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    课题:Module7 Unit 学习目标:1.掌握所学单词2.掌握形容词的比较级和最高级重、难点:形容词的比较级和最高级课堂练习:、用所给的词的适当形式填空:1.I don't want to go to that clothes store .It has the _(bad)clothes in the town .2. I think th at English is the _ (interest) subject of all.3. Today is a fine day. Its the _ _(fine) day this week.4. I think Yao Ming is the _(popular ) basketball play in China.5. The taxi fare is a lot of money. Its _(expensive) way to get to the airport .6. Which is the _(beautiful) skirt of the three ?7. Tom is the _(young) in our class.8. School ended a little _(early) than usual .9. Mary is _(tall) than Jane .10. I feel _(well) today than yesterday .、单项选择:1I like the sweater .Its _ in th e shop, I think . A good B better C best D the best 2-which is _ month of the year?-July, I think.A hottest B hotest C the hottest D the hotest3I think by plane is _ of all.A one of the expensive way B one of the most expensive way C one of most expensive ways D one of the most expensive ways 4 Which is _ way ,by plane, by bus or by car ? A comfortable B more comfortable C most comforta ble D the most comfortable 5 Now the air in our ho metown is _ than it was before .A much better B more worse C more better D much worst 6 -How do you usually get to school ?-_.A its three miles. B I take the subway . C It takes five minutes D I get there at six .、句型转换:1Its ten kilometers from our school to the bus stop. (对画线部分提问) _2The smiths travel by bus .( 对画线部分提问) _ _ _3The bus fare is ten yuan.( 对画线部分提问)_4The journey from Beijing to Shanghai by plane is the most comfortable .( 对画线部分提问)_5I think h e is cleverer than the other students in his class .(改为同义句)I think _ _ _ _ _ _ in his class.阅读理解:John is travelling by train. He is very hungry. The train stops at a small station. He wants to buy one cake to eat very much, but its raining hard. He wants someone to help him. A little boy is coming over to him. John asks him to buy cakes for him. He gives the l ittle boy one yuan and says, “ Go and buy two cakes with the money. One cake is for me, and the other is for you. Can you help me?”The little boy is very happy and runs over to buy cakes in the rain. A few minutes later the boy comes back and says to John, “ Im sorry. Im eating the last cake. Its delicious. Thank you very much. Here is your fifty fen .”相关会计分录:1.John is travelling _.计算的个人所得税X>1300 Y=(1300-800)*5%+(X-1300)*10% A. by plane B. by train C. by bus1、管理信息系统2. John wants to eat _. A. one cake B. two cakes C. two more cakes3. _ helps John to buy cakes.(二)甲公司20×0年1月1日发行在外的普通股为27 000万股,20×0年度实现归属于普通股股东的净利润为18 000万元,普通股平均市价为每股10元。20×0年度,甲公司发生的与其权益性工具相关的交易或事项如下: A. A little boy B. A little gir l C. A manC作为非正常损失计入营业外支出4. The little boy cant buy two cakes because _ _. A. there is only one cake left B. he doesnt like to buy two C. John wants him to buy one住院治疗经过:给氧、物理降温、抗感染。用低分子右旋糖酐、平衡溶液、血浆、葡萄糖溶液(5、10、50)。5碳酸氢钠、氯丙嗪、异丙基肾上腺素、阿托品、氢化可的松、肝素等治疗。5. John is very _.A中毒性贫血 D缺铁性贫血 A. happy B. hungry C. excitedV书面表达请介绍你喜欢的某一种交通方式,说出为什么。40词左右。继续涉入负债 l l00万元 内容要点:(1)是什么方式。(2)它有什么好处,如:最。 (3)但也要简单介绍它的缺点,如:expensive, dangerous, slowly.E在DIC后期禁用肝素B出售无形资产取得净收益


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