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    新标准小学英语三年级上册Module 5整体教学设计芦阳小学 李菲菲教材分析:本教材的教学内容是数量的询问和表达。第一单元的课文情境是熊猫Panpan在变魔术,一边变魔术一边数自己变出的兔子数量。在这个情境下,数字是通过数数展现出来的,而不是单纯的数字描述。我们知道,在数学那里是可以通过单纯描述数字的,但在语言运用中,数字更多情况下是通过数数来呈现的。数出来的数字和单纯的数字是不一样的,如:教材中数出来的8表示有8只兔子,而单纯的数字8只是一个数字,不一定代表8个物品。所以,应提醒学生区分清楚,不要混淆。第二单元的课文情境是师生在教室里做游戏,教师让女生和男生各自排队,然后分别由一名男生和一名女生来数列队中各有多少个女生和多少个男生。在数数的时候,两名学生都少数了一人,教师再次询问,最终确定了正确的人数。模块教学建议:语言功能:数字112;询问个数。学习任务:How many? How many girls? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve Im a cat.运用任务:参加英语数数比赛;数数同伴画在手指头上的笑脸;数出隐藏在草丛中的动物。活动建议:活动1:数数自己或同学有多少学习用品 。活动目的:练习数字112,熟悉数字的拼写形式。 活动准备:纸、笔、数字拼写卡片、照片。活动过程:教师拿出几本书,指着自己和书说I have some books.然后在黑板上贴上自己的照片或简单的用简笔画画一幅自画像。接着教师指着书问学生How many?教师边问边将How many books?写在黑板上,同时在黑板上画出一本书。然后请学生到前面来用英语数一数看看有多少本书。学生说出数字后教师请学生选择正确的数字拼写贴在书的简笔画旁。如此多做几次示范后,教师请学生在小组中做此活动。学生可以将自己的学习用品摆放在桌子上问问自己或同学有多少书、钢笔、铅笔等,并数一数,最后找到正确的数字拼写卡片。活动2:指图、数数 活动目的:练习数字,学习在生活中应用数字。 活动准备:各种物品的图片,各种动物的图片,各种人物的图片。 活动过程:教师出示不同图片,每张图片上的物品或动物或人物数量不一,但都不超过12。教师发给每两个孩子一张图片,告诉学生他们应两人共同数出数量。如果学生不知道图片上的物品或动物词汇的话,则只需要数出数字即可。学生完成后可与其他同学交换不同的图片,再数数量,直到用完教师所给的时间为止。活动3:比眼力 活动目的:锻炼学生的观察力,培养学生的注意力。 活动准备:画面复杂的图,上面色彩较多,或有纵横交错的线条,图上有不易找出的各种不同数量的物品或小动物。 活动过程:教师给学生看画面较为复杂的图,同时告诉学生上面有什么物品或动物。教师请学生仔细寻找,看看能不能找到教师所说的物品或动物,并确认其数量。教师给学生一定的时间限制,由学生自己观察寻找,比一比看谁能在最短的时间内找到答案。 Unit1   How many boys? 一、教学要点1、学习目标语句:How many? 单词one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.2、能口头运用How many?询问数量并以8以内的数字进行回答。二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:掌握How many句型的含义和使用; 2、技能目标:能用英语表达18的数字,并拓展至9和10。 3、情感目标通过小组合作交流,达到综合运用语言的能力,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 三、重点难点:句型How many ?及18数字的认读。 四、学习策略:学会小组自主互助合作交流,正确认读数字18。五、教学工具:卡片,课件,彩色笔等。六、教学方法:TPR , Heuristic and communication Teaching Methods, fast reaction.七、板书书记: 1-one 2-two 3-three 4 four 5- five 6-six 7-seven 8-eight How many ?教学过程:The first class: Step1 Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls,. T: Good morning. T: How are you today? T: Im Miss Lee, whats your name? Step2 Warming up Chant One one 小薯条 Step3 Review T:发出口令,Point to the door/window/chair/desk/bird/ blackboard. T: Stand up , please.Step4 Presentation T: Now boys and girls , dont put down your fingers. Lets play a finger game, I do the actions with my fingers , you follow and guess which number it is, OK?T:用手指比一下1-8不同的动作。At the same time ,T writes each word on the blackboard to let Ss distinguish and try to ask “How many” timely.(尤其注意three, eight, how many的发音) Practice these words :fast reaction The little teacher Higher lower voice Dont stop etc 2 : T: Look at the PPT. Ask SS to answer the questions.(Review 1 to 8 numbers) 3 T: Look at the PPT again, listen to the tape , can you guess “How many ?”, then read the numbers again. T:Look at the picture again , then say the numbers quickly.(补充说明:因为图片带有音频,会说出数字,所以增加了课堂的趣味性。) 设计意图,出现1只到8只兔子,增强了学生的趣味性,同时,老师也要纠正学生的发音问题。因为声音,更加增加了活动的趣味性。 Step 5 Let play the chant T: ask Ss to look at the PPT, show me your fingers, lets do it. T: teach Ss to read the chant. Ss repeat each sentence after the T. Step 6 Practice T: ask Ss to look at the PPT. Guess : How many ? 1:播放5张PPT,让学生立刻说出相对应的数词。2:再次播放三张PPT,用闪卡的形式出现,让学生注意力再次集中,猜出有多少本书,多少支铅笔,多少支钢笔。