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    2014高考英语短文改错破题技巧 一、解题思路(三步解题法): 第一步、快速浏览全文,把握文章的主要时态、人称及文章的主旨大意,顺便标记自己一眼就能看出的错误。 第二步、细读文章的每一句话。一般要结合文章的前后句以及出题规律来做题。 第三步、代入已经修改完成的答案通读全文,看其是否通顺。二、出题规律以及破解关键:1.动词: (1)主要考察水平:时态、主谓是否一致、固定搭配。 (2)出题形式: 时态混用 ie, Then the trouble started. We can not open the door. So we asked the policeman for help. 讲解:很显然此句子主时态是一般过去式,所以应把can改为could。 主谓不一致来源:学*科*网 ie, There were a football game on TV last Saturday evening. 讲解:原句中a football game决定了谓语动词必须用单数,所以应该把were改为was。 固定搭配 ie, I have given up somke. The dog doesnt like the smell.讲解:give up doing sth。所以动词somke应该改为somking。2.名词: (1)主要考察水平:单复数混用。 (2)出题形式: 单复数混用ie, Helen is seventeen year old. She is very busy.来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K 讲解:“年龄多大了”应该为复数形式,应此应该把year改为years。 注意:代词单复数混用类似。 As for a friendship, we can readily find them in our classmates and other people around us. 讲解:显然因该把them改为it,指代前面提及的friendship。此句话意思是“就友谊来说,我们能够很容易地从我们的同学和周围的人中找到。”来源:Zxxk.Com3.形容词/副词: (1)主要考察水平:两者之间是否混用。 (2)出题形式: 形容词与副词混用。即该用形容词的地方原文用了副词,该用副词的地方原文用了形容词。 副词代替准确形容词出现在文章当中 ie, During the football season, Helen is much busier than usually. 讲解:很明显“与平时相比较更忙”,所以需要把usually改为usual。 形容词代替准确副词出现在文章当中 ie, As the time clock showed one minute and forty-two seconds leaft in the game, she began cheering excited, “Come on-get going!” 讲解:原文意思是说比赛还剩一分四十二秒时,她开始兴奋地叫道-,显然应把excited改为excitedly,用来修饰动词cheer。4.介词: (1)主要考察水平:(特别是与动词的)固定搭配。 (2)出题形式: 介词省略 ie, Im surt you will get rid the sorrow and unhappiness caused by the disaster. 讲解:get rid of 是固定搭配,意思为“摆脱,除去” 介词多余 ie,My wife is also happy because of I have given up smoking. 讲解:这里显然示对because of与because用法的辨别区分。前者不能接句子,而后者充当连词能够接句子。所以应该把of去掉。 介词用错(一般为固定搭配) ie, I pick out her false hair and said, “Dont be sad, Miss.” 讲解:pick out应该为pick up。pick out挑选的意思;pick up捡起的意思。5.连词: (1)主要考察水平:前后两句话之间的衔接关系。 常考三种关系: but转折 and并列 because原因 ie, One day, my wife and I went shopping at a store. We drove the car but we had a lot of things to buy. 讲解:显然原文中所要表达的意思是“我们开车去的原因是因为我们要买好多东西”,所以应该把but改为because/as/for。ie,Chatting on line, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions, but improve their English if they are talking with native speakers. 讲解:原文表达的意思是“通过网上聊天,学生能够更加轻松自由地表达自己的想法和观点,并且如果他们同外国人交谈,能够提高他们的英语(论坛)水平。”所以前后句之间是并列关系,因该把but改为and6.句式:(1)主要考察能力:常考that与what或which/how与what之间的转换。(2)出题形式:ie, She never has enough time for that she wants to do. 讲解:原文意思是“她没有足够多的时间来做自己想做的事情”,很明显应该把that改为what。注意:这一形式是改错常考点。ie, We Chinese people have always been concerned about which has happened in your area. 讲解:原文中需要一个连接词承接前后连个句子,这个连接词充当be concerned about引导宾语从句中的主语,所以应该把which改为what。7. 冠词:(1)主要考察能力:句中冠词是否多余(2)出题形式:冠词多余ie, I sat in the front of the TV at 7 oclock, when the game just began. 讲解:区分in front of sth和in the front of sth。解决这个问题记住一句顺口溜就可以了“有the是内无the是外”,即in the front of sth显然是指在事物(sth)内部空间的前面,比如说I prefer to travel in the front of the car.(我愿意坐在汽车的前面);而in front of sth是指事物(sth)外部空间的前面,比如说the car stops in front of the house(汽车停在房前)。因此原文中应该把the去掉。冠词遗漏As we all left home at early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. 讲解:at an - age固定搭配词组,表示“出于-年龄”,比如说at an early/tender age,可以翻译为“很小/年幼的时候”. 8.代词:(1)主要考察能力:代词是否多余,以及与反身代词之间的混用。(2)出题形式:代词多余ie, Dont lose your heart. With the help of the people all over the world, Im sure you will get rid of the sorrow and unhappiness. 