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    Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?(3)Section A(1a2d)一、汉译英1.弹吉他2.跳舞3. 下国际象棋4.说汉语5. 擅长于 6.讲故事二、用所给词的正确形式填空6. She wants(join) the art club.7. Can he(play) baseball?8. They are very good at(swim).9. Does your friend(speak) English well?10. Let him(sing) a song for us.三、按要求做题(每空一词)11. They want to join the singing club.(划线部分提问) they want to join?12. 他女儿舞跳得好。(汉译英)His daughter .13. 那听起来好。(汉译英)That .14. The boy is good at speaking English.(义旬)The boy speaking Englsih.15. They do sports every day改为否定句)They sports every day.四、单项选择()16.-Can you play volleyball?-Yes,.A. I do B.I am C.I does D.I can()17.She can draw.She can join a/an club.A.artB.musicC.chessD.basketball()18.What aboutafter school,Jack?A.singsB.singingC.to sing D.sing()19.I can play soccer,but I caH t play piano.A./; the B.the; the C./; / D.the; /()The English boy canFrench花语).A.say B.talk C.tell D.speakUnit 1 Can you play the guitar?(2)Section A(Grammar Focus3C)一、汉译英1.写故事2.跟说 3. 谈论4.练功夫5. 打网球 6.放学后二、用所给词的正确形式填空6. The writer finishes(write) a story every week.7. Can Alice(tell) English stories?8. His father wants him(play) the guitar.9. You need(talk) with your father.10. He shows his new book to(they).三、按要求做题(每空一词)11. They show me their photos.(W义旬)They show .12. He can play volleyball.(划线部分提问)What he ?13. She can sing and dancec(为否定句)She sing dance.14. The boy does well in English.做为一般疑问句) the boy well in English?15. They are in the music club.改为否定句)They in the music club.四、单项选择()16.-Can you sing dance?-I can sing.A. and B.to C.wtih D.or()17.We want studentsthe school show.A.for B.of C.to D.with( )18.My sister sings well,she can join theclub.A.English B.art C.math D.music()19.Alice s parents canchess.A.play B.to play C.playing D.plays()20Does Mike love sports?-Yes,he every weekend.A.sings B.swims C.draws D.speaks ChineseSection B(1aSelf Check)一、汉译英1.敲鼓2和一起做游戏 3 .交朋友 4.在某方面帮助某人 5 .老年人之家 6.说汉语的学生二、用所给词的正确形式填空6 . We need you(help) us to learn English.7 . How many(people) are there in your family?8 . His father (teach) English in a middle school.9 . We want two(music)for the school show.10 . She can t(come) here today.三、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)11 .谢谢你在我的功课方面帮助我。Thank you for me my lessons.12 .韩梅会说日语和英语。Han Mei can Japanese English.13 .你擅长打篮球吗?you playing basketball?14 .他想和他的父母谈一谈。He wants to his parents.15 .你和你的老师相处得好吗?you your teachers?四、单项选择()16.I can play the drums.A.aslo B.too C.either D.with()17.I can play the drums,.A.aslo B.too C.either D.with()18.I can't play the drums,.A.aslo B.too C.either D.with()19.Mr.Green is goodtelling stories. He is goodhis students.A.at; at B.with; with C.with; at D.at; with()20.Please call me_2135699.A.at B.in C.with D.about答案Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?(1)Section A(1a2d)1.play the guitar 2.dance3.play the chess4.speak Chinese 5.be good at/do well in 6.tell stories6.to join 7.play 8.swimming 9.speak 10.sing11.What club do 12.dances well 13.sounds good/nice 14.does well in 15.do tndoDABADUnit 1 Can you play the guitar?(2)Section A(Grammar Focus3C)一、l.write stories 2.talk to/with 3.talk about4.do kung fu 5.play tennis 6.after school6.writing 7.tell 8.to play 9.to talk 10.them11.their photos to me 12.can do 13.ca nt or 14.Does do 15.aren tDADABUnit 1 Can you play the guitar?(3)Section B(1aSelf Check)1.play the drums 2.play games with sb. 3.make friends4.help sb. with sth. 5.the old people s home 6.Chinese-speaking English6.to help 7.people 8.teaches 9.musicians e11.helping with 12.speak and 13.Are good at 14.talk to/with 15.Are good withABCDA


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