(活动目的,增加英语课堂的趣味性,激发学生的学习兴趣)3 :Today, I bring some gifts. Wow so many candies.Can you guess how many candies? Ask one Ss to count the candies.Who want to try? If you do it well. I will give you a candy .(活动目的,作为奖励给学生,极大激发学生的兴趣,提醒学生不要在课堂和学校吃糖,注意环境卫生)。Step 7 Summary T: Lets review words and sentences together.Homework:1 拼读1-10的数字单词。 2 会运用 How many 句型进行交流(课后与自己的朋友一起玩)。The second class: Step 1 Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls. Im Miss Li , whats your name?/Your name , please? How are you?Step2 Warming up Chant One one 小薯条 Song Ten little Indian boys/girlsStep3 ReviewT: 用闪卡形式复习以下单词:chameleon panda red yellow blue green black dog etc 用PPT的播放形似复习数字类单词。让学生很快回忆起上节课所学内容。用How many +所学过的小猫,小狗,变色龙,书包,钢笔等一些列旧知识,增加了活动的趣味性。但是要告诉学生,加上这些物体后,单位的单词后边一定要加一个小尾巴“S”。Step 4 Listen, point and say T: Open your books and listen to the tape! First time , just listen. Now listen again and repeat sentence by sentence. Practice : work in groups The four little teacherStep5 Listen, point and find “one to eight” First time, just listen to the tape. Read the sentences after the tape. (the second time) T: teach Ss to read the text. T: ask Ss to read the text together. Practice: work in groups Boys PK girlsStep6 Listen and sayT: Ask Ss to listen to the tape. Repeat the numbers after the tap.Read it by themselves.Step7 Practice T带领大家表演课文 T:Group1 How many boys ? Group 2 How many girls ? Group 3 How many boys and girls? Group 4 How many boys and girls? T:收集一些books, pencils, pens. One Ss: How many ? work in groups One group :How many ? T: ask Ss to finish the practice. Numbers game: T: Give the Ss some number cards. Ss must find some numbers and put them together. Remember game . Look at the PPT.Homework:1 完成P28页第四题Practice.2 让学生用英文告诉家长自己和朋友的电话号码。3 完成课堂活动与课后评价相关练习。 Unit2 Nine girls ?一、教学要点 1 掌握单词 nine, ten, eleven, twelve, 会用数词回答”How many?”的问题和会用”How many “提问物品数量。 2 会读1到12的英文。二、教学目标: 1.知识目标:能听懂会说数字1-10;能听懂会说How many?及答句。能够听,说,认读数字(nine, ten, eleven, twelve)2.技能目标:使学生能在实际生活中很好地运用所学知识。3.情意目标:以情感培育人,以兴趣吸引人,培养学生爱学英语的良好习惯。三、重点难点:1. Numbers: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.2. Sentence Pattern: How many? Five / Nine / 的发音3. The pronunciation of “ten”.4. Use the numbers and patterns to solute the task. 四、学习策略:老师让学生一排一排地用英语报数,学生边报数边出示相应的数字,以报数的方式复习上节课学的数字。五、教学工具:Pictures, tape recorder, colorful pencils, word cards.六、教学方法:TPR , Heuristic and communication Teaching Methods, fast reaction, lead-in.七、板书书记:How many boys / girls ?one two three four five six1 2 3 4 5 6seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 7 8 9 10 11 12教学过程:The first class: Step1 Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you ?Im Miss Li, whats your name?Are you happy ?Step2 Warming upSong Ten little fingers把第二时的课提前引入。Chant One finger, one finger, turn turn turn Step3 ReviewLast class, we have learnt some numbers. Did you remember ? Lets count.(T: do actions about fingers game and look at the PPT)Review 1 to eight.(其实在前两次的课中,利用chant部分我会把1到10的知识先灌输给学生)以报数的方式复习上节课学的数字。