讲解:lose heart:become discouraged泄气;丧失勇气;而lose ones heart(to sb/st):fall in love爱上;钟情于。原文意思很明显是“别泄气”。所以应该把your去掉。一字之差,离题千里。代词混用ie, We were living in a big family. We treate each other as brothers and sisters. If any one of them had any difficulty, the other would help him or her out. 讲解: 原文意思是说“我们生活在一个大家庭之中,彼此间相处如同兄弟姐妹。如果我们之中谁有困难,其他人就会帮助他/她解决困难。”所以应把them改为us;把other改为others。注意:the other表示两者之中“另一个”;the others表示在一个范围内的其他全部。代词遗漏 A teacher could make classes lively and interesting. 讲解: 应该在classes前加his,表示“使他的课堂生动有趣”。 9.动词:(1) He lied down by the side of the path to rest. (lied 改为 lay,lie 表示“躺”时,其过去时是 lay) (全国卷)(2) Charles and Linda were seeing near the top of the building. (seeing 改为 seen,因为从含义上看,此处谓语应用被动语态) (全国卷)w.w.w.zxxk.c.o.m(3) Books may be keep for four weeks. (keep 改为 kept,因此处要用被动语态) (全国卷)(4) and let you know when the book you want has returned. (returned 之前加 been,因从句意上看,此处要用被动语态) (全国卷)(5) Uncle Ben will also go back for Christmas. (go 改为 come,由句意可知) (全国卷)(6) They eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of questions. (eager 前加were,因此处缺谓语动词) (全国卷)(7) Id like to your pen-friend, and get to know more about your country. (to 后加 be / become,因 would like后要接不定式,根据句意此处应加 be / become) (全国卷)(8) What your favourite sport? (what 后加 is 或将 What 改为 Whats,此句缺谓语) (全国卷)(9) I use to play ping-pong a lot in my spare time, but now I am interested in football. (use to 改为 used to,此为习语,意为“过去经常”) (全国卷)(10) I was used to watch it every night. (去掉 was,因 used to do sth 是固定表达,意为“过去常常做”) (全国卷)w.w.w.zxxk.c.o.m(11) There will an important game next month. (will 后加be,此处缺谓语动词) (安徽春季卷)(12) Because of so much viewing, children may not be develop the habit of reading and the ability to enjoy themselves. (去掉 be,因它与其后的动词 develop 相冲突) (北京春季卷)(13) I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. (去掉 should,因 put 和 followed 是平行结构,作并列谓语) (全国卷)(14) As we were all left home  at an early age. (去掉were,因句中已有谓语动词left,“我们离开家”又是主动,不能再加be) (天津卷)(15) I often dream of a teacher. (a teacher 前加上 being 或 becoming.根据后文的内容看来,作者不是梦见老师,而是自己梦想“成为”一名教师) (年湖北卷)(16) Without enough knowledges,   you can never learn well.(learn改为teach,因上句讲“为了教好,教师不得不学”,此句便是“没有学问,就决不会教好”) (年湖北卷) 10.主谓一致:(1) Bill was standing at the side of the car, talking to two men who was helping him to repair it. (was 改为 were,因先行词 two men 是复数,所以修饰该先行词的定语从句的谓语动词也应用复数) (全国卷)(2) Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit. (give 改为 gives,它与makes 为平行结构,构成并列谓语动词) (全国卷)(3) Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library. (is 改为 are,因主语是 my picture and the prize,故谓语动词要用复数) (全国卷)(4) But then there is always more mysteries to look into. (is 改为 are,因其后的 mysteries 为复数,故谓语动词要用复数) (北京春季卷)(5) But not allinformation are good to society. (are改为is,因为主语是不可数名词information,表单数) (广西卷)w.w.w.zxxk.c.o.m(6) So then, a concert cost so much. I may just listen to music. (cost改为costs,因主语是单数a concert,根据全文用的都是现在的时态,故用一般现在时) (年四川卷)(7) If I listen to my own records, there are no need to spend money. (are改为is,因为在there be结构中的be用is还是用are,由紧跟在be后的那个名词的单复数来决定,此处no need是单数,所以用is) (四川卷)(8) you   will probably want to join the Stamp Collectors Club which exist to add more stamps to your collection. (exist改为exists,因主语which是指the Stamp Collectors Club,这是单数,所以用exists) (浙江卷)来源:学科网(10) One