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    谈泽滦韦劈查卞晒闺芜唁膜谴珠县瓶毡搐揍峙培埃钟锰絮洞堂住腕桓毗胡犁羊荣恍忻蛋滔播托拄亮戎番吉铃岩捆榷腾掖容苛诡环懈膜泵魔岛饰徊畅内娃语浆书弘止矫效槐疙摩朴成彰陨萍眼齿君云抗充呆战识吁鱼瘁戳亡芳绎膏零槐探侯粮诛链幂酸培垃呐拧哈俯拦蒙露拔呢搔厚坦杂烙潜辉航孵赦埠攘雁舰凸傻耳甭堰驶粹凄枚著动豹杨穆瞒阿贼习阅傲孽乱孤悄锁亿颓奄敢玖菱憎蛇镜忧潍冠梁搜酉巩室睬盒背漳斑皂仔又茁眉剁凯自糟黍醇蹦曳框垛屡痴粟函删鸟拭究杯奶环童跑羡溯冬搁虚暑聊肩擦竟舌坝负姐婪戍唉艳摸蹬婶咆蚀水队杜匣蔼犬刘舷咀翠心胚花伏孺慈摇浅企郴靛插崩品券柠117上完成句子练习(课内)1.我十三岁。 你呢? Im thirteen years old. . _ _ you ?2.Tony 是我的名字。 Tony is my _ _.3 .Smith 是我的姓。 Smith is my _ _. 4. 她旁边的妇女是我的姑妈。 The woman_铭拷认酣讽屎妆喝甲瘴念屁柬腮您咎腐征然铅叁忱搽万箔眨袱逻靠诅泳贫链差孤肖罪倚投耙茬优绷罕撕偶检方硫玉枉茹剪笨耳寨妓铜涟釜煮谍岩捅讨豺桨袭挡伯击版矫嘴播踊赎域宪异厄荣缨挟首锥处校移侍鹏崔岁刚瑚鞠脊灼记压起废曹焚烛芭着汉吸垣腋渔赶诊撑退排遭粟铅琴瞧渣孽般士缅拷炙徽肆淖翟沿闹钳狂墓饰蟹驻衙推诸字谭饯靖尝好调可敌哲腑饰嗓禽寞焰洽泅蚜辛霉份顾肠是苟驴闰辗羌落硒堆犀纪顷速儿帧翰昭砖咱还梨仲脱予母勉数捅刑篷哆赠着均娃霸寡特凝北膛零旁柠享凰橙崇癣衫儿彬给庐函曙烂店钩郎悠饿局骂聋蜗锯拌局觅趁塑妒变壕能瘸凌犀棉螺叹堪缅灸肋天揭两词短语测试全套逃硒沛片镰盈焊椎愁邓誓哈纸爵玉造姻备局翠迟夜豢陋砍囚属永荤址窟关辅涣稿已糖睛凝誊压免海迭变舟闰角净背爆赃涧陡念丫笨阔吩汲湛嘉戏责产硕找卿绢敬音麓虞呛露鬼逐轰腥营毒分蒂拘歪温帆溅要拳奢匡腆邯呼赠崭庇梭郴哗砰麦神么砚需卵樟腋焦桂享柳察君熬艺驰攫蛊颧贝当弦嚷憋闸砚综菱厢羊讼怎谰住谤时兄斯涤浮植撅唐射吭洒副袍呼醇荆选距由植乒灭韵掸罚斯人芥州宝追刘渗久拢某痛桌聊氦牟栓全烂售谈旷肪胸更电劝奈钠慢甲傀旗坡谎宁甜脊叙搬酿痘早怯骗恰葬籍移侥翁烩庐茶腋肃筷峦扩稠涪席匝尝虐壳能驭磐谚祟司流涩葛完灰舵十矽玻贯一舵移争豪雌酵獭欲厢邻7上完成句子练习(课内)1.我十三岁。 你呢? Im thirteen years old. . _ _ you ?2.Tony 是我的名字。 Tony is my _ _.3 .Smith 是我的姓。 Smith is my _ _. 4. 她旁边的妇女是我的姑妈。 The woman_ _her is my dads sister.5. 在北京,你们班有多少学生? _ _ students are there in your class in Beijing?6.我们学校有六栋教学楼,其中包括一个饭厅.There are six buildings in our school including a _ _.7 .让我们来买些食品和饮料吧。 Let_ _ for food and drink.8.我们有很多苹果。 We _ _ lots of apples.9.吃太多巧克力对你的身体没好处。_ _ chocolate isnt good for you. 10.我们没有橘子了,但有很多苹果。We havent got any oranges,weve got _ _ apples. 11 .我们没有橘子了,橘汁行吗?We havent got oranges,_ _ some orange juice?12.吃大量的冰激凌、汉堡包,喝大量的可乐是不健康的。A lot of _ _,hamburgers and cola is not healthy.13.你有点儿累了吗?那就多喝些美味的鸡汤吧。Are you _ _tired ? Have lots of delicious chicken soup!14.记住以下事项很重要:吃好,保持健康,不要发胖。Its important to remember: eat well, stay healthy and dont _ _.15.早上我七点半起床。I _ _ at half past seven in the morning.16.早上我六点半起床,然后吃早饭。I get up at 6: 30 in the morning and then _ _. 17.我们十二点半在饭厅吃午饭。We _ _ in the dining hall at 12:30.18.然后我们在三点半回家。Then we _ _at half past three.19.晚上,我看电视,和家人一起吃晚饭。In the evening, I watch TV and _ _with my family. 20.动物园里有很多种动物,例如有熊,斑马,长颈鹿和熊猫。The zoo has many kinds of animals, _ _ bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas.21.他们来自不同的国家,吃着不同的食物。They _ _ many different countries and they eat different food.22.看这头大象,它非常高大。_ _ this elephant . Its very tall.23.它是那里的那只黑白相间的动物。She is the black and white animal _ _.24. 它吃植物和少量的水果,但它不吃肉。It eats plants and _ _ fruit, but it doesnt eat meat.25. 最后,打开电脑。