / OK. 好的Clean your ears. 清洁下耳朵 All right. / OK. 好的病人发生了DIC。依据:产科意外病人子宫破裂,出现血尿,血压下降。根据PT、pt、Fbg、TT、3P试验阳性,可确诊发生了DIC。诱因:孕妇血液处于高凝状态。发生机制:子宫破裂组织因子大量入血启动外源性凝血系统,凝血酶大量形成,在微血管内广泛形成微血栓,消耗了大量凝血因子和血小板,继发纤溶亢进,血液转入低凝状态,就会出血不止。Clean your teeth. =Brush your teeth.刷刷牙 All right. / OK. 好的Touch your toes. 摸摸脚趾 All right. / OK. 好的Raise your arms.举起手臂 All right. / OK. 好的Raise your left/right arm. 举起左/右手臂 All right. / OK. 好的答案 ARaise your left/right leg.举起左/右腿 All right. / OK. 好的(2)6月30日,甲公司以8 000万元的拍卖价格取得一栋已达到预定可使刚状态的房屋,该房屋的预计使用年限为50年。当地政府为鼓励甲公司在当地投资,于同日拨付甲公司2 000万元,作为对甲公司取得房屋的补偿。Pack your bag.收拾书包 All right. / OK. 好的Open your books.打开书本 All right. / OK. 好的B 凝血因子 E 凝血因子Draw a/an . 画个. All right. / OK. 好的Lets colour the . 让我们把涂成色。 All right. / OK. 好的Lend me your .把你的借给我。 Here you are. 给你答题要点 肝脏合成抗凝血物质减少;肝脏灭活凝血因子功能下降; 肝细胞坏死释放组织因子;吞噬解毒功能下降。【答案】:B(以上是本册中的重点单词,短语及句型,请家长配合书本指导学生进行复习) 谢谢您的配合与支持,希望能共同携手努力提高孩子的学习成绩。谢谢!


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