evening she told me that something happened when their parents was out. (was改为were,因为主语their parents是复数,所以不用was要用were) (年福建卷)高考英语短文改错专项演练A Well never forget a day when my classmates and 1. _ I paid a visit a chemistry factory. It 2. _来源:学科网 was a large one with nearly 20, 000 workers. It looks 3. _ like a garden and we saw colorful flowers, grass and trees 4. _ there. We also visited some workshop and found workers 5. _ working hard. We talked to them and learned a lot of. We 6. _ understood them further. On the way home we felt very tiring, 7. _ but we both thought we had a very good day. 8. _ We really hoped what we could get more chances 9. _ of leaving the school and learn about society. 10. _  BThe children next door often play the football in 1. _ the garden after my house and sometimes break my 2. _ windows. Last Saturday afternoon I stay at home and 3. _ read a book. After a while, I closed my eyes and went 4. _ to sleep. A loud knock on the door made me to wake 5. _ up suddenly. Soon a little boy turned out. “You havent 6. _ broken one of my window again?” I asked. “Oh, no!” 7. _ answered the boy. “Your windows were all opened this 8. _ time and our football is in your bedroom. Could you 9. _ mind getting in to get our ball?” I was at a loss at the 10. _moment. CI ever worked as a tour guide. One day I saw advertisement 1. _ on the newspaper. I rang up the company, and 2. _ I was given the job immediate. They asked me to take 3. _ a tour around the city the next morning. The manager 4. _ just told me to say anything that I could think about the 5. _ city. My first tour is terrible. The old bus was not 6. _ air?鄄conditioned, because it was the middle of summer. It 7. _ was uncomfortable inside the bus. The tourist soon became 8. _ very hot and angry. I owned a very hard time. I stayed there9. _ for a few weeks, and then left and joined in a better company. 10. _   DSue and Ann often meet at a cheaper restaurant to eat 1. _ and talking about life and school after their morning 2. _ class. Sometimes, instead of talking, they play a 3. _ game that they call it “people watching”. They start the 4. _ game in observing and listening to people around 5. _ them carefully and make guesses about their lives as 6. _ ages, jobs, likes, dislikes and so on. Of course, 7. _ they never really knew whether they are right or wrong. 8. _ Therefore they usually have good reasons for thinking 9. _ that what they are. “The game is fun,” they often say. 10. _ EAt a party, it is quite normal of someone to have 1. _ a short conversation with you and then go on to talking 2. _ to other people! Dont think they dislike you or they 3. _ re impolite. It has the custom at many parties 4. _ in Britain, particularly there people are standing up rather 5. _than sitting down. Here are two ways of finishing conversation 6. _at a party. “Excuse me. I think Ill go and get another drinking. 7. _See you later, perhaps?” “Oh. Excuse me. Ive just seen 8. _Mary Jennings over here. Ive got to discuss a meeting we9. _are been having on Thursday. Would you excuse me for a moment?”10. _  FI felt sadly yesterday when our teacher told us something 1. _about Project Hope in class. It has set up to help the 2. _children in the countryside who cant pay to go to 3. _school. After school I came home. I was wondering if I 4. _could do something for the Project then I caught sight 5. _of money?