Step4 PresentationT:Wonderful! Now I want to find some pupils come to the front. Who wants ?T: Look, how many ? Lets count, OK? (Ss say one to eight) T: Very good. Now I want one more child again. Who wants? Now, look, how many ? “nine” (把单词卡片贴在黑板上teach Ss to spell the word )T: Well done. Now I want one more child again. Who wants?Look again, how many ? “ten” (把单词卡片贴在黑板上teach Ss to spell the word)T: Ask another Ss to join in .So how many ? “eleven” (把单词卡片贴在黑板上teach Ss to spell the word)T: Ask one Ss to join in the team .So how many ? “twelve” (把单词卡片贴在黑板上teach Ss to spell the word) Practice these words : higher -lower voice one time two times fast reaction translate my words etcStep5 T : Ok. Wonderful. Did you remember Ms Smart how to say “Hello” to the whole class? Good morning, what what (Ss: Good morning , boys and girls.)T: Yes , 男孩们how to say (Ss: boys) 女孩们 how to say (Ss : girls)Tell Miss Li, 有多少男生或者女生 how to say : 引导Ss to say “How many boys?”或者 “How many girls?”Practice these sentences . (by using clapping their hands)Step 6 Practice T :Look at the PPT, review the numbers (nine to twelve)Can you guess ? How many ? The first PPT, the rat of numbers is from three- six nine . The second PPT, the cat of numbers is from five to ten.The third PPT, (写着七支钢笔,在该出现第七支的时候,突然出现四支,变成了11支,采用了fast reaction的教学方法,活跃了英语教学课堂)。 The fourth PPT, the pencils of numbers is from eight to twelve.(活动目的:猜数字,物体的数量在不断增加,让学生不断地练习新旧知识,巩固的同时再次复习新知,增加英语教学的趣味性)Step 7 Summary Today, we have learnt some new words, did you remember ? Lets say it again.Homework:1 读活动一,预习活动二。2 课后与自己的朋友玩数数字的游戏。The second class: Step 1 Greeting T: Hi , boys and girls. Im Miss Li , whats your name?/Your name , please? How are you?Step2 Warming up Chant One finger, one finger, turn, turn, turn Song Ten little fingersStep3 Review T:Look at the PPT, say the numbers together.T: Look, some colorful pencils. Lets count? Ok? (take 12 pencils) (Ss say : one, two, three, until twelve,同时也可以复习颜色类单词,一举两用。) T : Wonderful. Youre so clever. I love you. Give them kisses.Step4 Listen, point and say First, ask Ss to listen to the tape. Repeat each sentence after the tape. Read the sentence by themselves . Practice : work in pairs work in groups boys PK girlsStep5 Listen and say T: Now , listen to the tape carefully ,then answer my question: ”What happened in the text?”(给学生解释课文,跟读2遍并分角色朗读) Ask Ss to listen to the tape carefully.(answer the question) Secondly, repeat each sentence after the tape. Read each sentence after T Read the text together. Practice: work in groups (boys and girls) T : 指着其中一组:They are boys.再指着另一组:They are girls. T: Look at the boys! How many boys? (Ss count the numbers of boys) T: Lets count the girls. How many girls ?Step 6 Listen and do. T : ask Ss to look at the picture and explain the rules.(学生两人一组听录音,在听到数字之后密切配合,两人举起的手指数总要和与录音中读出的数字相吻合。) Step 7 listen and say , then sing and do the actions. T: Read after the tape about the lyrics. Sing after the tape. I will sing the song for you and do actions with me . Step8 Play a game T : ask Ss to look at the picture. Ask Ss to find out the answers, who is the fastest one? T: check the answers. Homework: 1小组合作共同做一张数字海报,然后进行问答. 2 sing the song for you parents. 3完成课堂活动与课后评价相关练习。 -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!


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