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    新目标7上 Units 1-2随堂练习Units1-2词汇练习. 根据汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1. Can you s your name, Grace?答案:spell2.This is my s ID card.答案:school3.Kate and Gina are Toms s .答案:sisters4. Im a student in a m school.答案:middle5. Are these your (夹克衫), Jim?答案:jackets6. My (被子) are on the bed.答案:quilts7.Can you find(发现) 9 in these (数字)?答案:numbers8. I think (零) is very important(重要的), too.答案:zero9. (中国) is a great country(伟大国家).答案:China10. These are my (祖父), Linda.答案:grandparents. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Is this (he) English book?答案:his2. Here are two big (family).答案:families3.Jim is my uncle, my (mother) brother.答案:mothers4.Are (it) your new cups?答案:they5.The boy has one brother and two (cousin).答案:cousins6.The (photo) are on the wall. They are very nice.答案:photos7. The sunlight(阳光) has seven different (colour).答案:colours8.Linda is a (girl) name?答案:girls9.Who (be) the boys?答案:are10. Here (be) seven pictures on the wall.答案:areUnits1-2句子练习. 根据要求完成句子,每空一词。1. Is that your brother? (做否定回答)No, .答案:it|isnt2. She is her aunt. (改为复数句) her .答案:Theyre|aunts3. These boys are my classmates. (改为一般疑问句) these boys classmates.答案:Are|your4. His parents are fine. (对划线部分提问) his parents?答案:How|are5.The ruler is purple. (对划线部分提问) is the ruler?答案:What|colour6. These girls are Gina and Alice.(对划线部分提问) these girls?答案:Who|are7. is, of, photo, family, here, a, his (连词成句) _.答案:Here is a photo of his family.8. She is Alice.(改成同义句) is Alice.答案:Her|name9. His bike is black.(改成同义句) has black bike.答案:He|a10. Those are white cups.(改为单数句) white cup.答案:Thats|a. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.橘子是橙色的。 is orange.答案:An|orange2. 那用英语怎么说? that ?答案:Whats|in|English3. 你姓什么?布莱克。 your name?Black.答案:Whats|family4.这是我叔叔,那是我阿姨。 my uncle and my aunt.答案:This|is|thats5. 我的朋友叫Gina。她的电话号码是4778596。My friend is Gina. is 4778596.答案:Her|telephone/phone|number6.你们的名字叫Jim和Jack吗?是的。 your Jim and Jack?Yes, .答案:Are|names|they|are7.谢谢你。你也一样(过得愉快)。 . , .答案:Thanks|You|too8.我的哥哥在下一张照片里。My brother is photo.答案:in|the|next. 根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。A. spell it, please.B. How are you?C. Whats this in English?D. Whats your telephone number?E. No. I am not.F. Yes, it is.G. Nice to meet you.W: Hi! I am Kate. Are you Mike?M: (1) I am Paul.W: (2) M: P-A-U-L.W: (3) M: I am fine, thanks.W: (4) M: Its 458-7521.W: Is this your notebook?M: (5) My name is on it.(1) 答案:E(2) 答案:A(3) 答案:B(4) 答案:D(5) 答案:FUnits1-2综合练习单项选择1. This is orange. orange is orange.A. a; The B. an; The C. the; An D. the; A答案:B2. Please say it English?A. on B. in C. at D. for答案:B3. BBC是“ ”的缩写。A. 联合国 B. 中国职业篮球赛 C. 英国广播公司 D. 不明飞行物答案:C4. 全部是元音字母组合的是 .A. VOA B. NBA C. AEO D. UFO答案:C5.在市场上购买衣服时,看到的表示“中”号的字母是 。A. S B. L C. M D. XL答案:C6. Whats your name?My name is .A. Wang Xiao Mei B. Wang XiaomeiC. Wang xiao meiD. Wang xiaomei答案:B7. How is Grace?She is .A. good B. nice C. fine D. English答案:C8. What color is it? .A. Its good B. Its Z C. Its blue D. Its a cup答案:C9.Is this your map? .A. Yes, it isnt B. Yes, this isC. No, it isnt D. No, it is答案:C10. name is Mike and name is Helen.A. His, her B. He, my C. You, she D. Your, I答案:A11. Mom, my good friends, Susan and Sam. Nice to meet you!A. these are B. they are C. that is D. this is答案:A12._ name is Tony. _is ten .A. Her, HerB. His, HeC. His, She D. He, His答案:B13. My car number is 53659.It reads(读作) _.A. five three six five nineB. five four six five nineC. five four five six eightD. five three five five nine答案:A14. Is your name Fang Fang?_.A. Yes, it isB. No, Im notC. Yes, I amD. No, they arent答案:A12DIC患者典型的病理变化是微血栓形成,但其最初的临床表现常为出血。( )15. Hello, Wei Hua! Nice to meet you.3甲公司20X0年度的基本每股收益是( ) Hello, Wang Hao! _A. Fine, thank you. B. How are you? C. Im fine, too. D. Nice to meet you, too.答案: DC纤维蛋白原定量检查凝血物质消耗情况KeyE以公允价值进行后续计量的投资性房地产持有期间公允价值发生变动Units1-2词汇练习C继发性纤溶系统激活. 1. spell 2. school 3. sisters 4. middle 5. jackets 6. quilts 7. numbers 8. zero 9. China 10. grandparents贷:银行存款 50.1. his 2. families 3. mothers 4. they 5. cousins 6. photos 7. colours 8. girls 9. are 10. are4.D-二聚体(D-dimer)Units1-2句子练习. It isnt 2. Theyre aunts 3. Are your 4. How are 5. What colour 6. Who are 7. Here is a photo of his family. 8. Her name 9. He a 10. Thats a5异型输血可引起红细胞的大量破坏并释放ADP促使DIC的发生。( ). 1. An orange 2. Whats in English 3. Whats family 4. This is thats 5. Her telephone/phone number 6. Are names they are 7. Thanks You too 8. in the next二、选择题(每小题2分,共计40分)III.1-5EABDF贷:以前年度损益调整 7200Units1-2综合练习1-5 BBCCC 6-10BCCCA 11-15ABAAD


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