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    Unit3 Look at me!,Part B Lets learn,How are you?Im fine , thank you.Very well , thanks.,Revison,Lets make a puppet!(让我们一起做个木偶吧!),Great!(太棒了!),John: _, Chen Jie.Chen Jie: _, John.John: _?Chen Jie: _, thanks.John: Lets make a puppet!Chen Jie: _ !,Good morning,Good morning,How are you,Very well,Great,Lets talk,mouth,eye,ear,face,head,nose,Look at me . This is my,Look ! This is the puppet! Lets make a puppet.Lets learn.,Lets learn,幸福教育自主课堂自主交流,head,This is the head.,I have a big head.,I have a small head.,head,幸福教育自主课堂自主交流,This is the head.,幸福教育自主课堂自主交流,y,bod,body , body , body.This is the body.,Arm , arm , arm.This is the arm.,幸福教育 自主课堂,arm,幸福教育 自主课堂自主交流,幸福教育自主课堂自主交流,幸福教育 自主课堂自主交流,le,g,幸福教育自主课堂自主交流,This is the foot.,双脚 feet,幸福教育 自主课堂,幸福教育自主课堂自主交流,幸福教育 自主课堂,hand,幸福教育自主课堂自主交流,This is the hand.,hand,arm,foot,body,leg,This is the .,head,幸福教育自主课堂自主交流,Whats missing?,hand,Hands, hands,Clap your hands(拍拍手),Whats missing?,arm,Arms, Arms,Wave your arms.(挥手臂),Whats missing?,leg,legs, legs,Shake your legs,Whats missing?,foot,foot, footstamp your foot,Whats missing?,body,shake your body,幸福教育 自主课堂,幸福教育自主课堂自主提升,Whats missing?,幸福教育自主课堂自主达标,幸福教育自主课堂自主达标,Whats missing?,幸福教育自主课堂自主达标,幸福教育自主课堂自主达标,Hello, Im .,Look at me.This is the,body,arm,hand,leg,foot,head,Hello, Im .,Look at me.This is the,arm,body,hand,leg,foot,head,hand hands,finger fingers,armarms,leglegs,foot feet,单数变复数,1、迅速将身体各个部位拼成一个完整的木偶2、用这些句型: Hello This is This is the This is the 谈论你们拼成的木偶3、时间:5分钟,Learning tips 学习方法小贴士,Group work,幸福教育自主课堂自主达标,My head is a _My body is a _. My arm is a _.My leg is a _.My foot is a _.My hand is an _.,bag,pencil box,pencil,book,eraser,ruler,Look at me !,puppet,Lets make a puppet!(拼一拼),四人小组用文具来拼一拼 吧!并请一人做汇报。,Look at me!This is my head.Its a pencil boxThis is my body.Its a book.This is my arm.Its a ruler.This is my hand.Its an eraser.This is .Do you like me?,pen/pencil/ruler/crayon/book/pencil-casr/bag/eraser.,Look at me!This is my head.Its _.This is my body.Its _.This is my arm.Its _.This is my hand.Its_.This is .Do you like me?,head,body,leg,foot,hand,arm,Hello! Im Kaka .This is my .Its a .,head,pencil-box,body,bag,leg,pencil,Next, make the body.,First, make the foot.,Then, make the leg.,An arm and a hand.,Last, make the head.,1、迅速将身体各个部位拼成一个完整的木偶2、用这些句型: Hello This is This is the This is the 谈论你们拼成的木偶3、时间:5分钟,Learning tips 学习方法小贴士,Group work,幸福教育自主课堂自主达标,Clap your hands.,拍,Wave your arms.,挥动,Shake your legs/body.,抖抖,摇动,Stamp your foot/feet.,跺跺,Touch your head.,摸摸,Stamp your foot.Clap your hand.Touch your head.Wave your arms.Shake your body.,摸摸你的头。挥挥你的胳膊。抖抖你的脚。摇摇你的身体。拍拍你的手。,Stamp your foot,Shake your body,Shake your legs,Wave your arms,Clap your hands,Touch your head,Lets do,1. _ me.2.This _ a leg.3. Wave your _.4._ go to school.5.Lets _ a puppet.A.arms B.LetsC.Look at D.make E.is,C,E,A,B,D,Clap, clap, clap; Clap your hands.,Touch,touch,touch ;Touch your head .,Wave, wave, wave;Wave your arms .,Shake,shake,shake; Shake your legs .,Stamp,stamp,stamp,foot , Stamp your foot .,Shake,shake,shake; Shake your body.,Goodbye,自由飞翔,做最好的自己!,幸福教育 自主课堂,My head is a _My body is a _. My arm is a _.My leg is a _.My foot is a _.My hand is an _.,bag,pencil box,pencil,book,eraser,ruler,Look at me !,puppet,Lets make a puppet!(拼一拼),四人小组用文具来拼一拼 吧!并请一人做汇报。,Look at me!This is my head.Its a pencil boxThis is my body.Its a book.This is my arm.Its a ruler.This is my hand.Its an eraser.This is .Do you like me?,pen/pencil/ruler/crayon/book/pencil-casr/bag/eraser.,Look at me!This is my head.Its _.This is my body.Its _.This is my arm.Its _.This is my hand.Its_.This is .Do you like me?,head,body,leg,foot,hand,arm,Hello! Im Kaka .This is my .Its a .,head,pencil-box,body,bag,leg,pencil,Next, make the body.,First, make the foot.,Then, make the leg.,An arm and a hand.,Last, make the head.,Hello, Im .,Look at me.This is the,body,arm,hand,leg,foot,shoulder,knee,toe,head,Head, Shoulders , Knees and Toes,head shoulders knees toes,eyes ears mouth nose,and and,and and and,Follow me,1.听、读学生用书第28页的Lets learn 和 Lets do。2.跟你朋友一起读Lets do的指令 和做相应的动作 。3.动手做一个puppet,并说说他身体 的各部位名称。,Homework,幸福教育自主课堂自主提升,T h a n k y o u,Make a chant,Hands, hands, clap your hands; Head, head, touch your head; Arm, arm ,wave your arms; Leg, leg, shake your legs; Body, body, shake your body; Foot, foot, stamp your foot.,


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