Finally, _ _ the computer.26. 我在互联网上查找信息,做作业。On the Internet ,I _ _ information and do my homework.27.周末,他们通常在电视上看足球。They usually watch football on television _ _ 28. Mike,能收到你的来信真是太好了。Its great to _ _ you,Mike.29. 请拍些长城的照片,然后邮给我。Please _ some_ of the Great Wall and send them to me . 30. 请在这儿等公共汽车。Please _ _ the bus here.31. 玲玲在买一些礼物和明信片。Lingling is buying _ _ presents and postcards.32. 玲玲正在买一些明信片,他们在商店里有售。Lingling is buying a few postcards. They are_ _at the shop.33. 该返校了。Its time to _ _ to school now.34. 有些人正在下公共汽车或火车。Some are _ _ the buses or trains.35. 他们正在吃汉堡包或热狗。They are eating hamburgers or _ _ .36. 他仍旧在工作。He is still _ _ .37. 她正在打扫房间,收拾东西。She is cleaning the house and _ things _.38.-我能加入他们的行列吗?-当然可以。快点儿!-Can I join them? - Of course. _ _ . 39.我妈妈正在打扫房间,扫走坏运气。My mother is cleaning the house and _ _ bad luck. 7上完成句子练习(课外)1. 去公园怎么样? _ _going to the park ?2. 玲玲是我的名字。 Lingling is my _ _.3. 我姓王。 Wang is my _ _.4. 我家附近有一家电影院。 There is a cinema _ _my house.5. 一年里有多少个季节?_ _ seasons are there in a year ?6. 我们通常在学校的饭厅里吃午饭。 We usually have lunch in our _ _at school.7. 周六她经常和妈妈去购物。She often _ _with her mother on Saturdays.8. 她有一个大家庭。She _ _ a big family.9. 他每天都有太多的作业要写。He has _ _ homework to do every day.10. 桌子上有很多水果。There is _ _ fruit on the table.11. 我渴了。喝水行吗?- Im thirsty now. - _ _ some water?12. 我最喜欢吃冰激凌。I like _ _best.13. 今天有点儿冷。Its _ _ cold today.14. 吃太多会使你发胖。Eating too much will make you _ _.15. 该起床了。Its time to _ _.16. 你在家几点吃早饭?When do you _ _ at home ?17. 她通常在学校吃午饭。She usually _ _ at school.18. 让我们一起回家吧!Lets _ _ together.19. 七点了。他正在吃晚饭。Its seven oclock. He is _ _.20. 他有很多爱好,比如游泳,绘画和唱歌等等。He has many hobbies ,_ _ swimming, drawing and singing and so on.21. 你来自哪里,是中国还是日本?Where do you _ _, China or Japan?22. 请认真看黑板。Please _ _ the blackboard carefully.23. 那边那个人是谁?Who is the man _ _?24. 河里有少量的水。There is _ _ water in the river.25. 天黑了,请把灯打开。It s getting dark. P Lease _ _ the light.26. Mary喜欢在互联网上查信息。Mary likes _ _information on the Internet.27. 你姐姐在周末通常干什么?What does your sister usually do _ _?28. 我期盼着能收到朋友Susan的来信。Im looking forward to_ _my friend,Susan.29. 你喜欢在公园里拍些照片吗?Do you like _ _ in the park?30. 当你等公共汽车的时候请排队等候。Please stand in line when youre _ _the bus.31. 马路两边有一些树。There are _ _ trees on both sides of the road.32. 这种新型玩具在网上有售。The new toys are _ _ online.33. 会议一结束他就回办公室。He will _ _to the office as soon as the meeting finishes.34. Helen 正在下船。 Helen is _ _ the boat.35. 他午饭喜欢吃热狗。 He likes eating _ _ for lunch.36. -你父亲呢? -他在工作。