鄄collecting box on the table. Then I made 6. _ up my minds to send my pocket money which I 7. _had saved for nearly one year for the children who 8. _wanted to go to school. I wrote a letter to them and 9. _hurried to the post office. Together with the letter I posted the money and sent with my best wishes to them. 10. _  GLast night when Steven and I was having a walk in the 1. _来源:学|科|网street, we suddenly heard a painful cry for help under 2. _a tree nearby. We quickly ran to the tree and found a boy laying 3. _on the ground with a stick in his leg. He had fallen of the tree. 4. _Steven suggested we pulled the stick out at once, but I disagreed, 5. _because I had learned little about first aid at school. The stick 6. _in the leg would help controlling the bleeding. As there was 7. _no telephone, we managed to find a taxi. We took the boy to the 8. _hospital. The doctors examined the boy fast and we got to 9. _ know where the boy lived. So we telephoned his parents来源:学科网and left after he came to the hospital. We did a good deed. 10. _  HLast summer I learnt to ride a bicycle. At first, I was 1. _ unable to control its direction. Sometimes I fall to 2. _ the right or to the left. But I worried my father to tell me 3. _ how I could ride straightly. He didnt answer me 4. _ directly. Instead, he took me to side of the street. 5. _“Can you find some bike track that is really straight?” 6. _asked my father. I watched more carefully and shook my 7. _head .“No,” he said, “in fact, neither of the tracks is 8. _always straight. But just by correct the direction 9. _every now and then, you had already gone forward.” 10. _ I Boys and girls, Attention, please. Ive got a good news for you. A new book 1. _ How to Improve Your English is now on sell in the 2. _ nearby bookstore, Xinhua Bookstore. I think the book 3. _ is a great help on our English study and suitable for 4. _ us middle school students. Here Ive got it. You may 5. _ go to have a look to see whether you like it or not. The price 6. _ is five yuan every. Those who want to buy the 7. _  book should get your money ready for. By eleven oclock 8. _ tomorrow morning the money should be give either 9. _ to me nor to our League Secretary. Well go to buy the 10. _ books tomorrow afternoon.来源:学.科.网英语短文改错专项演练参考答案A1. athe  2. visit后加to  3. wasis   4. 5.workshopworkshops    6. 去掉of   7. tiringtired   8. bothall9. 去掉what或whatthat  10. learnlearningB1. 去掉the      2. afterbehind     3. staystayed       4.     5.去掉第二个to      6. outup        7. windowwindows     8. openedopen9. CouldWould       10. getting前加me或myC1. saw后加an         2. onin         3. immediateimmediately      4.     5. think后加of       6. iswas       7. becauseand           8. touristtourists9. ownedhad        10. 去掉inD1. cheapercheap      2. talkingtalk      3. classclasses      4. 去掉it        来源:学科网5. inby             6. as前加such         7.          8. knewknow     9. ThereforeBut     10. 去掉thatE1. offor          2. talkingtalk        3. or后加that           4. hasis     5. therewhere     6. finishing后加a        7. drinkin


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