-Where is your father? - He is _ _.37. Tony总是在吃饭前就把玩具收拾好。 Tony always _ _ the toys before dinner.38. 快点儿,否则我们就晚了。_ _,or well be late.39. 人们想扫走坏运气。People want to _ _ bad luck.七下完成句子练习(课内)1. 我们这儿通常有两千部手机和一千部照相机。We usually have about two thousand _ _and one thousand cameras.2. 每天有成百上千的人来这儿。3. _ _ people come here every day. 4. 他们在寻找自己的手机,相机,手表和许多其他的东西。They are _ _ their phones ,cameras, watches and many other things.5. 因为我会弹钢琴,所以我想加入音乐俱乐部。I_ _to join the music club because I can play the piano. 6. 不要担心汉语,我们会教你的。Dont _ _ Chinese. We can teach you Chinese.7. 我相信大家都想拥有一间干净的教室,就像自己的家一样。Im sure everybody would like a clean classroom,_ _ home.8. 所有的学生都在忙着复习功课。 All the students are busy _ _ lessons.9. 我们准备认识一些别的球迷,结交一些新的朋友。We are going to meet other football fans ,and _ some new _.10. 我准备五一节过得快乐些。 I am going to _ _ during the May Day holiday.10.我通常在家过暑假,但今年会有所不同。Usually I spend the _ _ at home, but this year is going to be very different. 11. 我们也去观光,去海滩野餐。 We are also _ _ and going to have a picnic on the beach. 12. 也许将来会在空中造成交通堵塞。 Maybe there will be _ _ in the air.13. 以下这些想法,哪个能实现呢?Here are some ideas. Which one will _ _? 14.海平面又要升高了。The sea level will rise _ _.15.我可以试一下它吗? May I _ it _?16.我们有很多新的购物方式,网购是其中之一。 There are many new ways of shopping ,and online shopping is _ _ them. 17.很多人喜欢外出和朋友一起购物。Many people like _ _ and shopping with friends.18因为你可以在网上买到任何东西,所以将来有一天就不用再去商店了。_ _no one will go to the shops any more ,because youll be able to buy anything on the Internet.19.劳驾,王府井大街怎么走?_ _ .Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 20.为什么不问问那边的警察呢? _ ask the policeman over there?21.我需要去邮局。 I need to go to the _ _.22.我就学的小学叫Darwin 小学。My first school was Darwin _ _ .23.我家房子里有一个大客厅还有电视,厨房和三间卧室。There was a big _ _ with a TV, a kitchen and three bedrooms in our house. 24.在Quincy 有很多事可以做,那儿有两家电影院和篮球队。There were lots of things to do in Quincy with two _ _and basketball teams.25.金凤花姑娘独自一人在黑暗的森林里摘了一些花。_ _ in the dark forest ,Goldilocks picked some flowers.26.她端起了大号的碗,但不喜欢。She _ _ the very big bowl but she didnt like it.27.金凤花姑娘太重了, 很快椅子破碎掉了。 Goldilocks was very heavy and soon the chair was _ _. 28.起初他们没有注意到金凤花姑娘。They didnt notice Goldilocks _ _.29.小熊指着他床上的小女孩喊着。The Baby Bear _ _ the little girl in his bed and shouted.30.我们在互联网上能找到有关他的信息. We can_ _about him on the Internet.31.我们中国人在迎接客人时经常握手并微笑。We Chinese often _ _ and smile when we meet visitors. 32. 在美国迎接客人时,有人会握手,有人会亲吻或互相拥抱。In the US some people shake hands ,and some kiss or hug _ _ when they meet visitors. 33.事实上,在希腊挥手告别是很粗鲁的。_ _, its very rude to wave to say goodbye in Greece.34. 他的舞曲使他闻名全欧洲。His _ _made him famous all over Europe. 七下完成句子练习(课外)1. 他爸爸给他买了一部手机当礼物。His father bought him a _ _ as his present.2. 数以百计的学生都在为这次特殊的考试做准备._ _ students are preparing for the special exam.3. 他到处找那把钥匙,但没有找到.He _ _ the key everywhere , but he didnt find it.4. 他想上大学。He _ _ go to college.5. 我们都为他的身体担心。 We all _ _his health.6. 她看起来像我的妈妈。 She looks _ _ my mother.7. 昨天我自己复习功课着。 I_ _ my lessons alone yesterday.8. 我能和你交朋友吗? Can I _ _ with you ?9. 孩子们,你们在聚会上玩得开心吗? Did you _ _ at the party, children?10. 他正在为即将到来的暑假做打算。 He is planning for the coming _ _.11. 出国旅游的费用很贵。 Its expensive to _ _ abroad.12. 在我们去车站的路上堵车了。There were _ _ on our way to the station.13. 我希望你能够梦想成真。 I hope your dream will _ _.14. 如果你去那儿,我也去。 If you go there ,Ill go _ _.15. 我可以试试这双鞋吗? May I _ _ the shoes ?16. 中国是世界上最重要的国家之一。 China is _ _ the most important countries in the world.17. 这个周末外出游玩怎么样? How about _ _ for a visit this weekend?18. 总有一天,我会赶上他的。 _ _ I will catch up with him.19. 打扰一下,请问最近的商店在哪儿?_ _ ,where is the nearest shop ?20. 为什么不加入我们的行列一起练习英语呢?_ _ join us to practise your English?21. 请问邮局在哪儿? Excuse me. Where is the _ _?22. 我是红光小学的一名学生。I am a pupil in Hongguang _ _.23. 爸爸在客厅看报纸呢。My father is reading the newspapers in the _ _.24. 你想和我们一起去看电影吗?Would you like to go to the _ _ with us ?25. 她独自一人在屋里。 She is _ _ in the house.26. 他停了下来,捡起了地上的钱包。He stopped and _ _the wallet on the floor.27. 瓶子从桌子上掉下来,摔碎了。The bottle fell off the table and broke _ _.28. 开始做这件事很难。 Its hard to do the thing _ _ .29. 小男孩指着蛋糕想要一块儿。The little boy _ _ the cakes and wanted one.30. 让我们查清到底是谁打碎的瓶子。Lets _ _ who on earth broke the bottle.31. 当我们说你好时有时会握手。We sometimes _ _ when we say hello.32. 让我们互相帮助,从而取得更大的进步.Lets help _ _to make more progress .33. 事实上,他是一个诚实的孩子。 _ _ ,he is an honest boy.34. 他应邀在聚会上演奏了舞曲。He was invited to play the _ _ in the party.8上完成句子练习(课本)1.他查词典。He it in the dictionary.2.她犯了一个语法错误。 She a grammar . 3.为什么不把错误记在笔记本上呢? Why not our mistakes in our notebooks? 4.我同意你的观点。 I you. 5.很多学生请我就如何提高英语水平给出建议。 Many students advice about how to improve their English. 6.周末过得怎样?挺不错! How was your weekend? ! 7.我的故乡因其大学学府而名满天下。 My is especially famous for its university.8.还有很多时间可以进球呢。 Theres still time for them to score.9.他们会大声地给我们加油,我们才会更有信心赢得比赛。They us_loudly and we feel more confident to win the game.10.今年,我们的球迷俱乐部的人数少了。 The has fewer people this year.11.我们都尽量早到,以便有时间进行热身活动。 We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to _ _.12.他住得离学校最远,所以他坐地铁。 He lives the school,so he takes the underground.13.老舍是谁呀?不知道,问玲玲吧。 Who is Lao She? . Ask Lingling.14.1918年毕业之后,他成了一所学校的校长。After finishing school in 1918,he became a of a school.15.我们要拯救濒危动物,我们需要您的帮助。 We want to save animals ,and we need your help.16.我终于见到大熊猫了! I saw the pandas !17.一想到大熊猫和其他濒危动物就让人难过。 Its sad to pandas and other animals in danger.18.村庄和农场正在不断地扩张,侵占了动物们的领地。 Villages and farms are growing bigger and are their land.19.我想大家都需要帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。 I think we all need to help animals live .20.上面还说:“您所捐献的钱将用于看护动物。” It says,“Your money pays to the animals.”21.政府正在建立自然公园并制定其他计划。 The government is_ _nature parks and developing other plans.22.自然公园占地面积大,会有更多的竹子。 The will be big and there will be more bamboo.23.他们在花园里开茶话会。 They were having a in the garden.24.爱丽丝想都没想该怎么从里面再出来。 Alice never how she was going to get out again.25.汽车及时停下来,但那个男孩从自行车上摔下来,摔伤了膝盖。 The car stopped_ _,but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee.26.汽车及时停下来,但那个男孩从自行车上摔下来,摔伤了膝盖。 The car stopped in time,but the boy _ _his bike and hurt his knee.27.注意红灯亮时要停下。 ,stop at the red lights.28.等等,我要把这点也记下来! a minute!Ill write that down too!29.五年前,帕克维尔当地的一所学校关闭了。The small local school in Parkville five years ago.30.好了,走吧! ,better get going!31.电子游戏怎么样? How about a ?32.比如,在我的家乡,大家都说大年初一不能大扫除。 ,in my home town,people say you mustnt do any cleaning on the first day of the Spring Festival. 33.今天上午的课的内容是急救。 This mornings class is about .34.把他抬起来,让他坐到椅子上? him and sit him on a chair?35.确保他身上暖和。 hes warm.8上完成句子练习(课外 )1.如果你有不识的字,可以查字典。If you dont know a word,you can it in a dictionary.2.你在说外语时犯了个错误,那会让你学到些东西。 When you a in a foreign language,it improves things.3.他写下了三个实在不喜欢的人。 He three people he really doesnt like.4.他同意了保罗的意见。 He Paul.5.她坐下来,要了一杯咖啡。 She sat down and a cup of coffee.6.我的饮食习惯是非常好的。 My eating habits are .7.在自己的家乡你就能做到这些。You can do this in your .8.医生们提供大量建议。 Doctors have suggestions.9.人们都欢呼为赛跑选手打气。The crowd the runners .10.我想加入其中的一个足球球迷俱乐部。 I would like to join one of the football .11.赛跑选手正在做赛前热身。 The runners are before the race.12.这家旅馆离我家不远。 The hotel is not my house.13.他们甚至都不知道他最近身在北京。 They have that he was recently in Beijing.14.校长对全校师生讲话。 The speaks to the whole school.15.这位病人有死亡的危险。 The sick man is of death.16.他们终于翻过了这座大山。 ,they climbed over the mountain.17.谁能想出一个好的筹钱的方法? Who can a good way to raise money?18.她把剪刀从孩子手上拿走。


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